About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130330 SaRyangDo(蛇梁島サリャンド사량도) [JiriMansan or Jirisan智異望山(지리만산or池里山지리산)398m] in Tongyong統営(통영), GyongNam 慶南(경남)

Date: March 30 (Sat), 2013 fine

Place: The Upper Island of SaRyangDo(蛇梁島サリャンド사량도) [JiriMansan or Jirisan智異望山(지리만산or池里山지리산)] in Tongyong統営(통영), GyongNam (慶南경남)

Course: Naeji Port(내지항) – JiRiMansan/JiRiSan(398m) – WolAmbong – BulMoSan – OkNyoBong – Daehang Port (8 km, 5 hours)

Partners: 43 AhTo members

[A map of SaRangDo, 蛇梁島の地図、사 량 도의지도]

SaRyangDo consists of 8 islands, 2 large islands (Upper Island and Lower Island) and 6 uninhabited islets (actually one of them is inhabitied.)

This is my 3rd visit to SaRangDo. The first visit was the Lower Island in March 2008, and the 2nd visit was the Upper Island in March 2010.

This time, the same as the 2nd visit, we climbed the Upper Island. We had bad weather last time, but this time, we enjoyed the fine weather.

However, my condition was not perfect, because of the flu. I suffered from bad flu one week ago and I was not fully recovered yet. I felt sick on the previous night and could not sleep well.

I had no appitaite that morning, so I left my studio apartment at 4:45 am without breakfast and walked for about 4 km to the bus-stop at Expo South Gate.

The bus left at 6 am and there was no vacant seat. All seats were fully reserved. I had breakfast when they stopped at Dogyusan Service Area. I ate Ramen + Kimpap (4000 won). Not too bad.

After having a break at Dogyusan S.A. they announced a happy news; Inter-AhToSan couple of Salangcho and Sadogwangtan!

["Salangcho" and "Sadogwantan" サランチョとダドクァンタン、사랑초와 사도광탄]

What a happy news it was. Salancho was the only member who joined me to climb Mt. Fuji last year. So, I felt very happy to hear the news.

There was “10th hike Award” for two members: Freesia and Gyongmi. They happened to come to AhToSan at the same hike last May and happened to be the 10th hike on the same day.

["Alain Delon" is awarding "Freesia" and "Gyongmi",アランドロン会長がフリージアとキョンミを優秀会員として表彰している。알랭 들롱 회장님이 후리지아 님과 경미 님을 우수 회원으로 표창하고있다.]

We arrived at the parking lot near the port at 9:22. The port was called SangJokAm Port. There were many camellia flowers in full broom that day.

[We arrived at SanJokAm at 9:22, 駐車場に9:22到着、주차장에 9:22 도착]

[The Eunchongpa family, 『銀銃波』家族、"은총파"가족]

The boat was to leave at 10 am, but since all reserved passengers arrived at the port before 10 am, the captain of the boat decided to leave before 10 am.

[Spring flowers are in full bloom, 春の花が満開、봄 꽃이 만발했다.]

[A group picture before leaving the port, 出航前の集合写真、출항 전 단체 사진]

[The boat left earlier than schedule, 連絡船は予定より早く出発、연락선은 예정보다 일찍 출발]

It took about 30 minutes and we arrived at the island at 10:10. When we came last time in 2010, we had a short course because of the bad weather. This time, we took a full couse, so we entered the mountain from the different entrance from the last time.

[A group picture on the island, 蛇梁島にて集合写真、사량도에서 단체 사진]

This hiking course must be very popular among hikers. There were many “signals” each hiking club left on the branch of the tree.

[Camellia flowers near the entrance, 登山路入口近くの椿の花、등산로 입구 근처 동백 꽃]

It was a completely spring hike. I could see camellia flowers and “Corydalis orthoceras” or “Engosaku” in Japanese. I even noticed the flowers of peach before reaching the ridge of the mountain.

["Jindallae" or "Rhododendron mucronulatum"、チンダルレ(和名カラムラサキツツジ)の花、진달래 꽃]

When I walked about 30 minutes, I saw the middle group taking a short-break. So, I joined them and offered fruits of grapes and mini-tomatoes as “Suzuki-Time.”

[Having a short-break "Suzuki-Time," 『スズキタイム』にて、"스즈키 타임"에서]

Soon after “Suzuki-Time,” we came to the ridge from which we could see the south sea and many islands.

[Violet, スミレの花、제비꽃]

The mountains on the island was made of rocks and there were rocky cliffs on each peak.

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

["Salangcho" and "Sadogwangtan" on the ridge, 稜線にて、サランチョとサドクァンタン、능선에서, 사랑초와 사도광탄]

There were many Korean azalleas called “Jindallae” along the ridge and they were in full bloom. So, it were fantastic views.

["Jindallae" or "Rhododendron mucronulatum" on the ridge、稜線のチンダルレ(和名カラムラサキツツジ)の花、능선의 진달래 꽃]

Some part of the course was well facilitated with wooden stairs, and other parts, there were ropes for hikers.

I could enjoy not only Jindallae, but also violets and “Potentilla fragarioides” or “Kijimusiro” in Japanese along the trails.

We arrived at the peak of JiRiManSan (398m) at noon. My condition was not perfect, but I could follow most of other hikers all right.

[At the top of the mountain, 智異望山頂上にて、지리망산 꼭대기에서]

The peak area was too crowded to have lunch, so we walked further on the ridge. We took a wider place from which we had good command of the sea for lunch place.

[Lunch on the ridge, 上島の稜線で昼食、상도 능선에서 점심]

[Lunch on the ridge, 上島の稜線で昼食、상도 능선에서 점심]

I still did not have much appetite, so I ate a cup ramen as my lunch and it was enough for me.

I also enjoyed ridge walking after the lunch. I could not recognize Mt. Jiri on the peninsula (JiRiManSan means the mountain from which you could see Mt. Jiri), yet I could see mountains of the Lower Island which AhToSan climbed in 2008, very well.

[On the ridge with AhToSan members, アトサン会員と稜線にて、아토산 회원들과 능선에서]

["Jindallae" or "Rhododendron mucronulatum" on the ridge、稜線のチンダルレ(和名カラムラサキツツジ)の花、능선의 진달래 꽃]

I especially liked the combination of the cliffs and “Jindallae.” I noticed “Sanjako” in Korean or “(Amana edulis (Miq.) Honda)”in English, and “Misumiso” in Japanese or “hepatica”in English.

[Amana edulis (formerly Tulipa edulis), アマナ(甘菜)、산자고]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Hepatica, ユキワリソウ(雪割草)/ミスミソウ、노루귀]

[Well-facilitated trail, 良く整備された登山路、잘 정비 된 등산로]

We arrived at OkNyoBong at 2 pm. There was a nice wired bridge between GaMaBong and OkNyoBong, called “Gurum-Dari” or “Bridge of Cloud.”

["The bridge of cloud" クルムタリ(雲橋)、구름 다리]

There was a nice iron stairs facilitated on the steep cliff. I remember that last time, we climbed up or down using ropes here.

[The iron stairs, 鉄階段、철계단]

[The stone monument of Gamabong, カマ峰の頂上、가마봉 정상]

On the way down, I ran out of camera batteries. It was my first experience since I bought his camera one year ago. This means I took too many pictures this time.

[On the way to go down, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

I came down to the port at around 3:30 pm. The boat was to leave at 4 pm, so I had 30 minutes for sightseeing around the port.

Some members were having seafood with Korea alcohol, “soju.” They put “soju” in the shell of “sea squirt.”Some members gave this special drink and it tasted very good.

[A dish of sea cucumbers, etc. ナマコなどの刺身、해삼 등의 회]

[Glasses of "sea-pineapples"、ホヤの杯で乾杯、멍게 잔으로 건배]

I bought dried shrimps and I offered them for “side-dish.” They tasted also good.

[A small party at a pochangmacha, 海岸の屋台で小パーティ、해안의 포장 마차에서 간단한 파티]

The boat left at 4 pm and we arrived at the port we left in the morning at 4:30.

[At the port before taking the boat, 蛇梁島にて乗船前に、사량도에서 승선 전에]

We had a wrap-up party near the port. The person in charge of “cooking” was “Mancha” who made delicious food at Pyongchang Feb. 23. I like her cooking very much.

[The wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げパーティ、주차장에서 뒤풀이 파티]

The main dish were “Sashimi” and “Haemul muchim” or “seasoned sea-food.” The drink was special makgeolli named “Pokpokju.”It was also good.

There were some local people selling mountain vegitable called “Taranome” in Japanese or the young leaves of “ Aralia elata.” I bought it with 5000 won.

[Three cats on brick walls, ブロック塀の上の三匹のネコ、블록 담위에 고양이 세 마리]

It smells “spring” when I boiled it and ate. It was a good buy together with dried shrimps.

We finished the wrap-up party at 5:30 and came back to Expo South Gate at 8:30 pm.

It was my 14th hike for this year and my 308th AhToSan regular hike.



登山日:2013年3月30日(土)晴れ 登山地:慶南(경남)・統営(통영)の蛇梁島(サリャンド사량도)・智異望山(지리만산or池里山지리산398m)

登山コース:内地港(내지항) - 智異山/池里山(지리산398m) - 月岩峰(월암볼) -仏母山(불모산400m) - 釜峰(가마볼) - 玉女峰(옥녀볼) – デハン船着場(대항선착장) 8km 5時間


[A map of SaRangDo, 蛇梁島の地図、사 량 도의지도]







[Ramen + Kimpap, ラーメン+キムパプ定食、라면 + 김밥 정식]



["Salangcho" and "Sadogwantan" サランチョとサドクァンタン、사랑초와 사도광탄]


["Alain Delon" is awarding "Freesia" and "Gyongmi",アランドロン会長がフリージアとキョンミを優秀会員として表彰している。알랭 들롱 회장님이 후리지아 님과 경미 님을 우수 회원으로 표창하고있다.]



[At the beach after arriving the parking lot, 駐車場到着後、海岸にて、주차장 도착 후 해변에서]

[Spring flowers are in full bloom, 春の花が満開、봄 꽃이 만발했다.]


[Walking toward the harbor, 駐車場から船着場へ向かう、주차장에서 선착장으로 향하고있다.]


[A group picture before leaving the port, 出航前の集合写真、출항 전 단체 사진]


[The boat left earlier than schedule, 連絡船は予定より早く出発、연락선은 예정보다 일찍 출발]


[A daughter of "Eumchongpa" on the deck, 『銀銃波』の娘、은총파님의 딸]




[At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

[Camellia flowers near the entrance, 登山路入口近くの椿の花、등산로 입구 근처 동백 꽃]


["Jindallae" or "Rhododendron mucronulatum"、チンダルレ(和名カラムラサキツツジ)の花、진달래 꽃]


[Having a short-break "Suzuki Time," 『スズキタイム』にて、"스즈키 타임"에서]


[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[President "Alain Delon" on the ridge, 稜線にて、アランドロン会長、능선에서, 알랭 들롱 회장님]

[Violet, スミレの花、제비꽃]

["Potentilla fragarioides" or "Kijimusiro" in Japanese, キジムシロ、양지꽃]

["Salangcho" and "Sadogwangtan" on the ridge, 稜線にて、サランチョとサドクァンタン、능선에서, 사랑초와 사도광탄]


[At the top of the mountain, 智異望山頂上にて、지리망산 꼭대기에서]


[Lunch on the ridge, 上島の稜線で昼食、상도 능선에서 점심]

[Lunch on the ridge, 上島の稜線で昼食、상도 능선에서 점심]


["Jindallae" or "Rhododendron mucronulatum"、チンダルレ(和名カラムラサキツツジ)の花、진달래 꽃]


["Salangcho" and "Sadogwangtan" on the ridge, 稜線にて、サランチョとサドクァンタン、능선에서, 사랑초와 사도광탄]


["Jindallae" or "Rhododendron mucronulatum"、チンダルレ(和名カラムラサキツツジ)の花、진달래 꽃]

[Amana edulis (formerly Tulipa edulis), アマナ(甘菜)、산자고]

[Hepatica, ユキワリソウ(雪割草)/ミスミソウ、노루귀]


[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[Well-facilitated trail, 良く整備された登山路、잘 정비 된 등산로]

[The iron stairs, 鉄階段、철계단]

[At Gamabong with "Smile" カマ峰にて、スマイルと、가마봉에서, 스마일 님과 함께.]

[ "Eumchongpa" and his daughter, 『銀銃波』と娘、"은총파"와 딸]


["Freesia" on the ridge, 稜線の上に立つ『フリージア』후리지아 님이 능선에 서있다.]

[On the down trail, 下山路にて、하산길에서]


[A small party at a pochangmacha, 海岸の屋台で小パーティ、해안의 포장 마차에서 간단한 파티]

[Ascidiacea (commonly known as the ascidians or sea squirts) or "sea pineapple,ホヤ、멍게 ]


[Glasses of "sea-pineapples"、ホヤの杯で乾杯、멍게 잔으로 건배]


[The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, 統営では桜が満開。통영에서는 벚꽃이 만개.]


["Sashimi" and seasoned seafood, 刺身とヘムル・ムッチム、생선회와 해물 무침]

[A bottle of Korean wine, マッコリ「ポクポクジュ」、뻑뻑주]


[Local people selling wild vegetables, 土地のおばさんたちが山菜を売っている。지역 아줌마들이 산채를 팔고있다.]

[A member poses like a worrier, 会員が武者のポーズ、회원이 무사의 포즈를하고있다.]

[A cat on the roof in the village, 屋根の上のネコ、지붕 위의 고양이]



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