About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130712 Mt. Fuji, 1st Day, (2013年度富士山登山第1日目2013 년도 후지산 등산 첫째날)

Walking from the 5th ST(2,200m) to Hauunso on the 8th ST (3,200m)

Date: July 12th (Fri) Fine

Place: Mt. Fuji

Course: The 5th Station (2,300m Yoshida Exit) – 6th St. – 7th ST – 8th ST (3,200m Hakuunso Lodge)

Partner; Mr. M (physicist) and Makochin

It is the 8th time to climb Mt. Fuji in 8 years since 2006. My partner was Mr. M whom I met in Daejeon, Korea during the hikes with Taejonhikers.

Mr. M is a physicist who used to work with Dr. Alan England at NFRI. He now works at a laboratory in Tokyo University. So we met at Shinjuku.

I took a 6:30 Shonan Shinjuku Line train at Ofuna station. Just a littlte bit before arriving at Shinjuku ST at 7:20, the train stopped because someone intruded into the rails near Shinjuku ST.

It began to move after 5 minute stop. Good grief, I could arrive at the bus-stop at Shinjukuat 7:40 am.

I bought some rice balls and water at a convenient store near the bus stop. Soon Mr. M joined me.

We applied to the tour separately. So our seats were separated. I was #3, and a stranger sat by me.

He introduced himself as Makoto Uchida. It was his 28th hike to Mt. Fuji! He climbed Mt. Fuji several times a year. So he is Mt. Fuji specialist!!!

How lucky I am After retiring from my current job in Korea, I may live in Japan from next April. So, I may climb several times a year, including from the 1st ST. So, I could learn from his experiences.

Makoto also makes his own blog. “Fujisan-no Makochin.” How cute. I found out that he already uploaded this year’s experiences as below:

“Fujisanno Makochin”

The bus left at Shinjuku 5 minutes delayed because of the JR train accident. Yet the last person arrived at 8:05, and soon we started for Mt. Fuji.

We arrived at the 5th ST of Mt. Fuji at 10:30 am. It was much earlier than I expected.

[Approaching Mt. Fuji, 富士山が近づいてきた。후지산에 거의 도착했다.]

[Passing by Fujikyu High Land, 富士急ハイランド付近を通過、후지큐 하이랜드 부근을 통과]

[Arriving at the 5th ST at 10:30, 10時半に五合目に到着、10:30 5부 능선에 도착]

[Mr. M at the 5th ST, 五合目にてMさん、5부 능선에서 M 씨]

[With Makoto at the 5th ST, 五合目にて内田さんと、5부 능선에서 우치다씨와 함께.]

[At the 5th ST, 五合目にて、5부 능선에서]

We had to wait until 12:00 noon to get necessary tickets including lodge coupon for Hakuunso at the 8th ST.

After taking pictures with Mr. M and Makoto, we had lunch together at a concrete table near the shrine, just like last year.

[Lunch with Makoto, 内田さんと昼食、우치다씨와 함께 점심.]

Makoto said his pace to climb Mt. Fuji would be different from us, so we began climbing differently.

[A traditional post on the 5th ST, 五合目に設置された郵便ポスト、5부 능선에 설치된 우체통]

As I wrote, this was my 8th hike from the 5th ST of Yoshida side, but it was the best clear day I experienced ever.

[We began hiking at noon, 我々正午に登山を開始した。우리는 정오에 등산을 시작했다.]

I could see Lake Yamanaka and Lake Kawaguchi clearly below. I felt so happy.

[We could see Lake Kawaguchi, 河口湖が見える。카와구치호가 보인다.]

Since the trail from the 5th to 6th was declining a little bit, people may feel uneasy, if the trail was right. I heard A group of foreigners are wondering about the trail, I assured them, saying OK to them.

[A map of Mt. Fuji, 富士山の地図、후지산 지도]

[A milestone at 6th ST, 六合目の里程標、6부 능선의 이정표]

[Fujihatazao, フジハタザオ、후지하타자오]

["Reynoutria japonica f. compacta" or "Fuji-itadori" in Japanese, オノエイタドリ(尾上虎杖)別名『フジイタドリ』, 『오노에이타도리』별명 『후지 감제풀』호장근의 일종]

Last year, I was in a group with a guide. If you walk in a group, the leader will lead the whole group adjusting with the weakest hiker. So, it could be very slow.

[The trail around the 7th ST, 七合目付近の登山路、7부 능선 부근의 등산로]

[Arriving at the 7th ST, 七合目に到着、7부 능선 도착]

[In front of Hanagoya (2700m, 7th ST), 花小屋の前で、"하나고야"앞에서]

[Taking a rest at a lodge on 7th ST, 七合目の山荘で一休み、7부 능선 산장에서 휴식]

[A trail for the 8th ST, 八合目へ向かう登山路、팔합목으로 향하는 등산로]

[Having a short break at "Toriiso(2900m)" 鳥居荘で小休止、도리이장 앞에서 짧은 휴식]

This time, Mr. Miki and I were “Free Type” so we could walk as we liked. It was much easier than last year.

[At the foot of 8th ST, 八合目の麓に到着、8부 능선 기슭에 도착]

[3.1 km up to the summit, 山頂まで3.1km地点、정상까지 3.1km 지점]

[Just before the 8th ST, 八合目手前の登山路、8부 능선 앞의 등산로]

[Taishikan at the 8th ST, 八合目の太子館、8부 능선의 태자관]

[Japanese traditional cakes at Taishikan, 太子館で売っていた日本伝統菓子、태자관에서 팔고 있던 일본 전통 과자]

[2.6 km up to the summit, 山頂まで2.6km地点、정상까지 2.6 km 지점]

Actually we arrived at Hakuunso on the 8th ST at 3:10 am, about 4 hours earlier than last year!

[Arriving at Hakuunso (3,200m) at 3:10, 3時10分に八合目の白雲荘(3,200m(へ到着、3시 10분에 8부 능선 백운장에 도착]

[At the 8th ST, 八合目にて、8부 능선에서]

We were the 3rd and 4th hikers among about 40 hikers in the same group. We had supper of curry and rice with hamburger at 4 pm and guided to our sleeping place.

[Supper at the lodge, 山荘の夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]

The sleeping place as on the upper bed in the lodge. The space allocated to each person is about 50 cm width; so narrow for adults.

However the first hiker who arrived at the lodge got sick after having supper. He said he arrived at the lodge at 2:50 am; 20 minutes earlier than us.

I guess he got high-altitude sickness. So he gave up the farther hiking and began descending the mountain.

As a result, four hikers share the space of five people. We could get a bit wider space and I could sleep much more comfortable than last year.

Thus my 8th hike from the 5th Station of Yoshida to the 8th Station of Hakuunso was the best hike in 8 years.


分類:登山、富士山(Mt. Fuji), 日本百名山(Best 100 Mountains in Japan)















[Makoto walking toward Service Area, 談合坂サービスエリアへ向かう内田さん、단고사카 휴게소로 향하는 우치다씨]

[Approaching Mt. Fuji, 富士山が近づいてきた。후지산에 거의 도착했다.]

[Passing by Fujikyu High Land, 富士急ハイランド付近を通過、후지큐 하이랜드 부근을 통과]


[Arriving at the 5th ST at 10:30, 10時半に五合目に到着、10:30 5부 능선에 도착]

[At the 5th ST, 五合目にて、5부 능선에서]

[Makoto and Mr. M at the 5th ST, 五合目にて内田さんとMさん、5부 능선에서 우치다씨와 M씨]

[At the 5th ST, 五合目にて、5부 능선에서]



[The entrance of the shrine, 小御岳神社の入り口、코미타케 신사의 입구]

[Looking up the top of Mt. Fuji, 神社から富士山頂上を見上げる、신사에서 후지산 정상을 올려다 보았다.]


[Horses for hikers at the 5th ST,五合目の乗馬用馬、5부 능선의 승마 말들]


[We could see Lake Kawaguchi, 河口湖が見える。카와구치호가 보인다.]


[At the 6th ST, 六合目、6부 능선]

[Looking down Lake Yamanaka, 山中湖が見える、야마나카호가 보인다.]

[5.3 km until the top of the mountain, 『山頂まで5.3km』の標識、"정상까지 5.3km"의 이정표]

[Fujihatazao, フジハタザオ、후지하타자오]


[Three men helping a blind woman, 三人が目の不自由な人の下山を助けている。세 사람이 눈이 불편한 사람의 하산을 돕고있다.]

[The trail around the 7th ST, 七合目付近の登山路、7부 능선 부근의 등산로]

[On the trail around the 7th ST, 七合目付近の登山路にて、7부 능선 부근의 등산로에서]

[Arriving at a lodge on 7th ST, 七合目の山荘に到着、7부 능선의 산장에 도착]

[At a lodge on the 7th ST, 七合目の山荘にて、7부 능선 산장에서]


[At the foot of 8th ST, 八合目の麓に到着、8부 능선 기슭에 도착]

[Just before the 8th ST, 八合目手前の登山路、8부 능선 앞의 등산로]

[Near the 8th ST, 八合目付近にて、8부 능선 부근에서]

[Origin of "Taishikan" or "Prince's Lodge", 太子館の由来、팔합목 태자관의 유래]

[Houraikan at the 8th ST, 八合目の蓬莱館、8부 능선의 봉래관]

[The poster of World Culture Heritage, 『世界文化遺産登録』のポスター、 "세계 문화 유산 등록" 포스터]


[Arriving at Hakuunso at 3:10, 3時10分に八合目の白雲荘へ到着、3시 10분에 8부 능선 백운장에 도착]

[Celebrating a successful hike with a beer, 缶ビールで第1日目登山成功祝い、캔맥주로 첫째날 등산 성공 축하]


[At the 8th ST, 八合目にて、8부 능선에서]





2 件のコメント:

  1.  鈴木さん、お久しぶりです、富士山ツアーで一緒だった内田まことです。鈴木さんのブログを拝見し、私の事もその中で富士山のスペシャリストとして紹介いただき赤面、恐縮しているところです。

    1. 内田さん、あたたかいコメントありがとうございます。先週木曜日、九州の山友達が訪韓し、土曜日、いっしょに韓国の山岳会が計画した智異山国立公園「霊帝峰」登山する予定でしたが、人数が不足してキャンセルされてしまいました。そのため、二人で個人的に智異山の最高峰「天王峰(1915m)」に登山するため、南原(ナムウォン)で2泊する旅行をして来ました。大田には日曜日に戻り、ようやく今年の富士山登山第2日目を完成しました。内田さんのブログは情報満載でとても面白いです。来年以降、ぜひ富士山には2回以上挑戦しようと思います。私のブログはこのあと、7月の日本での登山記が続きます。それではまた。George in Koreaより
