About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110108 Mt. Oyama & Kukai meeting (大山登山と空会のオフ会)

Date: Jan. 8 (Sat), 2011, Fine

Place: Mt. Ōyama(1252m), Kanagawa-ken

Course: Isehara St. – Ōyama Cable St. – Onnazaka – Shimosha Shrine – Top of Mt. Ōyama – Miharashi – Hinata Yakushi Bus Stop – Isehara St. (About 12 km, 6 hours)

Partner: None

Kikko made rice balls for my lunch. Left home at 8 a.m. Chagne trains at Fujisawa and Sagami-Ono, got off at Isehara and took a bus to Mt. Oyama. I began walking at 10 a.m.

This time, I did not use the cable but walked through Onnazaka (Slope for wemen.) It was a fine day and there were many hikers including elementary and junior high students.

Dropped in Oyama Temple and saw the place to throw tiles in order to driving off the bad luck. (Each thowing costs 300 yen, and I never felt like paying that money.)

I passed the temple at around 11 a.m. Then arrived at Oiwake (The18th stage)at noon. I had lunch there.

[Stone Steps leads to Ooyama Temple, 大山寺へ続く石の階段、오오야마사에 이어지는 돌 계단]
[Oyama Temple on Onnazaka, 女坂の大山寺、여자고개의 오오야마사][Shimosha Shrive, 下社、시모샤 신사]

I saw Mt. Fuji at Fujimi-dai (Mt. Fuji Observatry Place) and arrived at the top of the mountain at around 2 p.m.

[At Mt. Fuji Observatry Place,富士見台から見た富士山、후지미다이에서 본 후지산]
[By the copper "torii" gate near the top,頂上付近の銅製の鳥居にて、정상부근의 동제 토리이에서]
[At the top of the mountain, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

I began descending the mountain at 1:30 and arrived at Hinatayakushi Bus Stop at 4 p.m.

[A thatched roof shrine near the bus stop,日向大師バス停付近のわらぶき神社、양지대사 버스 정류장 부근의 초가 신사(神社)]

I had an appointment of dinner with Kukai friends at Hiratsuka at 6 p.m.

Kukai is a kind of society to exchange opinions through e-mail. It was established in 2002 when I retired from NTT.

We use to have off-kai meeting once a year usually when I am back in Japan. (All other members live in Japan.)

I was the first to arrive the place, Restaurant Mammamia in Hiratsuka, followed by Mr. KG and his brother-in-law, Mr. WB.

There were 8 men including Mr. WB. Actually, Mr. WB was not a member, but he was welcomed as a new member.

Since Mr. WB likes hiking and traveling, and has interests in China, we all liked his talk about his hobbies.

[I attended Off-kai of Kukai at Hiratsuka, 平塚で空会に参加した、히라쓰카(平塚)에서 크카이에 참가했다.]

Mr. UD is the hub of Kukai, yet he has been on dialysis for more than 10 years. I deeply respect his strong will to be abstemious.

The meeting was over around 8:30 p.m. Prof. M drove me to my home in Ofuna.



登山コース:伊勢原駅→大山ケーブル駅~女坂~下社~大山山頂~見晴らし~日向薬師バス停→伊勢原駅 (約12 km, 6時間)



[I got off at Cable Station, 大山ケーブル駅にて下車、오오야마 케이블역에서 하차]


[Stone Steps leads to Ooyama Temple, 大山寺へ続く石の階段、오오야마사에 이어지는 돌 계단][Throwing tiles for driving off bad luck, 厄落しの瓦投げ、액 오토시 기와매치기]


[Sagami Plain from Oiwake, 追分から見た相模平野、오이와캐로부터 본 사가미 평야]


[Near the top of the mountain, when I looked back, I could see Mt. Fuji well, 頂上付近で振り返ると富士山がよく見えた。정상부근에서 되돌아보면 후지산이 잘 보였다.][At the top of the mountain, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]






[I attended Off-kai of Kukai at Hiratsuka, 平塚で空会に参加した、히라쓰카(平塚)에서 크카이에 참가했다.]


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