About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110810 Jenolan Cave, Australiaオーストラリアのジェノラン洞窟

Date: Aug. 10 (Wed) Fine

Place: Jenolan Cave (Orient Cave)

Course: Chatswood – Three Sisters – Jenolan Cave (Orient Cave) – Chatswood

Partner: The Ohshimas (Missionary family) and Hajime (Orient Cave)

This is my 3rd visit to Jenolan Cave, which is in Blue Mountain area, 175 km west of Sydney.

Hajime drove us and his family for the first time in 2001. At that time, it was too late to join any cave-tour, so we just walked around the gate area of the cave.

Hajime took me again in 2005 with his family. We could join one the easy tours and I was really charmed with that beauty.

Now it was my 3rd visit, and this time, the Ohshima family, who happened to visit Australia from Japan. (The Ohshimas are Christian family who happened to visit Sydney then.)

Hajime and I left his home in Chatswood at 8 a.m. We picked the Ohshima in City at 9 a.m., then we headed for Blue Mountain.

It was a fine day and we arrived at Blue Mountains a little before 11 a.m. We had lunch at the observation area for Three Sisters.

[At Blue Mountains with the Ohshimas, 大島一家とブルーマウンティンにて、오시마가족과 블루 마운틴에서]

After having lunch at Blue Mountains, we hurried to Jenolan Cave. We arrived at 1:15 p.m.

There are several courses available. But to my regret, the most difficult course: real caving course was all full. No ticket available. The soonest course was “Orient Cave” but there were only two tickets left. So Hajime and I took them.

[Wild parakeets,野生のインコ、야생 잉꼬]

The Ohshimas had to wait for next toure which started at 2:00 p.m. It was the easiest course for beginners. I think it was appropriate for the Ohshimas, since their kids were 11 years old and 9 years old.

[Various tours available for the day, 多様なコースが選択できる。 다양한 코스를 선택할 수 있다.]

The most spectacular stalactite was the one looked like curtain and it was the symbol of Jenolan Cave.

[At the entrance of the cave,オリエント洞窟への隧道、오리엔트 동굴에의 터널][Sightseers listening to the guide in the cave, 洞窟内で説明を聞く観光客、동굴내에서 설명을 듣고 있는 관광객][The guide explaining the cave,洞窟内で説明するガイド、동굴내에서 설명하고 있는 가이드][The most famous stalactite、最も有名な鍾乳石、가장 유명한 종유석][At the inside of Orient Cave, オリエント洞窟内にて、오리엔트 동굴내에서][Cave coral (or cave popcorn)、洞窟サンゴ、동굴 산호][Hajime and I in the cave, 洞窟内の肇と私、동굴내에서]

It was a 2-hour tour and we waited for the Ohshimas.

[Iris flowers at Jenolan Cave area, 洞窟近くに咲いていたアヤメ、동굴 가까이에 피어 있었던 붓꽃]

On the way back to City, we dropped the Ohshimas in the resort area of Blue Mountain. We came back to Chatswood after the sunset.

Our grandchildren were waiting for us to have dinner together.

[Hajime and his 3 kids, 肇とその3人の子供たち、하지메와 그의 자식들]


観光地:オーストラリア、NSW州、Janolan Cave

観光コース:Three Sisters (Blue Mountain) – Janolan Cave, Orient Course

同行者:大島一家(Three Sisters)と長男肇(Orient Course)

シドニー近郊にあるJanolan Caveは今回が3回目。初めて行った2001年は洞窟ツアーに間に合わず、入り口の洞窟周辺のみの散歩。2度目は2005年で、初めて洞窟内に入った。今回は3度目で、入った洞窟は「オリエント」だ。たまたま豪州を訪問中の大島一家が同行した。





[At Blue Mountains with the Ohshimas, 大島一家とブルーマウンティンにて、오시마가족과 블루 마운틴에서]


[Booking Office, チケット売り場、 표파는 곳] [Wild parakeets,野生のインコ、야생 잉꼬]


[The guide at the entrance of the cave, 洞窟の入り口に立つガイド、동굴 입구에 서있는 가이드]



[The most famous stalactite、最も有名な鍾乳石、가장 유명한 종유석][Hajime in the Orient Cave, オリエント洞窟内の肇、오리엔트 동굴내의 하지메][Fossil remains(educational exhibition), 洞窟内の化石、동굴내의 화석 (교육용 전시물)]



[Kikko and her granddaughters, 喜久子と2人の孫娘たち、기쿠코와 그녀의 손녀들]

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