About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130316 DongSeokSan (童石山동석산240m) in Jindo(珍島진도), JeonNam(全南전남) Province

Date: March 16, 2013 (Sat) Fine

Mountain: DongSeokSan (童石山동석산240m) in Jindo(珍島진도), JeonNam(全南전남) Province

Course: Jongseong Church – Jungeop Rock – Kalnalam-bong – DongSeokSan (240m) – Small Aegi-bong – Sebangnak Junction of three trails – Sebangnak Parking Lot (About 6.9 km, 4 hours)

Partners: 44 AhToSan members

The location of the mountain is at the southern tip of the peninsula. It took 5 hours to reach there. So we left South Gate Parking Lot at 6 am. I left my studio apartment at 4:50 and arrived at the bus stop at 5:50.

[A map for hiking, 童石山登山地図、동석산 등산 지도]

This hike was very popular among AhToSan members. The seats were fully reserved and there was no vacant seat.

A stranger nicknamed as “Baltangangaji” sat by me. Later I found out that he was a good photographer.

[A map of DongSeokSan at the foot of the mountain, 童石山の現地の地図、동석산 현지 지도]

We arrived at the starting point at 11 am. It was a fine day, but I failed to take a group picture. Sometimes, my camera did not work as I wished.

[We arrived at the foot of DongSeokSan at 11 am, 童石山の麓に11時に到着、동석산 산기슭에 11시에 도착]

This was my 3rd hike to the same mountain and I knew it was a hard hike by previous experience, I hurried to climb the mountain.

Soon, I noticed that there were many different kinds of flowers blooming on this mountain. At the beginning of the hike I saw cameria flowers. Then I notiched "Lindera obtusiloba" or “Dankobai” in Japanese and “Saenggang Namu” in Korean.

[Flowers of "Lindera obtusiloba" ダンコウバイ(檀香梅)の花、생강나무의 꽃]

Camerias and "Lindera obtusiloba" are the flowers of trees. When I looked around in my feet, I noticed small “grass” flowers such as “Tulipa edulis” or “Amana” in Japanese and “Sanjako” in Korea. It was a happy hiking for me to see many flowers of spring.

The altitude of DongSeokSan is only 240 meters, but it is a completely rocky mountain. We have to climb the slippery slope of the mountain. I straggled to climb the mountain, using ropes and iron hand-grips on the rock.

[Hikers using a rope, ロープを使って登山、밧줄로 경사가 급한 비탈을 올라가고 있다.]

[The ridge of DongSeokSan, 童石山の稜線、동석산 능선]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

They put a stone monument on the top of the mountain which I did not see before. I arrived at this stone monument at around noon. There were some fellow AhToSan hikers there. So, I suggested to have a short break with my fruits. They agreed and we had “Suzuki Time” on the rock.

[At the top of DongSeokSan, 童石山山頂にて、동석산 정상에서]

After the Suzuki Time, we wend down from the top, then I found some flowers of Jindallea in the bush. This was the first “Jindallea” for this year.

[The first "Jindallea" this year, 今年最初のチンダルレ、올해 첫 진달래]

After passing the Jindallea in the bush, I came to the place where some AhToSan members having lunch in small groups. I joined one of them, and I offered “Pig’s trotters” or “Jokpal” to my fellow hikers. They liked it very much.

[Lunch in the woods, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심]

I could enjoy exchanging food with my hiking friends, including “Tongdongju” wine and “Kimpap.”

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A flower of "Tulipa edulis" アマナ(甘菜)の花、산자고(山慈姑) 꽃]

[“Norukwi”or "hepatica"ミスミソウ、노루귀]

[“Norukwi”or "hepatica"ミスミソウ、노루귀]

After the lunch, we walked along the ridge and in the woods. I found abundant of spring flowers. Some of them were new to me. “Tempi” who knows names of plants very well taught me “Norukwi(노루귀)” and “Noble Orchid (Cymbidium goeringii)”or “Shunran春蘭”in Japanese.

[“Noble Orchid (Cymbidium goeringii)”、シュンラン(春蘭)、춘란 or 보춘화]


I could enjoy nice views of islands in the sea as well as such beautiful spring flowers all the way to the final destination.

[Camellia flowers on the way down, 下山路のツバキの花、하산길 동백 꽃]

[Chindallea on the descending trail, 下山路のチンダルレ、하산 길 진달래 꽃]

When I arrived at AhToSan bus, most of the members were already enjoying themselves with various foods and dringks for the wrap-up party.

[Wrap-up party after the hike, 打ち上げパーティ、뒤풀이 파티]

The president of AhToSan was absent for this hike. So, one of former presidents, “San-salang” stood up and made toast by saying “Ah! Toyoiln, Sanekaja” or “Let’s go to mountains on Saturday!”

[A former president, Sansalang, 元会長の『サンサラン』、전 회장님 "산사랑"]

One of AhToSan mebers, “Eopyugoodmen” also stood up. He said his hometown is Jindo. So he volunteered to sing “Jindo Arirang” which is very poplular among Korean people. It is a local version of Korean folk song “Arirang.”

[A man from Jindo sang "Jindo Arirang"珍島出身者が『珍島アリラン』を歌った。진도 출신이 '진도 아리랑'을 불렀다.]

Jindo produces unique wine called “Hongju” or “slarlet wine.”It also produced yellow “makgeolli.” Some AhToSan members bought these wine from local people and shared with other members.

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げにて、뒤풀이에서]

There wre plenty of side-dishes such as “Ganjaemi”a kind of sea food out of “ray”or “Suyuk”(boiled pork). So we enjoyed the party for more than one hour.

[Dried "Ganjaemi", 乾した『ガンゼミ(エイの一種)』,간재미]

We left the parking lot at 4 pm and arrived at Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 8:30 pm.

It was my 12th hike for this year and the 307th AhToSan regular hike for me.



月日:2013年3月16日(土) 晴れ

登山場所:全南(전남)、珍島(진도)、童石山(トンソクサン동석산 240m)

コース:チョンソン教会(종성교회))〜ジュンオプ岩(중업바위)〜カルナル岩峰(칼날암봉)〜童石山(동석산)〜カハクジェ(가학재)〜小さなエギボン(작은 애기봉)〜セバンナクチョ分かれ道(세방낙조갈림길)〜セバンナク駐車場約6.9km, 4時間


[A map for hiking, 童石山登山地図、동석산 등산 지도]

今回は南門6時出発なので、3時50分起床。昨日購入したフルーツやらトンソクやらトンドン酒を詰めると荷物はパンパンになった。ワンルームを4時50分に徒歩で出発。南門には5時50分到着。 真っ先に乗車したが、今回は完全に満車。隣には初めてのカメラマン「パルタンカンガジ발탄강아지」が座った。珍島までの所要時間は5時間で、現地到着は11時。

[We arrived at the foot of DongSeokSan at 11 am, 童石山の麓に11時に到着、동석산 산기슭에 11시에 도착]



[A flower of "Tulipa edulis" アマナ(甘菜)の花、산자고(山慈姑) 꽃]


[The ridge of DongSeokSan, 童石山の稜線、동석산 능선]

[Hikers using a rope, ロープを使って登山、밧줄로 경사가 급한 비탈을 올라가고 있다.]

[The ridge of DongSeokSan, 童石山の稜線、동석산 능선]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[At the top of DongSeokSan, 童石山山頂にて、동석산 정상에서]


[The first "Jindallea" this year, 今年最初のチンダルレ、올해 첫 진달래]


[Lunch in the woods, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심]

トンドン酒も好評で、あとからきたチョンダウンや寒溪嶺が求めた時は完了して私のリュックは軽くなった。マンチャがおいしい五穀米を私のカップラーメンに入れ、代わりにキムパップを持って行った。このような交換は歓迎だ。 昼食後はあまり険しくない尾根と林の中を進んだが、麓で気づいたサンジャコのほか、植物博士のテンピが教えてくれたノルクィ(노루귀)があちこちに群生し、また美しい春蘭(춘란)も群生してうれしかった。

[“Noble Orchid (Cymbidium goeringii)”、シュンラン(春蘭)、춘란 or 보춘화]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A flower of "Tulipa edulis" アマナ(甘菜)の花、산자고(山慈姑) 꽃]

[“Norukwi”or "hepatica"ミスミソウ、노루귀]

[“Norukwi”or "hepatica"ミスミソウ、노루귀]




[Flowers of "Lindera obtusiloba" ダンコウバイ(檀香梅)の花、생강나무의 꽃]

[Chindallea on the descending trail, 下山路のチンダルレ、하산 길 진달래 꽃]




[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げにて、뒤풀이에서]


[A man from Jindo sang "Jindo Arirang"珍島出身者が『珍島アリラン』を歌った。진도 출신이 '진도 아리랑'을 불렀다.]


["Hangeryong" with "Scarlet Wine" 寒溪嶺と紅酒、한계령님과 홍주]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げにて、뒤풀이에서]


[Dried "Ganjaemi", 乾した『ガンゼミ(エイの一種)』,간재미]




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