About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130914 Galgisan(갈기산585m), Seonginbong(聖人峰성인봉624m),Wolyongsan(月影山월영산529m), Yongdong(永同), Chungbuk Province(忠北)

Mountains: Galgisan(갈기산585m), Seonginbong(聖人峰성인봉624m),Wolyongsan(月影山월영산529m)

Date: Sep. 14, 2013(Sat) Rain, then cloudy

Participants: 15 AhToSan members

[A hiking map, 山行地図、산행지도]

Since it was a rainy day, only 15 members applied to this hike.

AhToSan originally planned to climb Akhwibong (악휘봉) and Mabunbong (마분봉) in Gwuisan (괴산) in Cheungbuk Province. But since it was raining hard that area and the course was dangerous in a rainy day, they changed the destination, closer and easier mountains.

Yet, Galgisan was not too easy. “Galgi” means “horse’s mane” the ridges of the mountain were rocky and a bit dangerous esp. when they were wet.

I am glad that AhToSan did not cancel the hike like the previous week, although the weather was worse than previous weekend.

Also it was my big surprise that they chartered the same bus, a delax big bus with 44 seats, for 15 participants.

[They chartered the same big bus, 彼らは大型バスを賃借した。그들은 대형 버스를 임대했다.]

They also provided a pack of bean rice as usual, or moreover they gave me two packs! I just worried about the economical management of the hiking club.

Anyhow, it was raining not too hard in Daejeon, but the closer we came to the destination, harder the rain became.

[We arrived at the destination at 8:45, 8時45分には登山地到着。8시 45 분에는 등산 목적지 도착.]

This time, I used not only rain coat, but also a small holding umbrella which I bought at 100-yen shop in Japan.

It was useful esp. when I took pictures. If I took pictures without using umbrella, the lens got wet soon, and no good pictures I could take.

[A group picture before the hike, 登山開始前の集合写真、등산 시작 전에 단체 사진]

I took a group picture in spite of the rain. Soon we climbed a bit steep trail to the ridge. The heavy rain made trails like stream of water.

[Began to climb in the rain, 雨の中を登山開始、빗속에서 등산 시작]

Some gaps on the trail looked like waterfalls.

After climbing up for 30 minutes to the ridge, we had a short break “Suzuki Time” as usual.

["Smile" pours mageolli during Suzuki Time, 『スマイル』がスズキタイムでマッコリを注ぐ、스마일님이 스즈키타임에 막걸리를 따르고있다.]

We saw a nice-looking pine tree, then soon we came to the summit of Galgisan.

[At the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[A view from the ridge, 稜線からの展望、능선에서의 전망]

From Galgisan to Seon-in-bong, the ridges were like manes of horse, rocky and slipperly, so we had to walk carefully.

[At the summit of Galgisan, カルギ山山頂にて、갈기산 정상에서]

[Gyongmi-nin on the ridge, 稜線にて『キョンミニム』、능선에서 "경미님"]

[A rope was cut on the ridge, 稜線にてロープが切れた、능선에서 밧줄을 잘랐다]

[Looking down the Geum River, 稜線から錦江を見下ろす、능선에서 금강을 내려다 보았다.]

[At the guidepost "Here is gas station",稜線にて『ガソリンスタンド』と書かれた里程標、능선에서 "주유소"라고 적힌 이정표]

[Caryopteris incana, ダンギク(段菊), 층꽃나무]

[On the ridge",稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge",稜線にて、능선에서]

[Seung-inbong monument, 聖人峰の石標、성인봉 석표]

We arrived at the summit of Seon-in-bong at 11:20, where we found an open space.

[Lunch at Seong-inbong, 聖人峰にて昼食、성인 봉에서 점심 식사]

We opened our lunch boxes and had lunch there.

Fortunately, the rain became less and less at that time. We could have lunch more comfortably.

To my pleasant surprise, one of AhToSan members brought frying pan and gass burner, and another had brought pork belly and they began grilling the meat.

[Cooking on the summit, 山頂で『サムギョプサル』料理、정상에서 '삼겹살'요리]

It is called “Samgyopsal” and we eat with vegetable. They really tasted good.

After grilling all pork, they began cooking rice with the same frying pan, it is called “Pokkeumpap볶음밥” or fried rice. We all liked this rice.

It was only 15 members, but all of us ate lunch together. So, I felt rather crowded.

We took a group picture after the lunch and resumed our hiking.

[A group picture at the summit, 聖人峰山頂で集合写真、성인봉 정상에서 단체 사진]

[On the ridge",稜線にて、능선에서]

While climbing several peaks, some female members began picking up certain kind of mushrooms.

[Caryopteris incana, ダンギク(段菊), 층꽃나무]

They are called “Ssari beoseok싸리 버섯” or “species of coral fungus” and in Japanese “Houkidakeホウキダケ.”

[A kind of coral fungus, ホウキダケの一種、싸리버섯의 일종

[A member holding an edible mushroom,食用キノコの一種「ミルポソク」、밀버섯(외대덧버섯)]

[A bagful of "Ssari-posok"、採取した『ホウキダケ』、채취 한 "싸리버섯"]

There are severl similar mushrooms and some of them are toxic mushrooms.

["Adenophora" known as ladybell, ソバナ(岨菜)、모시대,초롱꽃과에 딸린 여러해살이풀.]

[A wild flower on the ridge, 稜線の野生花、능선의 야생화]

[J-nim and Mokkwa-nim on the ridge, 稜線にてJニムと『カリン』、능선에서 J님과 "모과님"]

[A wild flower on the ridge, 稜線の野生花、능선의 야생화]

However, while having ridge walk, suddenly I got a cramp in my right leg.

The final peak called “Wolyongsan” was a bit rocky mountain, and it was necessary to use ropes to climb the summit.

While climbing the peak with rope, I got cramps on both legs.

[A view from Wolyongsan, 月影山頂上から見た展望、월영산 정상에서 본 전망]

I managed to climb to the summit and joined the group picture at the stone monument.

[At the summit of Wolyongsan, 月影山頂上にて、월영산 정상에서]

By that time, it completely stopped raining, and my cloths were getting dry.

On our way down from the last mountain, I noticed unique small mushrooms. They looked like flowers of cucumbers. In Korean, they are called “Oikko peoseok오이꽃버섯” which literally means flowers of cucumbers.

[A member holding an edible mushroom,食用キノコの一種「ウグイス」キノコまたは「キュウリの花」キノコ、꾀꼬리버섯((오이꽃버섯))]

I could not find English or Japanese name for this mushroom.

We came down to the village at around 2:30. The first group members were waiting for slow hikers at a thatched roof gazebo.

[At the thatched roof gazebo, 藁葺の東屋にて、초가 정자에서]

When we all got together, we called the bus driver to pick us all. We were on the road next to the Geum River.

The bus driver picked us all and we asked him to go to a restaurant along the river.

There was a narrow bridge close to the river, and the bus driver skillfully drove the bus to the restaurant called “Namchun.”

The tables under the roof were on the bank, and we could see a nice view of the Geum River.

[Wrap-up party at a riverside restaurant, 川のほとりの食堂で打ち上げ、금강 부근의 식당에서 뒤풀이]

First, together with many side dishes, they served grilled small fish on the frying pan called “Doribaengbaengi.” They tasted really good.

Then the main dish called “Ppakasari-tang” very spicy fish soup.

[The main dish, “Ppakasari-tang”メインディッシュの『パカサリタン』、빠가사리탕]

We drank beer and mageolli and ate such delicious food.

We spent nearly one hour for the wrap-up party, and finished the party at 4:00 pm.

Then I took the bus, but most of other members enjoyed walking across the river over the low bridge and then took a bus.

[They are walking over the bridge, アトサン会員、橋を渡る、아토산 회원들이 다리를 건너있다.]

We came back to Daejoen at 5:30 pm. I went back to my studio apartment by using #606 bus.

I followed Minju’s advice that I boiled the “ssari-peoseok” and kept them in the water for a day, then cooked with duck meat.

I do not think it was especially tasty. Maybe I should use pork in stead of duck meat.

Anyhow, it was my 44th hike for this year and 325th hike as total AhToSan regular hike I participated.



登山日:2013年9月14日(土) 雨のち曇り。

登山地:忠北永同(충북 영동)「カルギ山(갈기산585m)聖人峰(성인봉624m)、月影山(월영산529m)

登山コース:簡易駐車場-カルギ山(갈기산) -馬のたてがみ稜線(말갈기능선) - 聖人峰(성인봉) - 月影山(월영)- 錦江の岸辺の道路(4時間 約6km)









[We arrived at the destination at 8:45, 8時45分には登山地到着。8시 45 분에는 등산 목적지 도착.]


[The map at the entrance,登山口の地図、등산로 입구의 지도]


[Trail became like a stream, 登山路は小川のようだ、등산로는 시내와 같다]



[Suzuki Time in rain, 雨中の『スズキタイム』、빗속의 '스즈키 타임 "]


["Alain Delon" and J-nim on the ridge, 稜線にてアランドロン会長とJニム、능선에서 알랭 들롱 회장님과 J 님]

[At the summit of Galgisan, カルギ山山頂にて、갈기산 정상에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서 ]


[A rope was cut on the ridge, 稜線にてロープが切れた、능선에서 밧줄을 잘랐다]


[At the guidepost "Here is gas station",稜線にて『ガソリンスタンド』と書かれた里程標、능선에서 "주유소"라고 적힌 이정표]

さらに、雨に濡れたきれいな野生花を見たが、中でもめずらしい「ダンギク」という花を見つけた。花が階層になって咲いている珍しい花だ。韓国語では『チュンコッナム(층꽃나무)』と言って文字通り「層の花」で、後でウェブで探してみると日本語名も『ダンギク』だった。日本、中国、韓国で見られる花で、英語名はなく、学名が"Caryopteris incana"と言うそうだ。

[Caryopteris incana, ダンギク(段菊), 층꽃나무]

[On the ridge",稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge",稜線にて、능선에서]


[Lunch at Seong-inbong, 聖人峰にて昼食、성인 봉에서 점심 식사]



[Cooking on the summit, 山頂で『サムギョプサル』料理、정상에서 '삼겹살'요리]




[A group picture at the summit, 聖人峰山頂で集合写真、성인봉 정상에서 단체 사진]


[On the ridge",稜線にて、능선에서]


[A kind of coral fungus, ホウキダケの一種、싸리버섯의 일종



[The sulphur tuft or clustered woodlover,ニガリクリタケ(苦栗茸)、노란다발]

[A member holding an edible mushroom,食用キノコの一種「ミルポソク」、밀버섯(외대덧버섯)]

[A bagful of "Ssari-posok"、採取した『ホウキダケ』、채취 한 "싸리버섯"]


["Mokkwa-nim" on the ridge, 稜線にて、『カリン』、능선에서 "모과님"]

[A wild flower on the ridge, 稜線の野生花、능선의 야생화]


[The final rock climbing, 最後のロッククライミング、마지막 암벽 등반]


[At the summit of Wolyongsan, 月影山頂上にて、월영산 정상에서]



[Caryopteris incana, ダンギク(段菊), 층꽃나무]


[A member holding an edible mushroom,食用キノコの一種「ウグイス」キノコまたは「キュウリの花」キノコ、꾀꼬리버섯((오이꽃버섯))]



[At the thatched roof gazebo, 藁葺の東屋にて、초가 정자에서]


[Wrap-up party at a riverside restaurant, 川のほとりの食堂で打ち上げ、금강 부근의 식당에서 뒤풀이]


[baked freshwater small fish, トリペンペンイ料理、도리뱅뱅이 요리]

[The main dish, “Ppakasari-tang”メインディッシュの『パカサリタン』、빠가사리탕]


[By the Geum River, 錦江のほとりにて、금강 부근에서]

[They are walking over the bridge, アトサン会員、橋を渡る、아토산 회원들이 다리를 건너있다.]







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