About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140131 Dodeokbong (道徳峰도덕봉) and Geumsubong (錦繡峰금수봉) in Sutonggol (수통골) Daejeon (대전)

Mountains: Dodeokbong (534m) and Geumsubong (531m) in Sutonggol (수통골) Daejeon (대전)

Date: Jan. 31, 2014 (Friday) Fine

Partners: Tina (Canada), Jens (Germany), Pablo (UK), Robby (Indonesia) and 3 Germans (I saw them at Sutonggol for the first time.)

Course: Sutonggol Bus-Stop – The entrance of Sutonggol – Dodeokbong – Geumsubong – Swuigoljae – The Small Sutonggol - The entrance of Sutonggol – Bus Stop (About 10 km, 5 hours and 40 minutes.)

[A map of Sutonggol, ストンコルの地図、수통골 지도]

It was the Lunar New Year’s Day. Most of Koreans were busy visiting their relatives.

So, I planned a light hike to Sutonggol for Taejonhikers.

Tina family and Robby replied to my call. We all got together at KAIST at 9 am.

[At the bus stop at KAIST, KAIST前のバス停にて、KAIST 앞 버스 정류장에서]

We took #104 bus to Sutonggol.

Since it was the Lunar New Year, the streets were vacant, so was the bus. We were the only passengers.

[At Sutonggol Bus Stop, ストンコルバス停にて、수통골 버스 정류장에서]

We arrived at Sutonggol Bus Stop at 9:40. We walked along the river toward the entrance.

[A Pick-Up Store, 貨物車の店、화물차 상점]

We took some group pictures at the entrance of Sutonggol.

[At the entrance of Sutonggol, ストンコルの入り口にて、수통골 입구에서]

I also took a picture at the big map at the entrance of the trail to Dodeokbong.

[At the entrance of the trail, 道徳峰登山路入り口にて、도덕봉 등산로 입구에서]

We began climbing the mountain at around 10 am.

[A view of Yusong-gu from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]

[A view from the observation deck, 展望台からの展望、전망대에서의 전망]

[Tina Family at Observation Deck, 展望台にてティナ一家、전망대에서 티나 가족]

Soon, three gentlemen came from our behind, and they went ahead of us on the ridge. They were all Germans. When they were taking a short rest at the observation deck, I talked to them. Then I found out their nationality. So, I told them that one of our people came from Germany.

[With German guys, ドイツ人たちと、독일인들과 함께]

When I introduced Jens to them, they soon began speaking in German.

[With German guys, ドイツ人たちと、독일인들과 함께]

They were drinking vodka and they encouraged me to sip a shot. It was very strong, but I liked it. I told them that it would be good when it was very cold. One of the three German hikers, maybe Michael or Mario told me that it would be not a good idea to drink a strong alcohol because it might have made a drinker's bodily temperature lower.

[Germans drinking vodka、ドイツ人たちがウォッカを飲んでいる。독일인들이 보드카를 마시고있다.]

Wow, it's a new piece of information! I had been thinking that strong alcohol would always be good for hikers because it would had caused the body temperature high. So, I was wrong!

[A bottle of vodka, ウォッカのボトル、보드카 병]

But I still believe "warm sake" is good during cold weather, as J-nim at AhToSan always provides AhToSan members. I really enjoy his sake very much every time, though it was only a sip.

By the way, one of three Germans, Andreas, was wearing coat. He looked very dandy. I liked his style. It was not a normal hiking style at all.

[Andreas on the right, 右端アンドレアス、오른쪽 안드레아스]

[At the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

When I asked their course, they said Dodeokbong and Geumsubong, the same as ours.

So we decided to go all together.

[Taejonhikers on the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

We arrived at Dodeokbong at 11: 30. We took a group picture together.

[On the summit of Dodeokbong, 道徳峰頂上にて、도덕봉 정상에서]

[The guidepost on Dodeokbong, 道徳峰頂上の道標、도덕봉 정상 이정표]

Then we began ridge hiking toward Geumsubong.

[Pablo on the ridge, 稜線にてパブロ、능선에서 파블로]

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]

[Cheonwangbong of Gyeryong、鶏龍山天王峰、계룡산 천왕봉]

[Jens waiting for his family, イェンツが家族を待っている。엔쯔가 가족을 기다리고있다.]

There was an emergency box along the trail. Jens tried to open it, but it was locked. I though that when an emergency situation happened around here, ambulance crews might rush here and opened the box tor the treatment.

[First-aid kit for hikers again, またしても登山用救急箱、다시 산악 구급함]

Sutonggol is a popular mountain for Daejeon citizens. Even on Lunar New Year’s Day, there were several Korean hikers. When we arrived at the junction near Geumsubong, it was already 1:05 pm.

[At the junction of three trails, 三叉路にて、삼거리에서]

But it was close to Geumsubong, where there was a nice gazebo. So we continued hiking.

[Near Geumsubong, 錦繡峰頂上付近にて、금수봉 정상 부근에서]

When we finally arrived at the summit of Geumsubong it was 1:30 pm. We had lunch at the gazebo. There were some hikers already there, including an attractive American lady and a nice looking Korean lady.

[Lunch time at the gazebo, 東屋で昼食、정자에서 점심]

I spoke to them and found out that they were English teachers in Gongju. I hesitated to speak more because they are beautiful ladies. (Too bad that I could not take their pictures. I needed braver mind.^^)

[At the gazebo after lunch, 昼食後東屋にて、점심 식사 후 정자에서]

We had nice views from the gazebo that day.

We began descending the mountain after lunch. While going down on the ridge, we could see the Geryonsan Mountains behind the Sutonggol Mountains well.

[A view of Geryong mountains, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산의 봉우리들]

There were observations decks, same as Dodeokbong route. So, we had another short rest at the observation deck.

[At the observation deck of Geumsubong Route, 錦繡峰ルート展望台にて、금수봉 루트 전망대에서]

Then we came down to the junction called “Swuigoljae.”

Then we went down along the stream, the same trail as we walked on Dec. 25, last year.

This valley is called "Jageun Sutonggol(작은 수통골)" which means "Small Sutonggol". When the two trails meet, you can see the Sutonggol with a waterfall.

[At "Small Sutonggol", 『小さなストンコル』にて、"작은 수통골"에서]

I like the both trails, the trail along the Small Sutonggol as well as the trail along the Big Sutonggol. But I like the Big Sutonggol better, because of my dear memories with many Taejonhikers, esp. Alan England who already went home in Tennessee two years ago.

[A trail along the reservoir, 貯水池横の登山路、저수지 옆의 등산로]

When I walked the wooden trail along the reservoir, all dear memories came back to me, and I felt like a bit nostalgic and a bit sad, because I had to leave Korea soon.

I saw some three banners on top, it said "A Happy New Year!" We, Japanese celebrate New Year Days holiday, starting from Dec. 29 through January 3, every year, but Koreans celebrate their New Year in lunar calendar for three days. This year, Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 (New Year Day was Jan. 31.) So it was actually the hike on Lunar New Year's Day.

[A Happy New Year" 『明けましておめでとう』、"새해 복 많이 받으세요!"]

It was 3 p.m. when we came to the entrance of Sutonggol.

[Near the exit of Sutonggol, ストンコル出口付近にて、수통골 출구 부근에서]

So it took us about 5 hours for the hike.

[The Sutonggol Bus Stop, ストンコルバス停、수통골 버스 정류장]

We took 5:20 bus from Sutonggol Bus Stop to KAIST.

[At KAIST Main Gate after the hike, KAIST正門にて、KAIST 정문에서]

It was my 7th hike for this year.






登山コース:ストンコルバス停~ストンコル入口~道德峰(도덕봉534m)~錦繡峰(금수봉531m)~スェコルジェ(쇠골재)三叉路~『小さなストンコル(작은 수통골)』~ストンコル入口~ストンコルバス停、距離は約10km、時間は9:40~15:20(5時間40分)

[A map of Sutonggol, ストンコルの地図、수통골 지도]





[At the bus stop at KAIST, KAIST前のバス停にて、KAIST 앞 버스 정류장에서]



[At Sutonggol Bus Stop, ストンコルバス停にて、수통골 버스 정류장에서]

[At Sutonggol Bus Stop, ストンコルバス停にて、수통골 버스 정류장에서]


[A Pick-Up Store, 貨物車の店、화물차 상점]


[At the entrance of Sutonggol, ストンコルの入り口にて、수통골 입구에서]


[At the entrance of the trail, 道徳峰登山路入り口にて、도덕봉 등산로 입구에서]

[At the entrance of the trail, 道徳峰登山路入り口にて、도덕봉 등산로 입구에서]


[First-aid kit for hikers, 登山用救急箱、산악 구급함]



[A view of Yusong-gu from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]


[The guidepost from 1 km, 1 km地点の道標、1 km 지점의 이정표]


[A view from the observation deck, 展望台からの展望、전망대에서의 전망]


[With German guys, ドイツ人たちと、독일인들과 함께]



[Germans drinking vodka、ドイツ人たちがウォッカを飲んでいる。독일인들이 보드카를 마시고있다.]


[A bottle of vodka, ウォッカのボトル、보드카 병]


[Taejonhikers on the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[On the summit of Dodeokbong, 道徳峰頂上にて、도덕봉 정상에서]


[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]

[Heading for Geumsubong, 錦繡峰へ向かう、금수봉으로 향했다.]

[A view of Geryong mountains, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산의 봉우리들]


[First-aid kit for hikers again, またしても登山用救急箱、다시 산악 구급함]



[Near Geumsubong, 錦繡峰頂上付近にて、금수봉 정상 부근에서]



[At the gazebo after lunch, 昼食後東屋にて、점심 식사 후 정자에서]


[A view of Geryong mountains, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산의 봉우리들]


[At the observation deck of Geumsubong Route, 錦繡峰ルート展望台にて、금수봉 루트 전망대에서]

『スェコルジェ(쇠골재)』三叉路から『小さなストンコル(작은 수통골)』渓谷を経てストンコル駐車場まで至る下山路は前回のビンゲ山の時と同じである。

[At "Small Sutonggol", 『小さなストンコル』にて、"작은 수통골"에서]


[Snow remaining in the valley,谷間に残っている雪、골짜기에 남아있는 눈]







さて、この日は韓国語で『ソルラル』、すなわち『旧正月』当日である。ストンコルの出口に近づくと3本の横断幕が掲げてあり、その最上段に"새해 복 많이 받으세요!"とある。直訳すると『新しい年に福をたくさん受けますように!』であるが、日本語では『あけましておめでとう』に相当するだろう。

[A Happy New Year" 『明けましておめでとう』、"새해 복 많이 받으세요!"]


[A frozen waterfall, 凍った滝、얼어 붙은 폭포]

[Near the exit of Sutonggol, ストンコル出口付近にて、수통골 출구 부근에서]

[The Duck Restaurant was closed! 鴨料理店は休業中、오리 요리점은 휴업중]



[On the bus to return, 帰路のバス内にて、돌아 오는 길의 버스에서]


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