About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


110611 Mt. DaekAmSan (1,066m) 江原道・洪川の白岩山(ペクアムサン)

Hiking Date: June 11 (Sat) fine

Destination (mountain): BaekAmSan (1,099m), HongCheon, Gangwondo

Hiking course: Bireol – Hapsu Valley – Samgakjeom – Mt. BaekAmSan – Garyong Waterfall – Waterfall Restaurant

Partner: About 40 AhToSan members including Bernardo

[Warming up exercise after a long bus-ride, 先ずは準備運動、우선 준비 운동][A group picture after warming up exercise, 準備運動後に団体写真、준비 운동후 단체사진]

Mt. BaekAmSan is located in Hongcheon, Gangwondo, a bit far from Daejdon. It took 4 hours and we arrived at the starting point at 11:15.

It was a pleasnt gentle uphill trail for about 30 minutes. It was a wood of larch trees. Then trail went along the river. The rocks in the trail which cross the river were very slippery. So, I walked carefully.

[Trail in the woods,林の中の登山路、숲 속의 등산로]

Apart from the river, we walked again in the gentle slope in the woods. About one hour since we started, we had “Suzuki & Makgeolli Time.” “Smile” gave makgeolli while I offered “cherry tomatoes” and big grapes.

It seemed that I was in the first group of the hikers. They were mostly newcomers. Among them, I taled with “Hetssal” which means “sunshine.” He was sent to Toshiba in 2000.

When we came to the field in the woods, where there were “lilies in the valley,” I had lunch with the first group of the hikers, together with Bernardo.Yoreji and Ttenpi joined us.

[Lunch in the woods,森の中で昼食、숲 속에서 점심][A lily in the valley, スズランの花、은방울꽃][Bamboo flowers and a lily in the valley, スズランと竹の花、은방울꽃과 대나무꽃]

I spread my lunch sheet, but only Bernardo sat by it. He had a simple lunch which consisted of a sandwitch, and a cup noodle. He also brought a can of “Guinness.”

A man sat behind me gave me a cup of cold makgeolli. It was cool and nice. Yoreji handed out her home-made “yolmu-kimchi” they also tasted very good.

They put rice on “leave vegitable” together with “miso” in Japanese and “tenjang” in Korean. It is healthy vegetarian food. “Yoreji” gave me a jar of “tenjang” she made by herself. Now I understood how I used it.

Bernardo and I went along with the first group of the hikers. The top of BaekAmSan was not so spectacular, but there were no other hikers. It is good because we could take pictures of the mark stone as much as we like.

[At the top of BaekAmSan, 白岩山山頂にて、백암산 정상에서]

AhToSan members called the course of this hike as “BiGyong秘境” or “rarely-visited regions” in English. I think it is worth called that way.

The downhill trail was steeper than uphill trail, but I am good at downhill trail. When we came to Garyong Waterfall, Bernardo and I took time to take many pictures. Then the 2nd group caught up with us. I was glad to take more pictures with my fellow hikers.

[In front of the waterfall, 可霊瀑布の前で、가령폭포 앞에서]

Since “Hetsal” speaks some Japanese, we talked not only in Korean, but also in Japanese. “Hetsal” also speaks in English as well.

After the waterfall, we soon came out of the praved road. There was a small temple called “Yonhwasa” with beautiful flowers. There was also a friendly puppy. When we passed the temple, we came to the final destination where our bus was parking. It was 4 p.m., so it was about 5 hour hike.

[The inside of the temple, 大雄殿内部、대웅전 내부][A picture drawn on the stone surface, 石の表面に描かれた絵、돌의 표면에 그려진 그림]
[Fowers in the garden of the temple, 寺の境内に咲いていた花、경내에 피어 있었던 꽃][Bernardo and a puppy, ベルナルドと子犬、베르나르도와 강아지][We washed our feet after the hike, 登山後、渓谷で足を洗う、등산후,계곡에서 발을 씻다.]

We had “wrap-up” party with watermelons and “Dotorimuk(도토리묵)” or acorn-starch jelly paste and makgeolli.

[They are preparing for wrap-up party, ティップリの準備、뒤풀이를 준비하는 아토 회원들][At the wrap-up party, ティップリ・パーティにて、뒤풀이에서]

At the end of the party, A hiking leader named “Kkatchi” showed us an interesting pose for stretch. Boram and Hongjin followed suit for him. We rounded up for the party at 4:45 and came back to Expo South Gate in Daejeon at around 8:30 p.m.

[Kkachi poses with one leg, 「カッチ」が一本足でポーズする。「까치」는 한발로 포즈 한다.]

This was my 35th hike for this year and the 243rd of AhToSan regular hike for me as the total number.




登山コース:ビレオル(비레올) – 合水谷(합수곡) – 三角点(삼각점) – 白岩山(ペクアムサン백암산) – 可霊滝가(령폭포) - 瀑布食堂(폭포식당)



[[Warming up exercise after a long bus-ride, 先ずは準備運動、우선 준비 운동]


[Bernardo on the trail in the woods, 森の中の登山路、숲속의 등산로]


[A short break with fruits and makgeolli,林の中で小休止、"숲속에서 스즈키 타임"]




[A lily in the valley, スズランの花、은방울꽃]


[Lunch in the woods,森の中で昼食、숲 속에서 점심]




[With Kkachi at the top of the mountain, 白岩山頂上にて、벡암산 정상에서]



[Bernardo in front of the Garyong Waterfall, 可霊瀑布の前に立つベルナルド、가령폭포 앞에 서있는 베르나르도]


[Fowers in the garden of the temple, 寺の境内に咲いていた花、경내에 피어 있었던 꽃][Aquilegia (Columbine; from Latin columba "dove") オダマキの花、같은 말/매발톱꽃(苧環)]


[A friendly puppy in front of the temple, 寺の前にいたかわいい子犬、절앞에 귀여운 강아지]


[They are preparing for wrap-up party, ティップリの準備、뒤풀이를 준비하는 아토 회원들][Bernardo at wrap-up table, ベルナルドとティップリのごちそう、베르나르도와 뒤풀이]



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