About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


131026 Visiting “Winter Sonata” Location Tour (Namiseom南怡島남이섬& Chuncheon春川춘천)

Date: Oct. 26 (Sat), 2013 fine

Schedule: Seoul – Namiseom – Chuncheon – Seoul~Daejeon (by KTX)

Partner: KS (NTT College, Daigakubu Classmate, from Toyama)

KS is a big fan of “Winter Sonata”

Winter Sonata:

He had been looking forward this “package tour” for Japanese fans of Winter Sonata.

The tour guide came to our hotel at 7:40. But I misunderstood the time as 8:40. So when the guide called my room at the front desk, I was absolutely panicked.

KS and I managed to get all belongings packed and ready within 10 minutes.

Anyway, we left the hotel by the micro-bus at 7:45.

We headed for Namiseom, Chuncheon, Gangwondo Province.

[The location of Namiseom,南怡島(ナミソム)の位置、남이섬 위치]


There were 9 sightseers including us; 5 women and 4 men.

The guide said she was a highschool student when they boardcasted “Winter Sonata” in Korea (in 2002).

So she must be 28 years old now. And she has been the guide of this kind of tour for many years.

She herself must be a fan of the TV drama. She downloaded famous scenes into haer smart phone, and when she guided us to the locations, she showed the related scenes.

We arrived at Namiseom at 9:24 am. The parking lot was very crowded with many sightseers, mostly Koreans and Chinese and a few Japanese.

[At Namiseum Parking Lot, 南怡島の駐車場にて、남이섬 주차장에서]

Namiseom is an island in the Bukhangang River, and we had to take a boat to land the island.

[On the boat, 船の甲板にて、갑판에서]

We had to wait for our turn, making a long line. It took less than 10 minutes, but the ticket was 10,000 won (including the entrance fee).

[Arriving on Namiseom, 南怡島へ到着、남이섬에 도착]

[The guide explaining with the map, ガイドが島の概要を説明している、가이드가 섬의 개요를 설명하고있다.]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[Tree squirrel at Namiseum, 南怡島のチョンソルモ、청설모]

First, the guide took us to the place where the “first kiss” had took place.

[The location of "first kiss" 『最初のキス』の場所、"첫 키스"의 촬영지]

[At the location of "first kiss" 『最初のキス』の場所にて、"첫 키스" 촬영지에서]

Then we walked along the river. She explained that the “bicycle ride” scene had been shot along the path.

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

She also explained that the accident which had killed the heroine’s “first-love” had taken place in the boat pier.

[The guide showing scenes with her phone, ガイドがスマホで画面を説明、가이드가 스마트 폰을 사용하여 화면을 설명]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[Tree squirrel at Namiseum, 南怡島のチョンソルモ、청설모]

Up to this area, it was not too crowded, but when she led us to the central part of the island where the avenue of Metasequoia was, there were many sightseers, taking pictures here and there.

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[Main characters of the drama, 冬ソナの出演者たち、겨울 연가의 출연자들]

[The guide showing scenes with her phone, ガイドがスマホで画面を説明、가이드가 스마트 폰을 사용하여 화면을 설명]

We had 30 minute-free time. KS was happy to take many pictures.

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[At the Metasequoia Street, メタセコイアの並木道にて,메타세콰이아 가로수 길에서]

[Bronze statue of Choi Ji Woo and Bae Yong Joon,ペ・ヨンジュンとチェ・ジウの像、배용준과 최지우의 동상]

There was a corner where many interesting statutes of naked women and kids, looked like those of small islands in the Pacific Ocean.

[Statutes of a mother and her kid, 母と子の像、어머니와 아이의 동상]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

I walked around alone for a while, leaving KS alone taking more pictures.

[KS at a coffee shop, 南怡島のカフェにて、남이섬의 카페에서]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

We spent about 2 hours on the island, then we moved to the other parts of Chuncheon.

[At the pier of Namiseom, 南怡島の船乗り場にて、남이섬의 선착장에서]

To my surprise, there were hundreds of cars making long line for the parking lot.

It seemed that the length of automobile line was several kilometers!

We were glad that we left the place at appropriate time.

Then we headed for Gangwondo Drama Galary, where we could see several TV and movie gallery.

[Gangwondo Drama Gallery, 江原道ドラマギャラリー、강원도 드라마 갤러리]

[At Gangwondo Drama Gallery, 江原道ドラマギャラリーにて、강원도 드라마 갤러리에서]

We spent for about 30 minutes there. Then we went downtown of Chuncheon where they took many scenes of “Winter Sonata.”

[Riding on the bus, 見学後、バスに乗る、견학 후 버스를 탔다.]

After seeing the street of shops, including the ramen shop which had been used for a scene in the drama, but now it had been out of business.

[The ramen shop was out of business, ラーメン屋は倒産、라면 집은 파산]

After all, it was more than 10 years ago when they shot the film of “Winter Sonata.”

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]

We had lunch at “Dak galbi” restaurant. “Dak galbi” is a famous Chuncheon cuisine.

["Dak galbi Street in Chuncheon, 春川のタッカルビ裏通り、춘천 닭 갈비 골목]

Dak galbi

While having “Dak gulbi” with KS and another man who took part of this guided tour alone.

[Dak galbi, タッカルビ、닭 갈비]

When a waitress saw the man, she greeted, “Oh you came again.” So, that means he came to this restaurant several times before.

[The Dak galbi Restaurant, 元祖南村タッカルビ、원조 남촌 닭 갈비]

Another service person also greeted to him. But he could not speak any Korean language at all.

[KS in front of the restaurant, タッカルビ食堂前にて、닭 갈비 식당 앞에서]

I found out that he was a really big fan of “Winter Sonata.” He did come to the tour several times. He said when he came for the first time, the price of the tour was only 45,000 won.

Wow, they charged us 100,000 won. That’s more than double!

During the last decade, it has been deflation in Japan, while it’s been inflation in Korea, indeed!

[At "Dak galbi Street in Chuncheon, 春川のタッカルビ裏通りにて、춘천 닭 갈비 골목에서]

[Hand prints of Ji Woo and Yong Joon, ヨンジュンとジウの手型、배용준과 최지우의 손도장]>

After having lunch, we went to a local high school where the scene of the hero and heroin climbed over the school fence took place.

[KS at the high school fence, 高校の塀の前にて、고등학교 담 앞에서]

[The guide showing scenes with her phone, ガイドがスマホで画面を説明、가이드가 스마트 폰을 사용하여 화면을 설명]

Then the guide took us to a private home where Joon-sang (Bae Yong-joon) spent the life of boarding house.

[Near the boarding house、下宿の近くで、하숙집 근처에서]

[In front of the boarding house、下宿の前で、하숙집 앞에서]

[At the boarding house、下宿にて、하숙집에서]

[At the boarding house、下宿にて、하숙집에서]

There was a gift-shop in front of the house. KS was very happy to find “something” worth for his memory of this trip.

[The gift shop, ギフトショップ、선물 가게]

He bought a clock with the pictures of two main characters, and a set of CD for the whole story.

I also bought the CD set which contained the whole story.

We went to two more locations related to the story, then went back to Seoul.

[The bus stop along the river, バス停のロケ地、버스 정류장의 촬영지]

[At the bus stop along the river, バス停のロケ地にて、버스 정류장의 촬영지에서]

[At the shooting spot in Jungdo, 中島のロケ地にて、중도의 촬영지에서]

[At the shooting spot in Jungdo, 中島のロケ地にて、중도의 촬영지에서]

There was a traffic jam in Seoul, and we went back to Myongdong where the tour ended at 4:45 pm.

[The tour ended at Myongdon, ツアーは明洞で終わった。겨울 연가 투어는 명동에서 끝냈다.]

We took subway from Jongro to City Hall, then changed trains to Seoul Station.

There were long lines of people to buy KTX tickets. But there was a special counter for those who contributed to the state, ore those who were handicapped or age 65 or older.

There was only a few people at that counter. I remembered that I was 65 years old, so I went to the counter.

Then I could buy KTX tickets easily. The regular tickets were sold out, but I bought “Special Room(first class)” ticket by 33,000 won (about 30 dollars) which I thought reasonable.

(The bus ticket was 23,000 won and it takes about 3 hours.)

Our KTX left Seoul Station at 6 pm and arrived at Daejeon at 7 pm.

We took subway from Daejeon Station to Yuseong Spa Station. I escorted him to his hotel “Riviera Hotel” then went back to Shinseongdong by bus.

It was a long day for us, and KS seemed completely satisfied with the tour.










[The map of Mamiseom, 南怡島(ナミソム)の地図、남이섬 지도]



[At the boat pier, 渡し船乗り場の門、선착장 입구]


[On the boat, 船の甲板にて、갑판에서]


[Arriving on Namiseom, 南怡島へ到着、남이섬에 도착]


[The guide explaining with the map, ガイドが島の概要を説明している、가이드가 섬의 개요를 설명하고있다.]

[At Namiseum(small train), 南怡島にて(汽車)、남이섬에서 (기차)]

[Tree squirrel at Namiseum, 南怡島のチョンソルモ、청설모]




[The film director, 冬ソナの監督、겨울 연가의 감독]


[The location of "first kiss" 『最初のキス』の場所、"첫 키스"의 촬영지]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]


[An electric bus, 電気式バス、전기 버스]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]


[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[Tree squirrel at Namiseum, 南怡島のチョンソルモ、청설모]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]


[The picture of main characters, ペ・ヨンジュンとチェ・ジウ、배용준과 최지우]

[The guide showing scenes with her phone, ガイドがスマホで画面を説明、가이드가 스마트 폰을 사용하여 화면을 설명]


[At the Metasequoia Street, メタセコイアの並木道にて,메타세콰이아 가로수 길에서]



[Statutes of a mother and her kid, 母と子の像、어머니와 아이의 동상]

[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[Bronze statue of Choi Ji Woo and Bae Yong Joon,ペ・ヨンジュンとチェ・ジウの像、배용준과 최지우의 동상]




[At Namiseum, 南怡島にて、남이섬에서]

[The bicycle the used, 撮影で使った自転車、촬영에 사용한 자전거]

[At the pier of Namiseom, 南怡島の船乗り場にて、남이섬의 선착장에서]





[Gangwondo Drama Gallery, 江原道ドラマギャラリー、강원도 드라마 갤러리]

[At Gangwondo Drama Gallery, 江原道ドラマギャラリーにて、강원도 드라마 갤러리에서]



[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]


[The ramen shop was out of business, ラーメン屋は倒産、라면 집은 파산]

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]

[At the shopping center, 春川の商店街にて、춘천 상가에서]


[Dak galbi, タッカルビ、닭 갈비]



[At "Dak galbi Street in Chuncheon, 春川のタッカルビ裏通りにて、춘천 닭 갈비 골목에서]



[The guide at the high school fence, 高校の塀の前にて、고등학교 담 앞에서]

[The guide showing scenes with her phone, ガイドがスマホで画面を説明、가이드가 스마트 폰을 사용하여 화면을 설명]



[Near the boarding house、下宿の近くで、하숙집 근처에서]

[In front of the boarding house、下宿の前で、하숙집 앞에서]


[AT the boarding house、下宿にて、하숙집에서]

[In Junsang's room, 「ジュンサン」の部屋で、"준상"방에서]




[AT the boarding house、下宿にて、하숙집에서]



[At the bus stop along the river, バス停のロケ地にて、버스 정류장의 촬영지에서]

[At the shooting spot in Jungdo, 中島のロケ地にて、중도의 촬영지에서]

[At the shooting spot in Jungdo, 中島のロケ地にて、중도의 촬영지에서]


[We came back to Seoul, ソウルへ戻った。서울으로 돌아왔다.]


[The entrance of the subway, 地下鉄入口、지하철 입구]

ソウル駅前はこの日はなにやら労働組合が集会をやっていて騒々しかった。 大田へのKTXの切符は窓口が長蛇の列。いちばん左の「国家功労者、老弱者」の窓口は空いていて、私は65歳であることを思いだし、そちらで購入したらすんなりと買えた。






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