About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101211 MiRokSan (弥勒山미록산461m), Tongyong (統営통영), GyongNam(慶南경남)

Date: Dec. 11 (Sat) 2010 Fine.

Place: Miroksan (461m), Tongyong, GyongNam Province

Course: Sanyangeup Office – (Bush walking) –Mireuksan (Yonghwasan) – Mirae Pass – Observaion Deck on the Rock --- Military Training Place: 10 km (5-hour hike)

Partners: 25 members (7 foreingers including myself)

Destination was in Mireukdo island near Tongyong. Island hiking is usually easy and nice. So many Stammtish members (foreigners) joined this hike.

The hiking place is close to Geojedo, the 2nd largest island in the south east of Korean Peninsula. Yet the highway connects between Daejeon and Tongyong, so it usually takes about 3 hours from Daejeon. We left South Gate at 7 a.m., and arrived at the starting point at 10:30.

[A group picture before the hike,ハイキング前の集合写真、하이킹전의 단체사진]

We started hiking with full of energy, yet we lost the way, soon. We had to “bush-walking” until we reached at the regular trail on the ridge for about 1 hour.

[Before "bush walking"、「藪漕ぎ」開始前、弥勒山を背景に、「덤불젓기」시작전, 미록산을 배경으로]

Alan seemed very tired while we were “bush-walking,” so I walked behind him which means the last of the party. (He says he was too hot because he wore too heavily.)

When they reached at the ridge, they all waited for us, and then they began “Alan Call” shouting “Alan, Alan, Alan!”

When we joined them, we had “Suzuki Time,” short break with fruits and “makgeoli.”

[With Tracey, an Australian hiker, 豪州ハイカーのトレイシーと、호주 하이커인 트레이시 와 함께]

Alan seemed “refreshed” and began walking lively. He even climbed on the rock on the ridge.

[Alan on the rock, 岩の上のアラン、바위 위의 앨런(Alan)]

[With Stammtish members, スタムティッシュ・メンバーたちと、스타무팃슈·멤버들과 함께]

We had lunch along the trail where we could have nice view of Tongyong and Mt. Mireuk. Tracey had spaghetti, and a male member cooked “Jajamen.” Jajamen tasted good. Another member of Ahtosan cooked ramen, which was also good.

[Alan and Tracey during the lunch time, 昼食時間のアランとトレイシー、점심시간의 앨런(Alan)과 트레이시]

After lunch, we passed several nice viewing points, and reached at the top of Mt. Mireuk at around 1:30 p.m.

[Near the top,山頂付近にて、정상 부근에서]

Since there was a rope way, there were many sightseers at the ovbersation deck on the rock. We had really good views of Tongyong, and a lot of islands in the South Sea.

[Alan, coming down from the observation deck, 展望台の階段を下るアラン,전망대 계단을 내려가는 앨런(Alan)]

After the ovservation deck, it was an easy download, and we arrived at the final destination of military ground at 3 p.m.

[Decent trail,下山路、하산로]

We had “sashimi” party at a sashimi restaurant at Tongyong. Some foreingers did not eat much sashimi, yet, all Korean hikers enjoyed eating sashimi very much.

[At a sashimi restaurant at Tongyong,統営の刺身レストランにて、통영(統營)의 생선회 레스토랑에서]

We came back to Daejoen at 8 p.m.

My good Amerikan friend and senior hiker, Alan England described this hike as below:

- (Quote) MiReukSan with AhToSan

Because it was advertised as an easy hike I was invited back to join the hiking group called AhToSan which is short for “Let’s go to the mountains on Saturday” by my hiking friend George Suzuki. I went on a number of hikes some years ago before they decided I was too old. Some of the other regular Taejonhikers went also, and somewhat surprising, all five were women. As before, we took a chartered bus for this trip. MiReukSan is on a small island named TongYoungDo in the sea on the south side of Korea called the NamHae (which means south sea). MiReuk is a name from the Buddhist tradition. The Buddha of the future is called MiReukBul here and also Maitreya. There was a bus ride of about 3 hours south and eastward to the mountain where the weather was considerably warmer than Daejeon. I had been to the next island called GeoJeDo several times. MiReukSan was only 461 m high but there was a long distance up from the trailhead. We hiked up mostly cross country until we reached a trail on the ridge line. We arrived at the peak after about two hours to find an enormous multi-level wooden platform with stairs and numerous lookout points to view the town below and the south sea region. On arriving at the platform the first thing I noticed was a big crowd of people and the second was a woman in high heels who had obviously not climbed a trail to this point. I looked around and found a cable car terminus at a lower part of the wooden platform. These people had all taken the easy way up. The views were wonderful. We started down and reached our bus in a total hiking time of about 5 hours. On the way down we came across some soldiers on maneuver, who completely ignored us. - (unquote)

[Military maneuver near the hiking destination,ハイキング終了地点での軍事訓練風景,하이킹 종료 지점에서의 군사훈련 모습]

It was my 58th hike for this year and 223rd hike with AhToSan as the total number.

日時:2010年12月11日(土) 晴れ。


登山コース: 山陽邑(サンヤンウプ)事務所-(ヤブコギ)-弥勒山(ミルクサン미륵산/龍華山ヨンハサン용화산)-未来峠-岩展望台-軍部隊警戒所(5時間)





[Before the hiking,ハイキング前の集合写真、하이킹전의 단체사진]







[Near the top of the mountain, 弥勒山山頂付近にて、미륵산 정산에서]
[At the observation deck on Mt. Mireuk, 弥勒山展望台にて、미륵산 정망대에서]

[On the cliff from where we could look down the town of Tongyong, 統営の街を見下ろす断崖の上で、통영(統營)의 거리를 내려다보는 낭떠러지 위에서]


ハイキングはかなり大きなロープウェーの下を歩いて、突然道路に出て終わった。登山路を下りた道路には「살기 좋은 영운리」という石標がある道路に面した芝生の墓では20歳くらいの若い徴兵兵士たちが訓練をしていた。

[A North Korean soldier dall、塹壕内の北朝鮮軍兵士の人形、참호내의 북한군 병사 인형]



[At a sashimi restaurant at Tongyong,統営の刺身レストランにて、통영(統營)의 생선회 레스토랑에서]


[Group picture after the party,ティップリ後の団体写真、뒷풀이후 단체사진]


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