About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110521 Mt. Gaisan (1051m), Hongcheon, Gangwondo 江原道・洪川の加里峰

Hiking Date: May 21, 2011 (Sat) Coudy, then rain

Destination (mountain): Garisan (1051m), Hongcheon, Gangwondo

Hiking course: North Ridge behind the Nature Management Office – Gasap Pass - #3/#2 Peaks – Mt. Garisan – Muswemaljae – Hapsugok – Parking Lot

Partner: 25 AhToSan members + Chris and Chinhan Saram (from Seoul)

[Chris came from Seoul, クリスがソウルから来た、크리스가 서울에서 왔다. >[A group picture before the hike, 山行前の団体写真、산행전의 단체사진]

This time, Mr. Ingeun Min, a policeman at Dusan Police Department, who is a great fan of Japanese language, joined AhToSan for the first time.

It was raining in Daejeon in the morning. Therefore, 4 members out of 30 who applied this hike, cancelled at the last moment. Anyhow, it was not raining when we arrived at the starting poin.

On the bus bounding for the Gangwondo, Honey got the Best Member Card, the proof that she joined AhToSan regular hike more than 10 times.

[Honey became "Best Member" ハニーがベストメンバーになった。허니가 베스트 멤버가 되었다.]

Mr. Min’s nickname is “Lumbini,” the name where Buddha was born. He seems to be a Budhdhist. He sat besides me and we talked all the way in Japanese.

When our bus came to Hongcheon, he talked about Mr. Wesu Lee, a writer of 64 years old. He is active in madia and does twitter so I began following him.

Chris, the American boy who assists English classes at middle school in Seoul, joined us, together with Chinhan-Saram. They came to join us from Seoul, using a bus and taxi.

So, total number of participants were 28 incluing them. We arrived at the starting point at 10:30, and began hiking at 10:45.

After about 30 minutes since we began hiking, Chinhan Saram was giving makgeolli to other members in the woods. So I also stopped there and offered fruits such as grapes and cherry tomatoes. Mr. Min also offered his makgeolli from Daejeon.

[A short rest with makgeolli and fruit, マッコリとフルーツで小休止、막걸리와 과일을 먹으며 잠시 휴식함]

“SanCholChuk산철쭉” was almost gone at the foot of the mountain, but they were in full bloom as we climbed the mountain.

[SanCholChuk Flower, サンチョルチュク(チョウセンヤマツツジ)の花、산철쭉 꽃][With the flowers of "SanCholChuk, サンチョルチュックの花と自分、산철쭉 꽃과 나]

I also found“Angular Solomon's-seal” known as “Tongulae” in Korean along the trail. They are family of “lily of the valley,”cute and beautiful.

[Angular Solomon's seal, アマドコロの花、돌굴래 껓][Corydalis Tuber, エンゴサク(延胡索)? 연호색]

We had lunch in the woods. The mist was thick, but not raining yet. Chris brought Korean version of Japanese food “Oinarisan” which his girlfriend made. It tasted good.

[Lunch in the woods, 霧にけぶる林の中で昼食、안개가 자욱한 숲속에서 점심]

Mr. Min ate something like rice-cake. Chinhan-Saram cooked ramen with his burner. It was a bit cold weather, so many members enjoyed the ramen.

After the lunch, I followed the leader of the top group, Cheongjeong. We climbed rocky part of the mountain. Then it began raining.

We could not see any good command of the mountain peaks at all. We just climbed the rocks in front of us. We might passed No. 2 and No. 3 Peaks, but not sure. Finally we arrived at the top of Mt. Gari.

There was a nice stone mark of Mt. Gari and I got several pictures including myself and Chris together.

[With Mr. Min and Chris, 閔さんと私とクリス、민씨와 나와 크리스]

I walked all the way from beginning to the end, with Mr. Min, speaking mostly in Japanese. What an enthusiasm he has for learning Japanese!

Unfortuately he got blisters in his feet. It was because his booths were new. It looked painful. One of AhToSan members gave him “band-aid” so he put it on his toes.

At the end of the hike, I saw a community of "Hal-me-kot" along the trail. I saw this flower here and there, but never saw so many of them as a group. It might be cultivated by people, not wild, I thought.

[Community of Korean pasque flower(Hal-me-kot), 翁草の群落、할미꽃의 군락]

We had wrap-up party besides the road. It was raining, yet many members came out from the bus, and using umbrella, they had “Dotori-muk” and makgeolli.

It was ChilGapSan’s birthday, so they celebrated his birthday with the fruit cake and singing “Happy Birthday To You”of Korean version.

[ChilGapSan's Birthday!七甲山の誕生日ケーキ、칠갑산의님의 생일 케이크]

Chris and Chinhan-Saram went back to Seoul, by public bus, and we came back to Daejeon at 7:30.

It was my 30th hike for this year, and my 240th AhToSan regular hike as total.




登山コース:自然管理事務所後の北稜線(관리사무소뒤 북능선) -カサプコゲ(가삽고개)- 3峰、2峰‐加里山(가리산カリサン1051m)-ムスェマルジェ(무쇠말재)-合水谷(합수곡)-駐車場[約8km、4時間]


[A group picture before the hike, 山行前の団体写真、산행전의 단체사진]









[A short rest with makgeolli and fruit, マッコリとフルーツで小休止、막걸리와 과일로 조금 휴식함]


[Corydalis Tuber, エンゴサク(延胡索)? 연호색]


[Lunch in the woods, 霧にけぶる林の中で昼食、안개에 연기가 차는 숲 속에서 점심]







[At the top of the mountain, 加里山山頂にて、가리산 정상에서]


[Korean pasque flower(Hal-me-kot)、翁草、할미꽃)




[The wrap-up party beside the road, 道路わきでティップリ、도로옆에서 뒤풀이]

また七甲山の誕生日だったらしく、チンハン大将が用意した誕生日ケーキもみなで「Happy Birthday to You」の韓国語バージョンをうたってから食べた。

[ChilGapSan's Birthday!七甲山の誕生日ケーキ、칠갑산의님의 생일 케이크]




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