About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140306 Open House at Hanpit Apartment

Event: Stammtisch Meeting at BJ & Marta’s Apartment

Date: March 6, 2014 (Thu) Fine, 19:00-21:00

Place: BJ & Marta’s Apartment at Hanpit Apt.

Participants: BJ (Korea), Marta (Ukraine), Jim (Australia), Ruby (Korea), Eric (China), Haegyong (Korea), Amy and her son (Korea), Oleksiy/Oksana/Sofia(Ukraine), and George (Japan)

Two of three regular members at Stamtisch, Jim and George happened to leave Korea at the same time; March, 2014.

So Marta invited us to her home at Hanpit Apartment.

Eric and I me together at Hanpit Plaza at 7:20 pm and visited their apartment together.

When we knocked the door, BJ opened it and we saw Jim and Ruby were already in the room.

They put their 4-year old daughter Hanna, with Marta’s parents in Ukraine, so they looked like a newly married couple.

[Marta preparing the dishes, マルタが料理を準備している、말타가 요리를 준비하고있다]

As I recall, when my wife and I built our new house in our late 20s, we often held “open house” for our friends, almost every week, esp. for KEC (Kamakura English Club) members.

[The food Marta prepared, マルタが準備した料理、말타가 준비한 요리]

Anyway, it’s very kind of them to have “Open House” again. (They did for Stammtisch for the first time in December.)

[Sofia, Oleksiy and Eric, ソフィアとオレクシーとエリック、소피아와 올렉시와 에릭]

Soon after Eric and I were arriving, Haegyong joined us, and we began the party.

[Party at their living room, 居間にて、거실에서]

The main dish was spaghetti which BJ made. Marta prepared the rest of dishes.

[Oksana and Eric, オクサナとエリック、옥사나와 에릭]

BJ opened the bottle of white wine. He also recommended Tequila, Mexican distilled beverage.

He prepared sault and lemon, so we followed the traditional style of drinking it, only a cup, though.

[Eric drank tequila,エリックがテキーラを飲んだ、에릭이 데킬라를 마셨다]

We also enjoyed the red soup which Marta made. She used a special vegetable to make the soup. I guess it must be Ukraine style soup.

[Marta showing Hanna through skype,マルタがスカイプでハンナを見せている。 말타가 스카이프로 한나를 보이고있다.]

We had a Ukraine family as guests; Oleksiy & Oksana and their 5 year old daughter, Sofia.

[Party at their living room, 居間にて、거실에서]

Oleksiy has been in Korea for two years. Recently he called his family to Korea.

[Time for dessert, デザートの時間、디저트 시간]

Marta met Oksana and Sofie on her way back from Ukraine to Korea one month ago.

Their daughter , Sofia, just began going to kindergarten a couple of days ago.

They said English speaking kindergarten was too expensive, so Sofia goes to Korean speaking kindergarten. I assume that she will learn Korean soon.

At 8:40 pm, Amy joined us. She came with her 2nd boy. She had to wait until her son’s English class was over.

[A group picture at the end of the party,終わりに集合写真、마지막으로 단체 사진]

Stammtisch has been a kind of oasis for speaking English freely in Korea.

I may remember this group for ever, esp. the memories of Alan England.









[Marta and BJ, マルタとBJ,말타와 BJ]




[Ruby and Jim, ルビーとジム、루비와 짐]



[The food I took, 今日の御馳走、오늘의 대접]


[BJ cooking spaghetti, BJがスパゲッティを料理している、BJ가 스파게티를 요리하고있다]

[BJ and Jim, BJとジム、BJ와 짐]


[George drank tequila,ジョージがテキーラを飲んだ、조지 데킬라를 마셨다]


[Ukraine soup, ウクライナ・スープ、우크라이나 수프]


[Party at their living room, 居間にて、거실에서]

[Marta showing Hanna through skype,マルタがスカイプでハンナを見せている。 말타가 스카이프로 한나를 보이고있다.]


[Amy and her 2nd son, エイミーと彼女の次男、에이미와 아들]


[Time for dessert, デザートの時間、디저트 시간]




[A group picture at the end of the party,終わりに集合写真、마지막으로 단체 사진]



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