About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121027 “SanMagi Yetgil(「山幕古道」"산막이엿길”) in Gwesan(槐山괴산), ChungBuk(忠北충북 )Province

Hiking Date: Oct. 27 (Sat) 2012, Rain then cloudy in the afternoon.

Hiking Course: Parking Lot – Noru Spring – DeungJangBong(450m) – Observatory of Korean Peninusla – CheonJangBong (437m) – SamSeongBong (550m) – Samak Villege – Parking Lot (About 8 km, 4 hours)

Partner: 26 AhToSan members including Bernerdo.

Bernardo, my good Mexican hiking friend came to visit Korea from Shanghai. It was his business trip to attend an international conference in Seoul, but he came to Daejeon from Inchon by bus.

[Bernardo came from Inchon to Daejeon by bus, われわれは大田のバス停でベルナルドを迎えた、우리는 대전의 버스 정류장에서 베르나르도를 맞았다.]

Salangcho, HeeSun, Tracey and I went to see the bus stop on Friday. The bus arrived at 8 pm and we all went to a Samgetang Restaurant called “PungJeong.”

[Dinner with Bernardo at Pungjeon Samgetang, 『豊田参鶏湯』でベルナルドと夕食、"풍전 삼계탕"에서 베르나르도와 저녁 식사,]

We had a nice dinner of Samgetang and enjoyed casual conversation until 9:30 pm.

I went back to my apartment in Sinseongdong, but they enjoyed themselves by visiting “Karaoke” nearby, until midnight!

Next moring, it was raining hard. I took a taxi to the bus stop at Expo South Gate. Bernardo came on time. He stayed “Toyoko-Inn” near the bus stop.

AhToSan originally planned to go to Mt. ChiAkSan in Wonju, GangWonDo, but they changed the destination because of the bad weather.

[A staff member announced the change of the plan, 登山地変更を告げるアトサンのスタッフ、등산 지역 변경을 말하는 아토산 고문님]

I think it was a wise dicision since we enjoyed an easy hike and wonderful scenes in spite of the rain at the new destination.

The new deistination was called “SanMagi Yetgil” or “The old roads of lodges in mountains.”

[A group picture at "Square of Meeting", 「出会いの広場」にて集合写真、"만남의 광장"에서 단체 사진]

There is a dam and all trails were facilitated well along the reservoir. There are trails to climb to mountain peaks surrounding the lake.

[A big stone monument written about "Old Road of Sanmak" 『山幕の古道』の石碑、"산막이 옛길"의 비석]

We arrived at the parking lot of the place at 8:40. In spite of the rain, we took a group picture, and then began trekking.

[In front of an apple orchard, リンゴ園の前で、사과 과수원 앞에서]

The entrance of the trail to climb mountain was called “Noru Spring” or “Small Deer Spring.” The area was covered with wild Chrysanthemum. They were really beautiful.

[Clumps of chrysanthemum boreale Makino、野菊の群落、산국의 군락]

It was always difficult for me to climb up the slope. This time again, I was the last hiker among AhToSan hikers. Bernardo was kind enough to wait for me all the way. On the way to the ridge, other members were also waiting for me. So, I offered them my friutes and we had a short break as usual.

[A view of lake from the ridge, 尾根から湖を見下ろす、능선에서 호수를 내려다보다.]

For about an hour walk, we arrived at the first peak called “DeungJangBong” which may mean a mountain of “Candle Stand”.

Then the trail became ridge trails. It was much easier for me.

We soon came to the observatory called “Viewing Korean Peninsula Observatory” since from where we could see the shape of Korean Peninsula in the lake.

[At“Viewing Korean Peninsula Observatory,”韓半島展望台にて、한반도 전망대에서]

It was raining continuasly so it was hard to take good pictures. It was necessary to wipe the lens of the camera from time to time.

Just before the 2nd peak, CheonJangBong, the main group of AhToSan members took the 2nd break to drink “makgeolli.” Bernardo and I did not stop but kept walking.

There was a group of people ahead of us. Two women and a college boy. We caught up with them and took some pictures at the top of the final peak called “SamSongBong (550m).

[At the top of the last peak "SamSongBong, 最後の山「サムソンボン」にて、마지막 산 "삼성봉"에서]

Then we began descending the mountain. We came to the forest road, and then we arrived a th”Sanmagi Villege.”

[Bernardo with autumnal color on the forest road, 紅葉の隣に立つベルナルド、베르나르도가 단풍의 옆에 서있다.]

There were many sightseers in “Sanmagi Yetgil.” It stopped raining when we came out to the forest road.

[A sightseeing boat at Sanmagi Villege, 山幕村の観光船、산막이 마을의 관광선]

We could enjoy sightseeing, while strolling the “Samagi Yetgil.”

[Traditional rice cake, "Ttok" making, tasting and selling place, 韓国伝統『餅』の製造・味見・販売、한국 전통 "떡"의 제조 · 취미 · 판매]

There were a couple of “old-fashoned” ships coming and going in the lake.

[A poem and picture written on a stone, スレートの上に書かれた詩と描かれた絵、슬레이트위에 쓰여진시와 그려진 그림.]

[A view from "Old Road", 古道からの眺め、『옛길』에서의 전망]

While walking the “Samagi Yetgil” we caught up with the main group of AhToSan people.

[Flower garden and apple orchard near the entrance of "Old Road", 古道の入り口近くの花壇と果樹園、옛길 입구 근처의 화단과 과수원]

We came back to the parking lot at around 1:15, so we enjoyed almost 5 hour trekking including climbing the mountains.

[Lunch and wrap-party at a gazebo, 亭子の1つで昼食と打ち上げ、정자에서 점심과 뒤풀이]

When we came to the parking lot, some AhToSan members were having lunch and wrap-up party at one of the gazebos there.

Bernardo and I joined them, but Bernardo did not like makgeolli. I should bring some beer for him, but it was too late.

We left the place at 2 pm and went back to South Gate Parking Lot at 4:30 pm.

[Saying "Good-bye" to Bernardo at Expo South Gate, エキスポ南門にてベルナルドとの別れ、엑스포 남문에서 베르나르도와의 이별]

It was my 54th hike for this year and 293rd of AhToSan regular hike since November 2004.

I took the last picture of Bernardo with close AhToSan members before saying “good-bye” to him.


分類:忠北槐山の「山幕古道」충북 괴산, “산막이엿길”


登山地:忠北槐山の「山幕古道」충북 괴산, “산막이엿길”

登山コース:「出会いの広場(만남의 광장)」~ノル泉(누루샘)~灯台峰(등잔봉450m)~韓半島展望台~チョンジャン峰(천장봉437m)~三聖峰(삼성봉550)~山幕村(산막이마을)~「出会いの広場」約8km、4時間







[Dinner with Bernardo at Pungjeon Samgetang, 『豊田参鶏湯』でベルナルドと夕食、"풍전 삼계탕"에서 베르나르도와 저녁 식사,]




[A staff member announced the change of the plan, 登山地変更を告げるアトサンのスタッフ、등산 지역 변경을 말하는 아토산 고문님]



[A group picture at "Square of Meeting", 「出会いの広場」にて集合写真、"만남의 광장"에서 단체 사진]


[Clumps of chrysanthemum boreale Makino、野菊の群落、산국의 군락]


[Trekking in the rain, 雨中登山、빗속 등산]





[A view of lake from the ridge, 尾根から湖を見下ろす、능선에서 호수를 내려다보다.]


[At“Viewing Korean Peninsula Observatory,”韓半島展望台にて、한반도 전망대에서]



私はマッコリは控えて、ベルナルドと二人で先に進んだ。チョンジャンボンからいったん下ると、先頭を行く女性二人と若者の3人組の後姿がみえた。 彼らの後について最後の急こう配の坂を上ると最後の峰の「サムソンボン(550m)」だった。

[At the top of the last peak "SamSongBong, 最後の山「サムソンボン」にて、마지막 산 "삼성봉"에서]



[Bernardo and three hikers on the forest road, 林道に立つベルナルドとハイカー三人、베르나르도와 등산객 세 명이 산길에 서있다.]


[At a shop of traditional rice cake, "Ttok", 韓国伝統『餅』の製造・味見・販売所にて、한국 전통 "떡"의 제조 · 취미 · 판매 장소에서]

この村からは出発した地点へ向かって船が出ていた。また、この村と「出会いの広場」を結ぶ道が観光客を対象にした「サンマギエッキル(산막이 옛갈山幕古道)」であり、貯水池に沿ってじつによく整備されていた。

[A sightseeing boat leaving the village, 山幕村を出港する観光船、산막이 마을을 출항하는 관광선]

[With AhToSan members along the "Old Road" 湖沿いの古道にて、호수 옆 옛길에서]




[A poem and picture written on a stone, スレートの上に書かれた詩と描かれた絵、슬레이트위에 쓰여진시와 그려진 그림.]

[Flower garden and apple orchard near the entrance of "Old Road", 古道の入り口近くの花壇と果樹園、옛길 입구 근처의 화단과 과수원]


[Lunch and wrap-party at a gazebo, 亭子の1つで昼食と打ち上げ、정자에서 점심과 뒤풀이]



[Saying "Good-bye" to Bernardo at Expo South Gate, エキスポ南門にてベルナルドとの別れ、엑스포 남문에서 베르나르도와의 이별]


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