About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121117 SeongJuBong (聖主峰성주봉961m), Mungyong(聞慶분경), GyongBuk Province(慶北경북)

Hiking Date: Nov. 17, 2012 (Sat) Clody

Destination (mountain): SeongJuBong (聖主峰성주봉961m) in UnDalSan (雲達山운달산), Mungyong(聞慶분경), GyongBuk Province(慶北경북)

Hiking course: Danpo Villege Hall – Seongjusa(Temple) – SuRiBong (600m) – Heliport – SeongSuBong (961m) – BeobJang Valley – Danpo Villege #1 Hall – Danpo Villege #2 Hall (Parking Lot)

Partner: 17 AhToSan members.including 2 Taejeonhikers (MIDAS and Ayla)

It stopped raining at dawn, yet I took a bus from Sinseongdong to Expo South Gate (#606 bus).

It was my first experience to take a #606 bus from Sinseongdong. But it was very convenient. It took about 10 minutes, and stopped very close to the AhToSan bus stop.

There were 23 applicants, but 5 of them cancelled. So, there were only 18 including myself.

But the president, Jeongdaun is always cheerful. She seems to enjoy hiking from her heart.

On the way to the mountain in the bus, she awarded MIDAS as a Best Member of AhToSan since it was MIDAS’ 10th participation to AhToSan.

[MIDAS got the Best Member award from the president, 『マイダス』が会長から『ベストメンバー』表彰をうけている。마이다스 가 회장님으로부터 표창을 받고 있다.]

We arrived at Danpo Villege Hall at 9:35. We took a group picture, and began hiking.

[A group picture at DanPo Village Hall, 唐浦村役場前で集合写真、당포 마을 회관 앞에서 단체 사진]

First, we walked on the paved road in the villege for about 25 minutes. Then we came to a small temple called “SeongJuSa.”

[At a small temple called "SeongJuSa" 小さな聖主寺の大雄殿、작은 성주사의 대웅전]

The buiding of the temple seemed brand new, and there was a wind-bell hanging from a part of the roof.

From this point, the real mountain climb began. Soon we had to hold ropes to climb steep slopes.

[The first "Rock" to climb Mt. SeongJuBong, 聖主峰登頂のための最初の岩山、성주봉 등정을위한 첫 번째 바위]

I soon became out of breath, and the last hiker among the group.

When I arrived at the first peak called “SuRiBong” they were waiting for me. So we had “Suzuki Time” to take a short rest with my fruits.

["Suzuki Time" at the top of SuRiBong, スリ峰の頂上で『スズキ・タイム』、수리봉 정상에서 "스즈키 타임"]

They also enjoyed makgeolli and some delicious foods, but I refrained from drinking any alcohol this time. After SuRiBong, I was still out of breath, but MIDAS and Ayla kept accompany with me.

[A member on a tree at the top of cliff, 崖の上の松の木に登った会員、회원이 벼랑 위의 소나무에 올라가있다.]

Soon I caught up with my breath, and could climb cliffs not very apart from others.

On the way to climb a peak, MIDAS found a big icicle. So it must be quite cold during the night.

[MIDAS holding an icicle, つららを持つマイダス、마이다스가 고드름을 손에 들고있다.]

While walking along the ridge, it became 12 noon. Most of AhToSan hikers were having lunch at one of the ridge and we joined them.

A young storng hiker named “Eunchongpa” brought cooking utensils as well as a gass-cooker. He began cooking pork with his flyingpan.

They call “Samgyopsal” or “roast pork belly over a hot grill.” The sound and the smell were so good and we all felt good apitite. Not only much pork, but he also brought much vegitables.

We all enjoyed the grilled pork. Then he began cooking “Oden” and “Ramen.” How generous he was! We could enjoy not only grilled pork but also oden and ramen on the ridge of the mountain.

[Lunch time on the ridge, 稜線で昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]

[“Eunchongpa”is cooking ramen, 「ウンチョンパ」がラーメンを煮ている。은총파님이 라면을 끓이고 있다.]

After the lunch, Hangeryong went ahead and I followed him. A bit deep valley, we went down, then climbed a steep cliff, and we arrived at the top of SeongJuBong at 12:55.

[We had to climb steep cliffs with ropes, ロープを使って険しい崖を登る会員、로프로 가파른 절벽을 오르는 회원]

[At the top of SeongJuBong, 聖主峰頂上(961m)にて、성주봉 정상 (961m)에서]

We still had to go down and climbed a cliff, then we came to the junction of three trails: one from SeongJuBong, the other to UnDalSan, and the 3rd to go down to the foot of the mountain.

[We came through the last peak and began descending, 最後の峠を越えて下山開始。마지막 고개를 넘어 하산 시작.]

[Frozen rock on the trail, 登山路の氷、등산로의 얼음]

The descending trail was steep and rocky. We had to walk down on many small rocks, which was a bit dangeours.

[At the beginning of down trail,下山路開始地点にて、하산로 시작 지점에서]

This kind of area is called “Nodol” Area. After going down to the less steep area, it took me about 25 minutes.

[The descending trail is called "Nodol Area" with lots of small rocks, 『ノドル地帯』の下山路、"노들 지대"하산로]

Then I came to the less steep, yet still may rocks covered with fallen leaves. Actually it was more dangerous, because I was not certain of the shape of rocks under my feet.

I almost slip on the way, but my sticks saved me from falling down. It was good that I did not slip, but one of my sticks was broken (deformed.)

Anyhow, I could go down safely, and came to the forest road at around 2 pm.

[Flowers of Siberian chrysanthemum,イワギク(岩菊)の花、구절초]

Now I relaxed and enjoyed slow walking. Along the road, I could see “Gaenari” or “forsythia” blooming. This flower is supposed to bloom in spring!

[Flowers of "Gaenari" or "forsythia" which are out of season, 季節外れのレンギョウの花、때아닌 개나리 꽃]

I saw some big persimmon trees, with a lot of fruits in the branches.

[Persimmon fruits on the tree in the village, 村の柿の木の実、마을 감의 열매]

[Docheon Ceramics Museum, ドチョン陶磁器美術館、도천 도자 미술관]

[Dangpo #1 Village Hall, 唐浦1里マウル会館、당포1리 마을 회관]

I arrived at the parking lot at 2:40 pm. The most of other hikers were already there. Some staff members were trying to cook soup.

[We began cooking outside, 最初、マウル会館前の広場の亭子で料理を始めた、처음에는 마을 회관 앞 정자에서 요리를 시작했다]

It was windy outside andt there was a villege hall at the parking lot. So we asked a villager to use the kichen and the room inside the hall.

[Grace and Jeongdaun in the kitchen of the hall, グレイスとチョンダウンがマウル会館の台所でチゲを煮ている。그레이스 님과 정 다운 회장님이 마을 회관 부엌에서 찌개를 꿇이고 있다.]

We could cook the soup well and enjoyed the party inside the building.

[AhToSan members waiting for "kimchi stew", 会員たちがチゲを待っている、회원들이 찌개를 기다리고있다]

[At last, the president brought in "kimchi stew," ようやくキムチチゲが出来上がった、드디어 김치 찌개가 완성되었다.]

[寒溪嶺山行大将の音頭で乾杯!한계령 산행 대장님이 "건배!"]

[We enjoyed the wrap-up party in the room of Village Hall, マウル会館内にて打ち上げを楽しんだ、마을 회관 내에서 "뒤풀이"를 즐겼다.]

We left the parking lot at 4:15 and came back to Daejeon at 8 pm.

[The hiking leader and the president of AhToSan in front of Village Hall, マウル会館の前に立つ寒溪嶺山行大将とチョンダウン会長、한 계령 산행 대장님과 정 다운 회장님이 마을 회관 앞에 서있다.]

It was my 58th hike for this year and my 296th hike with AhToSan regular hike.




登山コース:唐浦1里マウル会館(당포1리마을회관)- 聖主寺 – スリ峰(수리봉600m) - ヘリポート - 聖主谷分かれ道 - 聖主峰(성주봉961m)- 雲達山分かれ道 - ポプチャン谷(법장골)- 唐浦1里マウル会館 -唐浦2里マウル会館






[MIDAS got the Best Member award from the president, 『マイダス』が会長から『ベストメンバー』表彰をうけている。마이다스 가 회장님으로부터 표창을 받고 있다.]


[A group picture at DanPo Village Hall, 唐浦村役場前で集合写真、당포 마을 회관 앞에서 단체 사진]


[A strange object on the roof, 屋根の上の不思議な彫像、지붕 위의 이상한 동상]


[We began climbing at SeongJuSa, 聖主寺から登山開始、성주사에서 등산 시작]


[The first "Rock" to climb Mt. SeongJuBong, 聖主峰登頂のための最初の岩山、성주봉 등정을위한 첫 번째 바위]



["Suzuki Time" on the peak of SuRiBong, スリ峰頂上で『スズキ・タイム』、수리봉 정상에서 "스즈키 타임"]



[We had to climb steep cliffs with ropes, ロープを使って険しい崖を登る会員、로프로 가파른 절벽을 오르는 회원]


[A member on a tree at the top of cliff, 崖の上の松の木に登った会員、회원이 벼랑 위의 소나무에 올라가있다.]



[Lunch time on the ridge, 稜線で昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]


[Lunch time on the ridge, 稜線で昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]



[At the top of SeongJuBong, 聖主峰頂上(961m)にて、성주봉 정상 (961m)에서]


[The guidepost of the junction of three trails, 三叉路の道標、삼거리 이정표]

[The descending trail is called "Nodol Area" with lots of small rocks, 『ノドル地帯』の下山路、"노들 지대"하산로]




[Flowers of Siberian chrysanthemum,イワギク(岩菊)の花、구절초]

[Flowers of "Gaenari" or "forsythia" which are out of season, 季節外れのレンギョウの花、때아닌 개나리 꽃]

[Chrysanthemum boreale Makino, キクタニギク(別名アワコガネギク), 산국]

[The forest road and the stream, 林道にあふれる小川の水、산길에 넘치는 시냇물]


[Docheon Ceramics Museum, ドチョン陶磁器美術館、도천 도자 미술관]

[At Dangpo Village, 唐浦1里にて、당포1리에서]


会員の一人、KSが彼のスマホで本日の山行データを見せてくれた。現在位置は慶北・聞慶市、消費カロリー4120.5Kcal、山行距離7.86km, 時間4時間55分、休憩時間30分などと表示された。スマホは実に便利である。

[Display screen of KS' smartphone, KSのスマホのデータ画面、KS님의 스마트 폰 데이터 화면]


[We began cooking outside, 最初、マウル会館前の広場の亭子で料理を始めた、처음에는 마을 회관 앞 정자에서 요리를 시작했다]


[Female members examining the kitchen, 女性会員がマウル会館の台所をチェックしている。여성 회원들이 마을 회관 부엌을 체크하고있다.]


[At last, the president brought in "kimchi stew," ようやくキムチチゲが出来上がった、드디어 김치 찌개가 완성되었다.]

[寒溪嶺山行大将の音頭で乾杯!한계령 산행 대장님이 "건배!"]





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