About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121124 SoMaeMulDo(小毎勿島소매물도),Geoje,GyongNam(慶南경남・巨済거제)

Hiking Date: Nov. 24 (Sat) 2012

Destination (mountain): SoMaeMulDo, Geoje, GyongNam Province

Hiking course: Port – Village – Abandoned School – MangDaeBong – Sea-Route – Lighthouse Island (Round trip) Partner: 41 AhToSan members (Including Eric)

AhToSan visited this island on November 21, 2009. At that time, 9 Taejonhikers joined the trip, including an Israel couple. But this time, only Eric joined us.

The AhToSan bus left at South Gate at 6:20 am, and we arrived at Geoje Port at 10:30. The boat bounding for the island left at 11 am and arrived at the island at 12:10.

[The 1st group picture at Geoje Port, 巨済港で最初の集合写真、거제항에서 첫 번째 단체 사진]

The wind was very strong, so it was cold on the deck. Last time, we had a drinking party on the deck, but this time, we all took seats in the cabin.

[AhToSan members in the cabin, 連絡船の船室内のアトサン会員たち、연락선 선실내의 아토산 회원들]

After taking a group picture at the port, we began climbing the steep slope toward MangDaeBong (152m).

[Shouting "Let's go mountain on Saturday!" 出発前の掛け声『あ~土曜日は山へ行くぞ!』、출발 전 구호 "아! 토요일은 산에 가자!"]

There was an abandoned elementary school on the ridge. We could enter the ground and the building last time, but it was completely closed at the gate. I saw a stone plate at the gate on which the rocord of the school was written (open in 1961 and closed in 1996).

Passing by the abandoned school, we stopped on a ridge from where we could see nice views of the other side of the island.

Then we climbed a little and arrived at the top of MangDaeBong. There was a while building on the top of the mountain.

[Lunch at the top of MangDaeBong, 望台峰頂上で昼食、망대봉 정상에서 점심]

It was “MaeMulDo Tariff History Museum.”There was a bronze statute of an officer in front of the building.

[Eric in front of "Customs Duty History Museum", 毎勿島関税歴史館の前で、매물도 관세 역사관 앞에서]

We decided to have lunch there. About half of AhToSan participants had lunch together.

Then we descended from the mountain toward “Lighthouse Island.”

[The view of "Lighthouse Island" from MangDaeBong, 望台峰から『灯台島』を望む、망대봉에서 "등대 섬"을 바라본다.]

Last time (3 years ago), it was too late to walk across the sea-trail, but this time, we could walk on the rocks to the island.

[At the beach of SoMaeMulDo, 小毎勿島の海岸にて、소매 물도 해안에서]

Eric and I walked across the sea and walked toward the lighthouse on the island, but we met some members of AhToSan who warned us to hurry, otherwise the tide would be too high to return to the main island.

[The lighthouse on the Lighthouse Island, 灯台島の灯台、등대섬의 등대]

We hurried back to SoMaeMulDo through the trail in the sea.

[The trail in the sea from Lighthouse Island, 灯台島より『海の道』方面を望む、등대섬에서 '바닷길'방면을 바라본다.]

We had a short break on the cliff of SoMaeMulDo. We could enjoy fantastic views from the observatory.

[Viewing Lighthouse Island at Observatory, 展望台より灯台島を望む、전망대에서 등대 섬을 바라본다.]

When we came close to the habor, it was still before 3 pm, so we walked around the island called “Lighthouse Trail.”

[The gate of "Lighthouse Trail",「小毎勿島灯台道」のゲート、"소매물도 등대길"문]

[Chrysanthemum boreale Makino, キクタニギク(別名アワコガネギク), 산국]

[A view from Lighthouse Trail, 灯台道からの展望、등대길에서의 전망]

[Camellia flowers at Lighthouse Trail, 灯台道に咲いていたツバキの花、등대길에 피어 있던 동백꽃 ]

We could see the peninsula side well from the trail. Again we met a group of AhToSan who went first to the senic place. They warned us not to be too late. So we returned to the habor from a sea-shore on the way to “Nanmae Rock”. It was still 3:10 am.

The boat came to the island a little past 4 pm and we returned to Geoje Part by 5:10.

[The boat was approaching toward the island, 小毎勿島に近づきつつある連絡船、소매물도에 가까워지고있는 연락선.]

We had a wrap-up party at the same restaurant we had 3 years ago.

[The sunset in the sea, 閑麗海上国立公園の日没、한려 해상 국립 공원의 일몰]

The main dish was “Sashimi” and “Maeuntang”. We enjoyed the food and party until 6:30 and came back to Daejeon at around 10 pm.

[Wrap-up Party at Sashimi Restaurant at Geoje, 巨済の刺身屋で打ち上げ、거제 횟집에서 뒤풀이]

This was my 59th hike for this year and 297th time regular hike with AhToSan.








この時はイスラエルの夫婦(Mr. &Mrs. Sthub)らを始め、トレイシーやベルナルド、ソーメン、ドミトリー、ピーターなどテジョンハイカーズのメンバーが9人も参加しているが、今回は私とエリックのみだ。


[The 1st group picture at Geoje Port, 巨済港で最初の集合写真、거제항에서 첫 번째 단체 사진]


[AhToSan members are landing on the island, 島に上陸するアトサン会員たち、아토산 회원들이 섬에 상륙하고있다.]

[The second group picture at SoMaeMulDo Port, 小毎勿島の船着場で2度目の集合写真、소매물도 선착장에서 두 번째 단체 사진]

[Shouting "Let's go mountain on Saturday!" 出発前の掛け声『あ~土曜日は山へ行くぞ!』、출발 전 구호 "아! 토요일은 산에 가자!"]




[Stone monument of the abandoned school, 廃校の歴史が記された石碑、폐교의 역사가 기록 된 비석]


[Lunch at the top of MangDaeBong, 望台峰頂上で昼食、망대봉 정상에서 점심]


[Eric in front of "Customs Duty History Museum", 毎勿島関税歴史館の前で、매물도 관세 역사관 앞에서]



[At the beach of SoMaeMulDo, 小毎勿島の海岸にて、소매 물도 해안에서]


[The lighthouse on the Lighthouse Island, 灯台島の灯台、등대섬의 등대]


[Viewing Lighthouse Island at Observatory, 展望台より灯台島を望む、전망대에서 등대 섬을 바라본다.]


[The gate of "Lighthouse Trail",「小毎勿島灯台道」のゲート、"소매물도 등대길"문]

[Chrysanthemum boreale Makino, キクタニギク(別名アワコガネギク), 산국]

[A view from Lighthouse Trail, 灯台道からの展望、등대길에서의 전망]

[Camellia flowers at Lighthouse Trail, 灯台道に咲いていたツバキの花、등대길에 피어 있던 동백꽃 ]


[The boat was approaching toward the island, 小毎勿島に近づきつつある連絡船、소매물도에 가까워지고있는 연락선.]


[The sunset in the sea, 閑麗海上国立公園の日没、한려 해상 국립 공원의 일몰]

[Wrap-up Party at Sashimi Restaurant at Geoje, 巨済の刺身屋で打ち上げ、거제 횟집에서 뒤풀이]




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