About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130723 Catching weather loach and Shonai Dialect(ドジョウ掬いと庄内:弁미꾸라지 떠올려와 쇼 나이 방언)

Catching weather loaches and Shonai Dialect(ドジョウ掬いと庄内弁:미꾸라지 떠올려와 쇼 나이 방언)

Date: July 23 (Tue) Cloudy

Place: Hodashi Village, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata Prefecture

My wife’s hometown is in Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata Prefecture. It is in a small village called “Hodashi” and in the middle of Shonai Plain.

Eversince I married her, it is a custom to visit her hometown, twice a year: winder and summer.

Her 92 year old mother is fine and healthy, and she is living with one of her sons and his wife.

My brother-in-law is a fine gentleman. He is always polite and a hard worker. He retired from Tohoku Electric Power Company several years ago and he does farning quite well.

[My brother-in-law in his melon field, 義兄とマクワウリ畑、형부와 참외 밭

[My brother-in-law'cucumber field, 義兄のキュウリ畑、오이 밭]


He does not go travelling or climbing mountains. When he goes to mountains, he tries to find mountain vegitables, and when he goes to the sea, he catches fish or shellfish quite well.

When I came down from Mt. Gassan, it rained all day next day. But the day after that, it stopped raining. He took me to the small streams near his house to catch weather loach.

[My brother-in-law put a trap in the stream, 小川に仕掛けを置いた、시내에 장치를 놓았다]

He said he had not known that there had been plenty of weather loach in the small river. He happened to find them in the rainy day (July 22nd.)

[My brother-in-law caught loach, 義兄はドジョウを捕まえた。형부는 미꾸라지를 잡았다.]

He made a net trap and put in the stream. He had already catch plenty of them, before he took me to the river.

Yet there were many small loach in the trap. He caught them easily, and he encouraged me to catch them, too.

There were many weather loach outside of the trap, too. So, I caught them with the net. It was fun.

He washed the fish with tap water, then cooked them by a big pan, and also he cooked Jojo-nabe or “yanagawa-nabe.”

[We caught hundreds of loach, 大量のドジョウを捕まえた、잡은 미꾸라지들]

We had bowl of eel and rice (donburi) for the lunch that day. So we had loach-dishes for supper.

[Lunch table, 昼食のテーブル、점심 식탁]

[Bowl of eel and rice、うな丼、장어 덮밥]

When I vist my wife’s hometown, I have two big pleasures. One is to climb mountains, the other is to go to a nearby hot-spring.

There is a hot-spring called “Denden” near the village. It is in the rice field and that’s why it is called “Denden.” (Den ”田” neans rice field.)

[Local hot-spring "DenDen" 地元の温泉「田々」、호우다시 온천 "전전"]

There are plates on which Shonai Dialect were written in the washing body place in the hot spring.

I wondered the meanings of the dialect. Now I found the answers on a list. It was at the wall of the hot-spring, together with an interesting sentence using all dialects.

After having the last party at my brother-in-law house, he sent us to the bus stop in front of the Daiichi Hotel.

[A dinner table, 最後の夕食、마지막 저녁 식사]

It was my 43rd year of summer visit to my wife’s hometown in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture.










[The Akagawa River, 赤川、"아카가와" 천]



[My brother-in-law caught loach, 義兄はドジョウを捕まえた。형부는 미꾸라지를 잡았다.]




[My brother-in-law caught loach, 義兄はドジョウを捕まえた。형부는 미꾸라지를 잡았다.]




[He cooked loach with a pan, ドジョウを鍋で煮た。미꾸라지를 냄비으로 익혀했다.]


[My brother-in-law'cucumber field, 義兄のキュウリ畑、형부의 오이 밭]


[My brother-in-law's egg-plant field, 義兄のナス畑、형부의 가지 밭]



[Bowl of eel and rice、うな丼、장어 덮밥]


[My mother-in-law and "Umeboshi", 義母と梅干、장모와 일본식 매실 장아찌]




[The list of Shonai dialect,庄内地方の方言の一覧表、쇼나이 지방의 방언 표]



[A sentence by dialect, 方言で書かれた文章、방언으로 쓴 글]


[A dinner table, 最後の夕食、마지막 저녁 식사]

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