About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120408 Geumgyongsan(錦屏山금병산), Daejeon (大田広域市대전)

Hiking Date: April 8 (Sun) 2012

Destination (mountain): Geumbyongsan, Daejeon Hiking course: Jaundae – Ongnayongbong – Yong Rock Pass – Unsubong – Cheondan (5 km, 3 hours)

Partner: Jong-Moo and his son Bomin, Johny, Juli, Connie, Ken and his wife, Jenny

After having Easter service, I hurried to KAIST by bicycle. I got Easter Eggs from the church and gave them to my partners.

Today’s participants: 4 Koreans, 2 Germans and one American and one Japanese.

[8 Teajonhikers at the parking lot of KAIST, カイスト正門駐車場に集まったテジョンハイカーズ、KAIST 정문 주차장으로 모인 Taejonhikers]

We went to the entrance of the trail at a tennis court of Jaundae. Jong-Moo arranged the cars to park at Cheondan for the end of hiking.

We began hiking at 13:42 after taking a group picture. The trail at first was an easy trail just like my daily hike in Shinseongdong.

But we came to the steep slop near the first peak, Ongnayongbong. There was a nice gazebo on the 1st peak.

[At the gazebo on Ongnyangbong, 玉輦峰(オンニョンボン)の八角亭にて、옥련봉 팔각정에서]

From the gazebo, we could see the whole area of Jaundae which was a military complex including schools and training facilities.

We had q bit longer rest there and I had my lunch there. I found out that Juli, Ken and Jong-Moo were born in 1969 (the year of monkey.) They are the same age, while Johny and I were born in 1947, also the same age.

After having the rest, we began ridge-warlking along the ridge.

The next spot was “Yong Bawi”Pass. “Yong” means a dragon, and “Bawi” means a rock. There was an explanation board why it was called “Yong Bawi” on the hill.

[At "Yong Rock" Pass, 龍岩峠(ヨンパウィコゲ)にて、용바위고개에서]

According to the legend, there used to be three “imugi” or gigantic snakes which failed to become dragons.

Since Connie’s major is politics, she had been talking about politics with Juli until we arrived this pass. Then they changed the topics from politics to wine. Since there were two Germans, they talked about wine in Germany.

We continued to hike from this hill toward the final peak called Unsubong. On the way while walking the ridge, we came to the fork point for two trails. Ken & Jenny, walking just behind me, went to the wrong way, since I took the wrong trail.

I soon realized my mistake and returned to the fork point, but Ken and Jenny went on a bit far. They could not hear my calling voice.

Jong-Moo ran to catch them for a while, and rest of the hikers waited for them. Anyhow, we got together and began to hike on the right trail.

We arrived at Unsubong and took a group picture at 15:49. A group of young hikers caught us up at this point. So, there were about 20 people on the peak.

[At the top of Unsubong (Mt. Geumbyongsan), 雲水峰(錦屏山)頂上にて、운수봉(금병삼)정상에서]

The other group went on the ridge trail, but we began descending the mountain from Unsubong to Cheondan.

While walking down to Cheondan, Ken and Jenny suddenly said that they had an appointment at 17:00. So they went home earlier then rest of us.

[Yongho Gate of Cheondan, 天壇の龍虎門、천단의 용호문]

We arrived at Cheondan at 16:24. Cheondan is a sacred hall for the new religion called “Unsugyo.” The origin of “Unsugyo” was during the Donghak Peasant Revolution in 1894.

We finished the hike at 16:40 and Johny drove us to KAIT where my bicycle was.

It was my 20th hike for this year, and the 5th hike of Taejonhikers’ hike for me for this year.




登山コース: 紫雲台(チャウンデ자운대)入口 ~ 第一玉輦峰(オンニョンボン옥련봉) ~龍岩峠(ヨンパイコゲ용바위고개) ~ 第七雲水峰(ウンスボン운수봉) ~ 天壇(천단)の約5km(3時間)。






[At the entrance of the trail in Jaundae, 紫雲台の登山口にて、자운대 등산로 입구에서]

最初はなだらかな登山道で、忠南大裏山のような雰囲気。しかし、最初のピークで八角亭のある第一玉輦峰[제1봉 옥련봉]付近はかなり急坂でしんどかった。


[A view from the gazebo, 八角亭から紫雲台を望む、 팔각정으로부터 자운대를 내려다본다.]


[At Ongnyangbong with Bomin, 玉輦峰にてボミンと、옥련봉에서 보민과 함께]



[At "Yong Rock" Pass, 龍岩峠(ヨンパウィコゲ)にて、용바위고개에서]






[At Unsubong (Mt. Geumbyongsan), 雲水峰(錦屏山)山頂付近にて、운수봉(금병산)정상에서]


[The entrance of "Cheondan" 天壇の入り口、천단입구]




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