About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130928 Baek-Am-San(白岩山백암산):Baekyangsa Temple(白羊寺백양사), Jangseong(長城장성), JeonNam Province

Date: Sep. 28 (Sat) 2013, Cloudy

Mountain: Baekamsan(白岩山백암산) [Main peak is Sangwangbong (上王峰상왕봉741m)

Hiking Course: Namjangri – Monggye Waterfall – Ridge Intersection – Sangwangbong – Baekhakbong – Yongcheon Cave – Baekyangsa Temple – Parking Lot (7.2 km, 4 hours)

Participants: 35 AhToSan hikers

AhToSan went to Baek-Am-San(白岩山백암산) in Jangseong, JeonNam Province.

[A map of Baekamsan, 白岩山の地図、백암산 지도]

After climbing the mountain, they also planned to visit Baegyangsa Temple. The temple was originally built in 632 AD.

We left Expo South Gate Bus Stop at 7 am. I could utilize the local bus service if the bus leaves at 7 am.

I took # 606 bus at Shinseongdong at 6:15. It arrived at Expo South Gate a bit too early. So, I got off one bus-stop earlier, and walked about 1000 meters.

While walking along the street, I noticed Lycoris radiata (red spider lilies) blooming near the bus stop.

[Red spider lilies in Daejeon, 大田のヒガンバナ、대전의 꽃무릇]

Later, I saw a lot of these flowers at Baegyangsa Temple at the foot of mountain.

We arrived at Namchangri, the starting point of the hike, at 9:40 am. Soon after getting off the bus, I noticed large fragrant flowers in front of a shop. Pianoman told me that they are called “Angel’s Trumpet.”

Later, I found out its name in Japanese (Kidachi-chosen-asagaoキダチチョウセンアサガオ(木立朝鮮朝顔) as well as Korean (브루그만시아 Brugmansia)

[Brugmansia or Angel's trumpets,キダチチョウセンアサガオ, 천사의나팔]

I took a group picture at the Hikers Support Center, in front of the entrance of the trail.

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]

[At Hikers Support Center,探訪支援センター前にて、탐방 지원 센터 앞에서]

The first part of the trail was a gentle uphill along the river, yet I was behind all AhToSan hikers again.

[A wooden bridge、木の橋、나무 다리]

I saw “Ruchi” the hiking leader of the day at 10:10, and “Paengniynag” at Monggye Waterfall, then I saw nobody until I reached at Ridge Intersection at 11:33.

[“Paengniynag” at Monggye Waterfall,蒙磎滝にて、몽계폭포에서]

I remembered the hike when I lost my way on Myobong on Aug. 31. It was a disaster for me, and I never want to repeat the same experience.


[[Heracleum, ハナウド(花独活), 어수리]]

[Isodonヤマハッカ(山薄荷), 오리방풀]

[A moss on a leaf, 葉の上のガ、잎에 나방이 앉아있다.]

So, I was really happy to find a dozen of AhToSan members waiting for me at the intersection that day.

[Some members were waiting for me, アト会員が私を待っていた。아토 회원이 나를 기다리고 있었다.]

I offered grapes and small tomatoes for them as “Suzuki Time.” Then those fast hikers who went to Sajabong, also joined us.

["Suzuki Time at the intersection, 稜線十字路で『スズキタイム』능선 사거리에서 "스즈키 타임"]

The intersection was the fork point of two courses: ridge hike for two mountain peaks (A), and short cut to go down to the temple(B).

[At Ridge Intersection, 稜線十字路にて、능선 사거리에서]

I thought of taking a short course, but seeing nobody take B course, and was encouraged by a ranger (National Park Ranger) who said, “it’s only 500 meters to Sangwangbong, then the rest of the trail would be easy,” I followed all AhToSan hikers.

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

However, I was the last hiker to follow all AhToSan members to Sangwangbong. There was one AhToSan hiker at the summit, so I asked him to take my picture with my camera. He was one of the newcomers.

[At the summit of Sangwangbong, 上王峰頂上にて、상왕봉 정상에서]

After the summit, I walked with the ranger on the ridge, then I found AhToSan members having lunch along the ridge.

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線で昼食、능선에서 점심]

I joined them and ate a pack of bean rice which AhToSan provided in the morning.

Sansalang shared his side-dishes as well as his bean rice. I prefer rice to sandwiches.

After lunch, the trail became easy and I was not behind all hikers.

[Agastache rugosa (Korean Mint).ペチョヒャン(排草香), 배초향]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

["Ainsliaea acerifolia var.subapoda", オクモミジハグマ(奥紅葉白熊)、단풍취]

[On the ridge near Baekhakbong, 白鶴峰近くの稜線にて、백학봉 근처의 능선에서]

There was no stone memorial on the summit named Baekhakbong. There was a map of the trails, and the name of the summit was on the pole.

[At Baekhakbong, 白鶴峰にて、백학봉에서]

Yet the view from the summit was not bad at all.

[On the ridge near Baekhakbong, 白鶴峰近くの稜線にて、백학봉 근처의 능선에서]

I asked other members to take my pictures with my camera with such nice views as background.

When we began descending, some of us went to the rocky spot beside the trail. We could see the famous temple, Baegyangsa from the place, too.

The descending trail was very steep, though trail was well-facilitated.

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[A huge maple tree, 巨大なモミジの木、거대한 단풍 나무]

While walking down from the mountain, I noticed specific trees called “Torreya nucifera” in English and in Korean name “Bija Namu비자나무.” Later I found out Japanese name as “Kaya(榧).”

[“Torreya nucifera”カヤ(榧)、비자나무]

Beside “Torreya nucifera” there were many maple trees as well as pine trees.

When I came down the steep stairs, then there was “under-construction” sections along the trail.

It was “Yongcheon” Cave. They are making the cave nicely and putting statute of Buddha in the cave.

[Yongcheon Cave, 霊天窟、영천굴]

There was a spring at the lower part of the cave. Some members drank water from the spring.

[Spring at Yongcheon Cave, 霊天窟の薬水、영천굴 약수]

[Grace Lee in the pose of crane, グレイス・リーが鶴のポーズ、그레이스 리가 학의 포즈]

It was still 2 pm. We arrived at Yakshiam at 2:15. We took the last short break at Yakshiam.

[At Yaksa-am, 薬師庵にて、약사암에서]

[Platform for crocks of Sauces and Condiments, 薬師庵の『かめ』置き場、약사 암의 장독대]

[Yaksa-am, 薬師庵、약사암]

From Yakshiam to Baekyangsa, the trail was among the trees of “Torreya nucifera” and maples.

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

I saw many red spider lilies at the temple and nice maple trees.

[Red spider lily at Baekyangsa, 白羊寺のヒガンバナ、백양사의 꽃무릇]

We walked the nice road along the river toward the parking lot, and at both sides there were many maple trees.

[At Baekyangsa, 白羊寺にて、백양사에서]

[Red spider lily at Baekyangsa, 白羊寺のヒガンバナ、백양사의 꽃무릇]

We arrived at the parking lot at 3:30. Mr. & Mrs. KS were in charge of the wrap-up party.

[Wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]

["Odeng" as the main menu, オデン、오뎅]

The main dish was hot “odeng” and I realized that it’s already the season we could enjoy hot “odeng”

which means “winter” was close at around the corner.

Since the president was absent, “Ruchi” the hiking leader, gave a toast, and shouted “Ah, Toyoil’n, Sane Kaja!” or “Saturday, we go hiking!”

We finished the party at 4 pm, and went back to Daejeon at 6:30 pm.

It began raining on the way back to Daejeon. Sansalang took me to Shinseongdong by his car.

It was my 48th hike for this year and my 326th hike as AhToSan regular hike.



登山日:2013年9月28日(土) 曇り


登山コース: ナムチャンリ(全南大学修練院) -蒙磎滝(몽계폭포) –尾根十字路 - 上王峰(상왕봉741m) - 白鶴峰(백학봉651m) -霊天窟(ヨンチョングル영천굴)- 薬師庵(약사암) - 白羊寺(백양사) - 白岩山探訪支援センター(約10Km 、 5時間)



[A map of Baekamsan, 白岩山の地図、백암산 지도]




[Red spider lilies in Daejeon, 大田のヒガンバナ、대전의 꽃무릇]





バスが停まったペンションの前には立派な下向きに咲くチョウセンアサガオがあったが、ピアノマンが孔子から聞いた名前として「천사의나팔(Angel's trumpet)」だと教えてくれた。

[Brugmansia or Angel's trumpets,キダチチョウセンアサガオ, 천사의나팔]

韓国語ではヒットしなかったが、英語で引くと和名「キダチチョウセンアサガオ」がヒットした。これは園芸名で「エンジェルトランペット」(Angel's Trumpet)と呼ばれることが多いと記述されていた。


[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]


[Hikers Support Center,探訪支援センター、탐방 지원 센터]


[Isodonヤマハッカ(山薄荷), 오리방풀]



[At Monggye Waterfall,蒙磎滝にて、몽계폭포에서]

[[Heracleum, ハナウド(花独活), 어수리]]


[A moss on a leaf, 葉の上のガ、잎에 나방이 앉아있다.]



["Suzuki Time at the intersection, 稜線十字路で『スズキタイム』능선 사거리에서 "스즈키 타임"]




[At Ridge Intersection, 稜線十字路にて、능선 사거리에서]


[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]


[At the summit of Sangwangbong, 上王峰頂上にて、상왕봉 정상에서]


[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線で昼食、능선에서 점심]



[Agastache rugosa (Korean Mint).ペチョヒャン(排草香), 배초향]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

["Ainsliaea acerifolia var.subapoda", オクモミジハグマ(奥紅葉白熊)、단풍취]


[At Baekhakbong, 白鶴峰にて、백학봉에서]

[On the ridge near Baekhakbong, 白鶴峰近くの稜線にて、백학봉 근처의 능선에서]


[Baekyangsa from the ridge, 稜線から見た白羊寺、능선에서 본 백양사]



[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[A huge maple tree, 巨大なモミジの木、거대한 단풍 나무]

[On the descending trail, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

ここを登るのはつらかろうと思いつつ、下った。下るにつれ、松の他、紅葉の大木と朱木に似た「ビジャナム」[日本語名「カヤ(榧)、学名:Torreya nucifera)」が非常に多く現れた。

[“Torreya nucifera”カヤ(榧)、비자나무]



[YongCheon Cave under construction, 霊天窟の工事案内、영천굴 공사 안내]


[Yongcheon Cave, 霊天窟、영천굴]


[Spring at Yongcheon Cave, 霊天窟の薬水、영천굴 약수]



["Ruchi" at Yaksa-am, 薬師庵のルチ、약사암에서, 루시님]


[The last break at Yaksa-am, 薬師庵で最後の休憩、약사암에서 마지막 휴식]

[At Yaksa-am, 薬師庵にて、약사암에서]


[Red spider lily at Baekyangsa, 白羊寺のヒガンバナ、백양사의 꽃무릇]

[At Baekyangsa, 白羊寺にて、백양사에서]



[Wrap-up party at the parking lot, 駐車場で打ち上げ、주차장에서 뒤풀이]






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