About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121103 Bukhansan (北漢山북한산), Seoul

Hiking Date: Nov. 3, 2012 (Sat) fine

Destination (mountain): Bukhansan (北漢山북한산), Seoul

Hiking course: BulGwang Station (Subway) – JokduriBong(370m) – HyagnRoBong (535m) – BiBong (560m) – MunSuBong – YongHyolBong (581m) - YongChulBong(571m) – WiSangBong(502m) – Parking Lot (11 km, 7 hours)

Partner: 24 AhToSan members (All Koreans)

In spite of the fine weather, not so many participants. I guess it was because they announced the bus leaving time at 5 am. It was too early!

They delayed the actual leaving time at 6 am in the evening of Friday. But it was too late.

Anyhow, I could use two seats for my use, so it is not too bad.

My birthday is Nov. 4, but they celebrated my birthday as well as the birthday of “Cake”together on the bus.

[They celebrated my 65th birthday on the bus, バスの中で私の65歳の誕生ケーキと、버스 안에서 나의 65 세 생일 케이크와 함께]

“Cake” told me that his birthday is Nov. 4 on lunar calendar.

“Gaul ilgi” or “Autumn Diary” boguth me a warm jacket as birthday present for me. She told me that she would bring home-made“Kocchujag” or “thick soypaste mixed with red peppers.”

We arrived near the subway exit of “BulGwan”station (Subway #3). Purim, AhToSan member who lives in Seoul was waiting for us.

[We got off the bus at BulGwang Station, 地下鉄『仏光駅』近くでバスから下車、지하철 "불광역"근처에서 버스에서 내렸다.]

He led us to the entrance of the tral. It was behind buildings and difficult to find.

["Purim met us and led us to the entrance of the trail,プリムが我々を登山口に案内した、프림님이 우리를 등산로 입구에 안내했다.]

We took a group picture at the entrance of the trail and began climbing the mountain.

[A group picture at the foot of Bukhansan, 北漢山の麓で出発前の集合写真、북한산 기슭에서 출발 전 단체 사진]

It was a rocky mountain from beginning to the end. We could see many apartment buildings behind us.

[On the ridge to the first peak, 最初の峰へ登る稜線にて、첫 번째 봉우리에 오르는 능선에서]

It took me for about 50 minutes to reach at the first peak “Jokduri-bong.”

“Jokduri”means a bride's headpiece or a bridal tiara in Korea. The peak of the mountain looks like “Jokduri” in deed!

["Jokduri-bong" looks like "Jokduri" or "Korean bridal crown", 「花嫁の冠」のような「チョクトリ峰]」『족두리』같은『족두리봉』]

Purim had his own business that day. So we said “good-bye” to him and headed for the next peak.

[AhToSan members with Purim at Jokduri-bong, ジョクトリ峰にてプリムと、족두리봉에서 프림과 함께]

I arrived at HyangRoBong at 10:34. There must be many accidents to climb that peak. It was off-limit to access the peak that day.

[The guide post of HyangRoBong, 香炉峰の道標、향로봉의 이정표]

Then we headed for the 3rd peak called “BiBong.” “Bi” means a stone monument. There was a stone monument on the top of this peak. The monument was built by King Jinheung (540–576) to commemorate his victory of acquisition of this area over his rival countries such as Goguryo and Paekjae.

[The explanation about "Bukhansan Monument" 『北漢山新羅真興王巡狩碑』の説明文、『북한산 신라 진흥왕 순수비』의 설명문]

[AhToSan members at "Bukhansan Monument" on the top of BiBong『北漢山新羅真興王巡狩碑』のレプリカとアトサン会員たち、"북한산 신라 진흥왕 순수비 '복제와 아토산 회원들]

The monument was removed from the mountain and was settled in National Museum of Korea now.

I arrived at “SamoBawi”at 11:30. They were having lunch on a heliport in front of SamoPawi.

I took a short sightseeing course at SamoBawi before having lunch.

There was a cave under the SamoBawi in which some terrorists from North Korea hid during January 1968 when they attacked the Blue House.

[The explanation about the Blue House Raid in 1968, 『青瓦台襲撃未遂事件』の説明、"청와대 습격 미수 사건(1.21 사태〉"의 설명]

31 North Korean soldiers penetrated into Seoul, and tried to kill then president Park Chung-Hee. They failed the attack and all but one were killed. However some of them fled into Bukkansan and hid into the cave.

[The entrance of the cave where the terrorist were hiding, 北朝鮮の兵士が隠れた洞窟の入り口、북한 군인들이 숨겨진 동굴 입구]

I saw the figures of North Korean soldiers in the cave, and thought of the incident.

[George is coming out of the cave, 洞窟から出るジョージ、조지가 굴에서 나오고있다.]

Then I joined luch party. Some of the members brought many delicious foods, esp. a friend of “JeongSan JeongBok” who lives in Seoul, brought raw oysters and turban shells and fresh vegitables. We all ejoyed these foods.

[Delicious sea-food lunch with a lot of vegetable, 生牡蠣や生野菜などの多い昼食、생굴이나 생야채 등이 많은 점심]

After having luch, we began afternoon hike at about noon. It was a fine day and I took a video, too.

[After lunch near "SamoBawi" or "Thinking Rock", 昼食後、『思慕岩』付近にて、점심 식사 후, "사모 바위"부근에서]

Most of the hikers went up to each peak, but it was difficult for me. So, I walked the trails beside the peaks.

When I arrived at CheongSuDongAm Gate, I was alone and probably the top among AhToSan hikers.

[I arrived at "ChengSuDongAm" Gate alone, 『チョンスドンアム門』に着いた時は一人きりだった、혼자 "청수동암문'에 도착했다.]

I walked alone by seeing the map toward WiSangBong. Then some of AhToSan members behind me called me.

Most of them caught me up before the fort of the mountain castle.

[On the ridge to WiSangBong, 義相峰へ続く尾根道、의상봉으로 이어지는 능선 길]

We could see the rocky mountains of Bukkansan, esp. “BaekUnDae” well while walking toward WiSangBong, the final peak.

[On the ridge toward WiSangBong, 義相峰へ向かう稜線にて、의상봉으로 향하는 능선에서]

I arrived at YongHyolBong at 14:28, YongChulBong at 14:40 and finally at WiSangBong at 15:00.

[At the top of "YongHyolBong, 『龍血峰』頂上にて、"용혈봉"정상에서]

The descending trail was also steep and dangeours.

During the descending the mountain some location such as the rabbit shape rock, I remember it clearly.

[George on the Rabbit Rock,『ウサギ岩』の上のジョージ、조지가 "토끼 바위"에 서있다.]

Then I was again left behind the most of the members and I arrived at the parking lot at 16:15.

[At the wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]

Most of the members were already enjoying the wrap-up party and I joined them.

We left the parking lot at 5 pm and came back to the South Gate of Expo in Daejeon at 8 pm.

It was my 56th hike for this year and 294th AhToSan regular hike to attend for me.



登山地:ソウル北漢山[碑峰(비봉):560m]v 登山コース:仏光(불광)駅〜ジョクドリ峰(족두리봉370m)〜香炉峰(향로봉535m)~碑峰(비봉560m)〜ムンスボン(문수봉)〜大南門〜ヨンヒョルボン(용혈봉581m)~ヨンチュルボン(용출봉571m)〜ウイサンボン(의상봉502m)〜駐車場 11km, 7 時間





[They celebrated my 65th birthday on the bus, バスの中で私の65歳の誕生ケーキと、버스 안에서 나의 65 세 생일 케이크와 함께]



["Purim met us and led us to the entrance of the trail,プリムが我々を登山口に案内した、프림님이 우리를 등산로 입구에 안내했다.]


[A group picture at the foot of Bukhansan, 北漢山の麓で出発前の集合写真、북한산 기슭에서 출발 전 단체 사진]


[On the ridge to the first peak, 最初の峰へ登る稜線にて、첫 번째 봉우리에 오르는 능선에서]



[The Seoul Tower in the fog, 霧の中のソウル(南山)タワー、안개 속의 서울 (남산) 타워]


["Jokduri-bong" looks like "Jokduri" or "Korean bridal crown", 「花嫁の冠」のような「チョクトリ峰]」『족두리』같은『족두리봉』]


[AhToSan members with Purim at Jokduri-bong, ジョクトリ峰にてプリムと、족두리봉에서 프림과 함께]


[The trail to the top of HyangRoBong was closed, 香炉峰頂上は立ち入り禁止区域、향로봉 정상은 출입 금지 구역]


[On the ridge after HyangRoBong, 香炉峰を過ぎた稜線にて、향로봉 지나서 능선에서]

[AhTo members in front of BiBong, 碑峰の前に立つアトサン会員たち、아토산 회원들이 비봉 앞에 서있다.]


[AhToSan members at "Bukhansan Monument" on the top of BiBong『北漢山新羅真興王巡狩碑』のレプリカとアトサン会員たち、"북한산 신라 진흥왕 순수비 '복제와 아토산 회원들]


[The explanation about the Blue House Raid in 1968, 『青瓦台襲撃未遂事件』の説明、"청와대 습격 미수 사건(1.21 사태〉"의 설명]


[The figures of North Korean soldiers who hid in the cave, 洞窟内の北朝鮮軍兵士の人形、동굴내의 북한군 병사들의 인형]

[George is coming out of the cave, 洞窟から出るジョージ、조지가 굴에서 나오고있다.]



[Delicious sea-food lunch with a lot of vegetable, 生牡蠣や生野菜などの多い昼食、생굴이나 생야채 등이 많은 점심]




[After lunch at "TongCheon" Gate, 昼食後、『通天門』にて、점심 식사 후, "통천문"에서]






[On the ridge to WiSangBong, 義相峰へ続く尾根道、의상봉으로 이어지는 능선 길]


[At the top of YongHyolBong (581m),ヨンヒョルボンの頂上にて、용혈봉 정상에서]


[A steep trail with handrail, 手すりのある下山路、가파른 하산 길]

["Tokki Bawi" or "Rabbit Rock", 『ウサギ岩』、"토끼 바위"]



[At the wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]


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