About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101204 Palyongsan (608 m), Goheung, JeonNam (八影山・高興)

Date: Dec. 4 (Sat) 2010 Fine.

Place: Palyongsan (608m), Goheung, JeonNam Province

Course: Neunggasa (Temple) – Palyongsanjan – Heungdeulbawui (Rocking Rock) – 1st peak --- 8th peak – Tapjae - Neunggasa – Parking Lot: 9 km (5-hour hike)

Partners: 25 members (No foreginers, except me)

[The shadow of Mt. Palyongsan、八影山の山影、팔영산 산그늘]

This time again, since we go to the southern tip of the peninsula, we left Deajeon 1 hour earlier than usual, 6 a.m.

On the way to the place, there was a 50-time award ceremony. “Wupo” which means “a bundle of laughter” received the award.

[Wupo-nim, 50th AhToSan Hiking Award, ウポさん、アトサン50回達成表彰、붓보님, 아토산 50회 달성 표창]

She is a short lady, yet a very good hiker. She is also a good modle for many photographers. Many members love her laughter.

“Yoregi” is another source of providing “handmade” food. This time, she brought “ssuk-ttok” or grass-mixed cake. It is said that she got up at 3 a.m. and made them for AhTo-members.

[rice cake seasoned with mugwort, ヨレジさんの作った草餅、여래지님이 만든 쑥떡]

We arrived at the parking lot of Neugasa Temple at 10:30. After taking the group picture in front of the temple, we began hiking.

[A group picture in front of Neugasa, 楞伽寺の前で団体写真、느가사앞에서 단체사진]

On the way, there was a big plate which shows each name of “Palyongsan” and their heights.

[Rocket like road sign,ロケットの形をした道標、로켓형을 한 도로 표지]

Actually there are 9 peaks. So 8 plus one is correct. The last one is called “Gittaebong” and this peak is the highest among all. “Gittae” means “flagpole” so it has a long flag of 8 peaks.

When we walked for about 30 minutes, we came to a big rock called “Heungdeulpawi” which means “Rocking rock.” There was a gazebo near this rock. So we had “Suzuki Time” rest. I have brought fruits and 2 bottles of chestnut makgeolli. They liked them all.

[I push "Rock'n Rock", フンドルパウィを押す、흔들 바위를 무릅쓴다]

When we walked for 30 more minutes, we came to the ridge from which we had good views of other mountains and sea.

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からのながめ、능선으로부터의 전망]

We arrived at the 1st peak at 11:45. The 2nd peak, at just noon. Then we arrived at the 3rd peak at 12:09.

[The first peak↑ and the 2nd peak↓、第一峰と第二峰↓、1봉과 2봉][The 3rd peak, 第三峰、3봉]

These peaks are rocky and steep, yet it was fun to climb and down one after another.

We had lunch near the 3rd peak. It was “terrace-like” place on the cliff. So, a bit thrilling.

[Lunch time, 昼食、ラーメンはニンキメニューだ、점심, 라면은 인기 메뉴다]

I was in the frist group which finished lunch first. We came to the 4th peak at 12:50, the 5th peak at 12:53 and the 6th peak at 13:06.

[The 4th and 5th peak, 第四および第五峰、4봉과 5봉]

After 6th peak, the defference between the tops and bottoms became rather big. So it took more time than before. I arrived at 7th peak at 13:25 and the 8th peak at 13:52.

[The 6th peak, 第六峰、6봉]

I was in the first group until the 8th peak. But they were a group of specialists. They tried to climb “Gittaebong” the highest peak. I just tried to follow them, but I lost the sight of them.

So I gave up to be in the specialist group, and just joined the top group of “ordinary hikers.”

The down trail was pleasant and nice. It was not steep nor rocky, just smooth and gentle trail. I like especially the wood of Japanese (hinoki) sypress. They are rate in Korea.

[The wood of Japanese sypresses, ヒノキの林、노송나무의 숲]

We came down to the Neunggasa Temple as the top group. So, we took pictures leisurely. From the temple, we could see the shadow of Palyongsan very well.

[At Neunggasa Temple,楞伽寺(ヌガサ)にて、능가사에서]

We came back to the parking lot at 3:20. Then rest of the group came one after another. The last one came back at 4:30 p.m., then, we moved to the special spot called “Suncheon Bay Ecological Park”


[Suncheon Bay Ecological Park (Reed field], 順天湾自然公園(葦の原)、순천망 자연공원(갈대밭)]

I certainly rember that I visited this area before with AhToSan people.It is a wide area of wet-land where many migrant birds come and go every year.

We all enjoyed leigurely walk in the park for about one hour, then we left the park at 5:30 there.

We stopped at the parking area called “Shimjingang” and had “Tippuri Party” there. The menu of Tippuri were: boild pork and “odeng” and soju.

We came back to South Gate parking lot at 10 p.m. It was my 57th hike for this year, and the 222nd hike with AhToSan as total.

日時:2010年12月4日(土) 快晴。


コース:登山コース: 楞伽寺(능가사)~八影山荘~フンドルパウィ(흥들바위)~1峰~8峰~タプチェ(탑재)~楞伽寺(ヌガサ능가사)~駐車場:9キロ、5時間















[At the 7th peak,第7峰にて、7봉에서]











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