About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


131102 Mt. Jiri, Manbokdae (智異山・万福台マンボクデ만복대1,433m)

Date: Nov. 2 (Sat), 2013

Mountain: Mt. Jiri, Manbokdae (1,433m)

Course: Seongsamjae – Goribong (1,248m) – Manbokdae (1,433m) – Jeongryangchi Service Area (8 km, 4 hours)

Participants: 45 AhToSan members

[Map of Jirisan and Baekdudaegan, 白頭大幹と智異山の位置、백두 대간과 지리산의 위치]

We had fine weather from Moday through Friday, but it became cloudy on Saturday, and later, it began to rain.

But we were thankful to God that it did not start raining until we finished the wrap-up party.

[Map of Manbokdae, 万福台の地図、만복대 지도]

We left Expo South Gate Bus Stop at 6 am, I had to get up at 4 am and prepared for the hiking.

I packed rice into the new keep-warm-bottle, and carried a cup-noodle as well.

It was completely full, and a new member named “the 4th Batter” sat by me.

I concentrated into my study on the bus until we came close to Mt. Jiri.

The autumnal color at the foot of Mt. Jiri was beautiful.

[Group picture at Seongsamjae, 聖三峠(ソンサムジェ)にて集合写真、성삼재에서 단체 사진]

We arrived at Seongsamjae at 9:13 am. It would be difficult to arrive at this time, even if I stayed overnight at Namwon on previous day.

[The entrance of the trail, 万福台への登山口、만복대 등산로 입구]

The entrance of the trail to Manbokdae is just opposite of the entrance to Nokodan. We went back a little bit, then entered into the trail.

For the first 30 minutes, the trail was along the ridge, not steep at all.

But when I came close to the first peak called Goribong, the slope became a bit steep and I sweated a lot.

[At the summit of Goribong, コリ峰頂上にて、고리봉 정상에서]

When I took the pictures at the Goribong monument, it was just 10 am.

I offered my fruits (grapes and small tomatoes) there. Two boxes became empty soon.

An old member of AhToSan, also offered sliced Paprika, too. I remembered her name, but I forgot her nice name.

From Goribong to Manbokdae, the trail was among silver grasses, and the slopes were gentle.

At about 11 am, Tempi said she became hungry, so we decided to have “Makgeolli Time.” Smile offered a big piece of bread. It tasted good.

["Mageolli Time" マッコリ休憩、막걸리 휴식]

The old female member also offered sliced persimmon. It also tasted good.


Jeongdaum offered Kimchi-jeon, it was good with makgeolli.

[The middle group on the ridge, 稜線にて中間グループ、능선에서 중간 그룹]

Then a new female member “Saengeuli” called me to take her pictures. She posed well. She became a good model for many photographers.

[Jeongdaum & Tempi, チョンダウンとテンピ、정다운과 땜삐]

“Saengeul” in Hangul means “With a smile” so it is a good nickname.

[The president of AhToSan, 『アランドロン』アトサン会長、"알랭 들롱"아토산 회장님]

We arrived at Manbokdae at 11:30. There was a big nice monument, so I took many pictures for AhToSan members.

[At the monument of Manbokdae, 万福台山頂にて、만복대 정상에서]

We had lunch near the monument. The top group already went away, but most of the members had lunch together.

[Lunch at Manbokdae, 万福台にて昼食、만복대에서 점심 식사]

Since I arrived at the summit early, I finished my lunch early. So, I took extra pictures of “Autumn Diary” and “Tempi” and Saengli” pictures in the silver grass field.

[At Manbokdae, 万福台にて、만복대에서]

When I finished taking extra pictures, Jeongjeong led the group of slow hikers.

[]The top group's lunch, 先頭グループの昼食、선두 그룹의 점심]

I resumed the hike with fast hikers, and kept comfortable hike with them.


I could see blue sky for a short time at the monument of Manbokdae, but it soon became cloudy.

[On the ridge after lunch, 昼食後、稜線にて、점심 식사 후 능선에서]

I felt as if I was walking in the cloud. When I came down the wooden stairs, it was “Jeongryongchi” service area.

There I caught up with the top group members, like Gonjapak and Mancha, etc.

[The top group at Jeongryongchi,鄭嶺峙にて先頭グループ、정령치에서 선두 그룹]

I took pictures of the first group. But weather became worse and worse.

[The map of the Baekdudaegan, 白頭大幹の地図、백두대간 지도]

Anyway, at Jeongryongchi, when I cut some apple with knife, I cut my finger a little bit. Ruchi gave me a “band-aid” and it was quite helpful.

We were walking in the cloud, then Tempi said, “Let’s quit the hike and wait for the bus at Jeongryongdae.”

[On the ridge near Jeongryongchi,鄭嶺峙近くの稜線にて、 정령치 부근의 능선에서]

Actually it began to rain a little bit. So I accepted her proposal and went back to Jeongryongdae Service Area.

[Jeongdaum near Jeongryongchi, 鄭嶺峙近くの稜線にて、 정령치 부근의 능선에서]<]

We waited for the bus, then took the bus and went to the final destination”Gogiri samgeori(고기리 삼거리)” by bus.

[Waiting for the bus, バスを待っている。버스를 기다리고있다.]

[The bus has come, バスが来た。버스가 왔다.]

[Top group members, 先頭グループ、선두 그룹]

The driver stopped the bus at a Dam and we got off there to take pictures.

[Wild flowers at Gogidam, コギダムの野生花、고기담의 야생화]

["Autumn Diary" at Gogidam, コギダムにて『秋の日記』、고기담에서 "가을의 일기"]

When the bus arrived at “Gogiri samgeori” there were “super fast” hikers there already.

[Maple leaves at Gogiri Samgeori,コギリ三叉路の紅葉、고기리 삼거리의 단풍]

The bus stopped near some maple trees with beautiful color of the leaves.

[The wrap-up party at Gogiri, コギリにて打ち上げ、고기리에서 뒤풀이]

["Autumn Diary" 『秋の日記』"가을의 일기"]

It stopped rain so we could have wrap-up party without problem.

[Autumn color at the foot of the mountain,麓の紅葉、산기슭의 단풍]

When we almost finished the party, it began raining.

We finished the party at 3 pm and went back to Daejoen by 6 pm.

It was my 55th hike for this year, and my 330th AhToSan regular hiking.



登山日:2013年11月2日(土) 曇りのち小雨


登山コース:聖三峠(성삼재)休憩所〜小ゴリボン(작은고리봉1,248m)〜万福台(マンボクデ만복대1,433m)〜鄭嶺峙(ジョンリョンチ정령치)休憩所〜大ゴリボン(큰고리봉)〜コギリ三叉路(고기리 삼거리) 13km, 6時間[実際には鄭嶺峙で悪天候のためバスに乗りコギダムを経由してコギリ三叉路へ到着したのでたぶん8km、4時間のハイキングだった。] 



[The map of Manbokdae, 万福台の地図、만복대 지도]








[Group picture at Seongsamjae, 聖三峠(ソンサムジェ)にて集合写真、성삼재에서 단체 사진]


[Autumnal color at Seongsamjae, 聖三峠の紅葉、성삼재의 단풍]


[The entrance of the trail, 万福台への登山口、만복대 등산로 입구]



[At the summit of Goribong, コリ峰頂上にて、고리봉 정상에서]






["Mageolli Time" マッコリ休憩、막걸리 휴식]




[The middle group on the ridge, 稜線にて中間グループ、능선에서 중간 그룹]


["Saengri" on the ridge, 稜線にて『セングリ』、능선에서 "생글이"]


[Jeongdaum & Tempi, チョンダウンとテンピ、정다운과 땜삐]


[At the monument of Manbokdae, 万福台山頂にて、만복대 정상에서]

[The president of AhToSan, 『アランドロン』アトサン会長、"알랭 들롱"아토산 회장님]

[Lunch at Manbokdae, 万福台にて昼食、만복대에서 점심 식사]

[At Manbokdae, 万福台にて、만복대에서]


[Jeongjeong and the last group, チョンジョンと後尾グループ、정정과 후미 그룹]




[On the ridge after lunch, 昼食後、稜線にて、점심 식사 후 능선에서]


[The top group at Jeongryongchi,鄭嶺峙にて先頭グループ、정령치에서 선두 그룹]


[The explanation of Jeongryongchi, 鄭嶺峙(ジョンリョンチ)の説明、정령 치 설명]



[Tempi in the mist, 霧の中のテンピ、안개속에 땜삐]

[Jeongdaum near Jeongryongchi, 鄭嶺峙近くの稜線にて、 정령치 부근의 능선에서]<]



[Waiting for the bus, バスを待っている。버스를 기다리고있다.]

[Top group members, 先頭グループ、선두 그룹]


[At Gogidam, コギダムにて、고기담에서]

[Wild flowers at Gogidam, コギダムの野生花、고기담의 야생화]


[Maple leaves at Gogiri Samgeori,コギリ三叉路の紅葉、고기리 삼거리의 단풍]

[Saenguri at the exit, 下山路のセングリ、하산 길의 생글이]


[The wrap-up party at Gogiri, コギリにて打ち上げ、고기리에서 뒤풀이]


"Tempi" 『テンピ』、"땜삐"]





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