About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110506 Qingdao "Xiaoyushan Park" 青島「小魚山公園」

Date: May 6, 2011 (Fri)

Itinerary: Qingdao Port → Xiaoyushan Park → Taian City “Taishan International Hotel”

Partners: 30 Koreans and Mr. Matsumoto

The ferry boat arrived at Qingdao Port at around 9 a.m. local time. But AhToSan group was the last to disembark, so it was past 11 a.m. we landed on Qingdao.

[Qingtao Port Passenger Station,青島港顧客ターミナル、청도항 여객 터미널]

Japanese tourists are not required VISA, so Mr. Matsumoto and I went through te costom area all by ourselves. However, we did need to fill in the immigration card. A young Chinese officer helped us to go through by using a macine to make proper documents.

The immigration office building looked a bit old. However, we could see the local guide, Mr. Kim without any problem. Mr. Kim is a Korean-Chinese, so he is a bilingual of Chinese and Korean. His name “Kuju” is read as “Kyushu” in Japanese. It is a pure coincidence that Mr. Matsumoto came from Kyushu. Mr. Kmi could speak Japanese a little.

Since it was almost noon, we hurried to go to a restaurant named “Donghai Dajiudian.” We had a gorgeous lunch with Qingdao beer. It tasted good although I felt still thirsty because I could drink only two cups of beer.

[Lunch at a hotel restaurant,ホテルの食堂で昼食、호텔 식당에서 점심]

After having lunch, we went into Xiaoyushan Park via former official residence of Chiang Kai-shek who stayed Qingtao before fleeing to Taiwan.

[One-time Official residence of Chiang Kai-shek, 花石楼と呼ばれる元蒋介石公邸, "화석루"라고 불리는 장제스 공저]

There is an octagonal three-story building called “Lanchaoge (覧潮閣)” on a hill in the park. We could see beautiful houses of German tradition. Also, we could see a nice beech with a lot of newly-married couples.

[The entrance of Xiaoyushan Park, 小魚山公園の入口、소어산 공원 입구]["Lanchaoge" in Xioyushan Park, 小魚山公園の覧潮閣、소어산 공원 람조각][German style houses near the park, ドイツ風の街並み、독일풍 거리][Wall picture of "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" 「八仙過海」の壁画、「팔선과해」벽화]

After stolling along the broadwalk along the beach, we left Qingdao for Taian city where we stay overnight. We run for 5 hours by bus and I noticed big changes since I came to China 3 or 4 years ago. Last time, when we travelled by long-distance bus, there was no service area and we had to utilize the nature for toilet. Now they build brand new service areas with clean toilets. Yet, I found fewer western style toilet bowls though.

[Service Area at a high way、高速道路のサービスエリア,고속 도로의 휴게소]

We had arrived at Taian after 7 p.m. So, we went to a restaurant and had dinner first, then went to our hotel. The name of the hotel is “Taishan International Hotel.” Mr. Matsumoto and I shared the room, and we drank local beer named KRITZER, but it was not as good as Qingtao beer.

[Dinner at the hotel, ホテルの夕食、호텔의 저녁 식사]

The hotel is “Four-Star” hotel, but they did not understand English well, nor Korean language at all.









[Lunch at a hotel restaurant, ホテルの食堂で昼食、호텔 식당에서 점심]


[One-time Official residence of Chiang Kai-shek, 花石楼と呼ばれる元蒋介石公邸, "화석루"라고 불리는 장제스 공저] [The entrance of Xiaoyushan Park, 小魚山公園の入口、소어산 공원 입구]["Lanchaoge" in Xioyushan Park, 小魚山公園の覧潮閣、소어산 공원 람조각][Wall picture of "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" 「八仙過海」の壁画、「팔선과해」벽화][At the Xiaoyusan Park, 小魚山公園にて、소어산 공원에서]


[A couple taking pictures for wedding album,結婚アルバムのために写真撮影をしているカップル、결혼 기념 앨범용 사진을 찍고 있는 커플들]


[A service area along the high way, 高速道路のサービスエリア、고속 도로 휴게소]


[Dinner at the hotel, ホテルの夕食、호텔의 저녁 식사]



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