About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110507 Taishan (1545m) Shangdong, China 中国・山東省・泰山

Hiking Date: May 7th 2011 (Sat) Cloudy

Destination (mountain): Taishan (1545m) Shangdong, China

Hiking course: Taishan Cluture Square – Hongmen (Red Gate) – Zhongtianmen (Middle Heaven Gate) – Nantianmen (South Heaven Gate) – Tianjie (Sky Town) – Yuhuangdian (Top Shrine) --- (Going down the same trail)---Middle Gate – (Shuttle Bus)—Bus Terminal

Partner: 30 Koreans and two Chinese guides and Mr. Matsumoto

[The Immortal Bridge(Chinese: 仙人桥; pinyin: Xiānrén Qiáo), a natural landscape, 仙人橋、선인교]

Wake-up call rang at 6 p.m. Mr. Matsumoto and I prepared for check-out and had breakfast at 6:45. It was a buffet style breakfast and we enjoyed the delicious food.

The bus left at the hotel at 7:30, and we soon arrived at the Culture Square where we began walking.

[With the president and vice-president of AhToSan, アトサンの会長および副会長と、아토산 회장님 및 부회장님과 함께]

They gave us a lunch box and two bottles of water for each. A young guide named “Woo Longlong” came to see us with a flag with her hand. She is 22 years old, fresh out of college.

[Group picture at the foot of Mt. Taishan, 泰山の麓にて団体写真、태산 기슭에서 단체사진 ]

The stone trail was covered with acacia flowers, and there were many sightseers and hikers there. The guide bought tickets at “Red Gate” and we began climbing 7,000 steps one by one.

[At "Red Gate", 紅門にて、홍문에서]

[A souvenir shop along the trail, 参道わきの土産物屋,참배길에 따라 특산물집이 많았다.][Souvenirs at Taishan, 泰山で売っていたみやげ物、태산에서 팔고 있었던 특산물]

It was a cloudy day, yet humid and I soon began swetting a lot. Mr. Matsumoto always walked ahead of me, and he kindly waited for me. Soon, I lost the sight of most of AhToSan hikers, but only a few members, such as Mr. & Mrs. KS and “Kkachi.”

[In front of "Wanxianlou" 万仙楼の前で、만선루앞에서][In front of Taishan Middle Shrine, 泰山中廟の前で、태산중묘앞에서]
[In front of "Medicine King Palace" 薬王殿の前で、"약왕전"앞어서]

When we arrived at “Middle Heaven Gate” we tried to catch other members. We waited for a little, but soon, gave up. We decided to go ahead by ourselves and began climbing the steps on the ride side from the shuttle bus-stop.

Along the steps, they were selling cold cucumbers and tomatoes and watermelons. They looked delicious, but did not buy any.

The steps from Middle Heaven Gate to South Heaven Gate were very steep. I saw two little kids were sitting on the bamboo stick which two men were carrying.

[The slopes of the stairs became steeper and steeper, 階段がだんだん急になる、계단이 조금씩 조금씩 험해진다][Two kids being carried by two men, 竹の棒に子どもを載せて運ぶ二人の男性、대나무 막대에 어린이를 태워서 나르는 두사람][A man selling souvenirs whiling blowing "bird-sound" whistle, 鳥の鳴き声をまねた笛を吹きながら土産物を売る男、새 울음 소리를 흉내낸 피리를 불면서 특산물을 파는 남자]

When we arrived at “South Heaven Gate,” one of AhToSan staff members, “Upo” was waiting for us and indicated to turn left there.

["South Heaven Gate"南天門、남천문]

There was a public toilet, and we sat on the hill on the other side of “Tianjie (天街)” or “Sky Town.”

There were a lot of “Tulipa edulis” blooming around there. We had lunch sitting there.

Then one by one, AhToSan hikers arrived and joined us. There were the guide with the main group. So I realized that Mr. Matsumoto and I were in the top group.

Some of AhToSan group rode the rope-way from Middle Heaven Gate to South Heaven Gate. Since they had to wait for their turn, they were the last group.

[A lunch box, 韓国式海苔巻の弁当、 한국식 김밥 도시락]

After lunch, we all gathered in front of the gate of “Tianjie” or “Sky Town” at 2 p.m. Mr. Kim, the main guide, estimated that one hour was enough to make a round trip to the main shrine“玉皇頂(Yuhuangding)” and we began to stroll separately.

[In front of the gate of "Tianjie" 天街の門の前で、천가문 앞에서][In front of Zhaozhen Temple built during Song Dynasty (960-1279), 宋代に建てられた碧霞祠の前で、송대에 세워진 벽하사 앞에서]

Mr. Matsumoto and I walked together. Since it was my 2nd time to visit here, it was not new to me at all. We arrived at the shrine at around 2:30. There were a lot of “locks”at the shrine. These “locks” might to be locked by a lot of couples as their sweet memories.

[The main building on the top of the Taishan,「玉皇頂」へのアプローチ、옥황정에 가는 길][At the main shrine of "玉皇頂"泰山頂上の玉皇頂にて、태산 정상의 옥황정에서][Cliff Inscription of Tang Dynasty, 大観峰「唐摩崖」、대관봉 "당마아"]

After visiting the main shrine on the top of the mountain, we came down via a“Confucian temple.” We came back to the gate of “Heaven Town” before 3 p.m., but most of AhToSan members came back after 3 p.m.

[At Confucian temple, 孔子廟にて、공자묘에서]

Later, I found out that they went farther to another peak called“日観峰 (Rekanfeng)” where a meteorological observatory was. No wonder it took so much time.

[Zhaozhen Temple,碧霞祠、백하사]

[We went down the same steps we climbed. 上りと同じ道を下る、올라 온 길과 같은 길을 내려간다.]

We began decending from Tianjie at 3:20 p.m. We went down much faster and came down to Middle Heaven Gate at 4:00, then we took a shuttle bus to the terminal.

[While waiting for the bus at the square, 無事下山してバスを待つ、무사히 하산 후 버스를 기다렸다]

Our bus came to pick us up at the square, and we arrived at the 2nd hotel“斎都大酒店,” and had a gorgeous dinner.”

It was my 27th hike for this year and my 238th regular hike with AhToSan members.






[Before leaving the hotel, ホテル出発前に、호텔 출발전에]


[We started at Taishan Culture Square, 出発地点の泰山文化広場、출발 지점인 태산문화광장][In front of Wanxianlou, 万仙楼の前で、만선누앞에서]


[In front of Taishan Middle Shring, 泰山中廟の前で、태산중묘앞에서]


[Near "Middle Heaven Gate"中天門近くで、중천문 근처에서]



[In front of "South Heaven Gate"南天門の前で、남천문 앞에서]


[With a Chinese guide, ガイドさんと、가이드와 함께]



[In front of the gate of "Tianjie" 天街の門の前で、천가문 앞에서]


[At the main shrine on the top of Mt. Taishan, 泰山頂上の玉皇頂にて、태산정상의 옥황정에서]
["Reguanfeng(日观峰)" and meteorological observatory on the top of Mt. Taishan, 泰山頂上の気象台と日観峰、태산정상의 기상대와 일관봉][At Confucian temple, 孔子廟にて、공자묘에서]



[Front desk of the 2nd hotel in China, 二日目のホテルのフロント、2일째 호텔의 프론트]



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