About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110119 Mountains in Kamakura (鎌倉の山々)

Date: Jan. 19 (Wed), 2011, Clear & sunny

Place: Mountains in Kamakura

Course: Nishikamakura (Bus Stop) – Hiromachi Ryokuchi – Old Quarry – Kamakurayama 2-chome – Inamuragasaki – Daibutsu Valley – Hase Reservoir Park – Kuzuharagaoka – Kamakurayama – Jochiji Temple – Kitakamakura Station(About 8 km, 4 hours)

Partner: Mr. Matsumoto

I saw Mr. Matsumoto at Ofuna station at 11 a.m. and we took a bus to Nishikamakura. We got off at Nishikamakura bus stop, then went into the mountain area called “Hiromachi Ryokuchi.”

[Nishikamakura Bus Stop, 西鎌倉バス停、니시카마쿠라 버스 정류장]

Once this area was the subject of developing plan. But the citizens in Kamakura began protesting against the developer, and began “National Trusts” movement. As the result, this area was remained as it was.

[At the entrance of the trail,登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

The area reminded me of the mountains nearby my house. My neighborhood turned to be residential zone and residents there now protest against further development.

Anyway, we had a short break at the bench on the first hill surrounded by big cherry trees. It must be nice to visit here in cherry blossom season, I thought.

After having coffee at the bench we kept waling along the ridge. We came to the high class residential zone of Kamakurayama via small shrine called “Kamakurayama shrine.”

[The entrance of Kamakurayama Shrine, 鎌倉山神社入口、가마쿠라야마 신사입구]

We entered into the small trail from the residential zone, and walked along the ridge to Inamuragasaki.

We walked on the street from Inamuragasaki to Gokurakuji along the Enoden railway. We dropped into a small bakery near Gokurakuji station and bought some bread for our lunch.

[Enoden heading for Fujisawa, 藤沢行き江ノ電、후지사와행 에노덴전철][Gokurakuji Station of Enoden, 江ノ電の極楽寺駅、에노덴전철의 고쿠라쿠지역]

There was a nice spot to take Enoden tramcars called “Sakurabashi” bridge. From the bridge, you can see the 100 year old tunnel of Enoden.

[At Sakura Bridge, you can see the 100 year old tunnel of Enoden Railway, 桜橋から江ノ電のトンネルが見える、사쿠라바시에서 에노덴 전철의 터널이 보인다]

A friend of Mr. Matsumoto, a resident of the town, came to see us by motorcycle and showed us the direction to the trail above Hase Daibutsu Tunnel. (It was on the right side at Inamuragasaki Elementary School.)

We continued walking on the paved street until Hase Reservoir Park. It was a bit steep slope and we took another break at the table at the park. We had a toast with beer and had late lunch there.

[A toast at Hase Reservoir Park, 長谷配水池広場にて乾杯、하세 배수지광장에서 건배]

From the park, we re-entered the trail which went over the Daibutsu Tunnel. Then we came to the popular trail which connected Kuzuharagaoka Shrine, and then Jochiji Temple in Kitakamakura.

I used to walk this trail backward when we had cherry blossom viewing party with KEC people. KEC is an English Speaking Society I established 1973.

So, I knew this trail very well, yet I noticed something which I never noticed before. It is a stone monument on which three Chinese letters were curved.

The three characters are “天(heaven)”“柱(Pillar)”and “峰(peak).”According to “Kamakura Techo”

it was the peak named by a Chinese Buddhest monk named Jikusen Bonsen (1292-1348) who was invited by Otomo Sadamune, a samurai during Kamakura period.

Jikusen was invited as a teacher of Buddhism and teated highly by Kamakura and Ashikaga Shogun. He became the master monk of Jochiji Temple and he compalied an anthorogy entitled “天柱集”using two letters of this peak.

[手前は『天柱峰』の石碑(1941年建立),奥は竺仙梵僊の供養塔、앞은 『하늘기둥봉우리』의 석비, 안 쪽은 竺仙범僊의 공양탑]

China (being ruled by Mongolians) and Japan fought fierce war in 1274 and 1281. Yet a Japanese samurai invited intelligent people from an enemy country. I was surpized when I found this fact.

Well, we came down from Kuzuharagaoka to Jochiji Temple, then walked to Kitakamakura Station where we took a train.

[The entrance of Jochiji Temple, 浄智寺の入口、정지사 입구]

It was my 5th hike of this year, and 3rd hike with Mr. Matsumoto.







[The entrance of the trail, 散策路入口、산책로 입구]


[The trail to the old quarry,『石切り場』へ続く道、채석장으로 이어지는 길]


[We could see the sea of Kamakura and Zushi Marina from the trail, 登山路からは鎌倉の海や逗子のヨットハーバーが見えた。등산로에서 가마쿠라 바다와 즈시 요트항이 보였다.]


[We walked along Enoden Railway, 江ノ電の線路に沿って歩く、에노덴전철 선로에 따라 걷는다.]






[The Entrance Gate of Kuzuharagaoka Shrine, 葛原が丘神社の入口、구즈하라가오카 신사의 입구]

*「天柱峰」:浄智寺背後の天柱峰(標高97メートル)は、中国元の僧で浄智寺の住職も務め、この丘を愛した竺仙梵僊(じくせん ぼんせん)が名付けたとさている。「天柱」とは「世を支える道義」という意味。竺仙梵僊は、ここからの景色を愛し、麓を終焉の地と定めて塔所「楞伽院」(りょうがいん)を構えて、詩文集「天柱集」を著した。 天柱峰山頂の「天柱峰碑」は、昭和16年の建立。葛原ヶ丘・大仏ハイキングコースの浄智寺~葛原岡神社間の中程が山頂となる。「天柱峰碑」背後の塔は、竺仙梵僊の供養塔といわれている。(出典:鎌倉手帳(寺社散策)



[At Jochiji Temple, 浄智寺の入口、정지사 입구]

[At Kobukurozaka Crossing, 巨福呂坂踏切、고부쿠로자카 건널목]


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