About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130919 Visiting Okcheon village & Family Cemetary after 16 years absence(16年ぶりの沃川郡清亭里訪問16 년만의 옥천군 청정리 방문)

Date: Sep. 19 (Thu) Chuseok Day, fine

Place: Cehongjeong-ri, Okcheon, ChungBuk province

Partner: Mrs. K and her husband

When I was working at InfoCom Research, a subsidiary company of NTT, I had been sent to ETRI from Oct. 1996 to Feb. 1997,

At ETRI, I came to know several people, including Miss K who was a grad student of Chungnam Univ.

She was working part-time as a Japanese translator at ETRI. I went to see a movie with Miss K and her friend, Miss N, and we went to a hiking to Mt. Daedungsan(大屯山대둔산) together.

Miss K invited me to her hometown at a countryside of Okchen, where her parents were living during “Seollal설날” (Lunar New Year’s Holiday) in 1997.

Miss K is the 5th daughter among 6 daughters of her parents. Mr. & Mrs. Lee had 6 daughters, but no son.

It was a special experience for me to observe Korean traditional holiday custom, and I stayed overnight at “Noinjeon(老人亭)” a house for old people in a village then.

I brought my mandolin and played the musical instrument for her family that night.

Later, Miss K graduated from Chungnam Univ., got married, and living in Daejeon with her husband.

I attended her wedding service, and I was told that her father was killed by accident and now her mother was living alone in the village.

Recently, I renewed our friendship through FB, and expressed my wish to visit her mother in Okchen, after 16 year absence.

Ms. K does not have a baby, instead she has a small pet dog named “Alkong.”

Ms. K and her husband picked me up at Shinseongdong by their car, and we headed for Okchen.

Since it was “Chuseok” holidays, there were many cars on the road. There was a heavy traffic jam on the highway between Daejeon and Okchen.

[They picked me up at Shinseongdong, 彼らは新城洞で私を車に乗せてくれた。그들은 신성 동에서 저를 차에 태워 주었다.]

They picked me up at noon, and we arrived at her mother’s house at almost 2 pm.

[At the gate of her mother's house, Kの実家の門、K의 친가의 문]

[Pumpkin peels being dried, カボチャの皮が干してある。 껍질을 말리고 있었다.]

The village did not change much, and I saw a renovated house at the same place.

I saw a big furnace at the corner of the garden. There were two big cooking pots on the furnace.

[The big furnace near the gate, 門のそばの「かまど」、문 근처의 "부뚜막 "

[Pumpkin on the roof,屋根の上のカボチャ、지붕 위의 호박]

[Two set phrases of celebrating the first day of spring, 2つの立春を祝う四字熟語、입춘을 경축하는 사자 성어]

They used to have cows in cowshed, but no cow since her father passed away.

[Vegetable field and cowsheds, 野菜畑と牛舎、야채 밭과 외양간]

[Platform for crocks of Sauces and Condiments,母屋の裏の『かめ』置き場、집 뒤에 "장독대"]

[The Spangle Papilio protenor,クロアゲハ(黒揚羽)、검은 호랑 나비]

[Bunch of garlic, ニンニクの束、묶어서 말리는 마늘 단]

There were her 4th sister from Busan, and her mother in the house.

They treated me for lunch with “Chuseok” delicacies.

[K and her 4th big sister, preparing for the table, Kと四番目の姉が昼食を準備、K와 네 번째 언니가 점심을 준비]

Then Ms. K and I went to the family cemetery.

[K and her pet dog "Alkong" Kと愛犬『アルコン』、K와 애견 "알콩"]

[K drove me to her family cemetery, Kは墓地へ案内してくれた、K는 산소에 안내해 주었다.]

It was at the side of hill, there were four tombs for two couples. A pair of tomb are for her parents, and another pair are for her uncle and aunt.

[Two sets of tombs, Kの両親と叔父夫婦の墓、K의 부모와 삼촌 부부의 무덤]

Right now, there was only her father under the tomb, other three are all alive.

[The tomb alter for K's parents, Kの両親の墓の祭壇、K 부모의 무덤 제단]

[Names of the builders, 墓建造者(Kの姉妹たち)の名前、무덤 건축 자 (K 자매들)의 이름]

But she said that her uncle had been hospitalized because of cancer.

However, they prepare tombs while people are alive. That is new to my knowledge.

After visiting the tombs, we left the village in Okchen to return to Daejeon.

On the way back to Daejeon, they took her 4th sister from Busan in their car.

They were visiting their uncle in a hospital in Daejeon.

Her 4th sister is wife of pastor at a church in Busan. In K’s family, her 1st and 4th and herself are Christians, as well as her husband.

Her 4th sister recently visited Japan, and she told me about her experiences in Japan.

I was happy that her experiences in Japan were mostly pleasant experiences. She got positive impression about Japanese people.

It was my 2nd visit on the countryside of Okcheon after 16 years absence.

I thought my experiences in Korea had rather long history.

Ms. K told me about her old friend Ms. N. Ms. N had be studying in Sendai, Japan, and got a job there. I would like to visit her in Sendai when I return to Japan next year.




















[They picked me up at Shinseongdong, 彼らは新城洞で私を車に乗せてくれた。그들은 신성 동에서 저를 차에 태워 주었다.]





[At the gate of her mother's house, Kの実家の門、K의 친가의 문]


[The big furnace near the gate, 門のそばの「かまど」、문 근처의 "부뚜막 "


[Vegetable field and cowsheds, 野菜畑と牛舎、야채 밭과 외양간]


[Two set phrases of celebrating the first day of spring, 2つの立春を祝う四字熟語、입춘을 경축하는 사자 성어]


[K and her husband, visiting K's mother, K夫婦がKの母親を訪問、K 부부가 K 어머니를 방문]

[Vegetable field and cowsheds, 野菜畑と牛舎、야채 밭과 외양간]

[The Spangle Papilio protenor,クロアゲハ(黒揚羽)、검은 호랑 나비]

[Platform for crocks of Sauces and Condiments,母屋の裏の『かめ』置き場、집 뒤에 "장독대"]

[Pumpkin on the roof,屋根の上のカボチャ、지붕 위의 호박]

[Corns for seeding, 種用のトウモロコシ、종자용 옥수수]





[K and her mother, Kと彼女のお母さん、K와 그녀의 엄마,]


[K drove me to her family cemetery, Kは墓地へ案内してくれた、K는 산소에 안내해 주었다.]


[The tomb alter for K's uncle and aunt, Kの叔父夫婦の墓の祭壇、K 삼촌 부부의 무덤 제단]

[Names of the builders, 墓建造者(叔父叔母の子供たち)の名前、무덤 건축 자 (삼촌 이모의 아이들)의 이름]












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