About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130824 JangAnSan(長安山、장안산1236.9m), Jangsu, Jeonbuk Province(全北・長寿전북 장수)

Deate: Aug. 24 (Sat) 2013, Rain

Place: JangAnSan(長安山、장안산1236.9m), Jangsu, Jeonbuk Province(全北・長寿전북 장수)

Course: Muryong Pass – 977 Peak – JangAnSan (1236.9m) – Jungbong – Hamsujeom – Yonju Village (11.7 km, 4.5 hours)

Participants: 27 (AhToSan members)

[The hiking map of JangAnSan, 長安山山行地図、장안산 산행 지도]

The weather was not good, so the number of participants was the same as last week, 27. Yet AhToSan chartered the same big bus with 44 seats.

The mountain is not far from Daejeon, so we left the south gate at 7 am.

It had been raining in Daejeon, but it stopped when I got out from my studio apartment.

But we headed for south, where it was still raining.

We came to this mountain on January 26 when the whole mountain was covered with snow.

It was a fine weather that day, and the contrast of blue sky and white snow was beautiful.

This time, the mountain was covered with green leaves, and wild flowers were beautiful in rain.

We arrived at Muryong Pass at 9:38, and I took a group picture at 9:45 in rain.

[The bus arrived at Muryong Pass、バスが武霊峠に到着、버스가 무령 고개에 도착]

[A group picture in the rain, 雨の中で集合写真、빗속에서 단체 사진]

[Stone monument of "Blue Stream Shelter"『碧渓休憩所』の石標、"벽계쉽터"]

[We began hiking in the rain, 雨の中を出発、빗속을 출발]

It seemed that Muryong Pass was already in high altitude, so the trail was not too steep. It was a gentle uphill ridge, but many members passed over me.

When “Autumn Diary” passed over me, I thought I became the last hiker. No, I was not. There more about 10 more hikers passed over me!

When they were waiting for me at a guidepost, I proposed to have Suzuki Time, but Yoyu and J-nim suggested to go a little farther until an observation deck.

[Some members were waiting for me, 会員数人が私を待っていた。회원 몇 사람이 나를 기다리고 있었다.]

They were right. I remember this observation deck when I came before. It was wide enough to take a rest, although we had no view of other mountains because of the low clouds.

[I arrived at the observation deck, 展望台に到着、전망대에 도착]

[Suzuki Time at an observation deck, 展望台で『スズキタイム』、전망대에서 "스즈키 타임"]

Anyhow, I offered my fruits and they liked them all. Two packs of grapes and mini-tomatoes were gone within 10 minutes.

[A group picture at the observation deck, 展望台で集合写真、전망대에서 단체 사진]

[“Paengniynag(thyme)”at Observation Deck、展望台にて『百里香』さん、전망대에서 "백리향"님]

I enjoyed taking pictures of wild flowers in spite of the rain. I could take many kinds of flowers including “Touch-me-not.”

[Touch-me-not, ツリフネソウ(釣舟草)、물봉선]

I learned the name of this flower in Korean, first, then I found its Japanese name. It is called “Mul-bongseon 물봉선.” “Bongseon” in Chinese characters are “鳳仙” and we use the same name for the fame family flower.

However the English name for “Bongseon Flowerホウセンカ” is “Rose balsam,” and “Mul-bongseon 물봉선” is “Touch-me-not” and Japanese name is “Tsurifunesoツリフネソウ.” These names are all interesting for me.


[Cirsium setidens, a kind of thistle,高麗アザミ、고려엉겅퀴]

["Oenothera" or "Evening Primrose",マツヨイグサ、달맞이꽃]

[A kind of valerianaceous plantオミナエシ(女郎花)、마타리]

["Leonurus macranthus"송장풀, "益母草"in Chinese]

[Mint, ハッカ(薄荷)、박하]

["Adenophora" known as ladybell, ソバナ(岨菜)、모시대,초롱꽃과에 딸린 여러해살이풀.]

[Astilbe chinensis (Chinese astilbe), 鹿尿草(韓国語の直訳)、노루오줌]

Again I was late than other hikers, but this time, not too late. I arrived at the summit of JangAnSan while most of other members were there.

[Well-facilitated ridge trail, 良く整備された尾根の登山路、잘 정비 된 능선의 등산로]

I clearly remember the big stone monument for the mountain. We had lunch in front of this monument.

[At the stone monument of JangAnSan, 長安山山頂にて、장안산 정상에서]

[Those who are passing here, Korea is relying on you! By 7733 Convoy, as memorial of 100 km marching, 『ここを通り過ぎる者よ、祖国はあなたを信じている』2012年11月14日、7733部隊100km行軍記念]

Fortunately, it stopped raining, just for the lunch time. It is much better if it was not raining while we were having lunch.

[We made a place for lunch at a heliport,ヘリポートに昼食の場を設けた。헬기장에 점심 자리를 마련했다.]

I ate a rice-ball which I bought at a convenient store in the morning. Since AhToSan gives each member a pack of bean rice for breakfast, I utilize it for my lunch, since I eat breakfast at my room before leaving my apartment.

[It stopped raining during lunch, 昼食の間、雨は止んだ。점심 동안 비는 그쳤다.]

However, after having lunch, we had group pictures in front of the stone monument.

[A group picture after lunch,昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]

After having lunch, and when we resumed our ridge hike, it began raining again.

["Adenophora" known as ladybell, ソバナ(岨菜)、모시대,초롱꽃과에 딸린 여러해살이풀.]

Soon, I became the last hiker following other members.

[Tricyrtis dilatata, 『ポックナリ(直訳するとカッコウのユリ』、뻑꾹나리]

Billy, a kind young man, from time to time, stopped and waited for me.

Baengnihyang(백리향) and “Autumn Diary” also waited for me at the foot of the last peak at 1:18, I saw then climbing up the peak in the rain, but that was the last chance to see AhToSan members.

I was left behind and when I came down to the paved road, there was no sign of AhToSan bus, or AhToSan members.

So, I checked the map which I was handed to each member before the hike.

According to the map and hiking schedule, the final destination was “Yonju Village.”

I checked the big map beside the road, and headed for “Yonju Vilalge” and I saw no sign of AhToSan bus, neither AhToSan members.

[The big map beside the road, 道端の大きな地図、길가의 큰지도]

I thought Yonju Village must be farther toward the direction on which I saw on the big map. So, I went farther, but no sign.

[A kind of sweetroot、カンゾウの一種で観賞用、홑왕원추리,원추리 종류 중 하나]

I decided to call the president of AhToSan, but he did not answer. The next person I called was the bus driver, but the number was wrong. The number on the map was for the previous driver’s.

However he told me the new driver’s number. Finally I found out that the bus moved to the opposed direction of Yonju Village.

No wonder I could not find it. I wasted nearly 30 minutes in rain. But I could join the wrap-up party at a gazebo in the village opposite to Yonju Village.

[The bus had been at the end of the trail, バスは元々は登山路の終点に停まっていた。버스는 원래 등산로의 종점에 정차했다.]

[They moved to the opposite direction!しかし、彼らは反対方向の村へ行った。하지만 그들은 반대 방향의 마을에 갔다.]

[Wrap-up party at a village gazebo,村の東屋で打ち上げ、마을 정자에서 뒤풀이]

It was still early and we finished the party at 3:15 and went back to Deajeon.

We went back to South Gate Bus Stop at 5:30 pm. It stopped raining and I could see even blue sky.

When I passed by Hanpit Arboretum, I saw many passion flowers.

Passion flowers in Japanese are “Tokeisouトケイソウ” or Flowers of Clock. In Korean “시계꽃” or Flowers of Watch.

[A passion flower at Hanpit Arboretum, ハンパ樹木園のトケイソウ、한밭 수목원의 꽃시계]

However people of Western culture see the same flower as Jesus Christ on the cross.

That is also very interesting for me.

It was my 41st hike for this year, and my 323rd AhToSan regular hike for me.



登山日:2013年8月24日(土) 雨

登山目的地:全北長寿(전북 장수)の長安山(장안산1236.9m)

山行コース:ムリョン峠(무령고개)-977峰- 長安山 - 中峰 – ハムスジョム(함수점) – ヨンジュ村(연주마을)の約11.6Km(4時間30分/昼食30分を含む) 参加者:27人








[The bus arrived at Muryong Pass、バスが武霊峠に到着、버스가 무령 고개에 도착]

[A group picture in the rain, 雨の中で集合写真、빗속에서 단체 사진]

[Leaving the parking lot, 駐車場から出発、주차장에서 출발]



「秋の日記」と言葉を交わした時点ですでに最後尾かと思ったら、さらに10人ぐらいが後から追いぬいて行った。 40分ほど進んだ途中の里程標にはあと頂上まで1.5kmとあったので中間点ほどか。


[Some members were waiting for me, 会員数人が私を待っていた。회원 몇 사람이 나를 기다리고 있었다.]


[Gomdol & Banya, コムドルと般若、곰돌과 반야]


[Suzuki Time at an observation deck, 展望台で『スズキタイム』、전망대에서 "스즈키 타임"]


[At the observation deck, 展望台にて、전망대에서]

[A group picture at the observation deck, 展望台で集合写真、전망대에서 단체 사진]

["Adenophora" known as ladybell, ソバナ(岨菜)、모시대,초롱꽃과에 딸린 여러해살이풀.]


[Touch-me-not, ツリフネソウ(釣舟草)、물봉선]

[A kind of valerianaceous plantオミナエシ(女郎花)、마타리]

[Cirsium setidens, a kind of thistle,高麗アザミ、고려엉겅퀴]

["Leonurus macranthus"송장풀, "益母草"in Chinese]

[The community of Elsholtzia splendens Nakai、コチャンユ(花香油)の群落、꽃향유 군락]]



[At the stone monument of JangAnSan, 長安山山頂にて、장안산 정상에서]


[It stopped raining during lunch, 昼食の間、雨は止んだ。점심 동안 비는 그쳤다.]

私の昼食は朝出発前にセブンイレブンで購入した三角おにぎりと朝バスの中でもらった「お赤飯」だ。「お赤飯」がけっこうボリュームがあり、握り飯の方は1つで十分だった。 昼食休憩は30分以内で、食後は立派な石標の前で全員で集合写真を撮った。

[A group picture after lunch,昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]


["Adenophora" known as ladybell, ソバナ(岨菜)、모시대,초롱꽃과에 딸린 여러해살이풀.]

[Astilbe chinensis (Chinese astilbe), 鹿尿草(韓国語の直訳)、노루오줌]



[The last members walking ahead of me, 最後のグループが私の前を行く、후미 회원들이 내 앞을 갔다.]


[Tricyrtis dilatata, 『ポックナリ(直訳するとカッコウのユリ』、뻑꾹나리]

手渡された地図のルートでは「徳山渓谷」となっていたので、みな渓谷遊びをしているだろうとおもったら、前回同様、最後まで尾根伝いのルートでいきなり車道に出た。 車道に出たところには大きな地図があり、手渡された地図の目的地である「ヨンジュマウル」が近くなのでその方向へ歩いた。


[Bus stop of Yonju Village, ヨンジュ村のバス停、연주 마을 버스 정류장]



[A hiking map beside the road, 道端の登山地図、길가의 등산지도]


[The bus had been at the end of the trail, バスは元々は登山路の終点に停まっていた。버스는 원래 등산로의 종점에 정차했다.]


[They were at the village on the opposite direction!彼らは反対方向の村にいた!그들은 반대 방향의 마을에 있었다!]

[They welcomed me as the last hiker,最後の私を歓迎、마지막 날 환영했다.]




[A passion flower at Hanpit Arboretum, ハンパ樹木園のトケイソウ、한밭 수목원의 꽃시계]



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