About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130218-20 Epilogue of US-Trip:Seattle-Narita-Inchon-Deajeon

Date: Feb. 18 – 20, 2013

Itinarary: Seattle – Narita – Inchon (Air-Spa) – Daejeon

Partner: None

I concluded my 12 day-trip to US, leaving Seattle on Feb. 18.

My last breakfast in US was at the Swansons. They made “crêpe” by using an electric tool presented by one of their sons, Kip.

[My last breakfast in US with Lois and Craig, スワンソン夫妻と米国最後の朝食、스완손 부부와 미국 마지막 아침 식사]

According to Wikipedia, crêpe is a type of very thin pancake, usually made from wheat flour (crêpes de Froment) or buckwheat flour (galettes).

[Craig is making crêpe, クレイグが『クレープ』を作っている。크레이그가 "크레이프"를 만들고있다.]

The word is of French origin, deriving from the Latin crispa, meaning "curled". While crêpes originate from Brittany, a region in the northwest of France, their consumption is widespread in France and Quebec.

[Lois is making crêpe, ロイスが『クレープ』を作っている。로이스가 "크레이프"를 만들고있다.]

In Brittany, crêpes are traditionally served with cider. Crêpes are served with a variety of fillings, from the most simple with only sugar to flambéed crêpes Suzette or elaborate savoury. (unquoted)

[Hazelnut spread with skim milk and cocoa, ヘーゼルナッツ・スプレッド、헤이즐넛 스프레드]

[Whipped cream on crêpe,クレープの上にホイップクリームを載せる、크레이프 위에 휘핑 크림이 놓여있다.]

After the breakfast, they sent me to the Seattle Airport by 10 am. My flight was at 12:55, so I had lunch at Seattle Airport.

I went to a bar near the boarding gate and ordered a dish of seafood and rice and beer. It costed 36 dollars.

[A fish bar near the boarding gate, 搭乗口近くのフィッシュバー、탑승구 근처의 피쉬바]

[A dish with rice and seafood, シーフードとライス、해산물 요리와 라이스]

A young man sitting next to me, spoke to me. He said he traveled Okinawa, Hokkaido, Seoul and Philippines and on his way back to his home. (I did not ask him where his home was.)

[A young man with his laptop, 若者とPC、젊은이와 노트북]

He was viewing his laptop computer, so I told him my blog address, then he accessed my blog and viewed some of my blog articles.

When I finished my lunch, it was about the time to go on board. So, I said good-bye to him without asking his name.

The dated changed while crossing the Pacific Ocean and I arrived at Narita at 4:30 pm on Feb. 19.

I had Japanese-style ramen at the lounge in Narita. My flight to Korea was to leave at 7:25 pm but it was delayed significantly and I arrived at Inchon at 11 pm.

[I ate ramen at Narita, 成田空港でラーメンを食べた、나리타 공항에서 라면을 먹었다]

There was no bus service to Inchon, so I had to stay overnight at Inchon Airport.

There was a sauna at Inchon Airpot called “Air Spa”. It costed 20,000 won to use the facility. But I could take a bath and sauna and slept there.

I could not sleep well, but I could rest comfortably, and I left Air-Spa at 5:30 am next morning and took the first bus to Daejeon leaving Inchon at 6 am.

[I stayed at "Air-Spa" in Inchon Airport, 仁川空港のサウナで一泊、인천 공항 사우나에서 일박했다.]

Thus I came back to my studio apartment at around 9 am. My regular life in Korea began that day.









[The tools to make "crêpe"、『クレープ』を作るための道具、"크레이프"을 만들기위한 도구]


[Craig is making crêpe, クレイグが『クレープ』を作っている。크레이그가 "크레이프"를 만들고있다.]

[Spray-canned whipped heavy cream, スプレー缶に入ったホイップクリーム、스프레이 캔에 들어간 휘핑 크림]

[Whipped cream on crêpe,クレープの上にホイップクリームを載せる、크레이프 위에 휘핑 크림이 놓여있다.]



[A fish bar near the boarding gate, 搭乗口近くのフィッシュバー、탑승구 근처의 피쉬바]


[A young man with his laptop, 若者とPC、젊은이와 노트북]




[I ate ramen at Narita, 成田空港でラーメンを食べた、나리타 공항에서 라면을 먹었다]




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