About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130907 Jirisan Cheonwangbong(智異山天王峰지리산, 천왕봉1915m)

Mountain: Jirisan Cheonwangbong(智異山天王峰지리산, 천왕봉1915m)

[The stone monument on the summit, 天王峰頂上の石標、천왕봉 정상의 석표]

Date: September 7, 2013 (Sat) Cloudy

Transportation from Namwon to Jungsan-ri: Namwon – Hamyang – Wonji – Jungsan-ri

Hiking Course: Jungsan-ri – Rotary – Bopgesa Temple – Cheonwangbong (round trip)

Hiking Partner: Mr. Matsumoto from Karatsu, Kyushu, Japan

We left the hotel at 7:10, but the next available bus left at 7:57. (The earlier bus left at 7:05 am.)

[At Namwon Inter-city Bus Terminal, 市外バスターミナルにて、남원 시외 버스 터미널에서]

We changed buses at Hamyang to Wonji. We took 10:25 bus to Jungsan-ri and arrived at Jungsan-ri at 11:15.

[At Wonji Bus Terminal, 遠志バスターミナルにて、원지 버스 터미널에서]

Wow, it took much time! AhToSan bus may take 3 hours from Daejeon to Jirisan. How inconvenient, I thought.

[At Jungsan-ri Bus Stop, 中山里バス停にて、중산리 버스 정류장에서]

We had to walk more on the paved road to go to the entrance of the trail.

[Boxes of honeybee nests, ミツバチの巣箱、벌집들]

The memories of my early day hike in Korea with Teajonhikers came to my mind.

[By the stone monument, 『智異山国立公園』の石碑で、"지리산 국립 공원"의 비석에서]

It was on March 1, 2004, I came to Jungsa-ri with Alan and some other Taejeon hikers.

[Heading for the entrance of the trail, 登山口へ向かう、등산로 입구로 향했다.]

We stayed overnight at a “Minpak” inn at Jungsan-ri, and climbed Cheonwangbong next day.

[The guidepost at the entrance, 登山口の里程標、등산로 입구의 이정표]

Anyhow, we began hiking of 5.4 km uphill trail at almost noon at the entrance of the trail.

[]A chipmunk on the trail, 登山路に現れたシマリス、등산로에 나타난 다람쥐]

[A suspension bridge, 登山路の吊橋、등산로의 조교]

[A kind of goldbug, コガネムシの一種、풍뎅이의 일종]

[A trail with many gravel stones, 小石の多い登山路、작은 돌이 많은 등산로]

It is always hard for me to climb uphill slope. Especially like this, all the way, only uphill slope.

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로의 야생화]

[A guidepost at 2.0 km point, 登山口から2km地点の里程標、입구에서 2km 지점의 이정표]

[A wooden trail, 木製登山路、나무 등산로]

We passed Kal-bawui, and Mang-bawui, and arrived at Rotary Shelter at around 2 pm.

[At a heliport near Rotary, ロータリー近くのヘリポートにて、로타리 근처의 헬기장에서]

When I was about to sit down for a short break, a man at the lodge asked me if we were to climb CheonwangBong today.

[The guidepost at Rotary, ロータリーの里程標、로타리의 이정표]

When I answered “yes” then he urged me to start immediately, because, they close the trail, soon.

Now I remembered what I saw at Namwon Station “Time Specification of climbing Mt. Jiri.”

So, we did not take any rest there, and continued to climb the mountain.

[A wooden trail, 木製登山路、나무 등산로]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로의 야생화]

When I passed a small temple named “Bopgyesa” we came to the ridge.

[The guidepost(600m from summit),頂上まで600mの里程標、정상까지 600m의 이정표]

It was a cloudy day, but I could see mountains upon mountains under the cloud.

[A big rock near the summit, 頂上付近の巨岩、정상 부근의 큰 바위]

[On the ridge near the summit, 頂上付近の稜線にて、정상 부근의 능선에서]

I also noticed many flowers along the trail as I climbed higher and higher.

[Wild flowers near the summit, 頂上付近の野生花、정상 부근의 야생화]

We arrived at the summit of CheonwangBong at 15:45.

[At the summit of Chenwangbong, 智異山天王峰にて、지리산 천왕봉에서]

As I recall, whenever I climbed CheongwangBong, there were many hikers at the summit.

But this time, maybe because of “Time Specification System,” I saw only a few hikers there.

So, we took “Authentication” pictures at the stone monument, and began descending soon.

It was shame that because of cloud, we had no good view at the summit at all.

[The pictures of Jirisan mountains, 智異山の峰々の写真、지리산 봉우리의 사진]

[At the summit of Chenwangbong, 天王峰頂上にて、천왕봉 정상에서]

[Wild flowers near the summit, 頂上付近の野生花、정상 부근의 야생화]

[Yellow "Touch-me-not", 黄色いツリフネソウ、노란 물봉선]

[A kind of thistle、独特なアザミ、독특한 엉겅퀴]

[Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian), リンドウ(竜胆)、용담]

Anyhow we need to take the last bus to Namwon and hurried to go down to Jungsan-ri.

[We hurried descending, 我々は下山を急いだ。우리는 하산을 서둘렀다.]

On the way dawn, I noticed that there was no “mountain gate” of the temple.

I saw the notification board at the entrance of the temple. It says because of strong wind on March 10 this year, the gate was destroyed, and they are planning to restore the gate.

However, we came down to the Rotary Shelter at 5 pm.

[At Rotary, ロータリーにて、로타리에서]

The bus was to leave at 6:40, and we still had 3.4 km.

We almost ran to go down to the bus stop. I arrived at the bus stop at just 6:40, but Mr. Matsumoto was a bit late (3 minutes).

[At the entrance, 登山口にて등산로 입구에서、]

[Along the road to the bus stop, バス停へ下る道で、버스 정류장에 내리는 길에서]

But I could not see the bus even after 6:40. I checked the timetable of the bus, then I realized the bus was to leave at 6:40 one stop before Jungsan-ri. The bus was to leave there at 7 pm.

[At the bus stop, 中山里バス停にて、중산리 버스 정류장에서]

We were glad to know our mistake. I bougt two cans of beer and we celebrated our fortune.

We changed the buses at Wonji and Hamyang again, and arrived at Namwon at 9:15 pm.

We stayed over at the same hotel “Hanil Park” again, and we went to Busan from Namwon next day.

[Next day on the highway bus to Busan, 翌日釜山行き高速バスの中で,다음날 부산행 고속 버스 안에서]

Mr. Matsumoto went back to Hakata by boat and I went back to Daejeon by KTX.

It was my 43rd hike for this year, and I realized that how effective and how economical it was to climb mountains in Korea, if I stick with AhToSan Hiking Club.



登山日:2013年9月7日(土) 曇り。

登山目的地:智異山国立公園、天王峰(1915m)v 登山口までのアクセス:南原市外バスターミナル→咸陽(ハムヤン함양)→遠志(ウォンジ원지)→中山里(チュンサンリ중산리)

登山コース:中山里→ロータリー→ 法界寺→天王峰(ピストン往復)



[At Namwon Inter-city Bus Terminal, 南原市外バスターミナルにて、남원 시외 버스 터미널에서]



[At Wonji Bus Terminal, 遠志バスターミナルにて、원지 버스 터미널에서]




[Inside of the bus for Jungsan-ri, 中山里行きバスの中で、중산리로 가는 버스 안에서]


[Footway from bus-stop to the entrance, バス停から登山口までの歩道、버스 정류장에서 등산로 입구까지의 보도]

[By the stone monument, 『智異山国立公園』の石碑で、"지리산 국립 공원"의 비석에서]

[A map near the entrance, 登山口付近の地図、등산로 입구 부근의 지도]


[Heading for the trail to the summit, 山頂への登山路へ向かう。정상 등산로로 향했다.]


[]A chipmunk on the trail, 登山路に現れたシマリス、등산로에 나타난 다람쥐]


[Kal-Pawui, カルパウィ(包丁岩),칼 바위]

[Having "kimpap" for lunch, 小休止で海苔巻を食べた、짧은 휴식에서 김밥을 먹었다.]

[A kind of goldbug, コガネムシの一種、풍뎅이의 일종]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로의 야생화]

[A guidepost at Man-Pawui, マンパウィの里程標、망바위의 이정표]


[At a heliport near Rotary, ロータリー近くのヘリポートにて、로타리 근처의 헬기장에서]





[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]


[Wild flowers along the trail, 登山路の野生花、등산로의 야생화]

[Gentiana scabra (or Japanese gentian), リンドウ(竜胆)、용담]

[On the ridge near the summit, 頂上付近の稜線にて、정상 부근의 능선에서]

[Last approach to the summit, 頂上まで最後のアプローチ、정상까지 마지막 접근]

[Wild flowers near the summit, 頂上付近の野生花、정상 부근의 야생화]


[At the summit of Chenwangbong, 智異山天王峰にて、지리산 천왕봉에서]

[Wild flowers near the summit, 頂上付近の野生花、정상 부근의 야생화]


[Yellow "Touch-me-not", 黄色いツリフネソウ、노란 물봉선]

[Wild flowers near the summit, 頂上付近の野生花、정상 부근의 야생화]

[A kind of thistle、独特なアザミ、독특한 엉겅퀴]

[We hurried descending, 我々は下山を急いだ。우리는 하산을 서둘렀다.]



[Note for reconstruction of the gate, 法界寺の山門再建工事のお知らせ、법계사의 산문 재건 공사의 소식]




[At the entrance, 登山口にて등산로 입구에서、]









[Next day, in front of the sauna, 翌日、ホテルの銭湯の前で、다음날 호텔 목욕탕 앞에서]


[We had "Samgyetang" for lunch, 翌日、釜山で昼食に参鶏湯を食べた、다음날 부산에서 점심으로 삼계탕을 먹었다]



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