About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140301 Palgeongsan(八公山/팔공산), Gatbawi(カッパウィ/갓바위), Daegu(大邱대구)/Gyongsan(慶山경산), Gyongbuk Province.

Mountain: Palgeongsan(八公山/팔공산), Gatbawi(カッパウィ/갓바위), Daegu(大邱대구)/Gyongsan(慶山경산), Gyongbuk Province.

Date: March 1, 2014 (Sat) Cloudy

A Course: Gatbawi Entrance – GwanAmSa Temple – Gatbawi – Gwanbong – Domajae – Dongbong – Donghwasa Temple – Parking Lot

B Course: Gatbawi Entrance – GwanAmSa Temple – Gatbawi – Gwanbong – Bareunjae – Waterfall Valley – Donghwasa Temple Phoenix Gate – Parking Lot

[A map of hiking courses, 山行コース図、산행 코스 지도]

In Korea, March 1st is a national holiday. It commemorates “Samil Independent Movement” which occurred on March 1, 1919, 95 years ago.

As a Japanese, I always feel uneasy on this national holiday, esp. this year, one of the worst relationship between Japan and Korea after World War Ⅱ.

[Breakfast at Geumgang SA, 錦江サービスエリアにて朝食、금강 휴게소에서 아침 식사]

But I appreciate AhToSan members who never picked me on because I was a Japanese.

AhToSan came to Palgongsan last November. At that time, we had 5 foreigners including Bernardo, Alex, Elena and Connie. But this time, I was the only a foreigner.

[A group picture、出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]

I invited two of Dusan Japanese Study Group members; Ms. Kim and Mr. Lee.

[Ms. Kim and Mr. Lee of DJS, DJSのキムさんと李さん、둔산 일본어 스터디 김씨와 이씨]

When they introduced themselves, Ms. Kim said hiking was one of her hobits. So, I encouraged her to join AhToSan hike.

She called Mr. Lee to join AhToSan hike together with her. Mr. Lee is the leader of Police Orchestra. He likes marathon and participates full marathon several times a year.

So, I was happy to go with them, and they were kind enough to walk slowly, esp. while gling up to Gatbawi.

Gatbawi is a Buddhist statue in Daehan-ri, Wachon-myeon, Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the Republic of Korea. It was made in the Unified Silla Kingdom era and is well known with the name of Gatbawi Buddha (Stone Hat Buddha). It sits 4 metres (13 ft) tall, and the hat is a 15-centimetre (6 in) thick flat stone on his head,

[The Gatbawi, カッパウィ、갓바위]

This single granite sculpture was made up by Uihyeon, at the top of the 850-metre (2,790 ft) high rough Palgongsan and is surrounded by a screen-like rock wall as its background. It is said that Uihyeon made it in order to appease his mother's soul in the 7th ruling year of Queen Seondeok of Silla Kingdom.

(Quoted from Wikipedia)

The stone steps from the entrance to Gatbawi was long and hard for me. I was the last hiker, but Ms. Kim and Mr. Lee accompanied with me for about 70 minutes.

We arrived at a beautiful temple in the middle. The name of the temple might be GwanAmSa according to the expalanatory plate which one of AhToSan hikers took a picture of it.

[At GwanAmSa Temple, 冠岩寺にて、관암사에서]

[At GwanAmSa Temple, 冠岩寺にて、관암사에서]

Then I saw a young newcomer and J-nim, who planned this hike at a gazebo.

[At a gazebo, 東屋にて、정자에서]

After passing the gazebo, Gatbawi was not too far, but it began raining a little bit.

Near Gatbawi, カッパウィの近くにて、갓바위 근처에서[

[Near Gatbawi, カッパウィの近くにて、갓바위 근처에서]

I arrived at Gatbawi at 11:12. There were many people, not only hikers, but also those who came to pray for their wishes.

[At Gatbawi, カッパウィにて、갓바위에서]

Among many people, I saw several AhToSan hikers, such as Alain Delone, Tempi, etc.

[AhToSan members at Gatbawi, カッパウィにてアトサン会員たち、갓바위에서 아토산 회원들]

[At Gatbawi, カッパウィにて、갓바위에서

They seemed to take a bit longer time for the sightseeing this famous stone statute.

[At Gatbawi, カッパウィにて、갓바위에서

Alain Delone indicated me to go back the trail and then turn right to the ridge trail toward Dongbong.

I followed his indication, and began ridge hiking. The trail became really steep, and it was almost “rock climbing.”

Near Gatbawi, カッパウィの近くにて、갓바위 근처에서[

Then we came to a wider place. I called for “Suzuki Time” there.

["Suzuki Time" on the ridge, 稜線にて『スズキタイム』、능선에서 "스즈키 타임 "]

Actually about 20 AhToSan members gathered and I offered two boxes of grapes and kumquat (“Kinkan”in Japanese).

[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

Since there were many people, they ate them up at once. It was good for me for the lighter bag.

[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Taengpi on the rock, 岩の上のテンピ、바위에 땡삐]

[Taengpi with the pose of Gatbawi, テンピがカッパウィのポース、땡삐가 갓 바위의 포스]

From this point to the lunch place, I was not delayed. I could walk faster then before.

[Ms. Kim and Mr. Lee, DJSのキムさんと李さん、DJS 김씨와 이씨]

On the ridge toward Dongbong, we had lunch along the trail.

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]

I had my lunch with Mr. Lee and Ms. Kim. My lunch was a cup noodle and a pack of bean rice which AhToSan distributed for the breakfast.

[Kimchi and sesame leaves, ゴマの葉とキムチ、깻잎과 김치]

I brought kimchi from the refregirator, but Ms. Kim brought more kimchi. Someone made “kimpap” or Korean stype of “Norimaki” in Japanese.

Someone cooked ramen as “hot ramen”is always poplular during winter hike.

We resumed the hike at around 12:30. We continued the ridge hike, and I could walk with the middle group.

[Resuming hike after lunch, 昼食後、점심 식사 후]

Mr. Lee and Ms. Kim walked ahead of me, but they were waiting for me before descending the ridge.

A-course members continued the ridge hike, but most of the middle group began descending the mountain before Dongbong at around 1:30.

[A short break on the ridge, 稜線にて小休止、능선에서 짧은 휴식]

When we came to the river in the valley, I noticed a big stone building which had been abandoned.

[A short break on the down trail, 下山路にて小休止、하산 길에서 짧은 휴식]

[River on the down trail, 下山路の渓谷、하산 길에 계곡]

Passing the abandoned building, we had a short break. I offered paprika which I prepared besides fruits for Suzuki Time.

[Abandoned building of stone、石造りの廃屋、석조의 폐가]

When we came almost at the foot of the mountain, suddenly I got a cramp in my left leg.

[At the foot of mountain, 麓にて、산기슭에서]

A couple of hikers; Dolko-nim and Mindeulle (dandelion) helped me. Dolko massaged my leg and the Dandelion gave me pain relief rub. It worked well and I became fine.

We came to a nice mountain gate of Donghwasa Temple. It was completely different gate which we passed last November.

[Sign of Temple Stay、テンプルステイの看板、템플 스테이의 간판]

It was a gate of phoenix, and I asked the Dandelion to take a picture with Mr. Lee and Ms. Kim.

[In front of Phoenix Gate, 桐華寺鳳凰門にて、동화사 봉황문에서]

The gate was far from the parking lot. We had to walk another 2 km, or more than 30 minutes.

[The guide map of Palgongsan Natural Park,八公山自然公園の地図、팔공산 자연 공원 지도]

We arrived at the parking lot at 3:46 pm. The top group and most of the main group hikers were already having the wrap-up party, and we joined them.

[Arriving at the bus, バスに到着、버스에 도착]

The main dishes were Jobal (족발) or (pigs trotter) and Doaeji Keopjil(돼지 껍질).

[Wrap-up Party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げコンパ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]

I have lived in Korea for more than 10 years, but it was my first time to eat Doaeji ggeopjil(돼지 껍질) or seasoned pork skin. They were hot and tasted very good.

[Pig trotters and bar rice cakeチョッパルとカレトック、족발과 가래떡]

[With Dandelion and DJS members, タンポポ姫とDJSの仲間と、민들레 공주와 DJS 동료와 함께]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

We had the party until almost 5 pm, enjoyed these foods and drinks of soju and makgeolli.

[After the party, 打ち上げコンパの後で、뒤풀이 후에]

AhToSan bus came back to the Expo South Gate in Daejeon at around 7:30 pm.

It was my 11th hike for this year, and my 343rd AhToSan regular hike.

There remains only two times until I leave Korea.






登山コース: Aコース: カッパウィ入口~冠岩寺(관암사)~カッパウィ(갓바위) - 冠峯(관봉) - トマジェ(도마재)[オドジェ(오도재)] - 東峰(동봉) - 桐華寺(동화사) [12.5 km. 6時間] Bコース: カッパウィ入口~冠岩寺(관암사)~カッパウィ(갓바위) - 冠峯(관봉) - パルンジェ(바른재) - 瀑布谷(폭포골) - 桐華寺鳳凰門(동화사봉황문) [9.4 km, 5時間]

3月1日は韓国では「サムイルジョル()」と言って重要な公休日(国家慶祝日)の1つである。これは 1919年3月1日に起こった三・一独立運動を記念する日である。







[At Geumgang Service Area, 錦江サービスエリアにて、금강 휴게소에서]



八公山のカッパウィ(팔공산 갓바위)とは慶北・慶山の八公山の冠峰石造如来坐像(관봉 석조여래좌상)という仏教石像である。

[Gatbawi in winter, 冬のカッパウィ、겨울의 갓바위]

この仏像は、統一新羅時代(紀元676年- 935年)に製作されたもので、「カッパウィ」という名でよく知られており、曹渓宗直営の禅本寺が所有および管理を担当している。





[A group picture、出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]


[With the members of DJS, DJSのメンバーと、DJS 멤버들과 함께]


[At GwanAmSa Temple, 冠岩寺にて、관암사에서]


[At GwanAmSa Temple, 冠岩寺にて、관암사에서]


[At a gazebo, 東屋にて、정자에서]



Near Gatbawi, カッパウィの近くにて、갓바위 근처에서[


[Taengpi at Gatbawi, カッパウィにてテンピ、갓바위에서 땡삐]

[Taengpi with the pose of Gatbawi, テンピがカッパウィのポース、땡삐가 갓 바위의 포스]

[AhToSan members at Gatbawi, カッパウィにてアトサン会員たち、갓바위에서 아토산 회원들]

[At Gatbawi, カッパウィにて、갓바위에서

[At Gatbawi, カッパウィにて、갓바위에서



Near Gatbawi, カッパウィの近くにて、갓바위 근처에서[


["Suzuki Time" on the ridge, 稜線にて『スズキタイム』、능선에서 "스즈키 타임 "]


[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]



[With Mr. Lee at the guidepost, 里程標にて、이정표에서]


[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]



[Korean style "Norimaki", 韓国式海苔巻き、김밥]



[A short break at Heliport, ヘリポートで小休止、헬기장에서 짧은 휴식]



[A short break on the down trail, 下山路にて小休止、하산 길에서 짧은 휴식]



[Abandoned building of stone、石造りの廃屋、석조의 폐가]


[At the foot of mountain, 麓にて、산기슭에서]



[The guide map of Donghwasa Temple, 八公山桐華寺の案内図、팔공산 동화사 안내도]


[In front of Phoenix Gate, 桐華寺鳳凰門にて、동화사 봉황문에서]



[Wrap-up Party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げコンパ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]


[With Dandelion and DJS members, タンポポ姫とDJSの仲間と、민들레 공주와 DJS 동료와 함께]


[Seasoned pork skin,ブタの皮を味付たもの、돼지껍데기]


[Alain Delon at the party, 打ち上げコンパにてアランドロン、뒤풀이에서 알랭 들롱]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]


[After the party, 打ち上げコンパの後で、뒤풀이 후에]


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