About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121028 Sangsodong Woods(上所洞山林浴場상소동산림욕장)JeongGiBong(정기봉)

Date: Oct. 28 (Sun) Fine

Place: Mt. JangGiBong, Sangsodong, Dong-gu, Daejeon

Course: Parking Lot – Bridge Entrance – Stone Towers – Gazebo in the middle of JeongGiBong – Parking Lot (About 4 km, 2 hours)

Participants: 4 Americans including Alan, 2 Australians, 2 Chinese, 2 Japanese, German, Canadian, French, Ukuranian and 10 Koreans

There were 24 people at KAIST at 1 pm. We headed for “Sangsodong Woods” by 6 or 7 cars. I joined Johny with 2 Chinese members.

[A group picture at KAIST Parking Lot, KAIST駐車場にてテジョンハイカーズの集合写真、KAIST 주차장에서 대전 하이커즈의 단체 사진]

We took a highway from Yuseong IC and got off at Geumsan IC, but one of the drivers, Nami went wrong exit (Nonsan) therefore Nami and 3 other hikers (Juri, Ayla, Debora) joined us one hour later.

[Alan with Beebee at Sangsodong Parking Lot, 上所洞駐車場にてピピを抱えたアラン、상소동 주차장에서 앨런 피피를 안고있다.]

We arrived at the parking lot of Sangsodong Woods at 2 pm. There was a nice wooden bridge between the parking lot and the woods.

[On the bridge at Sangsodong Woods, 上所洞山林浴場の橋の上で、상소동 산림욕장의 다리 위에서]

There were many stone “tap” just like Tapsa Temple in Maisan. We took a group picture in front of the first tap.

There were many maple trees and the leaves of these trees had just turned red, and they were beautiful.

[In front of maple trees with Alan, もみじの紅葉の前でアランと、단풍 앞에서 앨런과 함께]

[Alan at Sangsodong Woods, 上所洞山林浴場にてアラン、상소동 산림 욕장에서 앨런]

[A family picture of the Sleighs,スレイ一家の家族写真、스레이 일가의 가족 사진]

There was a place where many well built taps and a memorial monument for a couple who built these taps from Sep. 2003 to May 2007.

[A memorial monument of the couple who built the taps, 塔を積んだ夫婦の像、탑을 쌓은 부부의 상]

[The autumnal colors of Sangsodong Woods, 上所洞山林浴場の紅葉、 상소동 산림 욕장의 단풍]

We walked along the small river to the upper stream. Then there were several swimming pools.

[Swimming pools at the woods, 森の中の水泳プール場、숲속의 수영장 시설]

At the last swimming ploor, there was an entrance of hiking trail. We began hiking toward a small mountain called “JeongGiBong.”

[A gentle slope to the mountain, 緩やかな登山路、완만 한 등산로]

There was a gazebo in the middle of JeongGiBong. We all stopped there and had a rest time for chatting.

[We had a short rest at the gazebo, 亭子にて小休止、정자에서 짧은 휴식]

Some members offered fruits and cookies. A German member, Jens Sleigh performed his extreamly stong hand-power. He broke apples without using a knife. He broke an apple into two or 4 pieces one by one, totally 4 or 5 apples.

[Jens breaking up apples, ジェンツがりんごを素手で割っている、잰쯔가 사과를 맨손으로 쪼개고 있다.]

We separated ourselves into two groups. One kept climbing JeongGiBong and other began descending the mountain.

[Paburo in front of the gazebo, 亭子の前に立つパブロ、정자 앞에 파블로가 서있다.]

I went down with Alan and other easy-going-hikers. On our way, we met 4 girls who went wrong way on the high way.

[Alan began descending the mountain, アランが下山開始、앨런 하산 시작]

We all came down to the parking lot by 4:30 pm. Then we went to "Yetteomuseum"(옛터민속박물관) Restaurant.

[We came down to the parking lot by 4:30 pm, われわれは4時半には駐車場へ下山した、우리는 4시 반에 주차장에 하산했다.]

We came to the same restaurant after the hike in February, when Alan visited Korea last time.

JongMoo reserved the restaurant at 5 pm, but they were very busy that day. The reservation room was ready at 5:30 pm. We warmed ourselves at the wood-fire in the garden.

[At the garden of the restaurant, エット民俗博物館にて、옛터 민속 박물관에서]

Some of the members went into a small museum of the restaurant. There were many candle-related goods in the old days in the museum.

[At the garden of the restaurant, エット民俗博物館にて、옛터 민속 박물관에서]

We had a wrap-up party at the reserved room of the restaurant. We ordered meals by table. I sat with Johny and Dr. Seo and Ayla and we all ordered “sea-food soup.”It has plenty volume of sea food and tasted good. (12,000 won)

[Alan is greeting at the end of the party, アランがパーティの後で挨拶をしている、앨런이 파티 후에 인사를 하고있다.]

At the end of the party, Alan stood and made a short greeting and the party ended at about 7 pm.

[Final group picture at the end of the party, 最後の集合写真、마지막 단체 사진]

Nami kindly drove me to Sinseongdong. Since she works at ETRI, we talked about ETRI meetings which I regularly attend. We had common acquentances, so I felt interesting.

It was my 55th hike for this year.





登山コース:駐車場~山林浴場入口~コンの塔(공의 탑)~チョンギボン登山口~亭子~山林浴場入口~駐車場


前日の雨とは一変して秋晴れの良い天気。今回はアランの歓迎ハイクという事でアランを含め24名が参加した。内訳はUSA4、(アラン、GF、ジュリ、デボラ)、中国2(蘇、朱)、豪州2(ジム、トレイシー)、日本2(三木、鈴木)、ドイツ2(Jens Sleigh, Pablo Sleigh、カナダ(Tina)、フランス(マイケル)、ウクライナ(マルタ)各1、韓国10人(ジョンム、Amy、アエラ、ナミ、ソ・ソンヒョン、ボンジュン他)だ。

[A group picture at KAIST Parking Lot, KAIST駐車場にてテジョンハイカーズの集合写真、KAIST 주차장에서 대전 하이커즈의 단체 사진]




[A map of "Sangsodong Woods", 上所洞山林浴場の総合案内地図、 상소동 산림 욕장의 종합 안내지도]



[A group picture in front of the first tap, 最初の塔の前で集合写真、첫 번째 탑 앞에서 단체 사진]


[Taejonhikers at an open space of Sangsodong Woods, 上所洞広場にて、상소동 광장에서]

[George at an open space of Sangsodong Woods, 上所洞広場にて、상소동 광장에서]


[Another group picture in front of the many taps, 群立する塔の前で、많은 탑 앞에서]

[At an open space of Sangsodong Woods,上所洞山林浴場の広場にて、상소동 산림 욕장의 광장에서]


[Swimming pools at the woods, 森の中の水泳プール場、숲속의 수영장 시설]


[A gentle slope to the mountain, 緩やかな登山路、완만 한 등산로]


[JongMoo holding Beebee at the gazebo, 亭子でピピを抱くジョンム、정자에서 정무가 피피를 안고있다.]


[Jens breaking up apples, ジェンツがりんごを素手で割っている、잰쯔가 사과를 맨손으로 쪼개고 있다.]



[A group picture in front of the gazebo, 亭子の前で集合写真、정자 앞에서 단체 사진]


[Alan began descending the mountain, アランが下山開始、앨런 하산 시작]


[We came down to the parking lot by 4:30 pm, われわれは4時半には駐車場へ下山した、우리는 4시 반에 주차장에 하산했다.]


[At the garden of the restaurant, エット民俗博物館にて、옛터 민속 박물관에서]



[Alan is greeting at the end of the party, アランがパーティの後で挨拶をしている、앨런이 파티 후에 인사를 하고있다.]





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