About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140208 Gubyongsan (九屏山/구병산) in Boeun (報恩/보은), Chungbuk Province (忠北/충북)

Date: Feb. 8 (Sat), 2014, Cloudy, then snow/rain

Mountain: Gubyongsan (九屏山/구병산876m) in Boeun (報恩/보은), Chungbuk Province (忠北/충북)

Course: Jeokam Service Area – Junction of 3 trail – Spring – Peak of 825m – Wind Cave – Gubyonsan (876m) – Ssalgaebong – Seowonri [11.5 km, 6.5 hours]

After the hike, we took our bus to a restaurant in front of Jeokamri Bus Stop.

Participants: 22 AhToSan members

[A map of Gubyonsan, 九屏山の登山地図、구병산의 등산지도]

They originally planned to SeolAkSan, but it had been snow storming since Thursday night, therefore AhToSan staff members decided to change the destination on Friday.

In spite of the sudden change, 22 members applied to the hike to the new destination.

They did not change the bus so, we had plenty of vacant seats which I enjoyed much space on the bus.

Only I worried about the budget of AhToSan. Since they did not change the fee (23,000 won for each participant), it is obvious that they had deficit balance.

They also changed the departure time from 5 am to 7 am. It was much comfortable time.

We stopped at Shintanjin Service Area for breakfast. No matter the number of participants, they provided a pack of redbean rice to each participant. I kept this for my lunch.

[Shintanjin Service Area, 新滩津サービスエリア、신탄진 휴게소]

We arrived at the starting point of the hike, Jeokam Service Area at 8:40 am.

[The bus arrived at the destination, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 산행 지에 도착]

It was much closer to Daejeon than I expected. So, I did not wear spats on the bus. It took me a little time to do so.

I took the group picture on the bridge without wearing spats.

[A group picture on the bridge, 橋の上で集合写真、다리 위에서 단체 사진]

[I was left behind, 私は一人取り残された、나는 혼자 남겨져 버렸다.]

Then at the entrance of the trail which leads to ChungBuk Alps, there was a big board map of ChungBuk Alps, and a rest room.

While some female members were using the facility, I could put my spats properly, and we took another group picture at the entrance of ChungBuk Alps.

[A group picture again, 再び登山路入口で集合写真、다시 등산로 입구에서 단체 사진]

I had difficulties for the uphill as usual. J-nim, a kind staff member of AhToSan kept accompany with me.

[Near the entrance, 登山路入口近くの階段、등산로 입구 근처의 계단]

It was still 9:25 when “Alain Delon” called for “Suzuki Time” for my sake. So AhToSan members could enjoy eating fruits (grapes and mini-tomatoes) which I carried with me.

["Suzuki Time" on the ridge, 稜線で定番の『スズキタイム』、능선에서 "스즈키 타임"]

They ate about 60% of the fruits, so my bag became a little lighter.

Soon after the “Suzuki Time” break, we came to the rocky part of the trail. I climbed the rock first.

[Rock climbing, 岩場でロッククライミング、바위에서 "암벽 등반"]

Then I waited for J-nim. When he came up to the rock, we began ridge-hiking, my favorite part of the hike.

[J-nim on the rock, 岩の上のJニム、바위 위에 J님]

I could see villages and roads and reservoir underneath.

[Looking down from the ridge, 稜線から見下ろす、능선에서 내려다 본 풍경]

[The guidepost saying 6.5 km to the summit, 頂上まで6.5km地点、정상까지 6.5km 지점]

A lady whose nickname was “Mindeulle(민들레)” or “dandelion” suggested to wear crampons so I followed her suggestion.

[J-min standing on the observation rock, 展望台の岩の上に立つJニム、전망대 바위위에 서는 J 님]

But my feet became heavy because of the climbing irons and snow attached to the crampons.

[George on the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

The snow on the trail was not much, and not frozen at all. So, I took off the crampons and walked carefully. I thought it was much better.

[Signal flags on a branch, 木の枝に山岳会の標識、나뭇 가지에 산악회 깃발]

I enjoyed nice views from the ridge while walking toward the summit. Then I caught up with the main group of AhToSan who were having lunch along the trail.

[I caught up with the main group, 本隊に追いついた、본대 따라 잡았다]

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]

[Roasting dried squid,スルメをあぶる。오징어를 굽고 있다.]

The top group hikers were about to leave the place. But I could join the main group, and could enjoy barbecue which Alain Delon cooked with his burner and frying pan.

[Broiling "samgyupsal", サムギョクサル料理、삼겹살 요리]

“Goodman” who originally came from Jindo, brought “Jindo Red Wine” which was 60 degree of alcohol. I tasted a sip but it was like fire. After having lunch, I started walking before the main group. The dandelion also began walking before the main group.

[On the ridge after lunch, 昼食後稜線にて、점심 식사 후 능선에서]

There are many pine trees. I noticed that some of the trees have V-shape scars. I understand that these scars were made during World War Ⅱ. Imperial Japanese forces badly needed "oil" and they tried to use pine resin in stead of oil. Therefore these scars were made nearly 70 years ago!

[Scars on a pine tree, 松脂採取のため傷つけられた松、송진을 채취하기 위하여 긁힌 소나무]

However "Dandelion" and I walked almost at the same pace. But the main group people soon caught up with us at the rocky part.

[On the ridge after lunch, 昼食後稜線にて、점심 식사 후 능선에서]

I offered the rest of fruits to them as the 2nd “Suzuki Time.” We ate them all then.

[After the 2nd Suzuki Time, 二度目のスズキタイムの後で、두 번째 스즈키 타임 후에]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

After the 2nd Suzuki Time, we walked together. Then we came to the spot where there were several “wind caves" or "wind hole.”

[Near wind holes, 風穴の近くにて、풍혈 근처에서]

[Alain Delon near wind holes, 風穴の近くにてアランドロン、풍혈 근처에서 알랭 들롱]

[Hoarfrost on the tree,樹霜、상고대]

The warm wind comes from each hole. I saw the similar “wind hole” at Myokosan(妙高山) in Japan last summer.

[By the explanation of "Wind Hole", 風穴の説明板の横で、풍혈의 설명판 옆에서]

[A wind hole, 風穴、풍혈]

[Jeongjeong at a wind hole, 風穴にてチョンジョン、풍혈에서 정정]

As far as I remember, this was my first time to see such “wind hole” in Korea.

A good friend of mine, who used to live in Korea for more than 10 years, Alan England found a good video introducing this "Wind Hole." If you click this site, you see more interesting "show" about wind holes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ch_PkttrAc (Youtube video in Korean).

At this moment, the forest were covered with snow, and I saw beautiful hoarfrost on the trees.

[Final approach to the summit, 最後の階段、마지막 계단]

[Near the summit, 九屏山頂上付近にて、구병산 정상 부근에서]

I saw a nice shaped tree covered with snow near the summit of Gubyonsan.

[At the summit of Gubyonsan, 九屏山頂上にて、구 병산 정상에서]

Most of us liked this tree very much so we took several pictures of this tree, and people with this tree.

[At the summit of Gubyonsan, 九屏山頂上にて、구 병산 정상에서]

After enjoying magnificient views from the summit, we began descending the mountain.

[We began descending, 下山開始、하산 시작]

The trail from the summit to the middle of the mountain was very steep, and I needed put campons again to walk down safely.

[The guidepost on the descending trail, 下山路の標識、하산 길의 이정표]

I was again left behind the other members. Then J-nim was waiting for me at the foot of steel ladders.

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

From the steel ladder to the final point of Sowangri, I walked with J-nim and “Mrs. Dandelion.”

[At the foot of the mountain, 九屏山の麓にて、구병산 기슭에서]

[Mt. Gugyonsan, 麓から見た九屏山、산기슭에서 본 구병산]

[At the foot of the mountain, 九屏山の麓にて、구병산 기슭에서]

When we arrived at AhToSan bus, it was 3:30 pm. Mr. Park of the bus driver, drove us to a restaurant in front of the Jeokam Bus Stop.

[At the bus stop, 駐車場にて、주차장에서]

[Jeokam Bus Stop, 赤巖里バス停、적암리 버스 정류장]

Fast hikers were already having a wrap-up party at the restaurant.

[J-nim in front of the restaurant, 食堂前のJニム、식당 앞 J 님]

We had a nice party with “Tofu-Jjige” or Korean style stew with tofu and kimchi.

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[Tofu Jigae (Korean stew), 豆腐チゲ、두부 찌개]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

I liked the local makgeolli very much. “Goodman” from sang some folk songs during the party. He has nice voice.

[Goodman singing a folk song, グッドマンが民謡を歌った。굿맨이 민요를 불렀다]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

We fully enjoyed the party and came back to Expo South Gate in Daejeon at 6:10.

It was my 8th hike for this year and my 340th AhToSan regular hike.





  登山コース:赤巖SA (적암휴게소) – 九屏山案内板 - 三叉路 (삼거리) - 泉 - 815峰 - 風穴(풍혈) - 九屏山(구병산) – サルケ峰(쌀개봉) – 書院里(ソウォンリ서원리)[11.5km, 6.5時間]





「 今日(2月7日、金)午後5時現在、束草地域の積雪は8.6 cmに達しており、今日の夜には、よりひどい大雪が予想されています。雪岳山国立公園のフルリムゴル(흘림골)コースは、まだ制御されてはいませんが、大雪のため、明日永同地域は、交通渋滞が予想されています。 アトサンの運営スタッフは明日の気象状況が良くなる可能性がなく、大雪でかなりの交通渋滞が予想される地域で登山を強行するのは望ましくないと考えて山行地を近くの報恩、九屏山に変更することにしました。雪岳山登山を申請していただいた皆さんにお詫びの言葉を申し上げます。」

[A map of Gubyonsan, 九屏山の登山地図、구병산의 등산지도]






[The shower room at Shintanjin, 新滩津のシャワールーム、신탄진 휴게소의 샤워 룸]


[The bus arrived at the destination, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 산행 지에 도착]

[A group picture on the bridge, 橋の上で集合写真、다리 위에서 단체 사진]

[I was left behind, 私は一人取り残された、나는 혼자 남겨져 버렸다.]



[A group picture again, 再び登山路入口で集合写真、다시 등산로 입구에서 단체 사진]


[Near the entrance, 登山路入口近くの階段、등산로 입구 근처의 계단]


["Suzuki Time" on the ridge, 稜線で定番の『スズキタイム』、능선에서 "스즈키 타임"]



[Rock climbing, 岩場でロッククライミング、바위에서 "암벽 등반"]

[The rocky part of the trail, 登山路の岩場部分、등산로의 바위 부분]


[J-nim on the ridge, 稜線を歩くJニム、능선을 걷는 J 님]


[The guidepost saying 6.1 km to the summit, 頂上まで6.1km地点、정상까지 6.1km 지점]


[J-nim on the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Signal flags on a branch, 木の枝に山岳会の標識、나뭇 가지에 산악회 깃발]


[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線にて昼食、능선에서 점심 식사]


[Cooking ramen, ラーメン料理、라면 요리]

[Roasting dried squid,スルメをあぶる。오징어를 굽고 있다.]


[Broiling "samgyupsal", サムギョクサル料理、삼겹살 요리]




[On the ridge after lunch, 昼食後稜線にて、점심 식사 후 능선에서]


[On the ridge after lunch, 昼食後稜線にて、점심 식사 후 능선에서]


[Scars on a pine tree, 松脂採取のため傷つけられた松、송진을 채취하기 위하여 긁힌 소나무]


[The 2nd "Suzuki Time" break, 二度目の『スズキタイム』休憩、두번째 "스즈키 타임"휴식]


[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Hoarfrost on the tree,樹霜、상고대]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[Near wind holes, 風穴の近くにて、풍혈 근처에서]

[Near wind holes, 風穴の近くにて、풍혈 근처에서]

[The explanation of Wind Hole, 風穴の説明板、풍혈의 설명판]

[A wind hole, 風穴、풍혈]

[At a wind hole, 風穴にて、풍혈에서]

[A wind hole, 風穴、풍혈]

[J-nim at Wind Hole, 風穴にてJニム、풍혈에서 J 님]



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ch_PkttrAc (韓国の風穴)


[Final approach to the summit, 最後の階段、마지막 계단]

[Near the summit, 九屏山頂上付近にて、구병산 정상 부근에서]


[At the summit of Gubyonsan, 九屏山頂上にて、구병산 정상에서]

[At the summit of Gubyonsan, 九屏山頂上にて、구병산 정상에서]



[We began descending, 下山開始、하산 시작]




[Last stairs to the foot of the mountain, 下山路最後の階段、하산로 마지막 계단]


[At the foot of the mountain, 九屏山の麓にて、구병산 기슭에서]

[Mt. Gugyonsan, 麓から見た九屏山、산기슭에서 본 구병산]

[At the foot of the mountain, 九屏山の麓にて、구병산 기슭에서]


[At the bus stop, 駐車場にて、주차장에서]

[Near Jeokam Bus Stop, 赤巖里バス停前にて、적암리 버스 정류장 앞에서]

[In front of the restaurant, 食堂前にて、식당 앞에서]


[Tofu Jigae (Korean stew), 豆腐チゲ、두부 찌개]


[Local "Makgeolli", 地元のマッコリ、현지의 막걸리]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]

[Goodman singing a folk song, グッドマンが民謡を歌った。굿맨이 민요를 불렀다]

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げコンパにて、뒤풀이에서]




九屏山のフォトギャラリー/Photo Gallery of Gubyonsan/구병산의 포토 갤러리

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