About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130211 The 6th day of US Trip: Niagara Fall, then to Boston

Date: Feb. 11 (Mon) Fine, occasionally rain

Itinerary: Webster (NY) – Niagara Fall (Canada) – Niagara Fall (USA) – Baffalo - Boston

Partners: Mr. & Mrs. Rupp (up to Buffalo Airport)

I got up at 4:30 and checked the flight situation by accessing http://flights.usairways.com/FlightStatus It was on time.

I saw outdoor through the window before the breakfast. There were two squirrels below the feeders. They were not in harmony, rather, they fighted each other.

[A squirrel eating seeds, 餌を食べるリス、다람쥐가 먹이를 먹고있다.]

After breakfast, we left Webster at 8 am. The weatherman said it would be raining, but it became fine.

[The thermometer shows the temperatures inside and outside of the house, 家の内外の気温を示す温度計、집 안팎의 온도를 나타내는 온도계]

When we passed the US-Canada border, the Canadian officer was very friendly. It took a few minutes for the oral exam, then we were in Canadian side.

[Hotels from which they can look down the Niagara Falls, ナイアガラの滝を見下ろすホテル群、나이아가라 폭포를 내려다 보는 호텔]

When we parked near Niagara Fall, it was just 10 am. We walked toward the fall, but Mr. Rupp had an orthopedic cast in his leg, so he did not walk much.

[The Canadian Niagara Falls、カナダ側のナイアガラの滝、캐나다 측의 나이아가라 폭포]

Mrs. Rupp and I walked along the river and saw the waterfall. We happened to see three Japanese girls who came for sightseeing from Saitama. I took pictures of them, and I asked them to take our pictures, too.

[Mr. & Mrs. Rupp at the Niagara Falls, ナイヤガラの滝の前のラップ先生ご夫妻、랩 선생님 부부가 나이야가라 폭포 앞에 서있다]

[The Canadian Niagara Falls、カナダ側のナイアガラの滝、캐나다 측의 나이아가라 폭포]

There was a visitors’ center near the fall. I took “behind the fall” tour which is just a tunnel behind the waterfall.

There were three observation decks to the fall, but because of ice and rocks, there was only one observation deck available.

After having a tour to “behind-the-fall” I joined Mr. & Mrs. Rupp and we went to the US side of the fall.

When we passed the border, the US officer was very strick and asked us many questions. Therefore it took much time and there was a long line of vehicles at the border.

It was fine while we were in Canadian side, but while having the many questions, it began raining.

The American side of Niagawa Fall was not very interesting. Besides, it began raining, we finished the sightseeing soon and had lunch inside the car.

[The American Niagara Falls, アメリカ側のナイヤガラの滝、미국 측의 나이야가라 폭포.]

Then Mr. & Mrs. Rupp drove me to Baffalo Airport. The flight was on time.

When I arrived at Boston, it was a little bit raining. Mr. Nagano, my senior during Daigakubu (Intra-NTT College) came to pick me up at the airport.

[Mr. Nagano in front of his house in Boston, ボストンの自宅前にて長野先輩、나가노 선배님이 보스턴 집 앞에 서있다.]

It took us only 30 minutes from the airport to his house in Brookline, Massachusetts.

It was my 2nd visit to his house. It was about 20 years ago when I visited them last time.

Pat-san, who was my English teacher during my Intra-NTT college, married Mr. Nagano 37 years ago, and since then they have been living in Boston.

They have two kids, Arisa and Yoichi. They have not married yet, but grown up and became independent now.

Their house is a three story building. I could use a bedroom on their 2nd floor.

Pat-san is a translater and Mr. Nagano is working at a Japanese school in Boston.

[With Pat-san at her kitchen, パットさんと台所にて、팟상과 함께 부엌에서]

It was a nice reunion. Mr. Nagano is a good cook. He cooked nice Japanese dishes. I feel comfortable speaking Japanese with them.

It was my 6th night in USA.






4時半に起床。US Airwaysの US364便をhttp://flights.usairways.com/FlightStatusで調べるとOn Timeとあるので、大丈夫そうだ。感謝。


[A squirrel eating seeds, 餌を食べるリス、다람쥐가 먹이를 먹고있다.]


計、집 안팎의 온도를 나타내는 온도계]


[The Rupps heading for Naiagara Falls, 駐車場からナイアガラの滝へ向かうラップ先生夫妻、랩 선생님 부부가 주차장에서 나이아가라 폭포로 향하고있다.]



[The Canadian Niagara Falls、カナダ側のナイアガラの滝、캐나다 측의 나이아가라 폭포]








[The American Niagara Falls, アメリカ側のナイヤガラの滝、미국 측의 나이야가라 폭포.]






[In front of the Naganos, 長野家の前で、나가노 선배님의 집 앞에서]










[The bed room on the 3rd floor, 三階の寝室、3 층 침실]






130210 The 5th day of US Trip #2: Japanese Church in Rochester and Irondequoit Bay and Treasures of the Rupps[米国旅行5日目ロチェスターにて午後]

Date: The morning of Feb. 10 (Sun) 2013 Fine

Partner: Mr. & Mrs. Rupp in Webster, NY

After having lunch, Mr. & Mrs. Rupp took me a Korean church. Since it was Lunar New Year, many Koreans were playing Yut Nori (Yunnori) (sometimes romanized as nyout or yoot) is a traditional board game played in Korea,

{The Korean church in Rochester, ロチェスターの韓国人教会、로체스터의 한인 교회]

[Inside of the Korean church, 韓国人教会の内部、한인 교회의 내부]

The service of Rochester Japanese Church was held at this Korean Church. The messenger of the Japanese church was the pastor of the Korean church who married a Japanese lady.

[Japanese service at the Korean church, 韓国人教会にて日本語礼拝、한인 교회에서 일본어 예배]

The Korean pastor spoke fluent Japanese, and his message was in Japanese. The title of the message was “The life of light and salt.”

[After the service with Mr. & Mrs. Rupp, 礼拝後、ラップ先生ご夫妻と、예배 후 랩 선생님 부부와 함께.]

After the service, they held a tea time. Less than 10 people including us, had a tea time and I introduced myself.

Mr. Rupp urged me to testify why I became a Christian, I testified about my cause which happened to me more than 40 years ago.

After the church service, Mr. & Mrs. Rupp took me to the water-front of Lake Ontario named Small Boat Harbor at Irondequoit Bay.

[At Lake Ontario,オンタリオ湖畔にて、온타리오 호수에서]

[At Small Boat Harbor,スモール・ボート・ハーバーにて、스몰 보트 하버에서 ]

There were many swans and Canadian geese at the water-front there.

Then we came back to the Rupps in the evening. Mr. Rupp showed me the underground rooms of the house.

[At the basement of the Rupps, ラップ家の地下室にて、랩 집 지하실에서]

There were many stuffed specimen of wild animals. He explained that his father was a missionary to Africa and a medical doctor. His hobby was hunting, and these stuffed animals were what he hunted in Africa.

[At the basement of the Rupps, ラップ家の地下室にて、랩 집 지하실에서]

What a dynamic life he spent, I thought. There were some pictures which Mr. Rupp drew, too.

[Japanese "Noren" in the basement, 地下室にかかっていた暖簾、노렌이 지하실에 달려있다.]

We had dinner together with the mother of Mrs. Rupp who lived near their home. Mrs. Rupp’s mother is 95 years old. Yet she is clear in thought. How wonderful that she is living hearthy at her age of 95!

[The dinner with the mother of Mrs. Rupp, ラップ夫人の母上と夕食、랩 부인의 어머님과 저녁 식사]

After dinner, we saw “God’s Fingerfrints in Japan Part 2”






[Mr. & Mrs. Rupp in front of the Korean church, 韓国人教会の前に立つラップ先生ご夫妻、한인 교회 앞에 서있는 랩 선생님 부부]

[Japanese service at the Korean church, 韓国人教会にて日本語礼拝、한인 교회에서 일본어 예배]


[The church was established 40 years ago, 教会は40年前に設立された。교회는 40 년 전에 설립되었다.]


私は65歳にもなって17歳の時の親不孝の体験、そして10年後の羽鳥明先生によるメッセージを聴いて「自分は罪びとであり、赦しが必要」と悟った体験を話すときに涙ぐんでしまう。これは死ぬまでこうなのか、これが最後なのか、分からない。 私の証しを聞いて、その場に居合わせた婦人の一人が、弟がシアトルに入て退職後献身したいと言っているので会って欲しいと頼まれた。


さて、礼拝後はラップ先生に車でロチェスターのオンタリオ湖のウォーターフロントへ連れて行ってもらった。具体的にはIrondequoit BayのSmall Boat Harborである。

[At Lake Ontario,オンタリオ湖畔にて、온타리오 호수에서]


[At Small Boat Harbor,スモール・ボート・ハーバーにて、스몰 보트 하버에서 ]


[At the basement of the Rupps, ラップ家の地下室にて、랩 집 지하실에서]


[At the basement of the Rupps, ラップ家の地下室にて、랩 집 지하실에서]

[Japanese "Noren" in the basement, 地下室にかかっていた暖簾、노렌이 지하실에 달려있다.]


[The main dish was sweet-potatoes, メインディッシュはスィートポテト、메인 요리는 고구마 요리]




130210-1 The 5th day of US Trip #1: Morning walk in Webser and Morning Service of Browncroft Community Church (BBC)[米国旅行5日目ロチェスターにて午前]

Date: The morning of Feb. 10 (Sun) 2013 Fine

Partner: Mr. & Mrs. Rupp in Webster, NY

[Morning Walk in Webster]

I got up at 5 am at the bedroom of the Rupps in Webster, NY. It was a fine day.

I borrowed a pair of long boots and long socks from Mr. Rupp and went out on the street for a morning walk.

[The town of Webster before the dawn, NY, 夜明け前のウェブスター、새벽의 웹스터]

First, I went to the backyard of their house. But it was too much snow piled up (about 30 to 50 cm), so I gave up and walked on the frozen street.

It was about dawn and the snow-covered houses and trees were beautiful, but at the same time, it was very cold.

[The dawn in Webster, NY, ウェブスターの夜明け、웹스터의 새벽]

I felt pain in my glove-covered hands, so I returned to their home after walking 30 minutes. It was about minus 15 degree centigrade.

Mrs. Rupp cooked rice for me, and they had serial and milk as main dish. We had salad and fruits as well, so it was a healthy breakfast.


After the breakfast, we enjoyed “bird-watching” through living room windows. Since they put “food” in their garden, many wild birds visit their garden.

The most eye-catching birds were “cardinals.” There were three couples. I noticed that while male cardinals were having food, female cardinals were waiting patiently for their turn at nearby maple branch.

[A male cardinal on the bird table, オスのショウジョウコウカンチョウがエサ台に止まっている。수컷 카디널이 먹이 대에 머물러있다.]

[While a female cardinal was waiting for is turn, メスがカエデの枝に止まって待っている。암컷이 단풍 가지에 멈춰 기다리고있다.]

[A female cardinal came to the bird-table after a male, オスが飛び去った後にエサ台に止まるメス、수컷이 날아간 후 먹이 대에 그칠 암컷]

They hang feeders near the window, too. Among many kinds of birds, sparrows were most brave. Only sparrows came to the nearest feeders and picked up seeds of plants as much as they liked.

[Sparrows picking seeds from the feeder, スズメがフィーダーから餌をついばんでいる、참새가 피더에서 먹이를 먹고있다.]

They have a picture book about birds and binoculars, so, they can learn the names of birds accurately.

I also noticed pictures of cute babies. They are the twin grand-kids who were born just a month ago.

[A picture of their grand-kids (twins)、1ヶ月前に撮影した孫(双子)の写真、1 개월 전에 촬영 한 손자 (쌍둥이)의 사진]

[The morning service of BBC]

We left home at 9 am to go to their church. The name of the church is Browncroft Community Church (BCC). Mr. & Mrs. Rupps had been sent to Japan by BCC for some decades. The last church they served in Japan was SNCC, the church in Kamakura (my mother church in Japan.)

[At the parking lot of the church, 教会の駐車場にて、교회 주차장에서]

It was a fine day after the heavy snow. There was a car with Florida number-plate.

[A car with Florida number-plate, フロリダ州のナンバープレートを付けた車、플로리다의 번호판을 단 차량]

The congregation of BBC is about 2,000 people on Sundays. It looked a big church to me. Moreover the style of morning service was quite different from the churches in Japan or in Korea. It looked like a music concert with some musicians on the stage!

[The service hall of BCC, 教会の礼拝堂内部、예배당 내부]

A group of singers and guitarists were on the stage. One of them was dancing while doing sign-language gestures. The songs they sang were very rithmical, and we felt like dancing.

[A man dancing with sign-language, 手話で歌いながら踊る男性、수화로 노래하면서 춤추는 남자]

On that day, there were 5 or 6 people who were baptized. The pastor and the people wishing baptism were the back side of the stage, and somehow they were above the stage.

There must be facilities for giving baptism above the stage. It looked like they were having baptism in the sky!

[The pastor baptizing a man, 牧師が男性に洗礼を授けている。목사가 남성에 세례를 주고있다.]

They used water for the ceremony, so the pastor got wet completely. After the ceremony, the pastor came down to the stage, changing his clothes to jeans!

[The pastor after the baptism, 洗礼式の後の牧師、세례식을 마친 목사님]

It was quite an unique morning service to me. It was certainly a modanized Christian service.

There were several “after-the-service” programs. We joined one of these programs “Mission Connection.” The program is about missionaries reports and supporters for their works.

[After the service in the hallway, 礼拝後の廊下で、예배 후 복도에서]

There were three missionary couples were on the stage. Their mission areas were; Pakistan, Russia and “ghetto area” of Rochester.

There was an MC and she played a kind of games. They separated the couples into wives’ group and hasbands’ group. While one group were out of the room, she gave interesting questions about their spouses. They have to write down on a big sheet of paper. Then spouses were called to the stage. Then spouses were asked the same questions by the MC. And audience would see if their answers were match or not.

[At a program "Mission Connection", 『ミッション・コネクション』プログラムにて、"미션 연결"프로그램에서]

The most interesting question and answere were: “Before marriage, what was the most romantic act your husband did for you?” One wife answered “He bought flowers for me.” Then her hausband said, “Did you forget that I hired a limousine to take you out and proposed that day?”

I thought that the works of their mission must be very serious and hard, sometimes, taking their lives, but they looked like absolutely relax and enjoyed their missions. How wonderful!

[Mr. & Mrs. Rupp after the church programs, 教会のプログラムを終えて、교회의 프로그램을 마치고 교회의 출구에 서있는 랩 선생님 부부]

After attending BCC activities, we went back for lunch.









[The dawn in Webster, NY, ウェブスターの夜明け、웹스터의 새벽]






[The backyard of the Rupps, ラップ家の裏庭、랩가의 뒷마당]



[A male cardinal on the bird table, オスのショウジョウコウカンチョウがエサ台に止まっている。수컷 카디널이 먹이 대에 머물러있다.]

[While a female cardinal was waiting for is turn, メスがカエデの枝に止まって待っている。암컷이 단풍 가지에 멈춰 기다리고있다.]

[A female cardinal came to the bird-table after a male, オスが飛び去った後にエサ台に止まるメス、수컷이 날아간 후 먹이 대에 그칠 암컷]


[Sparrows picking seeds from the feeder, スズメがフィーダーから餌をついばんでいる、참새가 피더에서 먹이를 먹고있다.]



[A picture of their grand-kids (twins)、1ヶ月前に生まれたばかりの孫(双子)の写真、1 달 전에 태어난 손자 (쌍둥이)의 사진]


さて、BCC(Browncroft Community Church)は9時半からで、家を9時過ぎに出発した。

[Mr. Rupp heading for the entrance of BCC, 教会の入り口に向かうラップ先生、교회 입구로 향하는 랩 선생님]


[The service hall of BCC, 教会の礼拝堂内部、예배당 내부]


[The pastor baptizing a man, 牧師が男性に洗礼を授けている。목사가 남성에 세례를 주고있다.]







[At a program "Mission Connection", 『ミッション・コネクション』プログラムにて、"미션 연결"프로그램에서]

聴いている人々はコーヒーやクッキーなどを楽しみながら聞けるので特に良い。後半はホームレス支援のためのOpen Door MissionでRestoring hope and changing lives in Rochesterという副題だった。このための基金集めも盛んにしているようだった。


[Mr. & Mrs. Rupp after the church programs, 教会のプログラムを終えて、교회의 프로그램을 마치고 교회의 출구에 서있는 랩 선생님 부부]

