About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130717 Mt. Myoko(妙高山、묘코산2,454m), Niigata-ken, Myoko-shiI(新潟県妙高市니가타 현 묘코시)

Mountain: Mount Myōkō (妙高山 Myōkō-san) is an active stratovolcano in Honshu, Japan. It is situated at the southwest of Myōkō city, Niigata Prefecture, and a part of Joshinetsu Kogen National Park.

Mount Myōkō is listed as one of 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, and together with Mount Yahiko (弥彦山 Yahiko-yama), it is well known as the "famous mountain" of Niigata Prefecture.

[Mt. Myoko from bird's eye (from Internet), 妙高山の航空写真、묘코산의 항공 사진]

Hiking Date: July 17 (Wed) 2013, Cloudy, then rain.

Hiking Course: Seki-onsen (Mr. S’ car) -> Tsubame-onsen – Myosen Bridge – Asadaira Branch – Chinoike – Yumichi Branch – Munatsuki Hacho – Tengudo – Fu-ketsu (Wind Hole) – Kusariba (Chain Field) – The sumit of Mt. Myoko ----Yumichi Branchi – Ogon-no Yu (Golden Spa) – Tsubame-onsen (Mr. S’ car) -> JR Sekiyama ST

Public Transportation for return trip: JR Sekiyama – (Shinetsu Line) – Nagano – (Shinkansen) – Tokyo – (Tokaido Line) – Ofuna

Hiking Partner: Mr. S (my old classmate at NTT College in late 1970s who lives in Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture)

We got up at 4:30 and had breakfast in our hotel room. We checked out at 5:25 am.

[In front of "Senzan", 旅館『泉山』の前で、여관 "센잔"앞에서]

Mr. S drove from Seki-onsen to Tsubame-onsen where the trail to Mt. Myoko started. Tsubame-onsen seemed a little village of hot-spring inns with many beautiful flowers.

[Celosia argentea, commonly known as plumed cockscomb at Tsubame-onsen, 燕温泉のケイトウの花、츠바메 온천 맨드라미 꽃]

[Time Table for bus at Tsubame Onsen, 燕温泉のバスの時刻表、츠바메 온천 버스 시간표]

We went through the village and parked just at the entrance of the trail to Mt. Myoko.

[A map of Mt. Myoko, 妙高山登山地図、묘코산 등산 지도]

After taking pictures at the entrance, we began climbing the mountain at 5:45 am. We soon came to a suspension bridge named “Myosen Bridge.”

[At the entrance of the trail, 妙高山登山口にて、묘코산 등산로 입구에서]

However, the bridge was under construction and we had to walk down to the bottom of the valley and climbed up to the cliff by temporary stairs.

[At a temporary trail, 仮の階段にて、임시 계단에서]

[The bridge was under construction, つり橋は工事中だった、현수교는 공사중이었다]

[A view from the 1st ST, 一合目付近にて、1부 능선 부근에서]

[The trail covered with moss、苔に覆われた登山路、이끼 덮인 등산로]

When we went through the woods and came to a ridge, we could see some towns in distance. Then I found precious plants; Monotropastrum humile or “Indian pipes.


[Monotropastrum humile or "Indian pipes", ギンリュウソウ(銀竜草)またはユウレイダケ、"긴류우소우"(은룡초)]

I saw these plants at Oze a couple of years ago. This time, I saw many of them and I felt very happy.

[The trail around the 2nd ST, 二合目付近の登山路、2부 능선 부근의 등산로]

My hiking partner, Mr. S is a smoker. He carries a portable ashtray and whenever he takes a rest, he enjoys smoking.

So, I walked ahead, then waited for him. When he caught me up, then he started smoking and I began walking ahead. We repeated this pattern all the way to the summit, and then coming down to Tsubame onsen.

I arrived at Asadaira Branch (2nd ST) at 6:22, then Chinoike(血の池) or“The Blood Pond” of altitude 1,500m at 7 am.

[The mark of the 2nd ST "The Blood Pond"、『血の池』の標識、"피의 연못" 표지]

I guess the origin of “Blood Pond” came from the color of the stream; muddy red because of volcanic mineral in the water. (The water was warm.)

[A view from the 3rd ST, 三合目付近にて、3부 능선 부근에서]

[The guide post of the 3rd ST, 三合目の標識、3부 능선 표지판]

[A wild flower around the 3rd ST. 三合目付近の野生花、3부 능선 부근의 야생화]

[Mushrooms around the 3rd ST. 三合目付近のキノコ、3부 능선 부근의 버섯류]

[Near the 4th ST, 四合目付近にて、4부 능선 부근에서]

[The stream at Yumichi, 湯道のそばの小川、"유미치" 옆 시내]

The next spot was “Yumichi Branch.” Here, “Yumichi(湯道)” means the streams of hot-water, so obviously the stream is hot-spring water. I arrived there at 7:38.

[At Yumichi Branch, 湯道分岐にて、유미치 분기에서]

[Wild flowers at the 4th ST, 四合目付近の野生花、4부 능선 부근의 야생화]

[A fruit of trillium, エンレイソウ(延齢草)の実、연령초의 열매]

[Snowy gorge near the 5th ST,五合目付近の雪渓、5부 능선 부근의 눈 골짜기]

The next point was on the 5th ST of the mountain and called “Munatsuki Haccho” which means the steepest part of the climbing trail. The altitude was 1800m.

[At the 5th Station, 五合目にて、5부 능선에서]

We saw snow in the valley there. We had to walk across the snow. It was 8:18 am.

There was a wood of white birches. When I went through the wood, then I came to “Tengudo” which was the 6th ST of the mountain (1,930m.)

[The guidepost of the 6th ST, 六合目の標識、6부 능선 표지판]

[Mountain hydrangea and tea of heaven、ヤマアジサイ、야마아지사이 (산 수국)]

In front of Tengudo shrine, there was an open space. I peeled apples while waiting for Mr. S. We shared the fruit when he arrived at the 6th ST.

[The guidepost of Tengudo, 天狗堂の標識、텐구도의 표지판]

[The Tengudo, 天狗堂、텐구도]

When I arrived at the 7th ST, there was a shallow pond named "Kozenji-ike光前寺池." I wondered if there was a temple called "Kozenji." However, there was no facility to sit there, neither any open space, so I went on without waiting for Mr. S.

[The guidepost of "Kozenji Pond", 光善寺池の標識、"코젠지 연못"의 표지판]

["Kozenji Pond", 光善寺池、"코젠지 연못"]

[Cornus canadensis or Canadian Dwarf Cornel,ゴゼンタチバナ(御前橘),고젠 타치바나고젠 타치바나 (고산 식물)]

I arrived at the 7th Station of altitude 2,070m at 9:18. I did not wait for Mr. S there, but went on to “Kaza-ana” or “Wind Cave” which was the 8th ST of 2,120m.

[A wild flower at the 7th ST, 七合目付近の野生花、7부 능선 부근의 야생화]

There was two small wind holes at “Fu-ketsu” and cool wind came from these caves. I waited for Mr. S while having a rice-ball.

[Wind Hole 風穴、바람 구멍(풍혈)]

[At Wind Cave, 風穴にて、바람 구멍에서]

Above 2000 meter altitude, I saw many alpine flowers there and there. When Mr. S arrived at Kaza-ana he also liked the place very much.

[Alpine flora around 8th ST, 八合目付近の高山植物、8부 능선 부근의 고산 식물]

When I went on to the 9th ST where there was “Chain Field.” It reminded me of the similar place near the summit of Mt. Ishizuchi(石鎚山) in Shikoku.

[The mark of 9th ST, 九合目の標識、9부 능선의 표지판]

I remembered that hiking with Bernardo of Mexcico and Mt. Matsumoto from Kyushu in Oct. 2010.

[At Chain Field of the 9th ST, 九合目の鎖場にて、9부 능선 사슬장에서]

It was cloudy that day, but when I came to the 9th ST, I could see other mountains, esp. Mount Hiuchi (火打山 Hiuchi-yama) in front of me.

[Mt. Hiuchi is behind the clouds, 雲の向こうは火打山、구름의 저편는 히우치야마]

When I climbed up to the top of the cliff at Chain Field, it was close to the summit, yet had to walk through rocky place for about 50 meters.

The rocks are consolidated lava, similar to Mt. Fuji. But I could see alpine flowers even on the consolidated lava rocks.

[Lingonberries or cowberries, コケモモ(苔桃)、월귤(越橘)]

[Alpine flora near the summit, 頂上付近の高山植物、정상 부근의 고산 식물]

[he Keyflower (Dactylorhiza aristata), ハクサンチドリ、"학산 치도리"(고산 식물)]

[Near the summit of Mt. Myoko, 妙高山頂上付近にて、묘코산 정상 부근에서]

[Alpine flora near the summit, 頂上付近の高山植物、정상 부근의 고산 식물]

[Near the summit of Mt. Myoko, 妙高山頂上付近にて、묘코산 정상 부근에서]

We arrived at the summit of Mt. Myoko (2,454m) at 11:15. There were shrines on the top of the mountain, and I saw a strange “Jizo” which was completely different from ordinary “Jizo.”

[The mark of Myokosan summit, 妙高山十合目の標識、묘코산 10부 능선 표지판]

[George at the top of Mt. Myoko (2,454m), 妙高山山頂にて、묘코산 정상에서]

It looked like a general on the back of horse, and it is called “Shogun Jizo.” Actually it was "Myoko-Daimyojin(妙高大明神)." It is a combination of Shintoism and Buddhism, because "Daimyojin" is a term of Shintoism and Jizo is supposed to be a term of Buddhism as "Ksitigarbha." It was built during World War Two for the prayer of the victory.

["Shogun Jizo" or "Myoko Daimyojin" 将軍地蔵(妙高大明神)、장군 지장 보살 (묘코 대명신)]

Mr. S brought canned “mikan” or mandarin oranges. It tasted very good. We had 30 minute rest for lunch and began descending the mountain at 11:50 am.

[Mt. Hiuchi from Myoko summit, 妙高山頂上からみた火打山、묘코산 정상에서 본 히우티야마]

[At the summit of Myokosan, 妙高山頂上にて、묘코산 정상에서]

We saw a woman hiker coming up when we began descending. Her walking pace was much faster than us. When I was walkd down after “Yumichi Branch” she passed over me.

[Alpine flora near the summit, 頂上付近の高山植物、정상 부근의 고산 식물]

Later, Mr. S told me that he enjoyed talking with her for more than 10 mintes. They seemed to have common topics of the local area. I was amazed at Mr. S’ sociability.

[Snowy gorge near the 5th ST, 五合目付近の雪渓、5부 능선 부근의 눈 골짜기]

Anyhow, I waited for Mr. S at Yumichi Branch, and decided to go down first and to wait for him at “Ogon-no-yu黄金の湯” or “Golden Spa” while enjoying the spa.

[At Yudo-Branch, 湯道分岐にて、"유도 분기"에서]

[On the way for descending, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[On the way for descending, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[The hut to control Akakura-onsen, 赤倉温泉源泉管理小屋、아카쿠라 온천 원천 관리 오두막]

[On the way for descending, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

I arrived at “Ogon-no-yu黄金の湯” at 3:10 pm. It is a public open-air hot-spring, and to my surprise, free of charge.

{The entrance of "Golden Spa", 「黄金の湯」の入り口、"황금 탕"의 입구]

Since it was free of charge, it seems nobody clean the spa. The hot water itself is clean, because it continuously spring up from the earth. But the rocky bath-tub was full of moss, and slippery. So, you must be careful to go into the spa.

[Golden Spa for men, 黄金の湯の男湯、황금탕의 남탕]

It was not a coed style, the bathing place for men and women were different.

[Changing Room of Golden Spa, 男湯の着替え室、남탕의 탈의실]

I found a cast‐off skin of a snake on the rock which separates spa for men and women. It was about 1.2 meter. I also find a pupa of a butterfly. It was silver color and shining.

[Cast‐off skin of a snake, ヘビの抜け殻、뱀의 허물]

Japanese people generally like a cast-off skin of a snake, because it is believed that if you put it (even a part of it) into your purse or wallet, you get more money. I guess it comes from "rebirth" ability of snake. However, I do not believe that and I left it as it was.

Mt. S arrived at the spa at 3:30 pm. We still had enough time for him to enjoy the spa.

We left the spa at 3:45 and hurried to JR Sekiyama Station. Mr. S sent me off at the station and I took a train at 4:20 pm.

Just before the train arrived, it began raining. I am very much thankful to my God that He allowed us to climb Mt. Myoko safely, without rain.

On the way back, I took “Nagano Shinkansen” which brought me to Tokyo very fast.

It was raining in Kanto area, but I could come back to Ofuna without getting wet at all.


分類:登山、日本、東北・上信越, 日本百名山(Best 100 Mountains in Japan)

[Mt. Myoko in winter (from Internet)、冬の妙高山(ネットより)、겨울 묘 코산 (인터넷에서)]




復路の交通機関:JR関山駅→ (信越本線) → 長野 →(新幹線)→ 東京 → (東海道線) → 大船



[In front of "Senzan", 旅館『泉山』の前で、여관 "센잔"앞에서]



[Time Table for bus at Tsubame Onsen, 燕温泉のバスの時刻表、츠바메 온천 버스 시간표]

[Traditional Japanese inns at Tsubame Onsen, 燕温泉の旅館街、츠바메 온천 여관 거리]


[At the entrance of the trail, 妙高山登山口にて、묘코산 등산로 입구에서]


[At a temporary trail, 仮の階段にて、임시 계단에서]


[At the 2nd ST, 二合目にて、2부 능선 에서]

[A lot of ferns, シダ類の植物、양치류 식물]



[Monotropastrum humile or "Indian pipes", ギンリュウソウ(銀竜草)またはユウレイダケ、"긴류우소우"(은룡초)]

[At the 2nd ST, 二合目付近にて、2부 능선 부근에서]




[Mt. Myoko around the 3rd ST, 三合目付近から見た妙高山、3부 능선 부근에서 본 묘코산]

[A view from the 3rd ST, 三合目付近にて、3부 능선 부근에서]

[A wild flower around the 3rd ST. 三合目付近の野生花、3부 능선 부근의 야생화]

[Near the 4th ST, 四合目付近にて、4부 능선 부근에서]


[At Yumichi Branch, 湯道分岐にて、유미치 분기에서]

[Wild flowers at the 4th ST, 四合目付近の野生花、4부 능선 부근의 야생화]

[A fruit of trillium, エンレイソウ(延齢草)の実、연령초의 열매]


[At the 5th Station, 五合目にて、5부 능선에서]

[Near the 6th ST, 六合目付近にて、6부 능선 부근에서]

[At the 6th ST, 六合目にて、6부 능선에서]

[Mountain hydrangea and tea of heaven、ヤマアジサイ、야마아지사이 (산 수국)]



[Parnassia palustris or Bog-star? ウメバチソウ? 우메바찌소우?]

[Cornus canadensis or Canadian Dwarf Cornel,ゴゼンタチバナ(御前橘),고젠 타치바나고젠 타치바나 (고산 식물)]


["Kozenji Pond", 光善寺池、"코젠지 연못"]

[The mark of the 7th ST, 七合目の標識、7부 능선의 표지판]

[A wild flower at the 7th ST, 七合目付近の野生花、7부 능선 부근의 야생화]

[Indian pipes around the 7th ST, 七合目付近のギンリュウソウ、7부 능선 부근의 "긴류우소우"]


[At Wind Hole, 風穴にて、바람 구멍(풍혈)에서]


[Alpine flora around 8th ST, 八合目付近の高山植物、8부 능선 부근의 고산 식물]


[The mark of 9th ST, 九合目の標識、9부 능선의 표지판]


[Viewing nearby mountains at the 9th ST, 九合目にて峰々を望む、9부 능선에서 산봉우리를 보았다.]

[At Chain Field of the 9th ST, 九合目の鎖場にて、9부 능선 사슬장에서]




[Lingonberries or cowberries, コケモモ(苔桃)、월귤(越橘)]


[Mt. Hiuchi is behind the clouds, 雲の向こうは火打山、구름의 저편는 히우치야마]

[Alpine flora near the summit, 頂上付近の高山植物、정상 부근의 고산 식물]

[Near the summit of Mt. Myoko, 妙高山頂上付近にて、묘코산 정상 부근에서]


[The copper mark of the summit, 銅製の妙高山山頂の標識、동제의 묘코산 정상 표지판]

[Mr. S on the summit, 妙高頂上のS氏、S씨가 묘코산 정상에 앉아있다.]


[Mr. M in front of the "Myoko-Daimyojin", 妙高大明神の前のS氏、"묘코 대명신"앞의 S 씨]

[At the summit of Myokosan, 妙高山頂上にて、묘코산 정상에서]

[he Keyflower (Dactylorhiza aristata), ハクサンチドリ、"학산 치도리"(고산 식물)]






[Snowy gorge near the 5th ST, 五合目付近の雪渓、5부 능선 부근의 눈 골짜기]



[At the 4th ST on the descending trail, 下山路の四合目、하산로의 4부 능선]

[On the way for descending, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[Springhead of Akakura-onsen, 赤倉温泉の源泉、아카쿠라 온천의 원천]

[On the way for descending, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[The mark of Ogon-no-Yu(Golden Spa), 黄金の湯(公衆露天風呂)の標識、황금탕 (공중 노천탕) 표지판]


[Golden Spa for men, 黄金の湯の男湯、황금탕의 남탕]

[The hot-spring comes out from this, 湯の出口、뜨거운 물 출구]



[A butterfly pupa, チョウのサナギ、나비의 번데.]






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