About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120331 Mt. ManDeokSan[万徳山(マントクサン만덕산)], Gangjin [康津(カンジン강진)]

Hiking Date: March 31 (Sat) 2012 Fine

Destination (mountain): ManDeokSan, Gangjin, JeonNam Province.

Hiking course: Ongnyongsa – ManDeokSan – Baengyongsa – DaSanChoDang – DaSan Exsibition Hall (About 6km, 4 hour)s

Partner: More than 40 AhToSan members including Won Jeongbin

This time, my private student, Won Jeongbin joined us. He spent all the time with me from 6:50 at Bus Stop at Expo South Gate in the morning.

I taught him Japanese on the way to the mountain on the bus.

We arrived at Ongnyongsa Temple at 10:50. After taking a group picture, we began hiking at 11 a.m.

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체 사진]

AhToSan came this mountain about 7 years ago. I slightly remember the entrance of the train near the temple.

[The first "Jindallae" I saw this year, 今年最初の「チンダルレ(カラムラサキツツジ)」, 올해 처음으로 보는 진달래]

Soon after the start, we faced the steep uphill for about 30 minutes. We saw Jindallae, Korean wild azaleas along the trail.

[AhTo members proceeding along the narrow ridge trail, やや険しい尾根道を進むアトサン会員たち。다소 험한 산등성이길을 나아가는 아토 회원들.]

We had the first “makgeolli time” on the ridge. I offered grapes and kumquats while others offered “makgeolli” as usual.

[On the ridge with Jeongbin, 稜線の上でジョンビンと、능선에서 정빈과 함께]

The ridge had plenty of up-and-down with rocky places. We arrived at the top of the mountain at 12:40. We had lunch there.

Jeongbin brought “Kimpap” or “Norimaki” in Japanese. He said he had made them by himself. I brought my lunch box which I made in the morning, as usual. (I made “ochazuke” by adding hot water into the rice in my lunch box.)

[We had lunch at the top of ManDeokSan, 万徳山頂上で昼食、만덕산 정상에서 점심식사]

After the lunch, we began descending the mountain, but Jeongbin and I took the wrong trail. We were supposed to descend toward the heliport, but I did not notice the guidepost, and we went down toward “Baramjae.”

[A group picture at the top of ManDeokSan, 万徳山山頂にて集合写真、만덕산 정상에서 단체사진]

When we came to the next fork in the trail, I realized our mistake by seeing the map and the guidepost. Fortunately, the trail was paralleled to the original course, so we just went on the trail toward the parking lot.

[Flowers of "amana" or "Tulipa edulis"アマナ(甘菜)"の花、산자고 (山慈菰)]

The walking distance was almost the same as the original course, yet we missed the sightseeing points such as Baengyongsa Temple and DaSanChoDang, or the thatched cottage used by Dasan.

[Yellow heartsease flowers,黄色いスミレの花、노란 제비꽃]

Actually, we came to the chartered bus first because we did not spend any time for sightseeing. It was 14:50 and other members came after our arrival. The last member arrived at the bus at 15:20.

[We arrived at the parking lot before 3 p.m. ジョンビンと私は駐車場へ3時前に到着した。우리는 주차장에 3시전에 도착했다.]

After arriving at the bus, Jeongbin and I visited “Dasan Exition Hall” and we visited the exhibition of Dasan Jeong Yak-yong. (See the note below.)

[In front of Dasan Exhibition Hall, 茶山遺跡展示館、다산 유적 전시관]

[Jeong Yak-yong was banished to Gangjin because of his religion, 丁若鏞は当時のキリスト教弾圧政策により康津へ追放された、정약용은 당시의 천주교 박해 연루되고 강진에 유배당했다.]

Then we moved to the place where we could have a wrap-up party. We stopped at a parking lot of a local village named “Kul-dong.”

[The guidepost which shows "Kul-dong" 橘洞村を示す標識、귤동의 이정표.]

While they were preparing for the party, we walked around the village. We could see the mountains we climbed well from the swamp with a lot of reeds.

[In front of the swamp with reeds, 葦沼の前で、갈대늪 앞에서]

The menu of the party were “Kimchi-chige” and makgeolli. We finished the party at 16:30 and went back to the South Gate Parking Lot in Daejeon at 20:00. It was my 18th hike for this year and 274th as the AhToSan regular hike.

Note: (From Wikipedia)

Jeong Yak-yong (丁若鏞), often simply known as ‘Dasan’ (茶山, one of his ‘ho’ / pen-names), was born on the 16th day of the 6th lunar month, 1762, in Gwangju county, Gyeonggi province, and died there on the 22nd day of the 2nd lunar month, 1836. He was one of the greatest thinkers of the later Joseon period, wrote highly influential books about philosophy, science and theories of government, held significant administrative positions, was a close confident of King Jeongjo(ruled 1776-1800), and was noted as a poet. His philosophical position is often identified with the Silhak (practical learning) school, his concerns are better seen as explorations of Neo-Confucian themes. He spent 18 years in exile in Gangjin, South Jeolla province, from 1801 until 1818, on account of his membership of the Southerners (Namin) faction, and also because of the Catholic faith of his elder brother. His clan originated in Naju, South Jeolla Province. At birth he was given the courtesy title (初字 choja) Gwi’nong (歸農), later he was also known by the ja Miyong (美鏞) and Songbu (頌甫)美庸); among his ho (號, pen-names) were Saam (俟菴), Tagong (籜翁), Taesu (苔叟), Jahadoin (紫霞道人), Cheolmasanin (鐵馬山人), Dasan (茶山), Yeoyudang (與猶堂, the name of his house), and Mundo (文度, his name as a poet). Korean Catholics sometimes claim that he was baptized with the name John Baptist, but there is no documentary proof of this.




登山コース:玉蓮寺(オンニョンサ옥련사)-万徳山(マントクサン)(キッテ峰、409m) -白蓮寺(ペンニョンサ백련사)(椿の森) -茶山草堂(다산초당)-茶山遺物展示館(約6km、4時間)





[A map of Mt. Mandeoksan, 万徳山の登山地図、만덕산 등산 지도]


[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체 사진]


[A belfry of Ok-ryon-sa Temple, 玉蓮寺の鐘楼、옥연사의 종루]



[At the trail on the ridge, 稜線上の登山路にて、능선위의 등산로에서]


[At the top of Mt. ManDeokSan, 万徳山山頂にて、만덕산 정상에서]


[We had lunch at the top of ManDeokSan, 万徳山頂上で昼食、만덕산 정상에서 점심식사]


[The guidepost which shows the directions of descending trails, 下山路を示す標識、하산로를 표시하는 이정표]


[Flowers of amana on the descending trail, 下山路で見たアマナの花、하산로에서 본 잔자고]
[Flowers of yellow heartsease on the descending trail, 下山路で見た黄色いスミレ、하산로에서 본 노란 제비꽃]




[In front of the swamp with reeds, 葦沼の前で、갈대늪 앞에서]




チョン・ヤギョン(丁若鏞、1762年陰暦6月16日、京畿道(キョンギド)広州(クァンジュ) ~ 1836年陰暦2月22日)は朝鮮 正祖時の文臣であり、実学者・著述家・詩人・哲学者・科学者・工学者だ。 本貫は羅州(ナジュ)、字は米庸、号は俟菴・苔叟・紫霞道人・鉄馬山人・茶山、堂号は与猶であり、天主教クリスチャンネームはヨハネ、諡号は文度だ。

[A portrait of Jeong Yak-yong, 茶山・丁若鏞(チョン・ヤギョン)の肖像画、다산·정약용의 초상화]





정약용(丁若鏞, 1762년 음력 6월 16일, 경기도 광주[1] ~ 1836년 음력 2월 22일)은 조선 정조 때의 문신이며, 실학자•저술가•시인•철학자•과학자•공학자이다. 본관은 나주, 자는 미용(美庸), 호는 사암(俟菴)•탁옹(籜翁)•태수(苔叟)•자하도인(紫霞道人)•철마산인(鐵馬山人)•다산(茶山), 당호는 여유(與猶)[2]이며, 천주교 세례명은 요한, 시호는 문도(文度)이다.

중농주의 실학자로 전제 개혁을 주장하며 조선 실학을 집대성하였고, 수원 화성 건축 당시 기중가설(起重架說)에 따른 활차녹로(滑車轆轤 : 도르래)를 만들고 그를 이용하여 거중기를 고안하여 건축에 많은 도움을 주었다.

또한, 유교 경전에 대한 새로운 해석을 통해 당대 조선을 지배한 주자학적 세계관에 대한 근본적인 반성을 시도하였다.

문집으로 유배 생활 중 대부분이 저술된 《여유당전서》[3]가 있다.

정조의 생모 혜경궁 홍씨, 정조의 다른 최측근인 홍국영과 인척관계이기도 하다.

1762년 음력 6월 16일에 경기도 남양주시 마재에서 태어난 후 진주 목사를 지낸 부친 정재원(丁載遠)에게서 학업하였다. 정재원은 첫 부인 의령 남씨와 사이에 큰아들 약현을 낳았고, 둘째 부인인 고산 윤선도의 오대손녀인 해남 윤씨와 사이에 약전, 약종, 약용 3형제와 딸 한 명을 낳았으니 약용은 넷째 아들이다.

일곱 살 때에 '산'이라는 시를 지은 것이 남아있는데, 열 살 이전의 어린 시절에 지은 시를 모아 삼미자집이라는 책을 내었다. 9세 때 모친상을 당해 맏형수 경주 이씨와 서모 김씨의 손에서 자랐다. 어릴 적에 천연두에 걸렸으나, 왕족 출신의 명의 이헌길의 진료로 살았다. 정약용은 훗날 이헌길의 《마진기방》을 바탕으로 한층 발전된 홍역 치료서 《마과회통》을 집필하고, 이것은 현대 의학이 들어오기까지 수많은 조선의 생명들을 구한다. 또한 정약용은 이헌길의 생애를 다룬 〈몽수전〉을 집필하기도 했다.

1776년에 승지 홍화보(洪和輔)의 딸 풍산 홍씨와 혼인하여 6남 3녀를 낳았으나 생전에 4남 2녀를 잃었다. 누님의 남편으로 여섯 살 위인 이승훈, 큰형의 처남이며 여덟 살 위인 이벽과 친하게 지내면서 학문으로 명성이 높은 이가환과 매부 이승훈을 만났다. 이승훈은 조선에서 최초로 천주교회에서 세례를 받았다. 이가환은 이승훈의 외삼촌이었으며, 성호 이익(李瀷, 1629~1690)의 종손으로 당시 이익의 학풍을 계승하는 중심 인물이었다. 이들에게서 성호의 학문을 접하면서 실학 사상의 토대를 다졌다.

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