About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110110 Sightseeing guide in Hakone (箱根観光案内)

Date: Jan. 10 (Mon) Clear and sunny

Place: Hakone

Course: Gora – (Cable Car) – Sounzan (Rope Way) – Owakudani – Motohakone – Hakone Shrine – Mishima Station (JR)

Guests: 2 Korean students

Partners: Prof. M and his son (11)

It was a fine morning, but it had snowed in the previous night, so the whole area was covered with snow.

[The view from a window of the hotel, ホテルの窓から明神が岳の『大文字』が見えた、호텔 창문으로 묘죠가타케의 『대문자』가 보였다]

I took a spa at 6 a.m. My students also followed my suit.

We had simple buffei style breakfast. I enjoyed eating toast and croissant rolls.

We checked out at 9 and headed for Owakudani using Cable Car and Rope Way. It was a fine day and we could see Mt. Fuji very well, but the trail to the smoking place where they cook eggs had been closed because of the pailed snow.

From Cable Car, we could see Mt. Myojin、ケーブルカーから明神ガ岳を望む,케이블카로부터 묘진가타케을 바라다본다]
[We changed to Hakone Rope Way at Sounzan, 早雲山でロープウェイに乗り換え、소운산에서 곤도라에 갈아타]

[At Owakudani Parking Lot, 大涌谷駐車場にて、오와쿠다니 주차장에서]
[In front of "Enmei jizo", 延命地蔵の前で、『연명 지조』 앞에서]
[Mt. Fuji from Ohwakudani, 大涌谷からみた富士山、오와쿠다니로부터 본 후지산]
[The trail to Owakudani was closed, 大涌谷への散策路は雪のため閉鎖、오와쿠다니에의 산책로는 눈 때문에 폐쇄]

We went to Hakone Shrine, parking the car by Lake Ashi. I passed through the shrine several times before, but never visited the shrine. So it was my first visit Hakone Shrine ever.

[In front of Hakone Shrine, 箱根神社の前で、하쿄내신사앞에서]

There were huge Japanese cidar trees surrounding the shrine. There are tens of food stands along the path to the shrine. It smelt good and made us hungry.

We had lunch at “Sukiya” in Mishima. Prof. M drove us to JR Mishima station. We headed for the next sightseeing spot, Yokohama from there.









[Hakone Cable Car, 箱根のケーブルカー、하코내 캐이불카]
[We changed at Sozunzan to Rope Way,소운산에서 곤도라에 갈아타]


[Mt. Fuji from the gondola, ロープウェイのゴンドラ内から見た富士山、곤도라내에서 본 후지산]
["Enmei Jizou", 延命地蔵,연명 지조]
[The trail to Owakudani was closed because of the heavy snow,오와쿠다니에의 산책로는 눈 때문에 폐쇄」


["Anzansugi" at Hakone Shrine, 箱根神社の『安産杉』、하코네 신사의 『순산 삼목』]

[Street stands along the way, 箱根神社参道の屋台、하코네 신사 참배길 포장마차]



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