About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140228 ITX “Youth青春” : “Petite Franceプチ・フランス” and Arboretum 樹木園 in Gapyong (加平), Gangwondo(江原道)

Destination: “Petite France” and Arboretum in Gapyong, Gangwondo

Itinerary: Seo-Daejeon – Yongsan – Gapyong - Petiti France - Arboretum – Cheongpyong – Cheongryangni – Yongsan – SeoDaejeon

Partners: Jina and Seojin

Pastor Han comes from Chuncheon, Gangwondo. So he visited his hometown with his family during Lunar New Year holidays.

They enjoyed taking “Youth” train frim Yongsan to Chuncheon, esp. the view from the 2nd floor of the train.

So, I asked my friend, Jina to buy the ticket. She works at Information Desk at Daejeon Station and she not only buying the ticket, but going to the trip with me on her holiday.

[An interesting object at SeoDaejeon Street, 西大田サゴリの通りにて、서대전 사거리에서]

She once came to my house in 2007, and climbed Mt. Fuji with two other Korean ladies.

[SeoDaejeon Station, 西大田駅、서대전역]

She came with her 4-year old daughter, Seojin, and we met at SeoDaejeon Station.

[Information Desk at SeoDaejeon St.西大田駅の案内所、서대전역 안내소]

[A chartered train, 団体専用列車、단체 전용 열차]

We took KTX from SeoDaejeon to Yongsan, Seoul, where we changed trains to “Youth” of ITX (Intercity Train Express).

[KTX train, KTXの車両、KTX 차량]

“Youth” train has two double deckers. We got the seats on the 2nd floor.

[At the platform of Yongsan Station. 龍山駅のプラットホームにて、용산역 플랫폼에서]

[At the platform of Yongsan Station. 龍山駅のプラットホームにて、용산역 플랫폼에서]

This “Youth” trains are the first and only double decker trains in Korea.

["Youth" train of ITX, ITX『青春』号、ITX '청춘'호]

We could enjoy nice views through the window. The fee, however of the train was extremely cheap. It was only 3400 won (about 3 dollars).

[Jina & Seojin in the car, 青春号内にて、청춘호 내에서]

[A view from the window, 二階の車窓からの眺め、이층 차창으로부터의 전망]

“Youth” train left Yongsan at 11 am and arrived at Gapyong at 11:56.

["Youth" has arrived at Gapyong, 青春号は加平駅に到着청춘호는 가평 역에 도착]

We took a city-tour bus, leaving Gapyong at 12:15 and arrived at Petite France at 12:53.

[Gapyong Station, 加平駅、가평 역]

Since it was during the winter vacation season, there were many students among sightseers.

[On the city bus, シティツアーバス内にて、시티 투어 버스 내에서]

As its name states “Petite France” the whole buildings looked like French. The main character is “The Little Prince.”

[The entrance of Petite France, 『プチ・フランス』入口、"쁘띠 프랑스"입구]

[At the entrance of Petite France, 『プチ・フランス』入口にて、"쁘띠 프랑스"입구에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

First we visited the room of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944), French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator.

[The pictures of Saint-Exupéry, サン=テグジュペリの写真、생텍쥐페리의 사진]

[At the room of Saint-Exupéry, サン=テグジュペリの部屋にて、생텍쥐페리의 방에서]

[At the room of Saint-Exupéry, サン=テグジュペリの部屋にて、생텍쥐페리의 방에서]

Then we walked around this little town, visiting each room, and rested at the square.

[At House of Dolls, 人形の館にて、인형의 집에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[Ice cream shop, アイスクリーム屋、아이스크림 가게]

[Seojin got an ice cream, ソジンとアイスクリーム、서진과 아이스크림]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

Among interesting rooms and exhibitions, I enjoyed the room of music boxes.

[At the house of music box, オルゴールの館にて、오르골의 집에서]

[At the house of music box, オルゴールの館にて、오르골의 집에서]

[Jina & Seojin at Petite France, プチ・フランスにてジナとソジン、쁘띠 프랑스에서 진아와 서진]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

We could see an island and lake half frozen from the hill. I wonder it was “Namiseom” where I visited with my Japanese friend last autumn.

[A view from Petite France,プチ・フランスからの展望、쁘띠 프랑스에서의 전망]

[In front of miniature tower, ミニチュアのエッフェル塔前で、미니어처 에펠탑 앞에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At House of Chicken、ニワトリの館にて、닭의 궁전에서]

[At House of Chicken、ニワトリの館にて、닭의 궁전에서]

We left Petite France at around 3 pm, and headed for Arboretum at 3:40.

[Leaving Pepite France, プチ・フランスを出発、쁘띠 프랑스를 출발]

The arboretum was a bit too early to visit, because it was still winter, no flower can be expected.

[Arriving at the arboretum, 樹木園に到着、수목원에 도착]

[At the arboretum, 樹木園にて、수목원에서]

Many trees were decorated with electric spectaculars, so it must be beautiful when we visit here at night.

[Seojin at the arboretum, 樹木園にてソジン、수목원에서 서진]

We had a short rest at a tea-house named “Peach Garden.”

["Peach Garden" 、『桃園』、"도원"]

Jina bought me a cup of Chrysanthemum tea. It reminded me of the tea I drank at Huangshan in China.

[At "Peach Garden" 、『桃園』にて、"도원"에서]

There was a gazebo on a small island in the frozen pond.

[A pond and a gazebo, 池と東屋、연못과 정자]

[The Garden of Morning Calm, 曙華淵、소화연]

[The explanation of Garden of Morning Calm, 曙華淵の説明、소화연 설명]

[Seojin at the arboretum, 樹木園にてソジン、수목원에서 서진]

We left the arboretum at around 5 pm and went to Cheonpyong Station to take “Youth” train.

[Cheongpyong Station, 清平駅、청평 역]

We took nice seats on the 2nd floor again and changed trains at Cheongryangni.

We took a subway from Cheongryangni to Yongsan. Then we took KTX again to go back to SeoDaedeon.

[On the subway, 龍山行き地下鉄内にて、용산가는 지하철 내에서]

The whole transportation fees and entrance of two theme parks cost only 57,500 won. I could enjoy the whole day of traveling in Gapyong, Gangwondo.

Thanks Jina for the wonderful holiday.




コース:西大田―龍山―加平~ プチ・フランス~樹木園~清平~清涼里(청량리)~龍山―西大田








[An interesting object at SeoDaejeon Street, 西大田サゴリの通りにて、서대전 사거리에서]


[SeoDaejeon Station, 西大田駅、서대전역]

[Jina & Seojin, ジナとソジン、진아와 서진]



[A chartered train, 団体専用列車、단체 전용 열차]


[KTX train, KTXの車両、KTX 차량]

「ITX青春」というのは2012年2月に運用を開始したばかりの列車で、ITXとはIntercity Train Expressの略で、都市間準高速鉄道を意味する。

[At the platform of Yongsan Station. 龍山駅のプラットホームにて、용산역 플랫폼에서]


[At the Station. 龍山駅のプラットホームにて、용산역 플랫폼에서]


[On the 2nd floor of "Youth",『青春』号の2階の座席、'청춘'호의 2 층 좌석]


[A view from the window, 二階の車窓からの眺め、이층 차창으로부터의 전망]


[In front of Gapyong St. 加平駅前にて、가평 역앞에서]


[On the city bus, シティツアーバス内にて、시티 투어 버스 내에서]

バスは冬季休暇中の学生で混雑していたがなんとか座席を確保。12:15発南怡島方面行きのバスに乗り、南怡島は通過して最初の目的「Petite France」には12:53に到着した。

[Arriving at Petite France, プチ・フランスに到着、쁘띠 프랑스에 도착]


[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At House of Dolls, 人形の館にて、인형의 집에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[Square of Petite France, プチ・フランスの広場、쁘띠 프랑스의 광장]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

この街のメインキャラクターはフランス人の飛行士・小説家であるアントワーヌ・ド・サン=テグジュペリの小説の主人公「星の王子様」である。韓国語では「オリン・ワンジャ(어린 왕자)」であり、フランス語の原題「Le Petit Prince」に近いのかもしれない。

[The pictures of Saint-Exupéry, サン=テグジュペリの写真、생텍쥐페리의 사진]

[At the room of Saint-Exupéry, サン=テグジュペリの部屋にて、생텍쥐페리의 방에서]

[The pictures of Saint-Exupéry, サン=テグジュペリの写真、생텍쥐페리의 사진]


[In front of miniature tower, ミニチュアのエッフェル塔前で、미니어처 에펠탑 앞에서]

[The Hunchback of Notre Dame、ノートルダムのせむし男、파리의 노트르담]

[At the house of music box, オルゴールの館にて、오르골의 집에서]

[At the house of music box, オルゴールの館にて、오르골의 집에서]

[At Petite France, プチ・フランスにて、쁘띠 프랑스에서]

[At House of Chicken、ニワトリの館にて、닭의 궁전에서]


[A view from Petite France,プチ・フランスからの展望、쁘띠 프랑스에서의 전망]


[The map of Petite France, プチ・フランスの案内図、쁘띠 프랑스 안내도]

「Petite France」には約2時間滞在し、2時半ごろのバスで次の目的地である「樹木園」へ向かった。

[Leaving Pepite France, プチ・フランスを出発、쁘띠 프랑스를 출발]

到着したシティツアーのバスは満員だったが、大部分の客が「Petite France」で下車するため、入れ替わって乗ることができた。しかし、座席は確保できなかった。

[Arriving at the arboretum, 樹木園に到着、수목원에 도착]


[Jina & Seojin at the arboretum, 樹木園にてジナとソジン、수목원에서 진아와 서진]



[At "Peach Garden" 、『桃園』にて、"도원"에서]

[Chrysanthemum tea、菊花茶、국화차]


[The Garden of Morning Calm, 曙華淵、소화연]

[Jina & Seojin at the arboretum, 樹木園にてジナとソジン、수목원에서 진아와 서진]


[At convenient store at Cheongpyong, 清平駅のコンビニにて、청평역 편의점에서]

[At the platform of Cheongpyong, 清平駅のプラットホームにて、청평역 플랫폼에서]

[At the platform of Cheongpyong, 清平駅のプラットホームにて、청평역 플랫폼에서]

[Timetable at Cheongpyeong St., 清平駅列車時刻表、청평역 열차 시각표]

[At the platform of Cheongpyong, 清平駅のプラットホームにて、청평역 플랫폼에서]










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