About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140107 Hayama(羽山897.1m), Nihonmatsu(二本松市), Fukushima Prefecture (福島県)

Date: January 7, 2014 (Tue) Fine

Mountain: Hayama(羽山) or Rokusan (麓山) (897.1m), Nihonmatsu(二本松市), Fukushima Prefecture (福島県)

Hiking Course: North-Trail Entrance – Aizoji Temple – Fudou Waterfall – Kagamiike – The summit of Hayama (897.1m) – South-Trail Entrance – Hayama Shrine Torii – Chosenji Temple – Michino-eki Fukushima:Towa – Towa Elementary School (about 15 km, 6.5 hours)

Partner: None

[The guide map of Mt. Hayama, 羽山登山道案内図、하야마 등산로 안내도]

I got up at a Japanese tatami-room at Minshuku “Kinoko-Kobou” in the morning.

When I went down to the dining room, Mr. Muto and my second son, Ryo, came to join me.

[Breakfast at the minshuku, 民宿の朝食、민박 아침 식사]

We had delicious breakfast at 7:50. I especially enjoyed fresh juice and vegetable salad.

[At the minshuku in the morning, 民宿にて、민박에서]

Mr. Muto sent us to the bus stop and to the entrance of the trail by car. My son got off at the bus stop and headed for JR Nihonmatsu, then went back to Fukushima.

[At the entrance of the trail, 北口登山口にて、북쪽 등산로 입구에서]

I got off at the entrance of the trail to Mt. Hayama at 9 am.

First I visited a temple named “Aizoji” and saw a big cherry tree named “Gomazakura護摩桜.”

[Aizoji Temple Entrance, 愛蔵寺入口、"아이조지" 입구]

[Cultural properties、愛蔵寺所蔵文化財、아이조지소장 문화재]

[A statute of Jizo Bodhisattva,地蔵菩薩像、지장 보살상]

It a big weeping cherry tree, about 800 years old. It must be beautiful when the blossoms were bloomed.

[The 800-year-old weeping cherry-tree, 護摩桜の木、호마 벚꽃 나무]

[The main building of Aizoji, 愛蔵寺本殿、아이조지 본전]

Then I kept walking and went to “Fudo Waterfall.” It was a bit away to the valley from the trail, but not big enough than I expected.

[The Fudo Waterfall, 不動の滝、부동 폭포]

Anyway, there were plenty of snow on the road. I came to the pond named “Kagami-ike.” Not many people walked around the pond, therefore there were deep snow around the pond.

[The Kagami-ike (Miller Pond), 鏡池、거울 연못]

From the pond to the summit was not very long; about 30 minute-walk. I came to the summit of Mt. Hayama at 11:26.

[The Mount Adatara from Kagami-ike, 鏡池から見た安達太良山、거울 연못에서 본 아다타라야마(1728m)]

[A Torii near the summit, 頂上付近の鳥居、정상 부근의 도리이]

There was the Hayama Shrine on the summit, and there was nothing hinder the view, so I could enjoy great views, esp. Abukuma Mountains.

[Near the summit, 羽山頂上付近にて、하야마 정상 부근에서]

[Torii on the summit, 頂上の鳥居、정상의 도리이]

[Hayama Shrine on the summit, 頂上の羽山神社、정상의 하야마 신사]

[Mt. Adatara from the summit, 頂上より安達太良山を望む、 정상에서 아다타라야마를 전망했다.]

[At the summit of Hayama, 羽山頂上にて、하야마 정상에서]

[Mt. Adatara from the summit, 頂上より安達太良山を望む、 정상에서 아다타라야마를 전망했다.]

[A gazebo near the observation deck, 展望台近くの東屋、전망대 근처 정자]

I began descending to the opposite side of the mountain toward South Trail Entrance.

[The Torii of South Trail, 南口登山道の鳥居、미나미 구치 등산로의 도리이]

I came down to South Trail Entrance at Hayama Shrine Torii at 12:46.

[The guidepost of forest road, 林道の標識、임도 표지판]

But then I made a big mistake. There were two forest roads, one went to Michino-eki, and the other went to Doumegi(百目木) Village.

[A billboard for "minshuku", 民宿の広告、민박 광고]

[Community Bus-Stop, コミュニティバス停、커뮤니티 버스 정류장]

[The guideposts of many directions, 多方向の里程標、다방향 이정표]

[Ghost cedar, ユーレイ杉、유령 삼나무]

When I passed Chosenji Temple, I asked a man who looked like a postman because he was wearing a uniform.

[Chosenji Temple, 長泉寺、죠생지]

He told me that Michino-eki is more than 10 km away from the point I asked him.

[The patrol car, 私を乗せてくれたパトカー、나를 실어 준 경찰차]

There were no taxi, no community bus service that day. I was completely lost then.

[The kind policeman, 親切な警察官、친절한 경찰관]

Then he offered a ride to Michino-eki. He was a policeman, and he was visiting each house of the village as a part of regular patrol activity.

He took me into his patrol car and drove me to Michinoeki within 15 minutes.

He said he was from Yamagata Prefecture, Atsumi city which was next to Tsuruoka city where my wife came from.

Anyhow he sent me to Michinoeki at 2:30 pm. The bus stop was about 3.7 km away from Michinoeki, so I estimated that I could catch 3:30 bus to JR Nihonmatsu.

[Along the high way to the bus stop, バス停への道路脇にて、버스 정류장으로가는 길가에서]

I was wrong. It was difficult for me to find the bus stop. I passed over the right point, so I had to come back.

Anyway, it was 3:45 pm, 15 past the departure time of the local bus.

[I was the only passenger, 私は唯一の乗客、나는 유일한 승객]

I had to wait for the next bus which let at 4:30 pm. It took me another 50 minutes to the JR station and I was the only passenger.

My son was waiting for me at Gokurakunoyu Super Hot Spring at Fukushima Station.

I enjoyed the hot spring for about one hour, then joined my son at a pub named “Takunomi” which was open that day. “Takunomi” was operated by Nihonmatsu Organic Farm, so, my son, Ryo and 3 of this friends came to the pub for celebrating the opening of the pub. We enjoyed having healthy food and sake and beer at “Takunomi” for about 2 hours.

[The newly opened "Pub"、新たに開店した居酒屋『たくの実』、새로 개점 한 술집 "타쿠노미 (칠엽수 열매)"]

[With NPO related people, 福島NPO関係者たちと、후쿠시마 NPO 관계자들과 함께]

[At Takunomi after the party, たくの実にて、타쿠노미에서]

I stayed overnight at my son’s apartment. Next day, January 8, I went back to my home in Ofuna, utilizing “Youth Eighteen Ticket” which originally my brother-in-law gave to Ryo, my second son.

It took me more than 5 hours from Fukusima to Ofuna, changing trains at 3 times, but all free.

Climbing Mt. Hayama was my 3th hiking for the year 2014. Up to then, all three mountains are located in Tohoku, Japan.




登山地:福島県二本松市の「羽山(麓山), 897.1m





[Breakfast at the minshuku, 民宿の朝食、민박 아침 식사]


[At the minshuku in the morning, 民宿にて、민박에서]




[At the entrance of the trail, 北口登山口にて、북쪽 등산로 입구에서]


[A statute of pilgrim、巡礼者の像、순례자의 동상]


[The 800-year-old weeping cherry-tree, 護摩桜の木、호마 벚꽃 나무]

[The explanation of the tree,護摩桜の木の説明、호마 벚꽃 나무의 설명]

[Memorial stone of a poem, 護摩桜を讃える詩碑、호마 벚꽃 칭찬 시비]


[Torii of Matsuhira Shrine, 松比羅神社の鳥居、마쓰히라 신사의 도리이]


[The guidepost of Fudo Waterfall, 不動滝入口案内板、부동 폭포 입구 안내판]


[The Fudo Waterfall, 不動の滝、부동 폭포]

[The trail near the waterfall, 不動の滝近くの登山路、부동 폭포 근처 등산로]


[The guidepost to Kagamiike (Miller Pond), 鏡池への里程標、"거울 연못"의 이정표]


[The Kagami-ike (Miller Pond), 鏡池、거울 연못]

[The Mount Adatara from Kagami-ike, 鏡池から見た安達太良山、거울 연못에서 본 아다타라야마(1728m)]


[The spring called "Jinmyou" 「神明水」、"신명물"약수]


[A Torii near the summit, 頂上付近の鳥居、정상 부근의 도리이]


[Near the summit, 羽山頂上付近にて、하야마 정상 부근에서]

[Torii on the summit, 頂上の鳥居、정상의 도리이]


[On the summit of Hayama, 羽山頂上にて、하야마 정상에서]

[The summit of Hayama, 羽山頂上、하야마 정상]

[Mt. Adatara from the summit, 頂上より安達太良山を望む、 정상에서 아다타라야마를 전망했다.]


[The guidepost to the summit, 頂上への里程標、정상으로 향하는 이정표]


[Hayama Shrine Torii (South Trail), 羽山神社鳥居、하야마 신사 도리이]


[An add of Hayama Apple Orchard, 羽山高原りんご団地の広告、하야마 고원 사과 단지 광고판]


[A statute of "Dōsojin", 『道祖神』の石像、"도신"의 석상]


[The village Hachiman Shrine, 村社八幡神社、마을 하치만 신사]



[Chosenji Temple, 長泉寺、죠생지]




[The patrol car, 私を乗せてくれたパトカー、나를 실어 준 경찰차]



[Along the high way to the bus stop, バス停への道路脇にて、버스 정류장으로가는 길가에서]


[The bus from Towa to Nihonmatsu, 東和から二本松へのバス、동화에서 니혼마쓰으 로가는 버스]



[At the newly opened pub "Takunomi"、『たくの実』にて、"타쿠노미"에서]



[With NPO related people, 福島NPO関係者たちと、후쿠시마 NPO 관계자들과 함께]


[At Takunomi, たくの実にて、타쿠노미에서]

[At Takunomi after the party, たくの実にて、타쿠노미에서]




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