About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110625 Yongdeok Blue Road 慶北・盈德(ヨンドク영덕)ブルーロード(東海海岸のトレッキング)

Date: June 25 (Sun) 2011, rain

Destination: Yongdeok Blue Road (Culture and Eco-trail, GyongBuk Province

Hiking course: Chuksang Port – Foot of Jukdosan – Huge Suspension Bridge – Seaside Trail – Fishermen Experience Village – Obori Gazebo – Yongdeok Sunrise Park

Partner:24 AhTo members and Bernardo and Liz (from California)

We originally planned to walk “The Trail through Kumgang Pine-Wood” in Uljin, Gyongbuk Province. Since it takes much time from Daejeon, we left Daejeon very early; 3:40 a.m.

Unfortunately we had a bad weather. It was raining since the previous day. I got up at 2:40 and prepared for the trekking. I left my studio apartment at 3:05 and took a taxi.

First, I went to KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) to pick up Bernardo. Then we went to Expo South Gate Parking Lot where the AhToSan chartered bus left.

Liz came by herself and the bus left for Uljin at 3:40. This time, only 27 members signed up, so there were plenty of vacancy.

[With Liz from California on the way of "Blue Road"、カルフォルニアから来たリズと一緒に、『ブルーロード』にて、캘리포니아로부터 온 리즈와 함께, 『블루 로드』에서,]

The staff members distributed a pack of bento with sea-weeds (“nori” in Japanese and “kim” in Korean.)

When we came to the service area named “OkBang Valley” it was about 7:30 a.m. We had breakfast there.

[We had breakfast at OkBang Valley, オクバン・バリーにて朝食、옥방밸리에서 아침식사]

Bernardo and Liz joined a group with Mr. Kumgang, a good photographer. Kumgang is also a good home-made win maker. He brought his mulberry wine. It tasted very good.

[After the breakfast, 朝食後に、아침식사후에]

After the breakfast, AhToSan staff members gave Bernardo special gifts because this was the last hike with AhToSan for him.

[Bernardo got special farewell gifts from the president of AhToSan, アトサン会長から特別表彰を受けるベルナルド、아토산회장님에서 특별표창을 받는 베르나르도]

Bernardo*joined AhToSan about 2 years ago. He attended AhToSan hikes about 40 times. He also brought many foreign friends to AhToSan, so AhToSan people liked him very much. The gifts were the sign of their appreciation for him.

We arrived at the starting point of “The Trail through Kumgang Pine-Wood” in Uljin at around 9 a.m. But the condition of the trail was not good, actually dangeours, according to the man in charge of the safty of this trail. We took a group picture there and gave up this trail.

[We arrived at the entrance of the trail at 9:30 a.m.目的地に9時半に到着したが、、목적지에 9시반에 도착했지만 ,,,][A man in charge of the safety, explaining the situation, 状況を説明する保安員、상황을 설명하고 있는 보안원][In front of "The Trail through Kumgang Pine-Wood" 『金剛松林の中の道』の案内の前で、『금강소나무숲길』안내 앞에서]

The staff members proposed the alternative hike: “Yongdeok Blue Road” (Culture and Eco-trail.) It is about 15 km trail along the seashore of “Donghae” or “East Sea” which is called “Sea of Japan” in Japan.

So, first, we went to Chuksan Port and went to a restaurant named “DeungDae Hwe Siktang” which means “Lighthouse Restaurant.”

We had the famnus “Mul-hwe” dish and drank beer and soju at that restaurant. After having lunch, we began trekking at noon.

["Mul-hwe" lunch, 『ムルヘ』ランチ、점심은 물회.]

When we started, it rained rather hard. So most of us wore raincoats and using umbrellas and began trekking at the port.

First we went to the foot of a small mountain called Jukdosan on which a lighthouse stood. But we did not climb this small mountain, but went around the mountain and came to the big suspension bridge.

[We walked across the suspension bridge, 巨大なつり橋を渡って海岸に出た、 거대한 현수교를 건너서 해안에 나왔다.][With Bernardo at the beach, ベルナルドと共に海岸にて、베르나르도와 함께 해안에서][Yongdeok Blue Road along the seashore, 海岸沿いのヨンドク・ブルーロード、해안을 따라 있는 영덕블루로드][The huge suspension bridge, 巨大なつり橋、거대한 현수교][Flowers blooming on the rock of the seashore, 海岸に咲いていた花、해안에 피어 있는 꽃]

We went across the bridge, amd came to a beautiful beach. It was the beginning of the long sea-side trail.

This beach reminded me of the beach of my hometown, Kamakura. So, I remember my old day’s memories and my unfortunate parents. I thank them for my birth, and I thank God for taking care of me even after my parents’ death (45 years ago.)

I reallx enjoyed this trekking with Bernardo and Liz. They speak each other in Spanish, and talked with me in English.

[A short break at a gazebo,亭子で小休止、정자에서 조금 쉼]

On the way to the destination: Sunrise Park, we saw something long construction from land to the sea.

[A long huge construction coming out into the sea, 海へ突き出た建造物、바다쪽으로 돌출되어 있는 건조물]

We also came to the entrance of “Fishermen Experience Village. The expression of a woman waiting for a bus looked quite Korean, and charming. We asked her to take a picture with her.

[A woman waiting for a bus and Bernardo, バス待ちのアジュンマとベルナルド、 버스를 기다리고 있는 아줌마와 베르나르도][Liz with a friendly puppy, リズとひとなつこい子犬、리즈와 정답게 따르는 강아지]

It stopped raining when we came to the destination, but there was no sunshine. So, we felt very cool.

[The way to Sunrise Park, 日出公園への道、해맞이공원에 가는 길][A poem at Sunrise Park, 日出公園にあった詩『彷徨』、해맞이공원에 있는 시 『방황』][The Sunrise Park Parking Lot, 日出公園駐車場、해맞이공원 주차장][Rosa rugosa (rugosa rose, Japanese rose, or Ramanas rose), ハマナス(浜茄子の花)、해당화(海棠花, 문화어: 열기나무)]

There was a simple restaurant at the parking lot. The woman was selling “odeng” with “Dae-ge” crab soup. It tasted very good, so I bought some for Bernardo and Liz. They liked the taste of odeng, too.

[Odeng soup with "big crab",『大蟹』が入っているおでん、『대게』가 들어 있는 오뎅][At "Pochangmacha" restaurant, 『ポジャンマチャ』にて、포장마차에서]

The bus left Sunrise Park at 5 p.m. and we came bacj to Daejeon Expo South Gate parking lot at 9 p.m.

It was my 37th hike for this year and 245th regular hike with AhToSan. Also it was my last hike with Bernardo while he was in Korea. Thanks, Bernardo!




コース:丑山(チュクサン축상)港~チュクド山展望台(죽도산 전망대)麓 ~ 大吊橋 ~ 盈德大蟹(영덕대�$8C)碑~漁村体験村~オボリ休憩所(오보리쉼터)~盈德日出公囒







慶尙北道、奉化郡の玉房バリー休憩所(옥방벨리 휴게소)で朝食にした。ベルナルドとリズは金剛らと外で食事をした。金剛が自家製の桑の実で作ったワインを皆に振る舞い、私も少しごちそうになったが、とてもうまかった。



[A man in charge of the safety, explaining the situation, 状況を説明する保安員、상황을 설명하고 있는 보안원]


[A group picture at the staring point of the original trail, 元来の出発地点で団体写真、원래의 출발 지점에서 단체사진]

[In front of "The Trail through Kumgang Pine-Wood" 『金剛松林の中の道』の案内の前で、『금강소나무숲길』안내 앞에서]


["Mul-hwe" lunch, 『ムルヘ』ランチ、점심은 물회.]


[Starting point of "Blue Road"ヨンドク・ブルーロードの出発点、영덕불루로드 출발점]


食堂を出て丑山港の前を通過して、立派な灯台のある丘(죽도산 전망대)に登ろうとしたが、なぜか、やめて、バック。

[A trail leading to the observatory, 展望台への道、죽도산 전망대에 가는 길]






[Memorial monuments for "Big Crab" Festival, 大蟹祭りのモニュメント、대게축제 기념물]


[A short break at a gazebo,亭子で小休止、정자에서 조금 쉼]



[At a gazebo named "Obori"『オボリ』休憩所にて、오보리쉼터에서]


[Rosa rugosa (rugosa rose, Japanese rose, or Ramanas rose), ハマナス(浜茄子の花)、해당화(海棠花, 문화어: 열기나무)]


[Kumgang eats a boiled egg at a small restaurant, ポジャンマチャでゆで卵を食べる『金剛』、포장마차에서 삶은 달걀을 먹는 금강님][Bernardo and Liz, eating odeng, おでんを食べるベルナルドとリズ、오뎅을 먹어있는 베르나르도와 리즈]




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