About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110528 Seoraksan (Kwiddaegi Cheongbong)雪嶽山・クィテキチョン峰(1580m)

The last spring hike to Seoraksan (Kwiddaegi Cheongbong) covered with Korean azalea

[Chindallae flowers at Kwiddaegi Cheongbong、キッテキチョン峰のカラムラサキツツジの群落、귀때기청봉의 진달래 군락]

Hiking Date: May 28, 2011 (Sat) Clear and Sunny

[A group picture at HanGeRyong、寒溪嶺にて団体写真、한계령에서 단체사진,][Warming up before the hike, 出発前の準備運動、출발전에 준비 운동][At SeolRakSan, 大清峰を背景に、대청봉을 배경으로 ]

Destination (mountain):Seoraksan National Park (Kwiddaegi Cheongbong 1580m)

Hiking course: HanGeRyong – Junction of three trails - Kwiddaegi Cheongbong – 1408 Peak – DaeSeungRyong – DaeSeung Waterfall - JangSuDae

Partner: 44 AhToSan members (including Bernardo and Po from Tailand)

I got up at 3:30 a.m., prepared for the hike, then took a taxi to South Gate. The bus was full and a man called “Jeonyoknul” or “Sunset Glow” sat by me.

I worked hard on the bus to check the answers of Kanji test which I gave to freshmen this week.

We arrived at HanGeRyong at 9:30 and after light exercise, we began walking. The starting place was well facilitated with wooden stairs.

After about 30 minute walk, we had a short rest of “Suzuki Time.” I offered fruits while others provided makgeolli.

Some members said, “You look hard, are you OK?” Well, at every hike, it is difficult for me to climb up to the ridge. Actually, my condition was much better than previous two hikes. But, I tended to be late. I could not catch up with Bernardo and Po who are young and strong.

Along the trail, there were lots of beautiful azaleas, and small flowers. I especially like “Chindallae” and “San-Cholchuk.” They are all in the family of “azalea” but I can not see them in Japan.

[Flowers of Katakuri (Erythronium japonicum; Japanese: 片栗)、カタクリの花、얼레지]
[Chindallae Flowers, カラムラサキツツジの花、진달래 꽃]

Chindallae is quite common in Korea, but it is not common to see them blooming at this time of the year. They bloom in the early spring. But here in Seoraksan, since it is much colder than other places, they are blooming now.

I arrived at the junction of three trails at 11:15. Long time ago (maybe in 2006) when I came to this junction with AhToSan at night, I followed the wrong group, and had hard time to catch up AhToSan group. At the time, I was supposed to turn right, but I turned to left, that is the course of this day.

The trail to Kwiddaegi Cheongbong was really rocky. We had to walk/climb rocks after rocks. Yet the views from the ridge were the best for this year!

The views of mountains, close and far, were nice and beautiful, esp. ridges covered with Chindallae and San-Cholchuk were really beautiful.

So, photographers took time here and so did the models, requesting them to take pictures of them.

I did take a lot of pictures, but could not wait for them long time. While waiting for them, I ate my lunch all by myself at around 12:30 because I felt so hungry.

While I was eating my lunch, the last group came to join me. We went together to the peak of the mountain, where most of AhToSan hikers were eating their lunch.

I expected that Bernardo and Po among them. But they already left with Top Group. So, I hurried to follow them. Then within 30 minutes, I could catch them up.

I walked with them all the way until we arrived at the final destination, Jangsudae.

We enjoyed the sceneries and flowers while decending the mountain.

[With Po from Thailand,タイのポーと、태국에서 온 포와 함께]

We arrived ath Daeseungryong at 5 p.m. and Daeseung Water Fall at 6 p.m. Finally we arrived at JangSuDae entrance at 6:40 p.m.

[On the way going down,下山路にて、하산로에서]

[Potentilla fragarioides,キジムシロ(雉蓆)、영자꽃][At DaeSeung Waterfall, 大勝滝にて、대승폭포에서]
[Bernardo enjoys wrap-up party, ティップリを楽しむベルナルド、뒤풀이를 즐기는 베르나르도]

It was 7:10 p.m. when the last group came to join the wrap-up party.

The sun-set glow was beautiful that evening, and we started for Daejeon at 8 p.m. It was after 11 p.m. when we came back to Daejeon.

[The sun-set glow, 夕焼けの空、 저녁놀]

This was my 31st hike for this year and my 241st regular AhToSan hike as a total number.







朝3時半に起床。弁当等の準備をしてタクシーで南門へ。今回も満車で、私の隣には夕焼け(저녁 놀)が座った。







[The junction of the three trail, 三叉路の道標、삼거리의 이정표][Flowers of "SanCholchuk"チョウセンヤマツツジの花、산 철쭉 꽃]






[Bernardo & Po, ベルナルドとポー、베르나르도와 포]


[Flowers of Katakuri (Erythronium japonicum; Japanese: 片栗)、カタクリの花、얼레지]


[The DaeSeung Water Fall, 大勝滝、대승폭포]


[A chipmunk、シマリス、다람쥐]


[The last group came to the destination at 7:10 p.m., 最後尾Gが到着、제일 마지막 그룹이 도착 ]

[The sun-set glow, 夕焼けの空、 저녁놀]


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