About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


150117 Mt. Ohyama (大山 오오야마1,252m), Isehara(伊勢原이세하라), Kanagawa Prefecture(神奈川県가나가와 현)

Mountain: Mt. Ohyama (大山 오오야마 1,252m),

Date: January 17, 2014 (Fri) Cloudy

Course: Ohyama Cable Bus-Stop – Ohyama Cable Station – Shimosha – The Summit of Ohyama – Miharashi – Ohyama Cable Station – Bus Stop (About 8 km, 5 hours)

["Torii" in front of Isehara Station, 伊勢原駅前の鳥居、이세하라 역앞의 도리]

After climbing 4 mountains (Mt. Haguro, Mr. Kimbo, Mt. Hayama, Mt. Takao) I decided to climb Mt. Ohyama as my 5th hike for this year.

Mt. Ohyama has the altitude of 1,252m, and it has the main shrine of Aburi Shrine阿夫利神社 and the main temple, Ohyamadera Temple大山寺.

Besides these shrine and the temple, it also has many shrines and temples.

The mountain has been considered as a religious mountain, esp. since Edo period (1600 – 1868).

Another name of Ohyama is “Afurisan雨降山” which means “Rain Mountain.”

People who need “rain” badly are usually farmers and fire-fighters.

So esp. during dry weather, they climbed Mt. Ohyama and prayed the god for rain.

Just like Takaosan, the name of contributors were written with the amount of money they gave to the shrine on the memorial stones along the trail to the shrine.

Another similarity is the belief for “Tengu.” There was a memorial stone on which the statute of “Tengu天狗” was curved next to the “Shimosha Shrine下社".

Next to the “Tengu” stone, there was a shrine called “Tenmangu天満宮.”

Since Tenmangu enshrined “Sugawara MIchizane菅原道真” who is regarded as the god of academic achievement, many examinees, esp. for those who take entrance exams of universities, pay visit and pray for their success.


Anyway, I left home at 8 am and headed for Isehara since it is the base station for Ohyama hikers.

I changed trains two times (at Fujisawa and Sagamiohno) and arrived at Isehara at 9 am.

From Isehara to the foot of Mount Ohyama, I took a bus. Then walked to the Ohyama Cable-Car Station.

Usually I do not take Cable-Car and walk either Otokozaka (男坂) or Onnazaka (女坂) to Shimosha Shrine of Afuri Shrine (阿夫利神社).

But this time, I used the cable-car since I used the cable-car at Mt. Takao, and wanted to compare with it.

[The bus stop at Mt. Ohyama, 大山ケーブル駅バス停、오오야마 케이블 역 버스 정류장]

There is "Ohyama Tourist Information" near the bus stop. Tourists and hikers can get information here for free.

[Ohyama Tourist Information、大山観光案内所、오오야마 관광 안내소]

From the bus-stop to the Cable-Car Station, there is a path between shops and stores on both side.

Along the path, I saw several arts such as "Ukiyoe" by Hokusai printed on tile wall.

["Ukiyoe" by Hokusai, 浮世絵『ろうべんの滝』、우키요에 "로우벤 폭포"]

The path from the bus stop to the cable car station, was well paved or made by tiles.

[Shrine path entrance、神社参拝路入口、신사 참배로 입구]

There was the blossoms of Chimonanthus or wintersweet along the path.

[Chimonanthus (wintersweet), ロウバイ蝋梅/臘梅/唐梅)、납매]

There was a big billboard advertising "Ohyama Top." Tops are traditional toys in Japan, and "Ohyama Top" is famous for its good quality.

[Ads for "Ohyama Top" 大山コマの広告、오오야마 팽이의 광고]

[A guidepost to Cable-Car Station, ケーブル駅への標識、케이블 역까지 표지판]

Just like cable-cars at Takaosan, they use two cable-cars; “Tanzaga-gouたんざわ号” and “Ohyama-gou.おおやま号”

[Ohyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅、오오야마 케이블 역]

[At Ohyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅にて、오오야마 케이블 역에서]

[At Ohyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅にて、오오야마 케이블 역에서]

Comparing with Takaosan Cable-Car, Ohyama Cable-Car is newer. It was open in 1965.


[The Cable Car "Tanzawa"、ケーブルカー「たんざわ号」、케이블카 "탄자와 호"]

They operate every 20 minutes and I arrived at the station at 9:43, just after the one at 9:40 left.

[A tunnel of Cable Car, ケーブルカー隧道、케이블카 터널]

[A view from Tanzawa-gou, たんざわ号からの展望、탄자와 호에서의 전망]

Since I had a little time, I looked around the station carefully.

I noticed a small shrine in front of the station. It says “Nenomoto Shrine根之元神社."

[Nenomoto Shrine, 根之元神社、네노모토 신사]

There was a plate explaining the names of gods enshrined at this shrine.

They are as follows:
1) Iwasaku-no-kami
2) Nesaku-no-kami
3) Iwatutuio-no-kami

[Nenomoto Shrine, 根之元神社、네노모토 신사]

How they were produce are written in “Kojiki古事記”the oldest extant chronicle in Japan.

The story about these 3 gods is quite interesting to me, because I saw another shrine called “Haniyamahime Shine埴山姫神社” at Hagurosan羽黒山 on Jan. 2nd, this year.

“Haniyamahime埴山姫” was produced from “feces糞” of “Izanami-no-mikotoイザナミノミコト” a female god.


These three gods were produced from the blood of Kagu-tsuchiカグツチ when he was killed by “Izanagiイザナギ,” his father.

Izanagi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izanagi
Kagu-tsuchi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagu-tsuchi

[The image of "Creation" in Kojiki, 古事記による国造りの図、고사기에 나온 나라 만들기를 나타낸 그림]

These three gods are regarded as the gods of “cutting bad relations.” So people who want to cut bad relations may visit this shrine to cut the bad relationships or bad past.

It is similar thought of “exorcism厄払い” in Western religion.

Ohyamadera Temple also offers “Kawarake-nage” or Throwing “Kawarake(clay vessel)” as the means of “exorcism.”

When I got off the cable-car “Tanzawa-gou” I went to visit a small zoo for deer.

[Arriving at Afuri Shrine St. 阿夫利神社駅到着、아프리 신사 역 도착]

I saw a family of deer; a male deer and a doe, and a fawn, all together.

[Going to see deer, 鹿を見にゆく、사슴을 보러 갔다.]

[Afuri Shrine St & "Tanzawa", 阿夫利神社駅とたんざわ号、아프리 신사 역과 탄자와 호]

I noticed that the fawn had a white eye. A visitor who was feeding them said it would because of inbleeding.

[A family of deer, 鹿の一家、사슴 가족]

Actually there are many wild deer in the Japanese mountains, including Ohyama and/or Tanzawa. But they can not bleed with any of them, except those within the zoo. Too bad, I thought.

I climed the stairs up to the Shimosha Shrine. There was a big ring of “Kaya” grasses.

[The stone stairs of the shrine, 阿夫利神社の階段、아프리 신사의 계단]

[At Chozuya、手水舎にて、쵸오즈야에서]

Chozuya: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%8Dzuya

[At Chozuya、手水舎にて、쵸오즈야에서]

They say it is a lucky thing to go through this special grass-ring in the new year.

[Afuri Shrine "Shimosha", 阿夫利神社下社、아프리 신사 시모샤]

[The ring of "Kaya" grass, 茅の輪、카야(새) 바퀴]

There are many interesting things in and around the shrine.

This time, I noticed the entrance under the shrine. It says “Entrance of Ohyama Good Water大山名水入口,” so I entered into it.

[“Entrance of Ohyama Good Water" 「大山名水入口」,"오오야마 명수 입구"]

["Good Water of Ohyama", 大山名水、오오야마 명수(약수)]

[Selling salt and charm, 塩とお守り販売、소금과 부적 판매]

[Exhibition of gods, 神々の展示、신들의 전시]

There was a clean spring and several attractions including “Ohyama Sake.”

[Dedicated "sake", 奉納された日本酒、봉납 된 일본 술]

Besides these “sake” the most interesting thing was “The Guardian deity for dementia prevention.”

[Gods of Luck and "Sazare" Rock, 『一礼来福』神とさざれ石、"일례 래복"신과 "사자레"돌(조약돌)]

So, again this shows the strong wish of the people in general, esp. for my generations.

After coming out of the hole, I faced the gate as the entrance of the trail.

[Sengen Shrine, 浅間神社、센겐 신사]

[Relief image of Tengu, 天狗のレリーフ像、텐구의 릴리프 상]

[Tenman Shrine, 天満宮、텐만구 신사]

[Ema at Tenmangu, 天満宮の絵馬、텐만구 신사의 에마]

On the big wooden gate, I saw the letters “Hono 奉納” or “Contribution” by “Ohana-kouお花講.”

“Ohana-kou” is an organization of people who customarily climb Mount Ohyama every year from Tokyo.

I went through this gate and began the steep stairs toward the top of Mt. Ohyama.

[The steep stone steps,急な石の階段、가파른 돌계단]

[A stone statute of Buddha, 小さな石仏、작은 석불]

I noticed that two types of guideposts. One sets were relatively new, put in 1966.

[The trail around 3 chome, 三丁目付近の登山路、삼쵸메 부근의 등산로]

The other sets must be set during Edo period (1600 – 1868).

I saw Hakuran Shrine after climbing the stone stairs. It is said that this shrine was built before Afuri Shrine was built in 752 AD.

Then the trail went through the woods of big cedar trees.

Twin Cedar Trees are named “Meoto-sugi” or “Couple Cedar.” They seemed as old as 600 years old or older.

["Meoto-shugi" trees, 夫婦杉、부부 삼나무]

[The guidepost of "Meoto-shugi", 夫婦杉の道標、부부 삼나무 이정표]

[The trail around 13 chome, 十三丁目付近の登山路、십삼 쵸메 부근의 등산로]

After passing through a rock with a hole named “Tenguno-Hanatsuki-Iwa天狗の鼻突き岩,” I came to the outlook place called “Fujimidai” or “Mt. Fuji View Point.”

[Tengu-no-Hanatsuki Rock, 天狗の鼻突き岩、텐구의 코 찌르기 바위]

[Oiwake Stone at 16 chome, 十六丁目の追分の碑、십육 쵸메의 갈림길 석비]

Unfortunately, it was cloudy and I could not see Mt. Fuji at all.

[A view from Fujimidai, 富士見台からの展望、후지미 다이에서의 전망]

[The guidepost near the summit, 頂上付近の道標、정상 부근의 이정표]

[Trail near the summit, 頂上付近の登山路、정상 부근의 등산로]

[A Torii near the summit, 頂上付近の鳥居、정상 부근의 도리이]

I arrived at the summit of Mt. Ohyama at around 12:30. I saw a group of kindergartener led by teachers.

[A building on the summit, 頂上の建物、정상의 건물]

[Stone lanterns at the summit, 頂上の石灯籠、정상의 석등롱]

[Looking back the trail, 登山路を振り返る、등산로를 뒤돌아 봤다.]

[A view from the summit, 頂上からの展望、정상에서의 전망]

So Mt. Ohyam is very popular from various generations.

[At the summit of Ohyama, 大山頂上にて、오오 야마 정상에서]

[Main Shrine of Afuri, 阿夫利神社本社、아프리 신사 본사]

[The summit of Ohyama, 大山山頂、오오야마 산정]

[At the summit of Ohyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 산정에서]

I had my lunch which my wife prepared for me at a bench on the summit.

[Lunch on the summit, 頂上にて昼食、정상에서 점심 식사]

Then I began descending the mountain at 1:10 pm.

[I began descending, 下山開始、하산 시작]

The descending trail was muddy and not comfortable.

I arrived at Miharashi at 2:10, so it took me for just one hour to walk for 2.2 km.

[A guidepost at Miharashi, 見晴しの里程標、미하라시의 이정표]

From Miharashi, I took a bypass route to Shimosha Shrine because it was much easier than walk down to Hinatataishi bus stop.

[Afuri Shrine St. again,再び 阿夫利神社ケーブル駅、다시 아프리신사 케이블역]

I took the cable car again from Shimosha to the foot of the mountain. This time it was “Ohyama-gou” green car.

[Inside of Ohyama-gou, おおやま号内部、오오 야마 호 내부]

I arrived at the bus-stop to Isehara before 3 pm. So, I could go back to my house in Kamakura by 5 pm.

I did not want to miss Sumo games on TV.

So, my 5th hike for this year was about 5 hour walk.









[Old Map of Ohyama Trail, 江戸時代の大山登山地図、에도시대의 오오야마 등산지도]





[The entrance to "Onnazaka" 『女坂』登山路入口、"온나자가"등산로 입구]




[Platform of Isehara Station, 伊勢原駅プラットホーム、이세하라 역 플랫폼]


["Torii" in front of Isehara Station, 伊勢原駅前の鳥居、이세하라 역앞의 도리]


[At Cable-Car Bus Stop, 大山ケーブル駅バス停にて、오오야마 케이블역 버스정류장에서]

[A guidepost to Cable-Car Station, ケーブル駅への標識、케이블 역까지 표지판]



[Inari Shrine, 稲荷神社、이나 리 신사]

稲荷神: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%A8%B2%E8%8D%B7%E7%A5%9E


[Stone Guidepost to Chatou Temple, 茶湯寺への石標、차토데라(차탕사 석표]


[Nirvana image of "Chatoudera", 茶湯寺の涅槃像、차토데라(차탕사)의 열반상]




[Nenomoto Shrine, 根之元神社、네노모토 신사]


[The derivation of Nenomoto Shrine, 根之元神社の由来、네노모토 신사의 유래]

また、その由来をみると『古事記によると、伊邪那美命(イザナミノミコト)が、火迦具土神(ヒノカグツチノカミ)の災難により、この世を去られたとき、 その夫、伊邪那岐命(イザナギノミコト)は、火迦具土神をお切りになりました。』







[The image of "Creation" in Kojiki, 古事記による国造りの図、고사기에 나온 나라 만들기를 나타낸 그림]



[At Ohyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅にて、오오야마 케이블 역에서]

[At Ohyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅にて、오오야마 케이블 역에서]


[Inside of Tanzawa-Gou,たんざわ号内部、탄자와 호 내부]


[A view from Tanzawa-gou, たんざわ号からの展望、탄자와 호에서의 전망]



["Ohyama" at Ohyamadera St., 大山寺駅のおおやま号,오오야마데라 역 "오오야마호"]


[Arriving at Afuri Shrine St. 阿夫利神社駅到着、아프리 신사 역 도착]

[Warning against wild bears,「クマ出没注意」、"곰 출몰주의"]


[A family of deer, 鹿の一家、사슴 가족]




[At Chozuya、手水舎にて、쵸오즈야에서]


[Afuri Shrine "Shimosha", 阿夫利神社下社、아프리 신사 시모샤]

[At Shimosha Shrine, 下社にて、시모샤에서]


[At“Entrance of Ohyama Good Water" 「大山名水入口」にて,"오오야마 명수 입구"에서]

["Good Water of Ohyama", 大山名水、오오야마 명수(약수)]

["Good Water of Ohyama", 大山名水、오오야마 명수(약수)]


[Place to taste "sake", 御神酒授与所、오미키(봉납 된 술)수여 소]



[Guardian for preventing dementia, ボケ封じの守護神、노망 봉인의 수호신]


[Fire protection water in Edo Period, 江戸時代の防火用水桶、에도 시대의 방화 용수 통]


[Relief image of Tengu, 天狗のレリーフ像、텐구의 릴리프 상]


[Tenman Shrine, 天満宮、텐만구 신사]


[Ema at Tenmangu, 天満宮の絵馬、텐만구 신사의 에마]



[The gate for the trail to the summit, 阿夫利神社参道の門、아프리 신사 참배 문]



[The explanation about Hakusan Shrine, 白山神社の説明、하쿠산 신사의 설명]


[A stone memorial of "Hiku" by Iyoji, 伊代次の句碑、이요지의 하이쿠 시비]



[A new stone guidepost, 新しい道標、새로운 이정표]

[An old stone guidepost, 古い道標、오래된 이정표]


["Meoto-shugi" trees, 夫婦杉、부부 삼나무]

[The trail around 13 chome, 十三丁目付近の登山路、십삼 쵸메 부근의 등산로]




[Oiwake Stone at 16 chome, 十六丁目の追分の碑、십육 쵸메의 갈림길 석비]

[A view from Fujimidai, 富士見台からの展望、후지미 다이에서의 전망]


[The guidepost near the summit, 頂上付近の道標、정상 부근의 이정표]

[Trail near the summit, 頂上付近の登山路、정상 부근의 등산로]

[A Torii near the summit, 頂上付近の鳥居、정상 부근의 도리이]


[The last steps to the summit, 最後の石段、마지막 돌계단]

[A view from the summit, 頂上からの展望、정상에서의 전망]

[At the summit of Ohyama, 大山頂上にて、오오 야마 정상에서]

[Main Shrine of Afuri, 阿夫利神社本社、아프리 신사 본사]

[The summit of Ohyama, 大山山頂、오오야마 산정]

[At the summit of Ohyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 산정에서]


[Lunch on the summit, 頂上にて昼食、정상에서 점심 식사]


[I began descending, 下山開始、하산 시작]

[A guidepost along the down trail, 下山路の里程標、하산 길의 이정표]


[Looking back the summit at Miharashi, 見晴しにて、미하라시에서]



[Inside of Ohyama-gou, おおやま号内部、오오 야마 호 내부]

[Cable Car Ohyamadera ST. ケーブル大山寺駅、케이블 오오야마데라 역]



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