About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


131103 Digging Sweet potatoes and My 66th Birthday at Farm in Yuseong, Daejeon, Korea

Date & Time: In the afternoon of Nov. 3, 2013

Place: Weekend Farm of Yuseong-gu near Sutonggol, Daejeon

Participants: Alain Delon (the president of AhToSan), Mr. & Mrs. KS (Korean Standard), Mr. & Mrs. Jeongdaum, Mr. & Mrs. Summit Conquerer, Autumn Diary, Minju, Two new-comers (10 people including myself)

Alain Delon rents a piece of farm at Yuseong-gu. He takes care of his rental farm usually on Sunday.

He planted sweet potatoes and “Colocasia esculenta” (Binomial name) or “Eddoe” in his farm.

He told AhToSan members, “If you have time in the afternoon of Sunday, Nov. 3, please come to my farm and take these potatoes as much as you like.”

Mr. & Mrs. KS, the couple of strong hikers, encouraged me to join this event.

They came to pick me up in front of the church in Shinseongdong. So, after the morning service of the church and fellowship luncheon, I went into their car.

They drove their car to another part of Yuseong-gu to pick “Autumn Diary” in front of her apartment.

Her apartment is on the 23rd floor of a newly build apartment. She could enjoy good views of Sutonggol mountains every day.

We arrived at the farm at 2:10 pm. The couple of “Summit Conguerer” another strong hiker, were already there, digging sweet potatoes.

[Arriving at the farm, 農場へ到着、농장에 도착]

At almost the same time, Mr. & Mrs. Jeongdaum came to the farm, and these three couples did very good job of digging potatoes.

[.Quamoclit (Ipomoea) coccinea, マルバルコウソウ(丸葉縷紅草)、둥근잎유홍초]

Soon Alain Delon came to his farm with farm tools such as shovels and pickaxes.

[Alain Delon came with farm tools, アランドロン会長が来た、알랭 들롱 회장님이 왔다.]

[At City Vegetable Garden, 都市菜園農場にて、도시텃밭 농장에서]

I joined their work of digging sweet potatoes with small shovels. It was fun to dig ground and take these sweet potatoes.

[Digging sweet potatoes, サツマイモ掘り、고구마 캐기]

[Digging sweet potatoes, サツマイモ掘り、고구마 캐기]

[Stem of sweet potato, サツマイモの茎、고구마 줄기]

After digging all sweet potatoes, they began to work with “Toran토란” in Korean language. “Toran” is called “Satoimo里芋” in Japanese.

[“Colocasia esculenta”or "taro",サトイモ(里芋)、토란]

[The stems and leaves of the taro,サトイモの茎と葉、토란 줄기와 잎]

I vaguely remember that my parents used to plant these "satsumaimo" or "sweet potatoes" and “satoimo” at the rental farm in 1950s and 1960s.

[Digging "taro" サトイモ掘り、토란 캐기]

“Toran토란” or “Satoimo里芋” have been important vegetables in South Asia and not popular in Western world.

“Colocasia esculenta” (Binomial name) or “Eddoe”

[At City Vegetable Garden, 都市菜園農場にて、도시텃밭 농장에서]

Mr. KS used a pickaxe very well, and Mrs. KS took off small potatoes from the main potatoes effectively. They worked in a good combination.

[KS used a pickaxe, KSはツルハシを使った。KS는 곡괭이를 썼다.]

Alain Delon also planted “Ukonウコン” or “Ulgeum울금” a healthy vegetable, partially used for ingredient of curry.

[Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 、ウコン(鬱金、宇金、郁金、玉金)、울금]

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

To my regret, I did not notice that they were taking this plants.

[American Pokeweed、ヨウシュヤマゴボウ(洋種山牛蒡)、미국자리공]>

[The castor oil plant (Ricinus communis),トウゴマ(唐胡麻)、피마자(아주까리)]

[Carrot field, ニンジン畑、당근 밭]

[Radish field、ダイコン畑、무우 밭]

While we were working at Alain Delon’s farm, Minju, a staff member of AhToSan joined us with some foods and drinks.

When we finished our farming work at around 3 pm, two more ladies joined us. They were the new commers to AhToSan who joined the hike only the previous day (Nov. 2nd) for the first time.

They shared the potatoes with these members. And we all began having “Wrap-up” party.

[Wrap-up Party at "Rest Area", 『憩いの場』で打ち上げ、"쉼터"에서 뒤풀이]

[Rules for the users, 利用者遵守事項、이용자 준수 사항]

[Wrap-up Party at "Rest Area", 『憩いの場』で打ち上げ、"쉼터"에서 뒤풀이]

[Toast with "makgeolli", マッコリで乾杯、막걸리로 건배]

[Chinese bellflower、キキョウ(桔梗)、도라지]

[Organizing work of vegetables, 野菜の整理作業、야채 정리 작업]

[Organizing work of vegetables, 野菜の整理作業、야채 정리 작업]

[At "Rest Area", 『憩いの場』にて、"쉼터"에서]

[Small green onion, ワケギ(分葱)、실파]

[The late comer joined the work, 遅れて来た人が参加した、 늦게 온 사람이 참석했다.]

While having the wrap-up party, the owner of the farm visited the "Rest Area." She farms out her land to many people including Alain Delon.

[The landlord visited us, 地主が『憩いの場』を訪れた。지주 할머니가 "쉼터"를 찾았다.]

She herself does farming. She began taking care of her land just next to the "Rest Area."

[Alain introduced her, アランドロンがおばあさんを紹介した。알랭 들롱이 지주 할머니를 소개했다.]

The plants she was taking care of were "Nobiruノビル" or "wild chive" or "Dallae달래" in Korean.

[She takes care of her vegetable, 地主も農作業、지주 할머니도 농사]

She was picking gravels or small stones away, and giving the plants chemical fertilizer."

I thought working constantly at her old age may keep people healthy and live long, just like my mother-in-law who are over 90 years old in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan.

While chatting with other members, I told them that the next day, Nov. 4 is my 66th birthday.

Then “Autumn Diary” said, “Let’s celebrate Suzuki’s birthday” and she went to buy a birthday cake and more foods and drinks.

KS brought two burners and began cooking ramen while they went for shopping.

[KS is cooking ramen, KSがラーメンを煮ている。KS가라면을 끓여있다.]

They brought a birthday cake and they cooked instant ramen with fresh-vegetable.

[They prepared a birthday cake, 誕生日ケーキを用意、생일 케이크를 준비]

[Putting fire on candles. ローソクに点火、양초로 불]

They sang “Happy Birthday to You” in Korean and celebrated my birthday.

[I blew out the candles,ローソクを吹き消した、촛불을 불어 껐다.]

[I cut the cake, ケーキを分けた、케이크를 나눴다.]

[The ramen was cooked, ラーメンができた、라면이 완성.]

[Cocktail of beer and soju, ビールと焼酎のカクテル、소맥]

We worked for one hour and enjoyed drinking and eating for nearly two hours.

Mr. & Mrs. KS drove me to Shinseongdong after the party.












[Arriving at the farm, 農場へ到着、농장에 도착]




[.Quamoclit (Ipomoea) coccinea, マルバルコウソウ(丸葉縷紅草)、둥근잎유홍초]




[Mr. & Mrs. Summit Conqueror,『頂上征服者』夫妻、"정상 정복" 부부 ]


[At City Vegetable Garden, 都市菜園農場にて、도시텃밭 농장에서]


[Digging sweet potatoes, サツマイモ掘り、고구마 캐기]

[Digging sweet potatoes, サツマイモ掘り、고구마 캐기]


[Digging sweet potatoes, サツマイモ掘り、고구마 캐기]

[Ginkgo tree in the farm, 農場のイチョウの木、농장 은행 나무]


[The stems of the taro,サトイモの茎、토란 줄기]


[KS used a pickaxe, KSはツルハシを使った。KS는 곡괭이를 썼다.]

[Digging "taro" サトイモ掘り、토란 캐기]


[At City Vegetable Garden, 都市菜園農場にて、도시텃밭 농장에서]


[Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 、ウコン(鬱金、宇金、郁金、玉金)、울금]

[Taro were harvested、収穫したサトイモ、수확 한 토란]




[American Pokeweed、ヨウシュヤマゴボウ(洋種山牛蒡)、미국자리공]>

[The castor oil plant (Ricinus communis),トウゴマ(唐胡麻)、피마자(아주까리)]

[Carrot field, ニンジン畑、당근 밭]


[Wrap-up Party at "Rest Area", 『憩いの場』で打ち上げ、"쉼터"에서 뒤풀이]

[Small green onion, ワケギ(分葱)、실파]


[Toast with "makgeolli", マッコリで乾杯、막걸리로 건배]


[Organizing work of vegetables, 野菜の整理作業、야채 정리 작업]


[The late comer joined the work, 遅れてきた人が参加した、늦게 온 사람이 참석했다.]

[The late comer joined toast, 遅れて来た人が参加した、늦게 온 사람이 참석했다.]


[The landlord visited us, 地主が『憩いの場』を訪れた。지주 할머니가 "쉼터"를 찾았다.]


[She takes care of her vegetable, 地主も農作業、지주 할머니도 농사]




[KS is cooking ramen, KSがラーメンを煮ている。KS가라면을 끓여있다.]

[They prepared a birthday cake, 誕生日ケーキを用意、생일 케이크를 준비]

[Putting fire on candles. ローソクに点火、양초로 불]

[I cut the cake, ケーキを分けた、케이크를 나눴다.]

[The ramen was cooked, ラーメンができた、라면이 완성.]



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