About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120109 Hakodate(函館하코다테), Hokkaido[北海道홋카이도)-tour, 1st day

The 1st day of Hakodate (Hokkaido) Trip

Date: January 9 (Mon) Fine, occasionally snow in Hakodate

Sightseeing City: Hakodate

Tour Course: JR Hakodate St. – Goryokaku (Star-Fort) – Trappistines Convent – Hakodate St.

Tour Group: 18 Japanese including myself.

1) From Ofuna to Hakodate

I got up at 3:45 a.m. Kikko made “bento” for me and after having breakfast, she sent me to Ofuna Station by car.

I took 5:09 train to Tokyo, changed trains there to Tohoku Shinkansen “Hayate.” It was my first experience to ride on “Tohoku Shinkansen.” Hayate left Tokyo at 6:28 a.m.

The ride on “Hayate” was very comfortable. I could see Mt. Tsukuba on right side in Kanto Plain.

[Tohoku Shinkansen "Hayate", 東北新幹線「はやて」도호쿠 신칸센(東北新幹線) 「하야태」]

I saw many snow-covered mountains on left side. Hayate arrived at Sendai at 8 a.m. and Morioka at 9 a.m.

As long as I could see, there were no trace of the greate earthquake and tsunami on March 11. I could see only snow-covered fields and mountains.

I noticed one of great mountains near Morioka. I wondered it could be “Iwakisan.” Anyway, Hayate arrived at Shin-Aomori at 10:01.

             [Mt. Iwakisan (1625m)、岩木山、이와키산]

There were plenty of snow around the railroad station there. I changed trains to “Hakucho” or “Swan” of special-limited train which connectd Aomori and Hakodate.

[Special Express "Hakucho" which connects Aomori and Hakodate, 青森と函館を結ぶ特急『スーパー白鳥』、아오모리(靑森)와 하코다테(函館)를 연결하는 특급 『슈퍼 백조』]

It was my first experience to go through under-sea tunnel “Seikan-Tunnel” which is 53,850 meters in length and 100 meters in depth. Seikan

[The explanation of "Seikan Tunnel, 青函トンネルの説明図、세이칸 터널의 설명도]
Tunnel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seikan_Tunnel

“Super Hakucho” arrived at Hakodate at 12:22.

["Super Hakucho" at Hakodate Station, 函館駅に着いた『スーパー白鳥』、하코다테역에 도착한 『슈퍼 백조』]

2) At Hakodate

I walked on the frozen street to find my hotel. It faces to the street on which streetcars are run. It was only 5 minutes from the station on foot.

It was before the check-in time. So I left the baggage at the hotel and went out to the town. The hotel provided a free-ticket for hamburger so I dropped in a nearby burger-shop and had a free chikenburger.

[Burger-shop in Hakodate、函館のバーガーショップ、하코다테의 버거 샵]

The city-tour started at 2 p.m.

3) The city-tour: Gryokaku.

[The Goryokaku, sightseeing tour bus, 観光バス『五稜郭号』、 관광 버스 『고료카쿠 호』]

Gryokaku, or “Star-Fort” was built in 1866 on the purpose of military defense against foreign invation when Edo Government was forced to open Hakodate Port according to Convention of Kanagawa between Japan and USA.

[At Gryokaku, 『五稜郭跡』にて、『고료카쿠 자국』에서]

It became the final battle site between Meiji Government and those against new government, so called “Battle of Hakodate” in 1868-1869. Toshizo Hijikawa, the young leader of anti-Meiji Government military force was killed during the battle.

[Reconstructed magistrate's office、再建された奉行所、재건된 옛날『부겨소』]`

It is quite different from those castles in Japan. In a sence, it was westernized fort, and the shape looked like “Star” from above.

[A moat of Gryokaku, 五稜郭のお堀、고료카쿠의 도랑]

I went up to the observation deck of Goryokaku Tour that day. Fortunately it was clear and I could see wonderful bird-eye views of Hakodate that day.

[A bird's eye view of Goryokaku from the observation deck of the tower, 五稜郭タワーの展望台から見下した五稜郭、고료카쿠 타워의 전망 대로부터 내려다본 고료카쿠]
[Hakodateyama from Goryokaku Tower, 五稜郭タワーの展望台から見た『函館山』고료카쿠 타워의 전망 대로부터 본 『하코다테야마』]

Then the sightseeing bus brought us to Trappistines Convent in the suburb of Hakodate. The time was almost sunset, and we could see only the garden of the convent.

[The statue of Archangel Michel、聖ミカエルの像、성 미카 엘의 상]
[At Trappistines Convent, トラピチヌス修道院にて、도라비스치누(Trappistines)수도원 에서]

Only building we could go in was a gift-shop run by the convent. They sell products made by nuns there. There was an alter which was a gift from Chinese convent in Beijing. There were Chinese sightseers there, just like in Goryokaku. The tour guide was explaining the gift from Beijing proudly.

The tour ended at around 4 p.m. and the bus went back to Hakodate Station at around 4:30.

I could enjoy seeing “sumo” on TV in my hotel room.

The extra-cost I paid beside the whole tickets of Shinkansen and Tokkyu in Hokaido, and 2 stays at the hotel with breakfast (41,000 yen) was below:

Entrance fee of Gryokaku-Tour: 750 yen (discounted), 2 sets of post-cards (1050 yen), a gift for my wife, “eye-mask with lavender fragrance” (500 yen), “Onigoroshi” or a Japanese sake, 1000 cc (500yen), etc.





旅行コース:函館駅西口~五稜郭~トラビスチヌ修道院~函館駅西口 同行者:ツアー参加者18人

1) 大船から函館まで



[Tohoku Shinkansen "Hayate", 東北新幹線「はやて」도호쿠 신칸센(東北新幹線) 「하야태」]






["Gohara" Station on Hokaido side, 北海道側の『郷原』駅、홋카이도측의 『고하라(鄕原)』역]


2) 函館にて




3) 市内観光ツアー「ツインクルバス函館:五稜郭」

[A historical landmark, Gryokaku, 歴史的遺産『五稜郭跡』、역사적 유산 『고료카쿠 자국』]


[A moat of Gryokaku, 五稜郭のお堀、고료카쿠의 도랑]


["Kitty-can"snowman, 『キティちゃん』雪だるま、『키티야』 눈사람]

[Reconstructed magistrate's office、再建された奉行所、재건된 옛날『부겨소』]`


[A group of Chinese sightseers, 中国人観光客のグループ、중국인 관광객의 그룹]


[A bird's eye view of Goryokaku, 五稜郭タワーの展望台から見下した五稜郭、고료카쿠 타워의 전망 대로부터 내려다본 고료카쿠]


[The statue of Hijikata Toshizo,土方歳三のブロンズ像、히지카타 도시조의 브론즈 상]
土方歳三 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9C%9F%E6%96%B9%E6%AD%B3%E4%B8%89

[Tsugaru Straight and Shimokita Peninsula from the tower, 五稜郭タワーの展望台から見た津軽海峡と下北半島、고료카쿠 타워의 전망 대로부터 본 쓰가루 해협과 시모키타반도]

五稜郭見学後、市内からやや外れた トラビスチヌ(Trappistines)修道院を見学した。(北海道函館市郊外にあるトラピスト会(厳律シトー会)系の女子修道院。日本最初の観想女子修道院である。お土産物として売られている、マダレナ(ケーキ)やクッキーが有名。)


[At Trappistines Convent, トラピチヌス修道院にて、도라비스치누(Trappistines)수도원 에서]





夕食は大相撲をTVで見ながら、持参したカップラーメンと缶ビール、およびコンビニで買った焼き鳥などで済ませた。 ツアー料金以外の出費は五稜郭タワーの750円と土産の絵葉書セット2つで1050円、妻へラベンダーのアイマスク500円、日本酒「鬼殺し」500円など。

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