About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140125 Yong-bong(霊峰1,097m) in WolAkSan National Park(月岳山国立公園 월악산 국립 공원), Jecheon(堤川 제천), ChungBuk Province(忠北道충북도)

Date: Jan. 25 (Sat) 2014, Cloudy, then rain

Mountain: Yong-bong(1,097m) in WolAkSan National Park, Jecheon, Chungbuk Province

Hiking Course: Shinreuksa Temple – Shinreuksa Junction – Yongbong – Shinreuksa Junction – “Maaebul”( Buddha image on a cliff) – Parking Lot

[A map of WolAkSan, 月岳山の地図、월악산 지도]

The first hike in Korea after my last winter vacation was “WolAkSan.”

It’s one of the 100 Famous Mountains in Korea and a national park.

It is a popular mountain, and AhToSan enjoyed a complete reservation: 45 participants.

It is not far from Daejeon, so we left the regular bus stop at Expo South Gate at 7 am.

We had a breakfast break at Shintanjin Service Area from 7:40 to 8:00.

[Shintanjin SA, 新滩津サービスエリア、신탄진 휴게소]

[At Shintanjin SA, 新滩津サービスエリアにて、신탄진 휴게소에서]

We arrived at Susanri, the original starting point at 9:40.

[Arriving at Susanli, 寿山里に到着、수산리에 도착]

I took several group pictures, then the leader called “Ah, Toyoil’n Sanekaja” which means “Let’s go mountains on Saturday.”

[A group picture at Susanri, 寿山里にて集合写真、수산리에서 단체 사진]

Then a man in uniform came to us and told us that the trail we were going, has been closed since the bridge in the trail fell down.

[AhToSan members at Susanri, 寿山里にて、수산리에서]

[Solhyanggi & Mogwa at Susanri, 『ソルヒャンギ』と『モグァ』、"솔향기"와 "모과"]

He was a staff member of National Park Management Office. So he led us by his pickup vehicle.

[We followed the truck, トラックの後を走った、트럭 뒤를 달렸다.]

He led us to the parking lot at Shinreuksa Temple.

[Arriving at Shinreuksa P.A., 神勒寺駐車場へ到着、신륵사 주차장에 도착]

There was a memorial stone on which the song of WolAkSan was curved.

[Memorial stone for "WolAkSan" 『月岳山』の歌碑、"월악산"의 노래비]

It was a popular song sang by Ju Hyongmi in 1985.

I used to like songs by Ju Hyongmi late 1980s, but I did not know this song.

Later, I found a website you can listen to this song as follows:


[The entrance of the trail, 登山路入口、등산로 입구]

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

As for the temple, there are two “Shinreuksa” temples in Korea. One is in Gyonggido, and the other one is in Jecehon.

[The gate of Shinreuksa, 神勒寺の山門、신륵사 산문]

Both were built during Shilla period (BC 356 – AD 935). So, it’s a quite old temple.

[Stone pagoda of three-layer、三層の石塔、삼층 석탑]

I went to the temple and saw the 3 layer stone pagoda. It looked very old.

[At Shinreuksa Temple, 神勒寺にて、신륵사에서]

At this moment, I was one of the last hikers among 45 AhToSan members.

[3 more kilometers up to the peak, 霊峰まであと3km、영봉까지 앞으로 3km]

It is always difficult for me to walk up to the ridge. This time, it took me more than one hour to reach at the ridge.

[Hikers of the last group, 後尾グループのハイカー達、후미 그룹 하이커들]

About 20 AhToSan members had been waiting for me at the ridge. So, when I arrived and joined them, I could offer the fruits which I brought as usual. It was 11:15.

[AtToSan members at the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A guidepost on the ridge, 稜線の道標、능선의 이정표]

After having “Suzuki Time,” again I was the last hiker. I followed the group with mostly two members; “Mogwa”, an attractive lady, and “Yugyokdae”a nice gentleman.

[A big pine tree on the ridge, 稜線の大きな松の木、능선의 큰 소나무]

When we arrived at the Shinreuksa Junction, I took pictures of them and “Yugyokdae” took a picture of me.

[At the junction, 神勒寺三叉路にて、신륵사 삼거리에서]

There was a big pine tree, and the trail was facilitated with wooden plates.

[With "Mogwa" on the trail, 登山路にて『モグァ』と、등산로에서 "모과"와 함께]

There was a steep steps, then I came to the place where the main group hikers were having lunch.

[At the trail near the summit, 頂上付近に登山路にて、정상 부근에 등산로에서]

[At the trail near the summit, 頂上付近に登山路にて、정상 부근에 등산로에서]

[At the trail near the summit, 頂上付近に登山路にて、정상 부근에 등산로에서]

I joined them. It was after 12:30. It was foggy, but it was not raining yet.

[Lunch near the summit, 頂上付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심 식사]

I joined one of the small groups to share lunch.

[Lunch near the summit, 頂上付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심 식사]

I finished having lunch before 1 pm and headed for the summit of Yongbong.

[Near the summit of Yongbong, 霊峰頂上付近にて、영봉 정상 부근에서]

When I arrived at Yongpong, about 5 or 6 members were there. So, I took pictures of the stone memorial with AhToSan members.

[At the summit of Yongbong, 霊峰頂上にて、영봉 정상에서]

Ruchi took my pictures with other members as well.

Then we went back to the Shinreuksa Junction.

[At the big pine tree, 大きな松の木にて、큰 소나무에서]

[At the junction again, 再び神勒寺三叉路にて、다시 신륵사 삼거리에서]

It is a junction of three trails. So we began descending the mountain.

["Yugyokdae" on the down trail, 下山路にて『遊撃隊』、하산 길에서 "유격대"]

While walking down from the mountain, it began raining.

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

When I came close to the Ma-ae-bul, the image of Buddha curved on the cliff, I quite going to the place and asked other members to take pictures of the image.

["Ma-ae-bul" on the descending trail, 下山路の磨崖佛、하산 길의 마애불]

When I arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was raining not a little.

[At Deokjusa Parking Lot, 徳周寺駐車場にて、덕주사 주차에서]

I hurried to the parking lot, passing the site of “Deokju Moutain Castle”which must have been rebuilt recently.

[“Deokju Moutain Castle”、徳周山城、덕주 산성]

When I arrived at the restaurant where AhToSan people were having “wrap-up party”almost all other members were already there.

[The restaurant for the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパ会場の食堂、뒤풀이 장소가 된 식당]

Anyway, I could enjoy hot soup and makgeolli with them.

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[Main dish for the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

We left the restaurant at 4:30 pm and arrived at Daejeon at around 6:30.

It was my 6th hike for this year and 339th AhToSan regular hike in total.


登山地:忠北、堤川(제천)の月岳山国立公園(월악산 국립 공원)、霊峰(영봉1,097m)、

登山コース:寿山里(수산리)→神勒寺(シンルクサ신륵사)~神勒寺三叉路(신륵사 삼거리) ~ 霊峰(영봉) ~ 神勒寺三叉路 ~ 磨崖佛(마애불) ~ 徳周山城(덕주산성) ~ 駐車場 



[The location of WolAkSan, 月岳山の位置、월악산 위치]


月岳山は奇岩が聳え立ち、山が険しく、昔から聖なる山と考えられていたことから主峰は霊峰(1.097 m)と名付けられた。




[Wild goat at WolAkSan, 月岳山の野生のヤギ、월악산의 산양]




[At Shintanjin SA, 新滩津サービスエリアにて、신탄진 휴게소에서]



[Arriving at Susanli, 寿山里に到着、수산리에 도착]


[A group picture at Susanri, 寿山里にて集合写真、수산리에서 단체 사진]

[AhToSan members at Susanri, 寿山里にて、수산리에서]



[We followed the truck, トラックの後を走った、트럭 뒤를 달렸다.]


[Arriving at Shinreuksa P.A., 神勒寺駐車場へ到着、신륵사 주차장에 도착]


[Memorial stone for "WolAkSan" 『月岳山』の歌碑、"월악산"의 노래비]

周炫美の歌は韓国語の勉強を始めた87年、88年ごろに大ヒットした「雨の永東橋(비내리는 영동교)」や「新沙洞のあの人(신사동 그 사람)」は知っていたが、「月岳山」という歌があったことは知らなかった。



[The entrance of the trail, 登山路入口、등산로 입구]

[At the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

駐車場から雪道を少し歩くと右側に「神勒寺(신륵사)」という寺がある。「神勒寺」という名前の寺は京畿道 驪州市(여주시)にもあり、どちらも新羅時代(紀元356年- 935年)の開山となっている。

[At Shinreuksa Temple, 神勒寺にて、신륵사에서]


[At Shinreuksa Temple, 神勒寺にて、신륵사에서]

[At Shinreuksa Temple, 神勒寺にて、신륵사에서]



[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


["Suzuki Time" on the ridge, 稜線にて『スズキタイム』、능선에서 "스즈키 타임"]



[A big pine tree on the ridge, 稜線の大きな松の木、능선의 큰 소나무]

[At the junction, 神勒寺三叉路にて、신륵사 삼거리에서]


[At the junction, 神勒寺三叉路にて、신륵사 삼거리에서]


[A big pine tree on the ridge, 稜線の大きな松の木、능선의 큰 소나무]

[At the trail, 登山路にて、등산로에서]

[At the trail near the summit, 頂上付近に登山路にて、정상 부근에 등산로에서]

[At the trail near the summit, 頂上付近に登山路にて、정상 부근에 등산로에서]


[At the trail near the summit, 頂上付近に登山路にて、정상 부근에 등산로에서]



[Lunch near the summit, 頂上付近で昼食、정상 부근에서 점심 식사]


[At the summit of Yongbong, 霊峰頂上にて、영봉 정상에서]


[At the big pine tree, 大きな松の木にて、큰 소나무에서]


[At the junction again, 再び神勒寺三叉路にて、다시 신륵사 삼거리에서]


["Ma-ae-bul" on the descending trail, 下山路の磨崖佛、하산 길의 마애불]

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[At Deokjusa Parking Lot, 徳周寺駐車場にて、덕주사 주차에서]


[A part of Deokju Mountain Castle, 徳周山城の一部、덕주 산성의 일부]



[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[Ruchi at the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]


[Main dish for the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]



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