About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120117 Mt. Ohyama (大山오오야마), Kanagawa-prefecture (神奈川県가나가와현)

Hiking Date: Jan. 17 (Tues) Cloudy then fine.

Destination (mountain): Mt. Ohyama (Kanagawa prefecture)

Hiking course: Ohyama Cable Car Bus Stop – Otokozaka (Male Slope) – Shimosha Shrine – Hus-Wife Cedar (Sugi) – Fujimidai – Top of Mt. Ohyama – Miharashi –Hinata Daishi Bus Stop

Partner: None

When I climbed Mt. Ohyama, I need to change trains at Fujisawa to Odakyu Line. I found out that 7:08 at Ofuna is the best train. I changed to the express train at Fujisawa, and Sagami-ohno and arrived at Isehara at 8:08, it took just one hour.

There is a big “Torii” in front of the bus stop at Isehara. That tori is the first gate of the road which leads to Ohyama Shrine.

[The big "torii" or shrine gate of Ohyama Shrine in front of Isehara Station, 伊勢原駅前の大山神社の鳥居、이세하라 역앞에 있는 오오야마 신사의 토리이]

The bus left at 8:20 and arrived at Ohyama Cable Station bus stop at 8:45.

[The bus arrived at Ohyama Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅に到着したバス、오오야마 케이블역에 도착한 버스]

[The picture map showing the hiking courses around Mt. Ohyama, 大山周辺のハイキングコース図、오오야먀주변의 하이킹 안내도]

[A top which is spinning in a show window, ショーウィンドウ内で廻る独楽、쇼윈도우내에서 도는 팽이]

You have to walk up about 20 minutes until the cable-car station. But I do not use the cable-car, but walked on the Otokozaka (Man’s Slope).

[Advertising display near the Cable Station, ケーブル駅近くの看板、케이블역 가까이의 간판]

When I climbed before, I used to walk “Onnazaka” or “Women’s Slope,”but this time, I challenged the harder trail.

[Bifurcation point of "Otokozaka" and "Onnazaka", 男坂と女坂の分岐点、"남자 언덕길"과 "여자 언덕길"의 분기점]

“Otokozaka” actually much harder than “Onnazaka” because the stairs are really steep.

[At "Otokozaka, 男坂にて、"남자 언덕길"에서]

I arrived at Shimosha at around 10 a.m.

[Gift shops from the stairs of Shimosha Shrine, 下社の階段から見下ろした土産屋、시모샤의 계단으로부터 내려다본 토산품점]

[The Shimosha Shrine, 大山の下社、오오야마의 「시모샤」]

The entrance of the trail which leads to the top of the mountain is just behind the Shimosha Shrine. There was another “Torii”which is much smaller than the first tori in front of Isehara Station.

[The half-open gate and stairs which leads to the top of the mountain, 「片開きの門」と大山山頂に続く階段、「편열기의 문」과 오오야마 정상에 가는 계단]

Then there is a steep stone steps behind the torii. The sky became clear at that time.

I took my self-portrait in front of “Meoto sugi (夫婦杉).” There are huge Japanese cedars including “Meoto sugi”around there.

[At "Husband and Wife" cedars,夫婦杉にて、"부부삼목"에서]

Ohyama is one of the most popular mountains in Kanto area, so there were several hikers on the trail, but not so many like in Korea.

When I arrived at Miharashi-dai or “observation spot”it was 11:15. They say it is the best spot to see Mt. Fuji from Ohyama. Luckily, I could see Mt. Fuji this time.

[Mt. Fuji from Fujimidai, 富士見台から見た富士山、후지미다이에서 본 후지산]

But while I was taking several pictures of Mt. Fuji, the clouds covered Mt. Fuji.

When I arrived at the top of Mt. Ohyama and the spot called “Mikaerino Fuji” or “If you turn back, you can see Mt. Fuji” spot, I could not see Mt. Fuji any more.

I arrived at the top of the Mt. Ohyama at around noon. It was a sunny day and I could enjoy my bento at the table there.

[At the top of Mt. Ohyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

I noticed that there were two does behind the public restroom. They were eating bamboo leaves there.

[A doe near the top of Mt. Ohyama, 大山山頂付近で見かけた牝鹿、오오야마 정상 부근에서 본 암컷사슴]

They put “grating steps” to keep dear off from the summit area. But it seemed no use. They (deers) came into the summit area through the different paths (avoiding grating steps). They do not afraid people so I could approach close to them.

[The grating steps to keep deer away, 鹿除けのグレーチング階段、사슴 옮기기를 위한 그레이 진구 계단]

I began decending the mountain at 12:30. I noticed that the trees were diffent from the shrine side. There were many huge“buna” or beech trees on the other side.

I arrived at Miharashi at 13:40 and arrived at Hinata Taishi Bus Stop at around 15:00.

[At Miharashi, looking back Mt. Ohyama, 見晴しにて大山を振り返る、미하라시에서 오오야마를 되돌아본다.]

I took 15:15 bus and came back to Ofuna at 16:30. It was my 3rd hike for the year 2012,

["Shirahige Shrine" near Hinata-Yakusi, 日向薬師付近の『白髭神社』、히나타야쿠시 부근의 『시라히게 신사』]

It cost about 2000 yen for the round trip from Ofuna including the bus fee. Total daily step was 28,500 steps (6 hour hike.)




登山コース:大山ケーブル駅~男坂~下社~夫婦杉~~富士見台~大山山頂~見晴台~日向薬師バス停(約10km、6時間) 同行者:なし


[After getting off at the bus stop, バス停でバスから降りて、버스 정류장에서 버스로부터 내려서]

[Tops drawn on the step stones, 敷石に描かれた独楽の絵、바닥돌에 그려져 있는 팽이의 그림]


[A tower for those who lost their lives for their own countries,「万国忠霊の塔」「만국충령의 탑」
[The reason why they built this tower,「万国忠霊の塔」の由来、「만국충령의 탑」의 유래]



["Tenmangu shrine which enshrines Sugawarano Michizane(AD 845 - AD 903) as "Tenjin" and the statutes of evacuated students from Kawasaki during World War Ⅱ, 天満宮と疎開児童の像、천만궁과 대피 아동의 상]


[下社の横の登山口で、老朽化した手すりと急な石の階段、시모샤옆의 등산구에서, 노화한 난간과 갑작스러운 경사의 돌계단]


[A view of Sagami Plain near "Husband and Wife" Cedar, 夫婦杉付近から見た相模平野、"부부삼목"부근에서 본 사가미 평야


[Mt. Fuji from Fujimidai, 富士見台から見た富士山、후지미다이에서 본 후지산]


[At the top of Mt. Ohyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]


[A doe browsing near the top of Mt. Ohyama, 山頂付近で熊笹を食む牝鹿、정상 부근에서 곰조릿대를 먹는 암컷사슴]


[At Miharashi, looking back Mt. Ohyama, 見晴しにて大山を振り返る、미하라시에서 오오야마를 되돌아본다.]


["Jizo" or "Ksitigarbha" on the descending trail, 下山路で見た地蔵菩薩、하산로에서 본 지조보살]

["Shirahige Shrine" near Hinata-Yakusi, 日向薬師付近の『白髭神社』、히나타야쿠시 부근의 『시라히게 신사』]




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