About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120325 Gyejoksan (鶏足山ケジョクサン계족산) in Daejeon

Hiking Date: March 25 (Sun) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Gyejoksan, Dejeon

Hiking course: Seonbi #3 Apt. – Forest Road – Jeol Pass – Ruins of Gyejok Fortress – Yellow dust road – Seonbi #3 Apt.

Partner: 6 Taejonhikers (Jong-Moo, Tracey, George Furst, Johny, Marta, Bongjun)

Jong-Moo planed a light hike for Sunday afternoon again. This time, Mt. Gyejoksan, one of Alan’s favorite mountains in Daejeon.

[At the parking lot of KAIST, KAIST正門駐車場にて、KAIST정문주차장에서]

George Furst and Johny live near the mountain. We went to #3 Seonbi apartment and parked our cars and began hiking there.

[Teajonhikers at #3 Seonbi Apartment, ソンビマウル3団地前にて、선비 마을 3 단지앞에서]

We went though under the highway, then walked along the vegitable field, and went into the mountain.

It was a gentle slope along a small stream. After passing the log-bridge, we came to the forest road.

[Trail near the forest road, 林道近くの登山路、임도근처의 등산로]

There was a sigh “This is the place to wash your hands and legs.” We found strange “jelly-like” substance in the water. Jong-Moo told me that they were eggs of salamanders. They look larger than eggs of ordinary frogs.

[Eggs of Korean salamanders,チョウセンサンショウウオの卵, 도롱뇽의 알]

[An adult Korean salamander, チョウセンサンショウウオの成体、 도롱뇽]

We accrossed the forest road and climbed a litter steeper trail. Then we came to “Jeol Pass” and the ridge of the mountain.

From the ridge, we could see Lake Daechongho clearly. When I looked down the pass, there was a group of youth, carring big plastic bags for picking up trashes.

[A group of young volunteers, ボランティア活動の若者たち、자원봉사 활동 젊은이들]

When I tried ot take pictures, they all look at me with friendly smaill and V-signs. What a nice group they were! I guess they were doing volunteer work to clean the mountain.

[Marta and Bongjun on the ridge, 稜線でポーズをとるマルタとボンジュン、능선에서 포즈를 취하는 마르타와 봉준]

We had a short rest at the heliport on the ridge. Then we walked toward Ruins of Gyejoksanson (fortress in 8-10th centuries.)

We could have nice views from the trail along the ridge. When I came to the same ridge with Alan about 8 years ago, we could not see the views well, because of the wood. This time, there were no big trees on the ridge, and I saw some burned trees there and there. It must be the bush fire that destroyed the forest.

Anyhow, we could enjoy leisurely walk along the ridge until the fortress.

[At the ruins of Gyejoksanseong,鶏足山山城跡にて、계족산성에서]

It blew strong winds that day. Yet, we could see the town of Daejeon and Shintanjin well from the old-day fortress.

[A view of Shintanjin high raising apartments, 新灘津の高層アパート郡、신탄진 고충 아파트 건물들]

We went down the trail to the fortress road. The road is named “Yellow clay road in the woods” and they recommended to walk this road on barefeet (for health.)

[The post for directions, 鶏足山山頂の道標、계족산 정상의 이정표]

When we came down to the forest road, there was a “Pochangmacha” shop on the road. Some members went into the shop and bought foods there. They enjoyed hot coffee because it was a bit cold day.

[Tracey and George, resting in a Pojangmacha, ポチャンマチャと中で休むジョージとトレイシー, 포장마차내에서 쉰 죠지와 토래이시]

We walked on the “Forest Road” for about 30 minutes, and came to the same trail from which we climbed up.

[Walking on the "Yellow Clay Road in the woods", 「林の中の黄土道」を歩く"숲속 황톳길"을 걸어갔다.]

We went down to #3 Seonbi Apartment and ended our hike at a small park near the apartment.

[At a small park at the end of the hike, ソンビマウルの小公園にて、선비마을의 소공원에서]

It was 6:25 p.m. when we finished our hike. It was a 4-hour hike, a little bit heavier as Taejonhikers’ hike.

It wasmy 17th hike for this year, and as my 4th Taejonhiers’ hike for this year.

1) The time on the picture was more than 1 hour delayed.
2) The pictures of Korean salamanders are from the site below:





同行者:Taejonhikersメンバー6人(鐘武, トレイシー、ジョージ・ファースト、チェ・ドンシン、マルタ、ボンジュン)



[The map of Gyejoksan, 鶏足山の地図、계족산 지도]


[Taejonhkiers walking beside the vegetable field, 畑の横を進むテジョンハイカーズ、밭 옆을 나아가는 Taejonhikers,]

[Small stream along the trail, 登山道横の渓流、등산로옆의 계류]


[A larva of a Korean salamander、チョウセンサンショウウオの幼生、 도롱뇽의 유생]

[An adult Korean salamander, チョウセンサンショウウオの成体、도롱뇽]




[A group picture on the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[At the ruins of Gyejoksanseong,鶏足山山城跡にて、계족산성에세]



[The ruins of Gyejoksanseong, 鶏足山山城跡、계족산성터]





[Marta and Bongjun in the Pojangmacha shop, ポチャンマチャ内でゆで玉子を食べるマルタとジュンボン、포장마차내에서 삶은 달걀을 먹고있는 마르타와 봉준]



[A spring named "Long Life Spring" 長寿の泉、장수 샘터]

[At the corduroy bridge on the descending trail,下山路の丸太橋にて、하산로의 통나무다리에서]


[At a small park at the end of the hike, ソンビマウルの小公園にて、선비마을의 소공원에서]


1) 写真の時刻は1時間以上遅れている。
2) チョウセンサンショウウオの写真は次のブログから引用した。

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