About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130713 Mt. Fuji, 2nd Day, (2013年度富士山登山第2日目2013 년도 후지산 등산 둘째 날)

Mt. Fuji, from 8th ST to the summit, then walking around the crater and descending to the 5th ST.

Date: July 13th (Sat) Fine, then cloudy

Place: Mt. Fuji (Walking around the crator, then descending to the 5th ST)

Course: 8th ST (Hakuunso Lodge) – Top of the mountain (Yoshidaguchi) – Yamaguchiya Lodge – - Fujinomiya – Kengamine (3776m) – Subasiri Exit - 8th ST (Hakuunso Lodge)

Partner; Mr. M (physicist) and Makochin

I could have a nice sleep since we happened to have extra-space at Haukunso Lodge (thanks to the hiker who went down after supper.) Last year, I could not sleep at all. So, my condition was the best in the past 8 years.

Last year, I arrived at the top of the mountain too early. (My partner and I left the lodge at 0:30 am last year and arrive at the summit before 4 am.) So, we got up at 1:30 am and left the lodge at 2 am.

[We left Hauunso at 2 am,白雲荘を2時に出発した。우리는 백운 장을 2시에 출발했다.]

Most of other hikers in the lodge left before us. A group of young hikers left at 23:30, before midnight! I thought it was not necessary.

I was right. The trail from the 8th ST to the top of the mountain was not crowded at all. We could arrive at the last Torii at the 9th ST at 4 am.

From the 9th ST to the top of the mountain, hikers were encouraged to go two ways. One is the trail for strong hikers who could walk to the mountain side. They could go pass the slower hikers who were walking to the valley side.

[Viewing Lake Yamanaka near the summit, 頂上付近で山中湖方向を見る、정상 부근에서 야마나카호 방향을 보았다.]

[At a memorial of 33rd climbing of Mt. Fuji, 『富士山33回登頂記念碑』にて、"후지산 33 회 등정 기념비"에서,]

There was almost none who walked on the mountain side. So I could reach at the top much faster than other hikers.

[At the Torii near the summit, 頂上付近の鳥居にて、정상 부근의 도리이에서]

Mr. M seemed a little bit tired. When he arrived at the edge of the crater at Yoshida side, he could not climb up to the basement of the stone pole on which "Okunomiya Shrine on the summit of Mt. Fuji", but I did.

[In front of "Okunomiya" Shrine on the summit, 富士山頂上浅間大社奥宮前で、후지산 정상 센겐 타이샤 오크노미야 앞에서]

[Seeing the sunrise at the summit, 頂上にて日の出を見る。정상에서 일출을 보았다.]

It was very windy on the top of the mountain (around the crater.) As far as I remember, it was the strongest wind in the past 8 years.

[Seeing the sunrise at the summit, 頂上にて日の出を見る。정상에서 일출을 보았다.]

The jacket which my friend in Seoul gave me this year was very helpful since it had hood. It was water- and wind-proof.

[In front of the crater, 富士山頂上の火口の前で、후지산 정상 분화구 앞에서]

There were a bit cloudy that day. We saw the sun-rise among cloud. Then we went back to Yamaguchiya Lodge, just like last year, and had ramen. It cost 900 yen, but it was money worth. A bit expensive, but it was delicious.

[A bowl of ramen on the summit, 頂上の山口屋のラーメン900 yen)、정상 야마구차야의 라면]

After having breakfast, I heisted a little because of the ultra-strong wind. But I decided to go around the crater.

[We began walking around the crater, 御鉢めぐり開始、"분화구 일주"시작]

I saw a post office near Fujinomiya Shrine on Shizuoka side of the crater. I could send post cards to my friends from the top of the mountain, but I did not prepare post-cards. I should prepare post-cards to my friends next time.

[Okunomiya Shrine on the summit of Mt. Fuji, 富士山頂浅間大社奥の宮、후지산 정상 센겐 타이샤 오크노미야 신사]

After Fujinomiya shrine, I wanted to use a bath room. But it says “The highest toilet in Japan” and the charge was 300 yen. So, I did not use the toilet there while Mr. M used it. (In Japanese, "high" could mean "expensive.) But come to think of it, here, "High" meant the location (altitude), not necessarily the fee. After all, it is necessary to charge users for this kind of important facility.


[Kengamine (3776m) from the public bath room, トイレの前から剣ヶ峰を望む、화장실 앞에서 겐가미네(3776m)를 보았다.]

I went ahead, leaving Mr. M at the bath room and went up to Kengamine, the highest peak around the crater.

When I climbed up to Kengamine, it was around 6 am. There was a line of people to take a picture at the highest point of the mountain. I asked a stranger to take my picture at the stone mark of the highest point at 6:07 am.

<[At the stone monument of Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰の石標にて、겐가미네(3776m)에서]

[At the top of Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰山頂にて、겐가미네 정상에서]

The slope from Fujinomiya-side to Kengamine was a bit steep and slippery. Hikers were supposed to climb at once, otherwise it is more difficult to climb.

Mr. M came to Kengamine a bit late. But the line of waiting people was much longer. So I encouraged him not to wait for his turn. I took his picture with the marking stone at a distance anyway.

[Theabandoned meteorological observatory,旧富士山測候所、구 후지산 측후소]

After taking pictures at Kengamine, we continued to walk around the crater. There was much snow reminded below Kengamine. We walked on the snow around the crater carefully.

[Walk blow Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰の下の火口にて、겐가미네 아래 분화구에서]

It was regretful that we could not see the shadow of Mt. Fuji because of the cloud. Without seeing the shadow of Mt. Fuji, we went on to walk around the cater.

[Looking back Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰を振り返る、겐가 미네를 되돌아 봤다.]

Mt. M seemed a bit too tired and began walking slowly. I encouraged him and took several pictures. It was about 7 am when we reached at the start of descending trail of Subashiriguchi.

[Mr. M at the edge of crater, 火口の淵に立つM氏。M 씨가 분화구의 가장자리에 서있다.]

We put spats on both feet. Then we began descending the mountain. Actually it was my first time to use spats. They were effective and they could protect my feet from small gravels.

[We put spats on our feet, 足にスパッツを装着、다리에 스패츠를 장착]

But Mr. M complained that his spats were not effective. While taking the gravels out from his booths, I went ahead and waited for him at the public bath room at the 7th ST.

I waited for him for about 30 minutes, but he did not dome down. So I decided to wait for him at the 5th ST.

[The descending trail around 7th ST, 七合目付近の下山路、7부 능선 부근의 하산로]

I noticed there were rhododendron (alpine roses) around 6th station.

[The descending trail around 6th ST, 六合目付近の下山路、6부 능선 부근의 하산로]

["Rhododendron" or alpine roses, シャクナゲ、석남(石楠)]

[Approaching to the 5th ST, 五合目付近にて、5부 능선 부근에서]

I arrived at the 5th ST at 10 am and waited for Mr. M at the main lodge of the bus tour.

He arrived at the 5th ST at 10:35. He said his feet ached a bit severely. It was hard for him to descend the mountain than climbing up.

The tour bus would leave at 11:50. So we had time for shopping, and even had lunch. We had noodle for lunch and I bought several souvenir gifts.

I found a new product among many gifts. It was a melon bread which NHK was introducing before. It has the shape of Mt. Fuji and tasted good. There was a long waiting line of people. I bought three melon breads paying 1000 yen for my wife.

[Melon Bread Shop, メロンパン売店、멜론빵 매점]

On the way back to Shinjuku, we went to a restaurant after having hot-spring together with Makochin of Fujisan. We drank local beer of Mt. Fuji there.

[At a restaurant with Makochin and Mr. M, 帰路の温泉で、온천의 레스토랑에서]

[Fujizakura Heights Beer, 富士桜高原ビール、후지 자쿠라 고원 맥주]

We arrived at Shinjuku at 6 pm and at Ofuna after 7 pm. I quit attending KEC (Kamakura English Club) that day and went home directly.


分類:登山、富士山(Mt. Fuji), 日本百名山(Best 100 Mountains in Japan)第2日目







[We left Hauunso at 2 am,我々は白雲荘を2時に出発した。우리는 백운 장을 2시에 출발했다.]





[We arrived at 8.5th ST at 2:55 am,八合五勺には2:55に到着、하치고 고사쿠에는 2:55에 도착]


[Mt. M before 9th ST, 九合目付近のMr. M, 9부 능선 부근의 M 씨]

[Viewing Lake Yamanaka near the summit, 頂上付近で山中湖方向を見る、정상 부근에서 야마나카호 방향을 보았다.]

[At a memorial of 33rd climbing of Mt. Fuji, 『富士山33回登頂記念碑』にて、"후지산 33 회 등정 기념비"에서,]


[In front of "Okunomiya" Shrine on the summit, 富士山頂上浅間大社奥宮前で、후지산 정상 센겐 타이샤 오크노미야 앞에서]

[Seeing the sunrise at the summit, 頂上にて日の出を見る。정상에서 일출을 보았다.]


[In front of the crater, 富士山頂上の火口の前で、후지산 정상 분화구 앞에서]









[The Post Office on the summit, 富士山頂の郵便局、후지산 정상의 우체국]


[A public bath room on the summit, 富士山頂上の有料公衆トイレ(300円)、후지산 정상의 유료 공중 화장실]



<[Mr. M at Nt. Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰にて、겐가미네(3776m)에서]


[At the top of Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰山頂にて、겐가미네 정상에서]


[The crater of Mt. Fuji, 剣ヶ峰からみた噴火口、겐가미네에서 본 분화구]


[Walk blow Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰の下の火口にて、겐가미네 아래 분화구에서]


[Mr. M on the Ohachimeguri route, 御鉢めぐりルートにて、"분화구 일주"등산로에서]

[We completed to walk around, 火口一周終了、분화구 일주 완료]


[At the starting point for descending, 須走下山口にて、수바시리 하산로에서]



[Meigetsuso, メイゲツソウ、"메이게쯔소우"]


[The descending trail around 6th ST, 六合目付近の下山路、6부 능선 부근의 하산로]

["Rhododendron" or alpine roses, シャクナゲ、석남(石楠)]


[Approaching to the 5th ST, 五合目付近にて、5부 능선 부근에서]




[Melon Bread Shop, メロンパン売店、멜론빵 매점]



[Fujizakura Heights Beer, 富士桜高原ビール、후지 자쿠라 고원 맥주]


[My wife with Melon Bread, 妻とメロンパン、아내와 멜론 빵]

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