Date: April 6 (Sat) Rain
Course: The entrance of JangTaeSan – Skywalk – Cabbin Village – JangTaeJeong – NokSuJeong – The entrance (About 5 km, 3 hours)
Partner: Bengnihyang(백리향)
Since the stormy weather was predicted, only 6 people applied to the hike. So Bengnihyang, the hiking planner canceled the hike, and changed the hike as “bonggae” or irregular hike.
I went to the South gate twice, first at 7 am, then I went to 9 am since the planner of the hike changed the time.
But there were only Bengnihyang and I who came to the South Gate. All other 4 members called him to cancel their participation.
[Cherry blossoms near the Expo South Gate, 南門駐車場付近の桜の花、남문 주차장 주변 벚꽃]
Yet Bengnihyang suggested to go to JangTaeSan to have a nice strole in the park. So he drove me to JangTaeSan, a part of Daejeon (Seogu, or West Ward).
He drove through the traditional market place called “Oiljang” or a five-day interval village market (they held market on 4/4, 4/9, 4/14, 4/19, 4/24, 4/29) in Yuseong. Although I have been living in Yuseong-gu for 10 years, I did not know the fact.
He drove along the upper stream of Gapcheon and stopped at Jangpyongbo. It was a wide area of dry river bed. It was not raining hard, but only a little. We took several pictures there.
[Baengnihyang at Jangpyongpo, チャンピョンポにて百里香、장평포에서 백리향님]
[A black-crowned night heron, ゴイサギ、해오라기]
[The upper stream of the Gapcheon River, 甲川の上流、갑천 상류]
Then we went to JangTaeSan. We arrived at the parking lot at 10:25. I vaguely remember the place where I visited in 2003, with my ETRI colleagues on Team’s Day. We had sliced raw skate (홍어회) and played foot volleyball (족구 /足球) for the first time.
[At the entrance of "Forest Adventure" 『フォーレスト・アドベンチャ』の入り口にて、"슾속 어드벤처" 입구에서]
It used to be a private property, but the city of Daejeon bought the whole area (about 300,000 tsubo≒1 million square meters) and made it a public park.
[Characters of JangTaeSan, lungless salamanders, 壮泰山のキャラクター『チョウセンサンショウウオ』장 태산 케릭터 "이끼 도롱뇽"]
The former owner of the mountain planned tens of thousands of Metasequoia glyptostroboides or the dawn redwoods in 1970s, and they have grown to form gigantic woods.
[Looking down from the "Sky-Walk" trail, 『スカイウォーク』より下を見下す、"스카이 워크"에서 아래를 내려다 보았다.]
The city built an unique trails in the air! They build a tall building named “Sky Tower” and connected the top of the tower with ground with several trails.
[Baengnihyang in front of "Sky-Tower"『スカイタワー』の前で、"스카이 타워 '앞에서]
We walked to the Sky Tower through Sky Walk trails. It might be great if these leaves of the trees turn green a month or months later.
[Looking down from the Sky-Tower, 『スカイタワー』から下を見下ろす、"스카이 타워"에서 아래를 내려다 보았다.]
[At the Sky-Tower, スカイタワーにて、스카이 타워에서]
After having “Sky Walk” we came down to the ground and walked toward the village of the cabins.
[Well facilitated trails, 良く整備された登山路、잘 정비 된 등산로]
[The guidepost at JangTaeSan, 壮泰山の里程標、장태산 이정표]
[A poem plate "A poem of May"、『五月の詩』が書かれたプレート、"오월의시」가 쓰여진 플레이트]
[A notice as below, 『お知らせ』、"알림"
끝내하지 못한 말 그리고 그리움..."「終らない言葉と懐かしさ...」"Never ending words and nostalgia..."
자연과 함께 있으면 욕심이 비워지고 겸손한 마음과 감사할 줄 아는 마음 가득해서 그대에게 삶에 대한 희망과 행복이 찾아올 거예요.「自然と共にいると欲がなくなり、謙虚な心と感謝を知る心で満たされあなたの人生への希望と幸福が訪れるでしょう。」"If you are in the nature, your greediness may disappear and you may become humble and thankful, and you may find hope and happiness in your life!"
The city government built more than a dozen “cabins” and open to the public with reasonable price. So the citizens can reserve the cabin and spend overnight in the cabin.
[We walked through "Cabin Village" 『キャビン・ビリッジ』を通る、"캐빈 마을"을 통과]
We walked to the top of the mountain behind the village, then came dawn through the village. Then we walked to the another hill through the paved trail
[A guidepost along the trail, 登山路の標識、등산로 이정표]
It is really convenient to walk on the paved trail in rainy day. Thus we do not worry about the mud at all.
[Korean azalea, "Jindallae" along the trail, 登山路脇のチンダルレ、등산로 옆에 피어있는 진달래]
[Baengnihyang on a heliport, ヘリポートに立つ百里香、백리향님이 헬기장에 서있다.]
[The tower on JangTaeSan, 壮泰山頂上の鉄塔、장태산 정상 철탑]
We arrived at the gazebo called “JangTaeJeong” at almost noon. There were many Jindallae flowers in full bloom around the gazebo.
[In front of the gazebo "JangTaeJang" 『壮泰亭』の前で、"장태정"앞에서]
[White violet flowers, 白いスミレの花、흰 제비꽃]
[Youth and Family Center in the woods, 森の中の修練場、숲속 수련장]
Then we walked down to the lotus pond and another gazebo called “Noksujeong.” “Noksu” means "green tree."
[A gazebo named "Noksujeong" 緑樹亭、녹수정]
[A pond near the parking lot, 駐車場近くの池、주차장 부근의 연못]
We ended the leisurely walk at 12:35 and Baengnihyang drove me to Shinseongdong by 2 pm.
It was my 15th hike this year.
[Cherry blossoms near the Expo South Gate, 南門駐車場付近の桜の花、남문 주차장 주변 벚꽃]
[At JangPyongPo, チャンピョンポにて、장평보에서]
[The upper stream of the Gapcheon River, 甲川の上流、갑천 상류]
[The explanation board of Giant Sequoia, メタセコイアの説明、메타세코이아 설명]
["Sky-walk" Trails in the dawn redwoods, メタセコイアの林の中の『スカイウォーク』메타세쿼이아 숲의 "스카이 워크"]
[Looking down from the "Sky-Walk" trail, 『スカイウォーク』より下を見下す、"스카이워크"에서 아래를 내려다 보았다.]
[At the Sky-Walk, スカイウォークにて、스카이워크에서]
[At the Sky-Tower, スカイタワーにて、스카이 타워에서]
[The map of JangTaeSan Park, 壮泰山総合案内図、장태산 휴양림 종합 안내도]
[A poem "When June comes", 『六月がくれば』が書かれたプレート、"유월이 오면 '이 쓰여진 플레이트]
[Management Office of Cabin Village, キャビン村の管理事務所、캐빈 마을 관리 사무소]
[At the gazebo "JangTaeJeong, 壮泰亭にて、장태정에서]
[Paved trail, 舗装された登山路、포장 된 등산로]
[Korean azalea, "Jindallae" along the trail, 登山路脇のチンダルレ、등산로 옆에 피어있는 진달래]
[Baengnihyang taking a picture of Jindallae, チンダルレの花の写真を撮る百里香、백리향님이 진달래 꽃 사진을 찍고있다.]
[A pond near the parking lot, 駐車場近くの池、주차장 부근의 연못]
[A reservoir on the way back to Yuseong, 壮泰山近くの貯水池、장태산 근처 저수지]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
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