About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140404 Daibosaturei(大菩薩嶺다이보사쓰레이2,057m), Yamanasi(山梨県야마나시 현)#1

140404 Daibosaturei(大菩薩嶺다이보사쓰레이2,057m), Yamanasi(山梨県야마나시 현)#1

Date:April 4 (Friday), 2014, fine

Destination: Daibosaturei(大菩薩嶺다이보사쓰레이2,057m), Yamanasi(山梨県야마나시 현)

[A view from my house, 私の家から見た近所、집에서 본 동네 풍경]

[A cherry tree in my neighborhood, 近所の桜の木、근처의 벚꽃 나무]

Access to the mountain: Ofuna – Yokohama – Hachioji - (JR Express “Kaiji”) – Enzan – (Bus) – Sakeishi

Hiking Course (1st day): Sakeishi – Fork Point – Marukawa Pass (Stay at Lodge Marukawa) (2nd day) Marukawa Pass – Daibosaturei (2,057m) – Daibosatsu Pass (1,897 m) – Fork Point – Sakeishi Bus Stop

Partner: Mr. Matsumoto

Mr. Matsumoto and I originally planned to climb Kumotoriyama (雲取山2,017m), but it snowed heavily on previous day there. So we changed the destination to Daibosaturei (大菩薩嶺2,057m), a bit safer mountain.

Mr. Matsumoto carried a big backpack with many clothes and a big umbrella, but I carried much lighter knapsack with a holding umbrella.

We took a train leaving at Ofuna at around 8 am. We changed train at Yokohama to Yokohama Line and arrived at Hachioji at 9:40.

We took Limited Express “Kaiji” to Enzan and arrived at 11 am. The bus left Enzan at 11:20 and we arrived at Saki-ishi at noon.

[The limited express "Kaiji", 特急「かいじ」、특급 「카이지」]

[Inside of "Kaiji", 特急車両内にて、특급 차량 내에서]

[At Enzan St. Information, 塩山駅案内所にて、엔잔 역 안내소에서]

[The bus-stop at Enzan St., 塩山駅バス停、엔잔 역 버스 정류장]

There were about a dozen passengers, mostly senior female citizens. Most of them got off at a hot spring called “Daibosatsu-no-yu”.

[The bus to the mountain, 登山口行きバス、등산로 입구 행 버스]

We got off at the last stop where the trail to Daibosatsu began. There was a small restaurant at the bus-stop. We took a rest at the restaurant.

[The pictures of Prince & Princess, 皇太子夫妻の写真、황태자 부부의 사진]

Mr. Matsumoto ordered “mountain vegitalble noodle” while I asked the owner of the shop for hot water to make “brown rice porridge.”

I also parchased a cup of sake and “shochu” at the shop.

After having lunch, we began hiking at 1 pm.

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山口にて、등산로 입구에서]

For about 30 minutes, we walked on the paved road, then there was a fork point from which the trail began.

[Information board of "History & Culture Park"、「歴史文化公園」案内板、"역사 문화 공원" 안내판]

[On the way to the pass, 丸川峠へ向かう登山路にて、마루카와 고개로 향하는 등산로에서]

[On the way to the pass, 丸川峠へ向かう登山路にて、마루카와 고개로 향하는 등산로에서]

[A beetle awoke from hibernation, 冬眠から覚めた昆虫、동면에서 깨어 난 곤충]

We walked in the woods. When we came close to Maruyama Pass, we saw much snow covered over the trail.

[Near the Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠付近の登山路にて、마루카와 고개 부근의 등산로에서]

We brought crampons, but we thought they were not necessary yet. So we walked carefully until we arrived at the lodge.

We arrived at the lodge at 3:50. The name of the lodge was “Marukawaso.” The accommodation capacity was 50, but we were the only guests that night.

[The lodge, "Marukawaso", 丸川荘、마루카와 산장]

[The guidepost at Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠の里程標、마루카와 고개의 이정표]

As soon as we arrived at the lodge, the host of the lodge built fire on the stove.

[The lodge, "Marukawaso", 丸川荘、마루카와 산장]

[The menu of Lodge Marukawa, 丸川荘のメニュー、마루카와 산장 메뉴]

It was a fine day and we could see Mt. Fuji clearly from the pass.

The charges of the lodge were 1) A stay without meals, 4,000 yen, 2) A stay with two meals, 7,000 yen. He charged 500 yen extra for extra-heating the room.

[The inside of Marukawa Lodge, 丸川荘内部、마루카와 산장 내부]

Since I carried brown rice for my meals, I paied 4,500 yen, and Mr. Matsumoto paied 7,500 yen for a stay with two meals and extra heating charge.

[Mt. Fuji from Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠から見た富士山、마루카와 고개에서 본 후지산]

The host cooked a meal for Mr. Matsumoto using the stove. I also used the stove to make my brown rice porridge.

We saw Mt. Fuji at the sun-set. Then we could see the beautiful sky with full of stars and the Milky Way and the crescent moon, but it was very cold.

[The supper for Mr. Hori, 丸川荘の夕食、마루카와 산장의 저녁 식사]

There was no electricity available at the lodge. The host put fire in the lamp and that was all for the light for the lodge.

[With Mr. Matsumoto in front of the lodge, 山荘前にて松本さんと、산장 앞에서 마츠모토씨와 함께]

Mr. Matsumoto went to bed at 7 pm, but I stayed near the stove and talked with the host, while I was having a cup of sake and “shoju.”

[The host of the lodge, 山荘の主人、산장의 주인]

The extra-heat for the bed room was just the charcoal fire from the stove.

[Mt. Fuji from Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠から見た富士山、마루카와 고개에서 본 후지산]

It must be minus 10 or lower outside. So, it was very cold even in the futon in the bedroom.

Worse was that I had to go to toilet which was out of the lodge, 3 times during the night.

But whenever I went out, I could see the beautiful constellations and the Milky Way and the moon.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 分類:登山、日本、関東,登山、日本百名山




2)全行程①初日(4/4):大菩薩嶺登山口(裂石)~丸川/大菩薩峠分岐点~丸川峠 (丸川荘泊) ②二日目(4/5):丸川峠~大菩薩嶺(2,057m)~大菩薩峠(1,897m)~分岐点~裂石バス停→大菩薩温泉→塩山


[A view from my house, 私の家から見た近所、집에서 본 동네 풍경]

[Cherry trees in my neighborhood, 近所の桜の木々、근처의 벚꽃 나무들]




[Inside of "Kaiji", 特急車両内にて、특급 차량 내에서]


[From the window of the train, 車窓風景、차창 풍경]

[At Enzan St. Platform, 塩山駅到着、엔잔 역 도착]

[At Enzan St. Information, 塩山駅案内所にて、엔잔 역 안내소에서]


[The bus to the mountain, 登山口行きバス、등산로 입구 행 버스]


[We got off at the last stop, 終着駅で下車、종착역에서 하차]


["Sansai-soba" 山菜そば、산채 메밀 국수]



[At the entrance of the trail, 登山口にて、등산로 입구에서]


[The trail to "Unpou" Temple, 雲峰寺参道、"운보우사" 참배 길]


[On the way to the pass, 丸川峠へ向かう登山路にて、마루카와 고개로 향하는 등산로에서]

[Near the Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠付近の登山路にて、마루카와 고개 부근의 등산로에서]

[A beetle awoke from hibernation, 冬眠から覚めた昆虫、동면에서 깨어 난 곤충]

[Near the Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠付近の登山路にて、마루카와 고개 부근의 등산로에서]

[The guidepost at Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠の里程標、마루카와 고개의 이정표]

[The menu of Lodge Marukawa, 丸川荘のメニュー、마루카와 산장 메뉴]


[The host of the lodge, 山荘の主人、산장의 주인]


[The stove of Marukawa Lodge, 丸川荘のストーブ、마루 카와 산장 난로]

[With Mr. Matsumoto in front of the lodge, 山荘前にて松本さんと、산장 앞에서 마츠모토씨와 함께]


[Mt. Fuji from Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠から見た富士山、마루카와 고개에서 본 후지산]


[The supper for Mr. Hori, 丸川荘の夕食、마루카와 산장의 저녁 식사]



[Mt. Fuji from Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠から見た富士山、마루카와 고개에서 본 후지산]



[Mt. Fuji from Marukawa Pass, 丸川峠から見た富士山、마루카와 고개에서 본 후지산]


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