About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110604 Mt. SoBaekSan (1609m) 忠北・丹陽の小白山

Hiking Date: June 4, 2011 (Sat) Cloudy, later, fine.

Destination (mountain): Mt. SoBaekSan (1609m), DanYang, Chubuk

Hiking course: The junction of three trails – Biro Temple – PiRoBong – GugMangBong – NujeunMaegijae – Yuljeon (15 km, 7.5 hours)

Partner: About 40 AhToSan Members (including 2 foreingers: Bernardo and Tobie)

On the previous night, I checked AhToSan website. To my surprise, they changed the time of departure, from 6 a.m. to 5:40. I usually go to the bus stop by bicycle, but I used taxi this morning.

Bernardo and Tobie were already there, so they must have checked the website. The bus left the bus stop at 5:40 as planned.

On the way to the destination, they celebrated the 50th attendance of“Geumgang,”one of the best photographers. GaRyongBong made a wonderful cake for this occasion, and “HanGeRyong” took the picture of “Geumgang” with the cake.

[GeumGang's 50th hike celebrating cake, 金剛の50回目登山記念ケーキ、금강님의 50번째 등산 기념 케이크]

We arrived at the starting point of Three Junction at about 9 a.m.

[Group picture before hiking, 出発前の団体写真、출발전의 단체사진][We say all together, "Ah! Let's go mountains on Saturday!" アトサンの掛け声『土曜日は山へ行こう!』아토산의 호칭『아! 토요일은 산에 가자!』

When we began to walk toward the mountain, I found a small shop where they were selling apples. I bought 5 apples for 2000 won. That’s quite cheap. I carried all of them in my bag for the rest of the hike.

I am not good at walking uphill trails. So, I was the last person among all AhToSan members. But when I arrived at the entrance of the Pirosa Temple, I did not enter the temple, so I was in the top group (I was the last among the top group though).

When I entered the mountain trail, a woman was selling extract juice of“Yacon.” Yacon is a root vegitable of South America. It looks like sweetpotatoes but it taste like sweet pear. One of AhToSan members bought several packs and gave one for me. It’s sweet and nice.

The woman also gave piece of Yacon by cutting it into several pieces. It was also sweet and nice. Later, I found out that Yacon is the ideal vegitable for diabetics. I should have bought Yacon rather than apples, I thought.

[A woman selling "Yacon" アジュンマが『ヤコン』を売っていた。아주머니가 『야콘』을 팔고 있었다. ]

One hour after the start, we had “Suzuki time.” My fellow hikers liked the grape very much. Then Bernardo and Tobie who went to the temple, also caught up with us.

Bernardo and I walked together from this point to the end of the hike, but Tobie walked faster than us and he lost his way at the top of the mountain, until we found him after having lunch there.

[The flowers of mountain azalea were in full bloom, チョウセンヤマツツジの花は満開だった。산철쭉꽃은 만발이었다.]

From the point we had a short rest to the top of the mountain, it became foggy, and we could not enjoy the long-distance scenery, but the flowers of mountain azalea were in full bloom, they were beautiful and fantastic.

There were many hikers at the top of the mountain (PiRoBong), yet we had lunch there. I had lunch with Bernardo, but we could not see Tobbie at this moment.

[At the top of the mountain, 毘盧峰にて、비로봉에서]

A female member of AhToSan brought pretty “kimpap” to me, but other female members demanded some for them, too. So the lady had to give away almost half of her “kimpap” away.

In Korea, people do not hesitate to demand what they want, comparing to Japanese people. They are straight and not “beat around the bush.”

After having lunch, we found Tobie. He looked happy when we found him. We all began walking together.

On trail from PiRoBong to GugMangBong, it brew very strongly, just like last time when we came during the winter. Since it was cloudy and no sunshine, it was also very cold.

[It was very cold on the ridge near PiRoBong,v毘盧峰付近の稜線は非常に寒かった。비로봉 부근의 능선은 대단히 추웠다.]

Tobie also suffered with pain in his foot. So we gave up going to the farther peaks, and began decending along the valley. It was a short cut, and besides us, only 2 AhToSan members went through this shortcut.

It was really cold on the ridge because of the strong wind. But when we came down to the river, there was no wind and we felt much better.

We could enjoy the summer like environment, seeing betterflies and white flowers, etc.

Since we took a shortcut, we came down much faster than other members. Bernardo and Tobie and me, went to a local restaurant, and orderd “makgeolli” and some “pajeon.” Tobie looked very tired and only after having some sips, he fell into sleep.

We came down to the bus at 3 p.m. The rest of AhToSan members came down at 4:30 p.m.

They had “Wrap-up the hike” party for about one hour, with “suyuk” or “boiled pork” and “Solipju” or “Pine-leaves wine.”

Bernardo and Tobie and I joined the rest of AhToSan members, and enjoyed the party.

[At the wrap-up party, ティップリ・パーティにて、뒤풀이에서]

We came back to the bus stop at Expor South Gate at 9:45 p.m. I picked up a taxi and came back to my studio apartment after 10 p.m.

It was my 33rd hike for this year and my 242nd regular hike with AhToSan.




登山コース:三叉路―毘盧寺(비로사)―毘盧峰(비로봉)– 国望峰(국망봉)– ヌジュンメギジェ(늦은맥이재) - 栗田(ユルジョン율전) (15km, 7.5時間)






[GeumGang's 50th hike celebrating cake, 金剛の50回目登山記念ケーキ、금강님의 50번째 등산 기념 케이크]

さて、今日の目的地の「三叉路」には9時前に到着。予定のコースは三叉路―毘盧寺―毘盧峰 – 国望峰 - 늦은맥이재 - 율전 (15km, 7.5시간)だったが、ベルナルドとトビーと私は毘盧峰の約500m先から渓谷を下って近道をしたため、距離はたぶん12km弱、時間は6時間だった。




[A woman selling "Yacon" アジュンマが『ヤコン』を売っていた。아주머니가 『야콘』을 팔고 있었다. ]





[With mountain azalea in the fog, 霧の中で山ツツジと、안개 속에서 산 철쭉과 함께]






[Strong wind and coldness. They were shivering and hiding behind the rock. 寒さに震えるベルナルドとトビー、추위에 떨고있는 베르나르도와 토비]





[A member washes her feet in the river after the hike, 登山後に渓谷で足を洗うメンバー、등산후에 계곡에서 발을 씻는 멤버]



[Bernardo, Tobie and I, waiting for other members at a small restaurant, 現地の食堂で他の会員たちを待った。식당에서 다른 회원들을 기다렸다.]


[Tobie seemed too tired.トビーは気持ちよさそうに居眠り。토비는 앉아서 자고 있다.]





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