About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


111126 CheonGwanSan (天冠山천관산723m), Jangheung (長興장흥), JeonNam Province(全南)

Hiking Date: Nov. 26 (Sat), 2011, Fine

Destination (mountain): CheonGwanSan (723m), Jangheung, JeonNam Province

Hiking course: Parking Lot – Bunghwangbong – CheonGwanSan (Smoke Signal Peak) – Silver Grass in clumps – Hwanheedae – Gujeongbong –Seoninbong – PE Park – Parking Lot

Partner: About 40 including Tobias and myself.

[A group picture before the hike, ハイキングの前の団体写真、등산 전의 단체 사진]

Since Jaegeun’s home is the other side of Daejeon, he cannot come to South Gate bus stop by 6 a.m. So I invited him to my studio apartment. Thus he cannot oversleep, and I can take him to the bus-stop by time.

I got up at 4:30 and prepared our lunch (rice-bento) and breakfast(sandwitches). We left my apartment at 5:30 and went to the bus stop by taxi.

Tobias came before 6 a.m. About 40 members joined this hike. Tobias sat by me and we could talk all the way to the destination on the bus.

On the way to the destination, “InNaeKkum”was awarded as “Best Member.” He works at ETRI and is a good hiker.

["InNaeKkum" was awarded as Best Member, 『インデクム』がベストメンバーになった、인내꿈님이 베스트 멤버가 되었다.]

We arrived at the parking lot of CheonGwanSan at 10 a.m. After having warming-up exercise under the leadership of Alain Delon(아랑드롱), we took a group picture and bega hiking.

The staff members said that this was the 3rd time to climb this mountain as AtToSan, but I remember that I came once before. The gazebo at the entrance of the trail was unique and it reminded me of the previous hike.

There were still some autumnal colors remained on the both sides of the trail.

This time, I walked with Jaegeun, my student, and Tobias, the German astronomer, from the biggining to the end. So, it was a lot of fun.

I always feel hard for the uphill climbing, but this time, we could soon come out to the ridge from where we could see good command of the sea and other mountains.

Sansalang, the chairman of AhToSan and people in the main group were waiting for me for the 1st break at around 10:30. I provided grapes and mini-tomatoes, and we had 2/3 of the whole fruits at once.

After the first break, we walked among funny shaped rocks and then we came to the gentle hill covered with sliver grasses.

[CheonGwanSan and the field of sliver grasses, 天冠山とススキの原、천관산과 참억새 밭]

On the top of the hill, we could see a stone-made fortress which was used to maike smake signals in the old days.

That was the peak of the mountain, and we had lunch there. We were almost the last men to join the group.

I brought rice-bento and cup-ramens for Jaegeun and myself. It was a good idea to bring the cup-ramen, because Jaegeun did not eat much of rice, but he ate ramen all right.

To my surprise, Tobias did not eat rice nor bread, he ate only cookies which I regarded “snack cake”and mini-tomatoes for his lunch.

After having lunch, we had several group pictures on the top of the hill and began walking at 12:30.

[After lunch at the top of ChenGwanSan, 昼食後、天冠山の頂上で、점심식사후 천관산 정상에서]

It was a gentle down slope in silver grasses. We could see many rocks in the distance and they did look like “crown”from heaven. (CheonGwan menas “heavenly crown”)

[The trail among silver grass,ススキの原の中の登山路、참억새속의 등산로]

We arrived at Hwanheedae at 1 p.m. It was also a good spot for taking pictures. Tobias and Jaegeun and I spent too long time there and we were left behind (We could not see AhToSan members around us.) So we had to check the map, and asked other non-AhToSan hikers for the direction.

[At Hwanheedae, 歓喜台にて、환희대에서][The beginning of the downhill trail, 下山路開始、하산로 시작]        [At Geumgang Cave, 金剛窟にて、금강굴에서]

Anyway, we could select the right direction and began decending the mountain.

We could catch up with AhToSan members at the another good spot for taking pictures.

[We caught up with the main group, 中間グループに追いついた。중간 그룹를 따라잡았다.]

The downhill trail was not difficult at all, and we could come out of the mountain to a kind of park with an old traditional Korean house surrounded by autumnal colors. There was a big pine tree in front of the house. The explanation says it is over 600 year old tree. Wow, then it was before Tokugawa Era!

 [A traditional Korean house and autumnal color, 伝統家屋と紅葉、전통가옥과 단풍][A 600 years-old pain tree, 樹齢600年の松の木、수령 600년의 소나무 ] [A double pedal camellia, 八重椿の花、아름다운 동백 꽃]

We came back to the fork in the road and came back to the parking lot before 3 p.m.

[We came back to the same guide-post, 上りに見た同じ標識に戻った、올라갔을 때 본 이정표에 돌아왔다.]

We had “wrap-up” party just next to a chiken farm. I could see many big chicken in the farm.

The main manue was “Hwangtae Malgeun Tang” (A soup with Walleye Pollack, tofu, radish and kelp, etc.) They provided kimchi and boild pork. So it was really good!

[Wrap-up Party next to a chicken firm, 養鶏場の隣で「打ち上げ」、양계장 옆에서 뒤풀이]

Mackgeolli also tasted very good. Usually we could not drink them all, but this time, we drank them all.

We finished the wrap-up party at 3:25 and went to “JeonNamJin” which means “Sea of the Right South from Seoul.”

[At JeongNamJin Observatory Deck, 正南津展望台にて、정남진 전망대에서]

There is a newly build the observation deck with an unique tower and big “ring” and the statue of “An Jung-geun,” a national hero who assassinated Hirobumi Itoh on Oct. 26, 1909.

“An Jun-geun is regarded as the biggest national hero in Korea, but in Japan he was regared as a terrorist who assassinated former priminister of Japan whose portrate was once printed on 1,000 yen bill in Japan.

[The statue of An Jung-geun, 安重根義士の像、안중근 의사의 동상]

An Jun-geun was a Cathoric but his spirit tablet was put in a nearby temple in Jangheung. Therefore, they built this statue in the occation of 100th memorious day of his “great assassination” date, Oct. 26, 2009.

We left the observation deck of JeongNamJin at 4:20 and came back to Daejeon Expo South Gate at around 8 p.m.

This was my 61st hike for this year, and my 261st AhToSan regular hike as the total hiking.



登山コース:天冠山管理所 -鳳凰峰(봉황봉) -天冠山・煙台峰(천관산・연대봉チョングァンサン・ヨンテボン 726m) - すすき密集地 - 歓喜台 (환희대) -九井峰(구정봉) -仙人峯(선인봉) -体育公園(체육공원) – 駐車場






[We arrive at the destination at 10 a.m. 目的地へ10時に到着した、목적지에 10시에 도착했다.]







[CheonGwanSan, 天冠山、천관산]



[At one of strange shape rocks, 奇岩の一つで、기암의 하나 옆에서]






[After lunch at the top of ChenGwanSan, 昼食後、天冠山の頂上で、점심식사후 천관산 정상에서]


[At the ridge trail in silver grasses, ススキの原の登山路にて、참억새속의 등산로에서]


            [Near Hwanheedae, 歓喜台にて、환희대에서]


[We caught up with the main group, 中間グループに追いついた。중간 그룹에 따라잡았다.]        [At Geumgang Cave, 金剛窟にて、금강굴에서]



     [A traditional Korean house and autumnal color, 伝統家屋と紅葉、전통가옥과 단풍] [A camellia flower, ツバキの花、아름다운 동백 꽃] [A 600 years-old pain tree, 樹齢600年の松の木、수령 600년의 소나무]



今回のティップリ(打ち上げ)のメイン・メニューは大きな鍋で煮た「ファンテ・マルグン・スープ(황태 맑은탕)」だった。材料はファンテ(スケソウダラ)、豆腐、大根、昆布などである。このほかに定番のキムチやスユク(수육:煮た豚肉)などで豪華だった。


[The big container of makgeolli and metal cups, マッコリと金属の器、막걸리와 금속의 그릇 ]



[At JeongNamJin Observatory, 正南津展望台にて、정남진 전망대에서]



[In front of the statue of An Jung-gun, 安重根義士の像の前で、안중근 의사상 앞에서]



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